
The Lazy Dragon: The Slothful One

This is my first cultivation novel, so forgive me for making mistakes. >>> A Story. A Legend. An Adventure. This is the tale of a Dragon—a reincarnator—whose ultimate aspiration is to become a true Dragon. He yearns to plunder kingdoms, kidnap princesses, and engage in battles against knights who dare to rescue them. However, there's a twist to his character: he is incredibly lazy. >>> Read the first chap and see if you like. Comment how you want the story to progress.

Zereeo_Ak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

6 - Domino

-A month later-

The Qi had considerably thinned in the air.

A large portion of the area around an ethereal mountain had lost its Qi. The Beasts in the area were alarmed at the sudden thinning of Qi, especially those in the section of the outer ring. The thinning of the Qi had many meanings in the Great Demon forest.

One natural reason was the drought of the Qi vein under the Great Demon forest, caused by Monsters absorbing it for a long period. This is also the reason for the periodic beast tide. All the beasts of the forest would move to a new Qi vein to continue their cultivation.

Second was for a giant Qi gathering formation to be laid, absorbing Qi in the area and storing it for the use of the cultivators. This can only be performed by a powerful cultivator, as the beasts of the forest will also be attacked.

Third, a natural birth of a Heaven-Earth treasure. This natural phenomenon was very rare. It is also one of the dangerous situations as this attracts the attention of both beast and man.

Who doesn't like treasure?

Naturally, the beasts of the forest were attracted by this phenomenon and noticed the Qi gathering toward a lone mountain covered in a mythical aura. The once barren mountain had turned into a land of cultivation. The mountain was densely packed with Qi to the point that auspicious Qi gathered to form a mist that covered the peak.

Many young spiritual herbs grew abundantly on the scarce soil of the mountain. Bright green trees and veins grew, breaking through the hard rocks of the mountain, turning the rocky mountain into a lush one. The dense spiritual energy not only nourished the growing herbs but also those cultivating near it, increasing their cultivation speed by a small percentage.

The useless lone mountain of the past had turned into a cultivation holy land.

This holy land attracted the eyes of many strong beasts in the outer circle of the forest, causing them to leave their territory to occupy the new Qi-filled mountain. Many beasts wanted to claim authority over it, but other strong beasts didn't relent, causing a battle of beasts to take place near the mountain.

Many strong beasts claimed the mountain as their territory, only to be defeated by a new beast due to battle injuries, and the battle royal continued for a month. The battle finally ended when a Rank 4, Nascent Soul beast firmly claimed its authority over the others. The battle was hard-fought, its many injuries bearing witness to it. The injured beast moved near the mountain to recuperate, absorbing the abundant Qi.

The battle for the mountain had ended, but the shaken forest was yet to calm. Many beasts who survived moved onto other monsters' territory to create their new home. The weaker beasts without a home moved to hunt even weaker beasts. This cycle continued as the beasts from Rank 3 and below migrated to hunt and survive the new shift in power.

The dominoes fell one by one.


"Sir, the scouting report on the beasts' movements has arrived."

A man stated as he performed a respectful bow.

He looked to be in his early thirties, his attire near and tidy without a fold, showing his disciplined personality. But his attire revealed his status; the fine materials used to weave his robe were not something anyone could own. The silver embroidery forming intricate patterns in his robe, like a dragon rising to the heavens.

The man sitting at his desk seemed busy, as many scrolls were neatly arranged on his desk. The man looked to be in his forties, his attire more extravagant than the other, with golden patterns forming phoenixes and dragons dancing in his robe.

The man looked up at his subordinate, his eyes focusing on him, as his hand continued to work. He was the Chief Advisor of the royal family, and his work was endless. His deep brown eyes showed the vicissitudes of the long life he had experienced. His aura was suppressed but still domineering.

At his gaze, the Vice Advisor quickly opened the scrolls in his hand. It was the monthly report from the border near the great desolate forest, but this one had been sent urgently instead of the normal method. He quickly scanned the content of the report, which caused his eyes to widen ever so slightly, not unnoticed by his superior.

The man folded the report and looked at his superior; he sighed before he started to convey the report.

"Sir, the scouts on the walls have reported that there are movements in the desolate forest, and there has been a shift in dynamics in the ecosystem. The beasts are moving from their normal habitats and hunting in other territories. They are guessing that the beast tide is about to happen, but the cause is unknown."

The Chief Advisor didn't answer immediately but looked at the man for a few long yet short seconds. The man didn't buckle under the gaze, knowing that his superior was thinking of a way to solve this issue effectively. He knew that a small beast tide could be handled by the soldiers, but they had sent an urgent report. So, the signs should indicate that a beast tide from mid to a large scale was about to erupt. If it were not solved in time, it would not only cause needless deaths but also weaken the wall, which, in turn, would weaken the country's defenses and be prone to attack.

Not only this, the collateral damages caused by the rampaging beasts would be immense and should be repaired immediately, requiring money from the treasury. Then there is the migrating civilians, who should be well-fed until the beast tide is resolved. This would increase the working load of the already worked-to-death officials in the palace.

They could ask for help from the sects, which would decrease the total damage done by the beast tide. But the situation was yet not dire. So, the superior thought of a solution to end the trouble at the roots while gaining some benefits.

"Isn't the palace planning on having a hunting competition between the successors?" The Chief asked.

The Vice Advisor nodded his head. "Yes sir, they were. It was to be a friendly competition between siblings."

