Like to read, and now write. Twitter: @MikeAldinger
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Come on I paid for privilege. I’d like my money back if there isn’t gonna be any chapters this month. Next time a warning if there won’t be releases for awhile
Author you sure repeat stuff a lot
Numbers are still a thing tho. Also is t there a regular military or guard corp that’s not knights? His entire military can’t be just knights. There is no way an empire can be protected with just a few thousand knights. I thought the knights were just the elite group like the royal guard or something.
Where there’s a hole there’s a way lol
Chapter needs editing
Damn. Couldn’t be me. I’d still do it.
Mistake. Damn couldn’t be me.
Bruh this is just funny
Yup! But I doubt the dragons would win. I’m here rooting for Kael and the lions. That’s what matters lol
Why not. Plus the only reason things turned out bad for the lions is because the mother went with the dragons which means the child was raised by dragons. This would be different as the mother would come be with the lions and the child raised by lions. I say it evens the playing field.