
The last day of the world we knew

Generations will be born and pass on the voyage that could mean the salvation of the entire race. The ship was automated to the point that the occupants didn't even remember they were on a ship after 200 years had passed. Now though they were within range of their destination and the ship started waking up in an effort to prepare the colony aboard for the first steps on to the new planet that would be their new home. As the ship confirmed the planet was indeed habitable and the colonists aboard start to prepare to go down to the surface billions of eyes below are locked up staring at the ship that is invading their home world.

Justin_Bailey_9172 · Sci-fi
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Carrie and Jim

Carrie decided to step out for a cigarette while Jim jumped in the shower. They were on the 3rd day of a well deserved week long vacation on an island with no technology no wifi only a single scratchy landline in case of emergency. They had started a tech company 3 years ago and they hadn't had much of a chance to look over at each other as they crashed into bed after working 16 hour plus days. They company was based on an algorithm that could translate any language based on inflection and tone. Even dead languages. They never expected the response from the military and academic community. Several other types of technology for driverless cars and over the road automated freight trucks had also used the algorithm for international travel purposes. Needless to say this vacation was needed and appreciated. Carrie went through the sliding glass door of the Lanai for the villa they rented on a small island in the south Pacific. As she lit her cigarette and stretched reaching out to the sky eyes closed feeling the sun on her face..... Wait where was the warm welcome heat that usually greeted her in the morning out here. As she opened her eyes the cigarette and lighter dropped to the ground and she involuntarily said holy shit softly and then more loudly Holy fucking shit! Jim Jim get out here right now there's something ugh..... she trailed off. Jim concerned that she was in danger jumped out of the shower and hurriedly whipped a towel around himself as he was running out on to the Lanai. Carrie was standing there mouth wide open stammering look look look and pointing out over the ocean to the east at the most inplausible most unbelievable sight Jim had ever seen in his entire life. There was what looked like a giant streamlined blimp with a carriage like what's on the bottom of a normal blimp but on all four sides of the.... what the hell was it? Carrie looked over at Jim and laughed despite the insanely abnormal situation Jim was standing there jaw wide open soap bubbles all over him hair a soaking wet mess unnoticed by Jim the towel had long since slipped off and he was stark nude he looked like an earthquake had destroyed his house in the middle of a shower. Her laughter shook Jim back into awareness and he grabbed the towel said he'd be right back and went and rinsed the soap off of himself. He was thinking to himself this isn't possible, what is going on and finally I need to get to a computer so I can get some information on the damn thing why for God's sake had he let her talk him into a vacation without technology. Jim was a gadget oriented type of person. He had the latest tech before it came out. It was a point of pride for him. Now what could be the most important event in the history of mankind was occuring and he was in the middle of the ocean without so much as a cellphone. As he was drying off he was already strategizing his escape plan back to civilization. He would have to go make sure his companies building was secured and the employees were all safe he knew right away that people were going to be panicking and there would be trying and dangerous times ahead. He quickly dressed and was pleasantly surprised that Carrie was already packing their belongings in preparation for their departure. She looked up and said that she had already called the man who ran the boat and that she had also called the airport to switch their tickets to a flight that afternoon. She said that she had a great time but it was time to get home and find out what the hell was going on. Jim poked his head outside for a moment to look and ensure that the thing was still there and went into the kitchen to prepare a light meal and some snacks for their trip after 21 years he and Carrie were a well oiled machine and complimented each other well. They sat and ate in near silence each quietly contemplating the meaning of this insane apparition in the sky. what it would mean for their goals in business as well as their private lives. Never one for quiet Carrie broke the silence Jim.... He looked up I know Carrie I just thought the same thing. I wonder if WE can talk to them.