
The Lazy Angel is a Dungeon Master

Hm? Wait, eh? What?! I'm now assigned on a mission so that I would be a dungeon master? Hold on, why?! That's such a painful task to do! Let someone else do it! In the first place, why me? What..? Only I can be the dungeon master? Stare into my eyes. Are you kidding me? No? Ugh, fine. There's no way I could argue against an archangel when I'm a mere angel. Alright, you win. I'll do it. So... my job is to serve as the boss of my dungeon and that naturally includes bashing up anyone who arrives at the boss room instead of reincarnating souls. But I'm getting tired of this anyway, so why not ask someone else to serve as the boss? Then, I would only have administration stuff to do! Hurray! I'm such a genius! But what if I could make a contract with an intelligent being and let them do the administration stuff too? Heheh... I'm such a genius! Oh, and also screw you, Lord Raphael. I still haven't forgiven you yet for pushing this job down onto me. ----

Amusement · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Page 13

As I was saying, Azuriel introduced me to Miriel, one of his old friends. However, Miriel's personality is leaning towards the lazy side (he is literally me) of the spectrum, he doesn't do his job that much, unless the job is necessary. 

Miriel, although lazy, is extremely talented and skilled in anything creation-related, thus, he gets some privileges that only he has; such as skipping work and lower work hours. It was some privileges that I'd love to have when I was still a Reincarnation Angel. 

How come I didn't get any privileges from my manager? This is so rigged. 

Anyway, as much as I would like to complain about the unfair treatment, I admit that I have no talent or experience in the field of Creation, so I would have to be on Miriel's good side so he would fix the damage caused by Valentyn. 

I would much rather embarrass myself (if needed) than face Lord Raphael and tell him what happened. The most likely scenario, if I reported the damaged floor to Lord Raphael, is he'll either,

A. Send me to the other dungeon on Terra 2085 and repeat the process I did for Arula's dungeon or...

B. Send me to the depths of Overworld where I would reflect on my actions for several hundred years... maybe thousands of years. 

And I wouldn't like to experience either of them. Only people who have some missing screws would be fine with option B, and for the most part, I'm fine with option A. However, I already made too much progress on the dungeon on Arula to quit now. 

Besides, it would be easy to get Miriel to agree... right? 

"No. I'm not going to do it." he bluntly said. 

Well, there goes my hopes and dreams. You could hear them shatter into a million pieces. I'm going to go cry now in the corner of my dungeon. Goodbye. 

"Why not?" Azuriel asked Miriel. "It shouldn't be that hard, right?" 

"It's simple. I'm not bothered to do it." he replied. 

Azuriel was left to scratch his head for ideas to convince Miriel, but unfortunately, nothing came up. We eventually did leave after a short period of just standing in front of the lying Miriel with an awkward atmosphere.  

"Gosh, I'm extremely sorry for Miriel's behaviour, dear friend, but he's in his 'unproductive' phase right now, and it will be over in the next year or so. You think you could come back then?"  Azuriel said once we were just outside of Miriel's cloud hut. 

I simply shook my head. "Lord Raphael will literally kill me if he finds out. I'm in a bit of a pinch, you know. I need to get the floor fixed as soon as possible. I'll try and convince him. Do you know what's his favourite food or thing to do?" 

I'm going to bribe Miriel. I don't know how effective bribing is going to be, but it's my best shot at convincing Miriel to put his skills to work. 

"I'm positive that he likes to eat sweets... but I do not know what kind though." 

Sweets it is. I also have a sweet tooth sometimes, and our personalities are similar, so the sweets I consume should also appeal to Miriel. I mean, I'm no psychic and I can't read the minds of those who have similar levels of Authority as I do, but I can make use of data and get an accurate guess. 

And since we're both lazy angels who enjoy relaxing, I could only think of one sweet brand that matches that category: the "Angel's Resort" line of sweets. As the name suggests, "Angel's Resort" is a company based in the Production and Materialisation Area of the Overworld that specialises in helping angels relax. It was founded pretty recently; merely two million years ago, and while two million years is indeed a long time, however, when you compare it to the previous company that was established before Angel's Resort, Jelly Fly, which was founded thirty million years ago, two million years isn't that old. 

But, despite their "young" age, they do produce some of the most captivating and delicious sweets in the Overworld. I'm a big fan of them too. Especially their "Relaxation" line of products. 

Ooh. Just thinking about that makes my mouth drool. I should go and buy some later. No wait! Since I would be going to one of their stores later to bribe Miriel, I should treat myself with some of their Relaxation products; like my favourite, the Angel's Temptation. Man, I can't wait. 

But since I'm in the Overworld right now, I should buy some now rather than later. They're a bit pricey if I'm being honest here, buuut... they are some of the best quality sweets produced in the Overworld so I guess the price is worth it. 

"Wait here. I'm going to Angel's Resort's main building. I'll be back soon." I said to Azuriel. 

