
The Last Campaign

Fort Wilderness has stood for a millennia as the home of heroes. However, a tragedy strikes when Polaris, a powerful Celestial hero and his league of heroes known as the Wilderness Initiative are stolen from their dimension. Of the original Wilderness 92, only the heroes: Polaris, Archimedes, the Elven Master Builder, Hexxit, the Jade Pixy, Powerdrive, the Mythril Golem, Arris, the Forest Druid, Veldspar, the Undead Boarmen, and their newest addition, KBar, a colorblind, human detective, survive Flynn Jamesson, their kidnapper. As they plan their escape back to their dimension, things begin to happen. With centuries old, closely guarded secrets, betrayals, enemies from the past, followers of God under the wrong leader, gods, demons, angels and beings from the Nether and Aether realms, Polaris and his team have their work cut out for them if they truly hope to build a nation, one under the watchful eyes of heroes.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Fantasie
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47 Chs

The Problem With Love-Blind Loyalty

As Fog, Polaris, Gardos, Surveillance and the Elder Guardian met in the House of State, the air was heavy. The Elder Guardian was thought to simply exist within the annals of legend. He seemed to command the very air around them, as if all of nature understood the significance of who he was. 

As he stood before them, he motioned for Surveillance to do something. "Governor Fog Carne, Celestial Polaris, and one of my own.....Gardos, allow me to introduce Surveillance, the only female Guardian to have ever existed."

The vantablack Guardian seemingly removed the copper eye, but it wasn't her eye, rather a cover for a rose bud-pink eye. Her gaze seemed to pierce the very souls of everyone in the room. Everyone was frozen, trapped within her gaze. However, Fog simply readjusted his shirt collar before extending his skeletal hand. 

"It is an honor to meet you, Surveillance." Said Fog

Much to her surprise, he was unaffected by her gaze. Unbeknownst to the three in the room, her gaze affected those who's lovers weren't truly in love with them, or those who had never known the love of a life-partner. 

"Yes... It's an honor to meet all three of you." She said as the particles leaving her gaze stopped allowing the others to recover their ability to move.

"I received a message from Gardos.... Said you, Polaris, wanted to build some kind of unified nation. Hell, I'm even impressed with the fact that you had the audacity to personally guarantee the equality of my own kind before speaking to me." Said the Elder Guardian. 

"It was not my intention to undermine you in any regard. I simply wish to bring as many races into the Wilderness Meritocracy...."

"Be silent." Said the Elder. Polaris was stunned as the older Guardian marched up to him, mear inches from his face. "What is my name, mighty hero?"

"You are the one known within the Guardian race as the mysterious Elder Prime. You and I met in your height of your power. While it has mixed reviews, you are known for making the entire Guardian race vanish overnight, leaving nothing, not a trace of your civilization."

"You are correct. Knowing my name alone puts you much higher upon my list, and the fact Governor Carne here was able to resist Surveillance's gaze is impressive. You both have pooled enormous amounts of talent and resources to make this dream of yours, the dream of Wilderness, a reality. Do forgive me, but I had Surveillance observe your little nation. I knew my answer to your ask long before arriving here."

"Wait.... you had her spying on us?"

"Consider it..... a necessary precaution. You are asking me to bring the Guardian race out of hiding after all. I wanted to know exactly what the hell was going on here. My answer is simple, continue to show all peoples equality. I will bring my people under your banner."

"That's excellent news. I shall have the city ready for a feast tonight!" Exclaimed Governor Fog. Polaris nodded and shook Elder Prime's weathered hand. However, Surveillance stared at Polaris, her eye showing a hint of worry. As the Leaders left to announce the feast, Gardos spoke with Surveillance.

"What's troubling you?"

"Him. The Celestial."

"What about him?"

"Something very bad is going to happen to him. I can't see what, but it will alter him in a way like nothing else." Said Surveillance looking at Gardos.

The dull, burnt chrome with lichens growing on him, looked in the direction he went. He knew her worry was genuine. Afterall, he'd known Polaris for what seemed to be a millennia. As they walked to rejoin the group, Antarctica had been listening to them from the other side of a wall. 

"Something bad..... is going to happen to him?"

As dusk fell, the nation had a raging feast. Everyone was enjoying their feast. Surveillance had her eye fixed on Polaris as he went up to make a speech.

"Today, we celebrate not only our victory in battle, but we celebrate the union between the Guardian and the Wilder....." Polaris stops speaking, his eyes widen as he feels the sharp embrace of of darkened steel plunge into his back. Surveillance, Elder Prime, Gardos, Fog and Archimedes all stand up as he coughs up orange blood. As he turns around, he find Bel holding the other end of the blade.

"But.... why... Bel?"

"My one true love, isn't nor has ever been you." 

He drives the blade through Polaris and lets him fall from the balcony. Those below, managed to catch him. Elder Prime races as fast as he can to catch Bel, but as he manages to catch up with Archimedes and KBar. Bel turns around and stops. "Long Live King Witherheart the First." In an explosion of emerald green smoke, Bel vanishes, seemingly toppling Wilderness's greatest Leader and Hero. Chaos erupts as Guardians begin hunting for Bel, angry citizens began to fight amongst themselves. Elder Prime and Governor Fog immediately took control of the situation. What should've been a day of enjoyable feasting and celebration, was ending in more bloodshed, and bloodshed from hands thought of those to belong to lover. As Gardos, Archimedes, KBar, and Surveillance carried Polaris towards the medical building, however, as they reached the halfway point, Polaris's body releases an enormous amount of energy, reviving celestials Luna and Sol. 


"You both.... You're celestials! Please help...."

Before Archimedes could finish speaking, the moon had vanished, and had been replaced by a glowing red star. 

"That's him...."

"Who's him?" Asked Surveillance.

A red spectre appeared before them, his aura giving off insane power. 

"Lay him on the ground."

"Why the hell would we trust you! You fucking mook!" Yelled KBar drawing both his blades.

"Because Kerosene Bennett, I am the only one who can save him."

"Well just who the fuck are you!" KBar said stepping to the strange red figure. 

"You see, for I am known nearest [star] of Centaurus, although confused for my siblings by Polaris here, I am....."