
The Last Campaign

Fort Wilderness has stood for a millennia as the home of heroes. However, a tragedy strikes when Polaris, a powerful Celestial hero and his league of heroes known as the Wilderness Initiative are stolen from their dimension. Of the original Wilderness 92, only the heroes: Polaris, Archimedes, the Elven Master Builder, Hexxit, the Jade Pixy, Powerdrive, the Mythril Golem, Arris, the Forest Druid, Veldspar, the Undead Boarmen, and their newest addition, KBar, a colorblind, human detective, survive Flynn Jamesson, their kidnapper. As they plan their escape back to their dimension, things begin to happen. With centuries old, closely guarded secrets, betrayals, enemies from the past, followers of God under the wrong leader, gods, demons, angels and beings from the Nether and Aether realms, Polaris and his team have their work cut out for them if they truly hope to build a nation, one under the watchful eyes of heroes.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Proxima Centauri: Blind Betrayal

"Wait.... doesn't that make you...."

"Yes Mr. Bennett, that would make me Proxima Centauri, the strongest celestial ever to walk your planet. That was.... Until he arrived. There is no time for that now. Lay him down, or he will die."

As they lay him down, Proxima sighs. "I was close to my reincarnation. I suppose saving him is a far better use."

"I tried to use healing magic, but nothing worked. What's happening to him?"

"He was stabbed with a soul blade. They are one time use weapons, and very hard to comeby. He got lucky."

"Lucky!? He's dying you fockin asshole!" Yelled KBar grabbing at the spectre.

"If the blade had directly pierced his soul, all of us would be dead, myself included."

Proxima knelt down and removed Polaris's soul and his star soul. His star soul was fine, but it was his soul that was bleeding energy. Proxima held his soul ball next to it, but his soul rejected it. Proxima shook his head and stood up. 

"Luna, Sol, I'm sorry to do this..." Proxima plunged his fists into the other two other celestials and removed their souls. He merged them, then used them to begin repairing Polaris's soul. It didn't take long for the two other celestials to vanish and for Polaris's soul to stop flickering. Once the merged soul was completely drained into Polaris's soul, Sol and Luna reappeared for a moment, but after a quick smile, they both vanished. Polaris slowly opened his eyes, but rather than eyes of relief, he had eyes of betrayal. As he sat up, Gardos tried to help him off the group, only for Polaris to ignore his hand, and release a massive amount of energy. The anger within in him was a raging storm, it was unlike anything ever before. As he fully stood up, he looked to Elder Prime. Not a word was uttered. They locked in their gazes, looking at each other. 

"I want.... Every Single Soldier we have.... Marching on Witherhearts castle..... NOW!"

Governor Fog issued the command, as did Elder Prime. Within a moments notice, every Guardian, Initiative City Knight, and Hero of Wilderness left the city all following behind Polaris, wielding his Wilderness Blood-Glaive. 

As the massive legion made their way to Witherheart's castle, Bel clung to King Witherheart. 

"Are you sure you killed him?"

"I am my love. He had no way of countering the soul blade you gave me sir."

"Good Girl." 

As the two were about to lock themselves in a kiss, a guard burst through the doors. "Sire! A massive legion approaches the kingdom!"

"It must be the reinforcements I requested from the Holy Kingdom. No need to wake our soldiers. I will greet them in person."

However, it wasn't reinforcements. As Witherheart's son stepped outside the gates, the Blood-Glaive nailed him to the wall, a direct hit through his sternum. Guardians and Heroes hacked apart guards, and made their way to the soldiers barracks. It was a slaughter that made even the most hardened veterans toss up their dinners. Polaris and the Elder Guardian made their way to the throne room, Elder Prime entered alone at first.


"You.... Cowardly..... Waste of flesh."

"Sir.... What do we do?"

"Stay behind me Belvidere."

"That won't save you from me.... Rather..... him."

The throne room door exploded into splinters, revealing both Polaris and Proxima Centauri. "I.... I stabbed him.... how are you alive....."

"You should know, Bel, Polaris is in no mood to speak." Said Proxima as he cracked his knuckles. "You really fucked up. Do you have any idea what it means to break the heart... no, trust of a celestial being? Polaris will watch this world wither to dust, he could've spent eternity entangled with your soul, but no. YOU had to run back to Witherheart, a pathetic excuse for a man...."

Polaris held his hand up. Proxima and Elder Prime stopped speaking. Polaris walked up to Bel, eyes full of tears. "You were the only one I loved..... Proxima, Elder Prime, eviscerate this pathetic excuse of a king. Bel, I never want to see you again. Get out of this city, out of this land, GET THE FUCK OUT!"

Bel ran out of the kingdom, and vanished into the night. Polaris turned and left as the two ripped Witherheart into pieces. Once they got back to Initiative City, everyone was relieved to see Polaris alive and well. After Proxima explained who he was, and what had had done to keep Polaris from dying, everyone felt more at ease. However, Polaris took no joy in the matter. Sure, he was happy to be alive, but being alive and heartbroken by betrayal was a far worse pain than he'd ever known. Rather than join the feast once more, he went up to the roof of Fort Wilderness and gazed at the stars. A few hours passed and Antarctica joined him. 

"I never got a chance to that you."

"Do not mistake my mercy as acceptance. You chose to follow dad, end of story."

"Then why are you making the same mistake as I did?"

"The hell does that mean?"

"You're shutting everyone out. Your friends are down their hardly enjoying the feast because they're too busy worrying about you."

"Stop talking."

"No, not until you join them down there. Not until you face what...."

Polaris grabbed Antarctica by the throat. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO LECTURE ME. WHO IN THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!?!?"

"Someone who see what kind of pain you are in." Struggled Antarctica. Polaris set him down and let him breath. 

"I'll go down there, but you will NOT follow me. Go back to the medical center, and do not fucking leave. Am I clear?"


As Polaris made his way to the feast, everyone cheered as he walked over. He took a seat next two Proxima and ate with them. They dranks, sang songs and enjoyed their time, all knowing tomorrow would bring far greater challenges to their doorstep.