"Redirect the hunting competition and announce that we will be holding a hunting competition on the outer circle of the desolate forest. The participants can be a team or a single person. Ask the finance department to get the budget and arrange a satisfying reward that would attract rogue cultivators."

The superior said in a calm voice.

He was borrowing the strength of the cultivators to eliminate the threat at its root. The cultivators attracted by the reward will risk their life to kill as many beasts to get the juicy reward, which in return will reduce the beast population enough to reduce the strength of the beast tide or stop it from even forming completely.

It wouldn't be much for the treasury to pick some good reward that would attract the cultivators.

"Yes, sir. I shall arrange things perfectly."

The Vice Advisor bowed in response, who had worked for years under the Chief Advisor's command, knew what he was thinking. He would need to arrange a reward so sweet, yet not demanding of the treasury, that it would attract all the rogue cultivators in the Empire.

Even those young masters of those clans would rush with their elders to compete in the competition, for not only it would increase their fame and glory but also show their strength and get some rewards doing it.

After all, those prideful scions are always on the search for a way to gain fame and showcase their strength. While also allowing the prince and princess to gain some experience.

The man grinned evilly and rubbed his hands together with a menacing chuckle, internally, as he thought out his master plans to attract some hidden dragons and phoenixes.


The news of the upcoming hunting competition quickly spread like wildfire across the vast and diverse continent of Veridia, capturing the attention of countless individuals from different walks of life. The air was thick with excitement and anticipation as people eagerly awaited the details of this highly anticipated event.

With great fanfare, the rules and rewards for the competition were officially announced. The entire competition would be structured around a comprehensive points system, wherein participants would be tasked with hunting down beasts of varying ranks. Each type of creature would yield different points, creating a dynamic and challenging environment for the competitors.

The allure of the competition lay not only in the thrill of the hunt but also in the enticing rewards awaiting the successful participants. The list of prizes included rare artifacts, powerful cultivation techniques, and even coveted treasures that could significantly boost one's cultivation journey. The rewards were enough to make even the most seasoned cultivators reconsider their allegiances.

This prospect particularly piqued the interest of rogue cultivators, a group known for their individualistic approach to cultivation. These self-reliant individuals eschewed the safety and structure of sects, choosing instead to navigate the perilous path of cultivation on their own terms. Fueled by the promise of valuable rewards, these cultivators, driven by personal ambition and the pursuit of autonomy, eagerly registered for the competition.

Rogue cultivators, often working in small, profit-driven groups, had long embraced a lifestyle that prioritized freedom over security. To fund their relentless pursuit of strength, they took on high-risk, high-reward missions that pushed their limits and tested their skills. The prospect of earning points in the competition and exchanging them for valuable rewards only served to fuel their insatiable hunger for power.

On the flip side, cultivators within established sects enjoyed the safety and resources afforded by their hierarchical structures. While they might have less individual freedom, they benefited from the protection and guidance of higher authorities. The competition presented a unique dilemma for these sect cultivators — the chance to earn significant rewards and fame, but at the cost of potentially straining their ties to their respective sects.

Beyond the tangible rewards, the competition offered a golden opportunity for participants to carve their names into the annals of Veridian cultivation history. The cultivation world was one where connections and alliances held immense value. Making a mark in the competition not only brought fame but also opened doors to valuable connections and relationships that could prove beneficial in the future.

As the continent buzzed with excitement and speculation, cultivators from all walks of life prepared for the impending competition, each driven by their unique motivations and ambitions. The stage was set for a thrilling event that would not only test the participants' skills but also reshape the landscape of Veridian cultivation.


The news of the hunting competition stirred excitement and anticipation within the noble houses of the Celestial Dominion, each reacting in its own unique way.

In the lavish halls of the Ling Clan, a young man with azure eyes and silver hair welcomed the news with enthusiasm. "Finally, something interesting is happening," he declared, a spark of excitement lighting up his features as he received the announcement. A servant, recognizing the significance, bowed politely and offered, "Shall I prepare for your journey, young Master?" With an enigmatic smile, the young man nodded, "Time to see how my friends are doing," leaving the servant to attend to the necessary arrangements.


Meanwhile, in the serene courtyard of the Gui Clan, a young man with earthy-toned hair lay down, gazing at the passing clouds. A servant girl approached and inquired, "Young Master, are you going to the hunting competition?" The young man, his eyes reflecting a wisdom beyond his years, quoted, "All things are impermanent; they wear the aspect of dreams..." before drifting into a peaceful slumber, leaving the servant girl bewildered by the profound words.


In the boisterous domain of the Hu Clan, a spirited young man with silver hair roared at the sky, expressing his eagerness to crush the competition. His jubilation, however, was abruptly interrupted by a resounding smack to the head. An older figure, slightly exasperated, scolded, "Stop shouting like an idiot." The younger one, silenced, nodded obediently. "Prepare our things," the older one commanded the nearby servants, who promptly bowed and hurried off to fulfill the order.


Within the refined atmosphere of the Feng Clan, a young man with fiery red hair sought insights from his elder. "Are the Imperial prince and princesses coming?" he inquired. The elder, sipping tea with elegance, responded, "It seems so. After all, this would help them solidify their positions." Pondering the situation, the young man remarked, "The situation seems a bit abrupt." The elder, with a knowing smile, acknowledged the astuteness of the young man's analysis, revealing the complexities that lay beneath the surface of the upcoming competition.