
The Lazy Dragon: The Slothful One

This is my first cultivation novel, so forgive me for making mistakes. >>> A Story. A Legend. An Adventure. This is the tale of a Dragon—a reincarnator—whose ultimate aspiration is to become a true Dragon. He yearns to plunder kingdoms, kidnap princesses, and engage in battles against knights who dare to rescue them. However, there's a twist to his character: he is incredibly lazy. >>> Read the first chap and see if you like. Comment how you want the story to progress.

Zereeo_Ak · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
35 Chs

5 - The World

[ The system has been authorized ]

[ System has received permission to teach the Host about 'The World' ]

[ Recalibrating the system ]

[ The Exchange Shop has updated its items to match 'The World' ]

[ Status is being updated ]

New threads shot out as I finished reading the letter. I read the thread and found it weird.

What is this 'World' the system talks about? Why is the system only allowed to teach me about it now? Then what is this 'World'?

[ The World' is the planet you are on ]

[ The World' is called Xiaolian ]

[ The World' is filled with Primeval Essence ]

[ The beings of this planet have been nourished by the Primeval Essence and have grown stronger exponentially ]

[ Humans absorb the Primeval Essence present to cultivate and grow stronger ]

[ In short, welcome to a 'World' of Qi cultivation ]

"Fuck!" -- "GRW!"

I couldn't help but swear. I am really struck in a xianxia world. What rotten luck I have! Now I have to be careful of offending those arrogant young masters, cultivators afflicted with sects, and the hidden elites in the village.

[ Host, please check the updates ]

[ You can cry after you finish checking the system ]

'Okay, okay. Open status,' I think.


[ Name: Lijen ]

[ Ex points: N/A ]

[ Cultivation stage: Qi Gathering ]

[ Rank: 0 ]

[ Age: 1 ]

[ Race: Black hatchling ]

[ Gender: Male ]

[ Bloodline: ??????? ]

[ Cultivation method: N/A ]


[ Dead Bite ] [ Stupid Charge ] [ Rattled Brain ]


[????] [Token]

There are some updates in the 'Status' panel. There is an addition of my name, cultivation stage, and a new category for items.

My name is Lijen? Well, I don't mind anyway since I don't remember my name.

My cultivation level is at the bottom of the cultivation journey, which is no surprise as I just broke out of my egg recently. But I won't be weak forever; I shall rise to the heavens as the strongest dragon in existence.


[}Exchange Shop{]

[ Ex points: N/A ]

[ Note: Some changes have been made.]


[Basic Primeval Essence Theory]

[Basic Primeval Essence Control]

[Fire Magic Theory]

[Water Magic Theory]

[Earth Magic Theory]

[Wind Magic Theory]

[Lightning Magic Theory]

[Wood Magic Theory]

[Basic Primeval Essence Circuits]

[Intermediate Primeval Essence Theory]

[Intermediate Fire Magic Theory]

[Intermediate Water Magic Theory]

[Intermediate Earth Magic Theory]

[Intermediate Wind Magic Theory]

[Intermediate Lightning Magic Theory]

[Intermediate Wood Magic Theory]

[Intermediate Primeval Essence Circuits]

[Advance Primeval Essence Theory]

[Advance Fire Magic Theory]

[Advance Water Magic Theory]

[Advance Earth Magic Theory]

[Advance Wind Magic Theory]

[Advance Lightning Magic Theory]

[Advance Wood Magic Theory]

[Advance Primeval Essence Circuit]

[Basic Dragon Tongue]

[Intermediate Dragon Tongue]

[Advance Dragon Tongue]

[Dragon Speech]

[Dragon Breath]

[Dragon Fear]





[Atomic Synthesis]

[Atomic Deconstruction]



[Divine One Sword Technique]

[Sun Moon Sword Technique]

[Ten thousand Blade Sword Technique]

[Graveyard of Swords]

[Thousand illuminating steps]

[Tribulation Thunder Blast]

[Starlight. . .

[. . .]

