
The Lazy Angel is a Dungeon Master

Hm? Wait, eh? What?! I'm now assigned on a mission so that I would be a dungeon master? Hold on, why?! That's such a painful task to do! Let someone else do it! In the first place, why me? What..? Only I can be the dungeon master? Stare into my eyes. Are you kidding me? No? Ugh, fine. There's no way I could argue against an archangel when I'm a mere angel. Alright, you win. I'll do it. So... my job is to serve as the boss of my dungeon and that naturally includes bashing up anyone who arrives at the boss room instead of reincarnating souls. But I'm getting tired of this anyway, so why not ask someone else to serve as the boss? Then, I would only have administration stuff to do! Hurray! I'm such a genius! But what if I could make a contract with an intelligent being and let them do the administration stuff too? Heheh... I'm such a genius! Oh, and also screw you, Lord Raphael. I still haven't forgiven you yet for pushing this job down onto me. ----

Amusement · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Page 14

"Uhhh... emm... which flavour should I get..?" I mumbled aloud. In front of me, there were several different coloured sweets; all sorts of cakes, doughnuts, candy, pudding, dessert and even pure sugar were being sold. They were being showcased behind a transparent cloud mimicking glass, and I carefully bent down to inspect which sweets I should get as a part of my twelve-pack Deluxe Treat. 

I always got some kind of fruit cake or fruit pastries, but the latter was sold out and the former was too expensive for the portion size. In the end, I chose some doughnuts and some cheesecake slices along with my favourite (apart from Angel's Temptation); vanilla pudding for my twelve-pack Deluxe Treat. I got four original glazed doughnuts and two chocolate glazed, with five pieces of cheesecake; three with cream, one without and one with ice cream. 

It's a bit excessive, but I can assure you that I can finish the Deluxe Treat in one sitting. With the value amount automatically being paid for me, I stretched my wings and started to fly back to Miriel's place, stuffing myself with some doughnuts along the way. 

I only realised that I had forgotten to buy a six-pack Premium Treat for Miriel when I was halfway there. When I did realise, I immediately stopped as fast as I could, and hurriedly flew back to the Angel's Resort main building to pick up a six-pack Premium Treat. Instead of going several thousand times faster than light, I sped up to a million times faster. The surroundings became a blur at that speed and despite the ups and downs I had experienced through the journey, I quickly arrived back at the building, panting heavily. 

Luckily, the large wooden gates were still open but were steadily closing. I could have made it if I sped up more, but I was dead tired. I couldn't accelerate anymore. I don't have much endurance or stamina when going over nine hundred thousand times the speed of light. I'm fine with anything else though; like I'm fine going eight hundred thousand nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine times the speed of light, but anything above that, nuh uh. Not possible. 

I screeched to a halt right before I crashed into the wooden gates. I backed off a little to allow the gates to open when they detected me. The familiar robotic voice said, "Welcome dear guest." as the gates started to open and as I did many times in the past before, I said a quick hello back to the voice and carried on my way to purchase the Premium Treat for Miriel. 

I went to the nearest sweets section inside of the building and slammed my palm on the counter where a rare angel worker was stationed. I didn't mean to frighten the angel employee, but she did flinch when I slammed my palm on the counter. "Give me three slices of your speciality of the day, Good Man's pie with extra whipped cream on top! Oh, and also give me a slice of fruit cake along with two pieces of those egg things (egg-based treats known as 'Egglites')." I requested. 

"U-understood!" the employee skillfully fulfilled by order. I was holding my bright gold-coloured Deluxe Treat box with my left hand and the employee handed me the silver-coloured Premium Treat box within half a minute. 

She's pretty skilled at her work I'd say. The Premium Treat box is half the size of the gold-coloured Deluxe Treat box, and there's also a dull bronze-coloured box for the Specialty Treat box, a deal that allows you to purchase any three sweets or things for a set price of three hundred value like the Premium and Deluxe Treats. 

"Enjoy!" the employee waved goodbye to me as I left the store. When I left the interior of the store, I realised that there were a lot more angels now compared to when I arrived just minutes before. I don't know why there's a sudden influx of angels, but the traffic! It's too much! 

