
The last day of the world we knew

Generations will be born and pass on the voyage that could mean the salvation of the entire race. The ship was automated to the point that the occupants didn't even remember they were on a ship after 200 years had passed. Now though they were within range of their destination and the ship started waking up in an effort to prepare the colony aboard for the first steps on to the new planet that would be their new home. As the ship confirmed the planet was indeed habitable and the colonists aboard start to prepare to go down to the surface billions of eyes below are locked up staring at the ship that is invading their home world.

Justin_Bailey_9172 · sci-fi
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3 Chs

Juan and Miguel

Juan awoke to a loud banging at his door and the barking of his dog. His first instinct was to yell go away and roll back over. His dog roscoe, a 4 year old German Rottweiler had other ideas though. Juan was suddenly rolled out of bed and on to the floor when Roscoe pulled the sheet off the bed and out of the room. "Roscoe" he moaned. Well he was up now so may as well see what the commotion was about. As he slid off the chain and turned the lock the door burst open and his brother Miguel fell inside clattering across the floor and skittering to a halt in front of the couch. As he was fumbling for the remote he looked back at Juan with wide terrified looking eyes and stammered out have you seen it have you heard anything? "Miguel what are you talking about" yawned Juan. "I worked a double yesterday and I was still in bed until you got the crazy ass dog started." "Juan there's a ship in the sky" Miguel said impatiently. "Miguel have you been doing peyote with Rosa again what are you saying a ship in the sky go home and sleep it off hermano." but before either brother had the chance to say another word the TV crackled to life on it there was a very frazzled president saying that they were as of yet unsure of the purpose of the Alien craft and begged that everyone remained calm and stayed home until the threat level could be ascertained. Juans mouth dropped open as the screen suddenly shifted to a live stream of the Alien ship hovering over the central Pacific ocean. Jesus Christ he thought to himself I have to be dreaming.