Items have been updated to match the cultivation world. All the knowledge related to Mana theory is now the Primeval Essence theory. The magic theory had no change because it should be similar to the water blade that the alligator used.

There are also technique manuals present, and some of them have been changed to match the world. The system had gone through a drastic change after it revealed 'The World'.

Let's finish checking, Inventory


Well... nothing changed; the slots are the same, and no new items have been added. The token and the cultivation manual are still there. Seems like that's it.

Now, to finally open the cultivation manual and officially start my journey to the strongest. I shall cultivate diligently until no one equals me.

'System, open the cultivation manual,' I say excitedly.

[ Do you want to open '?????' ]


[ Opening '????' ]

[ Injecting the data into the Host's brain ]

[ Beware, it's extremely painful ]

When the final thread entered my mind, a sudden headache hit me like a truck, knocking me off my feet. I rolled on the floor in pain. The pain was so unbearable that I fainted when I was feeling the urge to bang my head against the floor. I was out cold as I lay on the ground.


I opened my eyes, my brain stinging. That fucking stinks! I swore in my head as I looked up. Well, I couldn't find my cave. I was in a space with many specks of golden light floating about like fireflies in early summer. It was beautiful in a sense that I had never experienced something like this.

I checked my surroundings. I was in a dark space with these 'fireflies,' and I couldn't even see the end of it. Even the floor I was standing on felt like an abyssal ocean, which would have frightened me if not for the fact that I didn't feel threatened. Even with fear, I felt like I was at home, in my room, completely safe.

But the question is, where the heck am I? Did I die after I opened that cultivation technique? But I just opened it; don't tell me I died from information overload. Even if I had died, why don't I feel like it?

[ Because you are not ]

The familiar snarky system appeared to save the day.

Yo, where am I?

[ In your virtual dantian sea of Qi ]

Oh! Then what am I doing here?

[ To learn the cultivation method ]

So I am here to learn the technique. Then what are you waiting for?! Load it up!

[ Loading information of the cultivation method ]

[ Name has been assigned ]

[ Cultivation technique: Stellar Genesis ]

[ Stellar Genesis is an extraordinary cultivation method that traces the journey from the brilliance of stars to the creation of the universe itself. It allows cultivators to tap into the primordial energies of cosmic birth, transcending the boundaries of mortal existence and ascending to Godhood. ]

[ The first stages of this technique are called 'Starlight Ignition' ]

[ Foundation Stage: Primordial Core Formation ]

[ Core Ignition Stage: Nebula Awakening ]

[ Starlight Refinement Stage: Radiant Ascendance ]

[ These three are the stages in 'Starlight Ignition' ]

Why are there only three stages? I mean, I can't become a strong, overpowered dragon with just these three stages, right?

[ This is the first part of the whole technique 'Stellar Genesis'. Host needs to advance to 'Radiant Ascendance' to get the second part of the technique ]

So that's how it is? Okay, then explain how I get to the first stage

[ I was getting to that part. (--_--) Host, please be patient]

[ Foundation Stage: Primordial Core Formation ]

[ In this stage–

Wait! Did you just emoji me? You can do that?!

[ I shall do what I want. So, listen ]

[ Foundation Stage: Primordial Core Formation ]

[ In this stage, cultivators begin by gathering and refining stellar energy from the cosmos. Through intense concentration and inner cultivation, they visualize themselves as a celestial body in the early stages of formation, akin to a protostar gathering matter]

[ This helps them align their energies and intentions with the cosmic forces ]

[As cultivators refine their physical body, they simultaneously refine their Qi, which is the life force energy within them. This involves purifying and strengthening their Qi channels, allowing for a smoother flow of energy throughout their bodies ]

[ The process of cultivating the Primordial Core involves condensing and concentrating the refined stellar energy within their dantian, a specific energy center in the lower abdomen. This energy coalesces into a small luminous core ]

Phew... Most of that just went over my head. So, in short, I should condense a core after I refine the Qi in my body. But isn't core formation a third or fourth major realm in cultivation?