Phew. I managed to get out of there alive. I stood on the side of the stairs leading up to the wooden gates of the main building of the Angel's Resort and I caught my breath (just a figure of expression). 

I then stretched my body by doing some simple yoga poses and headed towards Miriel's place... again. 

I wasn't in a rush (I was tired), so I only went a couple thousand times faster than light. I soon arrived back at Miriel's place and Azuriel was still waiting for me, he lying on the roof of Miriel's hut, relaxing. Huh. I would never have imagined him to do something like that. 

His long white hair and more masculine features—a sharp jawline, large muscles, tall height and deeper voice, make him seem like a very serious angel who takes his work seriously. I could not imagine someone who looks like this casually relaxing on the roof of a house. Or was it just my stereotyping that led to this view of him? 

I mean, I could see myself—my light blue coloured droopy eyes, my slightly purple hair with a cute and short low double ponytail hairstyle and a simple white one-piece dress revealing my shoulders, arms and legs being lazy and unmotivated to do work, but that's just me. Remember Jiro Tadashi? The one I beat up earlier? Well, he stated that I would grow into a fine beauty one day. 

—I'm still waiting for that day to come. 

But jokes aside, I haven't changed much apart from hairstyles and fashion since I was born, and I honestly don't care about those things as Zuriel might have. 

Enough about that. I landed softly on the cloud with a 'doing' sound being produced as I did so. It was nothing unusual, but I always find the sound that was produced a little funny. It reminded me of an animated film targeted towards children from the likes of R5-M999,183-U103,852-G10,395,948,038,245-W188,002. I always find that place; Anngiaxus, a pretty fun place to visit and explore. Their climate is similar to the likes of Arula, maybe a bit more harsh, but nevertheless, it is still a fascinating world indeed. 

"You're back! And I see you carrying two large boxes... are they carrying sweets?" Azuriel asked me. He had spotted me land on the cloud and flew down from the roof. 

"Yeah," I answered him. I walked towards the entrance of Miriel's hut with Azuriel following me, intrigued by what I'd do next. Once I reached the door to the hut, I took a deep breath (metaphorically speaking), "Wait, hold this one. I'll handle the rest." I handed him my Deluxe Treat box and entered with the Premium Treat box as I had intended to bribe Miriel with it. 

Miriel, who was still lying on his bed, looked at me uninterested, but soon, he did take an interest in the gold-coloured box I was holding. He then sat upright, legs crossed and pointed at the box. "What's that?" he asked. 

"Sweets. You want some?" 

"What kind?" 

"Angel's Resort." 

"I'll take a few. Come here." he patted next to him, indicating that I should sit there and so I did. Before I did allow him to take any of the sweets though, I made him swear an oath. An oath is like a pledge; all angels must follow whatever oath they swear on. The conversation went something like this:

"Before I let you eat, I'm going to inform you that I still want you to repair my dungeon." 

Making eye contact with me, "Yeah, so? I'm already aware of that. Looking at how you got me sweets from the Angel's Resort, I'll make an oath if you let me have the entire box for myself." 

I actually did not expect that. I was planning to nudge him little by little throughout our lunch, but he stated that he'd make an oath if I let him have the entire box. What a deal! I wanted to jump for joy. Luckily, I was able to contain myself and not showcase an unruly side of myself. 

"Is that so? Very well. Let's make the oath now." 

"That's fine with me." 

We brought down our halos from the top of our heads to around my chest level and then we touched each other's halos with our own. A bright light encircled us, coming from the area where our halos touched. The part where they were touching fused into one and Miriel started to make the oath.

"In the name of the One and Only Creator, I, Angel Miriel make an oath to Angel Blanoir, to complete her request without fail and with satisfaction." he said. 

With that done, the light disappeared and the fused part of our halos was undone which meant the oath made was successful. "Thanks. Now enjoy your sweets. I'll go wait outside until you're done." I got up and walked towards the entrance with a smile on my face. Miriel still looked uninterested and "bland" I would call it, but started to eat the sweets I had brought him. He started with a slice of Good Man's pie, one of the daily specialities that the Angel's Resort offers. 

I requested extra whipped cream for the three slices as I like whipped cream... but I don't know about Miriel. Some angels do not like whipped cream and others, like myself, love it. I hope he does...