"The Angel's Resort? The famous place for sweets? Why are you heading there?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I shouted in reply. "I'm going to bribe Miriel to do the work! And also satisfy my own desires..." 

It seems like Azuriel gave up and waved to me as I left. The white background of the Overworld quickly hid the cloud and the hut built on top of it as I sped up to several thousand times the speed of light. There are no air particles in the Overworld let alone an atmosphere, as I was flying through the vast space known as the Overworld, it could get boring sometimes. 

Nothing would be moving; my one-piece dress wouldn't move or flutter due to the lack of air and gravity so, it would seem like I was not moving at all. While travelling super fast is nice, they have disadvantages like anything in this world. 

I'm not perfect (I'm sure you already know), but I also have advantages. One of them being productive.  

Just kidding... it wasn't funny? Okay. I wasn't trying to make a joke.

[It seems like you were trying to.] 

Shut up. Let me continue! Gosh, why do you keep on commenting on everything I say? Just go monitor someone else if you don't like my "jokes". 

Okay, back on topic. After six minutes of travelling, I made it to the main building of the Angel's Resort. Apart from selling sweets, they also have spas, relaxation or holiday resorts. It's spread across several Large-grade clouds, the biggest variant you could own in the Overworld. 

Large-grade clouds are massive. They could be hundreds of kilometres in length or width and their size could be in the millions of square kilometres. However, not many are willing to spend the time taking care of it or maintaining it alone, even though they are free for angels, so unless it was a large corporation—like a company or business, you wouldn't find a Large-grade cloud often. 

I personally own three Small-grade clouds and one Medium-grade cloud, and I'm already tired of maintaining them. 

I'll touch on cloud maintenance later since I'm going off-topic again, but a brief summary of cloud maintenance would like things like: 

- Cleaning

- Cloud Repair

- Cloud Editing 

And much more. 

The building is made out of clouds; the norm for everything in the Overworld. I would say it's pretty big, but I've seen much larger buildings before so the Angel's Resort main building pales in comparison. 

The entrance to the building was two large clouds that were textured and formed into the shape of wooden gates with heavy iron bolts securing them in place. The iron bolts had no functionality, it was just for the visuals and texture. Neither did the "wood" for the entrance. 

The building itself is made to replicate the look of marble, with the beautiful black "veins" running across the material. Again, it's all for the visuals though, but I wonder why the management of Angel's Resort chose to go with a wooden entrance instead of something more similar? Like white stone... heck, even marble is fine. It's just that wood doesn't go well with white marble and it's a horrible choice. But then again, they could just change the material the clouds are replicating in an instant, so I wonder why they don't bother to change the wooden doors into something else. 

It's not my problem though, and it is only for the exterior look and not the interior, so I'm mostly fine with that. Inside the building, there were countless floors of goods; sweets, meals and snacks were all being sold in their allocated spaces and countless angels were doing some "shopping".

Nobody was running the stores as there was no need for them. There is no crime in the Overworld or the other realms apart from the Middle World, and there is no concept of "money". We do use value as a pseudo-currency but like the name suggests, "value" is how much the item or thing is worth. There are no bills or electronic money for value, it is more like a unit of measurement with a hit of currency mixed. 

The more you do your assigned work, the more valuable you are, so you get "paid" in value for the work you do. Value cannot be created by mere angels, and could only be created by the One and Only Creator, but there is a huge sum of value being stored somewhere that automatically gives angels value to "spend". I don't know where that said sum is located, but I don't care about economics that much. It's a bit hard for me to understand, so, I'm not the best person to talk about value and stuff. 

Oh yeah, before I forget, I should mention that the clouds up here aren't made out of condensed water vapour, but instead, they are made up of "layers" of extremely condensed air. 

Yes, I did say that the Overworld had no air in it, but I was referring to an atmosphere, and not the substances that make up "air". It's like, what? Nitrogen with a splash of oxygen and carbon I think? 

Doesn't matter. All I'm saying here is that the clouds are far stronger than you'd expect them to be. Now let me buy a twelve-pack "Deluxe Treat"; my favourite thing to get. I should also get a six-pack for Miriel. It's a bit pricey... but I'm loaded now! This purchase will be the first of countless other useless purchases I will buy since I have the value now. Wah-ha-ha-ha—

Yeah, no. I won't waste my hard-earned value on things I saw on a whim. Let's get this over with and I'll head back. Hopefully, Valentyn has finished dealing with the three hundred challengers already. 

Value = The "currency" that angels get "paid" in. The origins of value are unknown, but some speculate that it was planned by the One and Only Creator.

Value's properties = It does not have a physical form nor does it have a digital form. Angels are simply capable of "feeling" the amount of value within themselves and can determine how much value they have.

Angels get "paid" value once every thousand years and the amount would increase or decrease depending on how much the angel does their respective jobs.

Other divine creatures such as the Spirits, Dragons or Demons have their own unique local "currency", but value is the accepted standard "currency" within the four Realms.

Amusementcreators' thoughts