[ Well, who cares about it being the fourth major realm for a human or not. But as you are a dragon now, you have to form a core in your body to start your cultivation toward immortality ]

Okay, okay. So I need to form my core first. Well, that's not a problem. It's not like I am not going to cultivate this technique because it's skipping major stages. As long as I am strong enough to beat those young masters.

[ Here are some more information ]

With that system message, a sudden influx of information entered my mind, but this time it didn't cause me pain. It was more like I was recalling my memory, just like those cringe memories in your head that you tried to forget but when invoked, it fills your mind.

But hey! Who doesn't have a cringe memory that they could never forget, even in death

I looked through my 'memory,' trying to comprehend the cultivation technique. After going through it fully, I got the gist of the cultivation technique. It resembles a star's formation or star cycle. I should first go through Nebula collapse but instead of the immense cloud of interstellar gas and dust, I will be using Qi and stellar energy from the stars.

After Nebula collapse, I would enter the stage of Stellar globules, where my core will start to form a solid shape. Then Outflow and Ignition, after these two stages, I would have formed and stabilized my primordial core.

That's it for the first stage.

When I get to the second stage 'Nebula awakening,' I need to go 'BOOM' for me to enter this stage. I need to expand my core and make it go supernova, releasing a Planetary nebula.

Well, in this stage if I don't go 'Boom' and stabilize, I would go 'BOOM' and out. Nothing big, I will explode into a brilliant firework of flesh and blood, with scales in the mix.

While I was thinking all this, I didn't notice the number of 'fireflies' increase. They were first like stars in a cloudy sky, only in small numbers. Now they look like the stars in a clear sky, infinitely breathtaking. When I finally noticed, I understood why I was pulled into here when I opened the manual.

It's because I suck at concentrating. I have a serious ADHD. With me being here in this space would help me concentrate as I could see what's going on in my body... That sounded weird for some reason. I stared at the 'fireflies' as they floated about. I also noticed a small speck of red, orange, yellow, blue, and white lights. They were just like the spots on my scales but I knew what they were.

They were the stellar energy my body has gathered. Don't tell me I have some connection with this stellar energy. If it is, it should be related to my Dragon body. Well, no that I care, as long as it doesn't come to bite my ass later. Well, time to cultivate.

With that thought, I imagined myself to be a protostar, attracting the energies toward me. The speck of light slowly drifted. At first, it wasn't visible but as the time passed. The 'fireflies' started to gather together, increasing in size and force. The golden light grew bigger and stronger as it absorbed the Qi and Stellar energy. The more it absorbed, the more it pulled the other energies.

Even though they were hard to maintain at first, as the core grew in size, it automatically absorbed the energies around it even without my intent, albite slowly. The energies collapsed, forming a dense knot of 'matter'. Even though the initiation of Nebula collapse was successful, I can't let my guard down until I reach the Outflow stage. Because in the Outflow stage, my Core would become self-sufficient as it would absorb the energy from the environment automatically with its gravitational pull.

While Lijen was condensing his core, he was causing a scene on the outside. A phenomenon that shook the great forest was created. An aurora manifested in its ethereal beauty, painting a celestial canvas. It illuminated the night sky in ethereal light as it danced across the heavens in shimmering radiance.

Shades of green, ranging from pale emerald to deep jade, dominated the display. Soft pink and purples weaved through the luminous greens with an occasional burst of red, orange, and even blue hues creating a rare mystifying celestial spectacle. The aurora painted its celestial canvas with a backdrop of a moonlit star-studded sky.

It cast an otherworldly glow, creating a surreal atmosphere. The vivid hues seemed to pulsate and ripple, undulating with an organic rhythm, as if the very fabric of the universe is alive and breathing. The rhythms of the celestial ribbon resonated with a Dragon's breaths. With each cycle, he absorbed the Qi in a sprawling radius of kilometers, creating a vortex of Qi, pulling in everything.

The golden speck of light gathered around the tall mountain, injecting vitality into the lonely peak. The trees rustled, and the plants grew rapidly, covering the mountain in a never-before-seen luster. The fantastical scenes created eternal memories in the beasts that were lucky enough to witness it.