
A Baby's Life

It's been a year since I woke up in the body of Baldur, and I have noticed a few things.

Asgard is currently at war with Jotunheim. I think that the Battle of Tons- Toens?- berg?.. - Somewhere in Norway- has yet to take place.

Thor is a loud baby. A VERY loud baby. God knows how Frigga can still love the little shit. I stay close to him 24x7, thanks to us being twins, and in the same room. The first night, when I was crying right after waking up in this life, he thankfully didn't wake up at that time. But the next morning, Thor woke every damn person in the palace with his wailing. Even I started crying because of the pain he caused my ears. Thankfully, Asgardian physiology is very difficult to harm, so I was okay. But I do know that I've probably gotten a resistance to loud voices thanks to Thor.

Anyways, the next thing I learned is that Loki has still not been brought to Asgard. As he was brought after the end of the Jotun War, I don't think he'll be here anytime soon. Heck, I don't even know if he's been born yet.

Next, I have a damn good memory in this body. My memory recalling capacity was.. frankly, it was crap. You could tell me a list of 2 things and I would forget it in 5 minutes, it was that bad. Here? I remember every effing thing I see and hear. It's not an Eidetic Memory, or the fictional Photographic Memory where I can remember a book by looking at each page only once, but I did remember most of the stuff that happens around me.

Like the fact that Thor pooped himself 11 times in one day. And thankfully, that was his highest number yet. Or Odin likes to talk about his failure with Hela when we are alone. Mostly he just tells it to Thor, as stories of the wars passed, but obviously, I listen in. Or that Odin has promised Frigga to end the war soon over the pain of sleeping on the couch. Ouch.

The last thing, or two things, is that Frigga is an awesome mom! I literally have experienced a full life of 25 years(I died content with my life, sue me) and she still managed to enter my heart as my mother. No wonder MCU Loki loved her so much. Along with that I would like to say, Odin is a major dick. At least to me. I understand why Loki dropped him on Earth- (sh*t I'm gonna have to call it Midgard now, aren't I?)

Why do I think so? Well, in the first 7 days that I'd been aware of my baby-ness, Odin- or Father- had spoken to me once. Once. ONCE! How bad of a father do you have to be to talk to one son and tell him stories, every night before going to sleep, while picking the second born son, scanning him top to bottom, and then droning out, saying, "You'll be a fine Prince." All the while the two are in the Same. Fucking. Room!

Like, literally, he said it so dryly, I thought I'd landed in the Sahara. Hopefully, he'll mellow out after the war. Maybe Frigg- Mother- would straighten him out, because I don't think she'll tolerate favouritism.

As for my progress? I got nothing. I'm enjoying my life as a baby, it's a holiday for me bruh. I get fed high quality food from the palace, even if it is mostly liquid diet, I get bathed by servants. Heck I don't even have to get up to go to the toilet! Although, the thing that should not be mentioned with my mother did mortify me. A lot. But I did manage to get over my embarrassment and suck it up. Literally.

Anyways, I'm just around a year old. I'm not expected to start training when I turn 5 or something. This is not Konoha. So that's a relief. I still try to crawl a little, but my body strength is still pretty weak to start walking. Same with Thor. We do play a lot together, you know. We're brothers! Baby Thor is really cute, by the way, excluding his high volume.

When he laughs, it makes you want to laugh too. Hopefully he'll stay away from bullying Loki when he comes. Well, I'll keep Loki safe if that happens.

So here I am now, playing with a toy Surtur, with Thor playing with his toy hammer smashing my Surtur- ' I won't let you win, you Asgardian!' - when Odin comes into the room. Frigga and 2 of her servants were watching over us.

I look at Odin in curiosity, because he came in decked out in full armour. Frigga waves a hand and the servants exit the room.

Frigga picks both me and Thor, separating us from the toys, and smiles at Odin. "My King." She greets him.

"My Queen." Odin smiles back, but I can see that it's a sad smile.

"So the time has come?" Frigga asks him.

Odin nods at her and takes Thor from her hands. "Yes." he whispers softly, while rocking Thor. Frigga pulls me closer and starts rocking me to sleep, but I stay awake, closing my eyes. Odin continues speaking, "Jotuns have dared to attack Midgard. He broke the treaty, so I have to go deal with Laufey personally!"

I snap my eyes open at that, Frigga gasps, and I can understand why. The 5 remaining realms, Jotunheim(Frost Giants), Alfheim(Light Elves), Vanaheim(Vanirs), Asgard(Aesir), and Nidavellir (Dwarves) had entered a treaty to leave Midgard and it's humans alone. I'd heard him talking about it to Thor before. Frigga had later explained about it. Apparently, all these realms have people with long lives ranging in thousands of years. So conquering Midgard was considered a moot point, and it was left alone. Now, Jotun has attacked Midgard, breaking a 3000 year old treaty. Well, Fuck em up, dad.

"Be safe, my husband." Queen Frigga, and she is a bloody Queen now, says. The transformation from mother to Queen was subtle, but it was there.

"Aren't I always?" Odin smirks at her confidently.

Frigga smiles at him softly, and the two come close to each other. Okay, they're gonna kiss, gross. I close my eyes and try and go to sleep.

So the war has come to a close. Soon I'll have a little brother. The God of Mischief will be my brother, and my responsibility to corrupt.

'Mwahahahaha!!!' I cackle in my mind. Hopefully my face is as neutral as it can be. For now, I'll sleep again. Deja vu, right?

The next chapter is going to be a time skip. Assume everything went the same as the First Thor Movie Intro. Don't worry, I'm not skipping much, just a few years.

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