
The Last Immortal(TLI)

HIATUS! For now, check out my other books. The ones I am currently working on are as follows: The Misunderstood Heroic Villain Humanity Rising: War Slaughtering the Gods

Requiem_Phantom · sci-fi
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52 Chs

Take off

While I was walking over towards Sarah, I noticed she was still muttering to herself. I don't really know how to comfort someone who killed for the first time, so I guess I'll just say something my father once told me before I went out on my first battlefield.

"Sarah, if you want to survive; keep those you love alive, then you need to fight, kill, and take from those who would take from you. Don't ever show mercy, because the enemy sure won't do that for you. I don't know if those words can help you accept your current reality, but you need to find your inner strength, that will hold yourself together."

I finished my somewhat crappy speech, and continue walking towards where my spaceship is parked. I didn't really care what would happen to Sarah at that point, since I'm leaving the planet.

It only took a few minutes for me to reach my ship, I quickly opened the cockpit and climbed inside. Just when I thought everything was over and about to start up my ship, a young women's voice comes over from the nearby thicket.

"Uh Zen, what's that your getting into?" Asks Sarah as she comes towards the ship, looking very curious.

"Damnit Sarah, why did you have to follow me. Now I got to kill you as you've seen my spaceship!" I bellow angrily at her, wanting an explanation for her reckless actions of still following me.

"What, a spaceship!! Impossible, those don't exist yet!" Somehow she ignored the killing part, it's like she never takes my threats serious or something.

"Well I'm what you would call an alien." I reply while pulling out the other handgun I had left in my ship. "But none of that matters to someone about to die"

I aim the gun at her head, ready to pull the trigger. But her next question nearly made me lose focus and cough up blood from it.

"An Alien? Is that why your actually wearing a mask, which is to cover up an ugly green face?"

"No!!! I don't have no damn ugly green face!" Calm down Zen, Calm down. Alright focus the gun back on her, and pull the trigger with no hesitation to end this madness.

"Wait don't shoot, I want you to take me with you if you can of course actually go into space?!"

"And why would I take you with me, I don't travel with any other living person and don't plan on changing that for some random chick."

"Come on, I could be helpful. It would really be a dream come true for anyone to be able to travel the stars, and exploring the unknown." She pleads, almost as if I would not say no.

"How could you be helpful? You couldn't even do anything against some regular thugs, yet you expect to survive in the large dangerous galaxy." I honestly reply.

"You could teach me or train me while we travel. Plus, you could use some company to keep you entertained right? From what I could tell about you during our short adventure together, you seem bored or unresponsive to everything around you. The only time I actually saw you really active or enjoying yourself was in the shootout a few minutes ago. If you never travel with someone, then maybe you should do things differently and that might help you enjoy yourself some. Afterall to spice up one's life, it's said that people need to do things different form normally."

She lecture me saying this, and I agree that she has a point about dong something different to rid myself of such a meaningless existence. But I don't think adding her to my crew will let me enjoy myself, as I'm more likely to abandon ship with her onboard.

"Are you sure you would want to leave, what about your parents and family? Are you okay with leaving them behind forever, and never being able to see them again or having them able to see you again?" My last chance to escape with a legit reason and not look like a complete jackass by declining for no good reason.

"Ah! Well I got caught up in the moment of going into outerspace and forgot about that part."


An awkard silence ensues as I dont know how to respond to that normal yet unexpected response. I thought that with her persistent personality she would already have it thought out, but she forgot.

"I'm sure my parents would miss me and I would miss them, but i know that as loving parents they would wish me the best. They would also be proud of me being the first human from our planet to travel the galaxy! Sadly I can't just send a letter saying I'm going to outerspace or they might think I'm on drugs. Oh! A picture of the spaceship with a farewell message might work."

"Hey I can't just let you take a picture. And stop making you parents sound so understanding, I'm sure they would rather have their daughter safe at home." I smirk as I reply, thinking i've won this round. My smirk disappeared as soon as it appeared though.

"Sorry already done, now lets go. I'm ready to see Earth from space!" She excitedly exclaims as she jumps into the passenger seat behind mine.

I wanted so bad to throw her out right now, saying she already took a picture and sent it as if it was nothing important. I sigh to myself as it was already done, and I can't do anything about it now. It would sound pathetic of me if I was to continue adamantly saying no after all of that.

"Hmph, fine whatever. But don't come complaining to me about regretting your choice when you get lonely, sad or killed out there." I declare as I start the ship up, and test the engines.

Once I bring the ship to life, I start our ascent into the atmospere. I look over to see why she got quiet all of a sudden, only to see her gluing herslef to the window with her mouth wide open staring into the clouds.

"Have you never flown before on an airplane?"

"I have but, it's never been such a smooth or fast take off. Nor have I ever seen such a clear view of everything." She admiringly states.

I suddenly feel very proud from her admiration of the ship I made myself.

"Haha, glad you like it. I made this baby with my own two hands!" I say while proudly presenting all the cool parts of my Fighter ship.

"What? How did you get the time to make something like this all by yourself?" She then stares at me expectantly for a good answer.

"Well I'll explain more once we reach my Warship that's anchored at Mars. No more questions now, we are currently in space above Earth. Look."

When I told her that, she immediately looked down at Earth. It was almost as if she stopped breathing when she saw the beautiful scene before her eyes.

"I already regret nothing!" said the breathless red haired woman.

The true journey has begun. Brace yourselves fellow adventurers, for the epic space story to that will get your heart racing, wishing that you were there yourself!

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this back and forth banter between the two. lol

Requiem_Phantomcreators' thoughts