

  The crowd gathered around us but cheering for their favorite wolf who is ready to fight with me. I was ready for it even if I lost but I will be proud that I didn't give up.

  I had enough from this running and turning back on the issues I was scared to face. But today it will be different. I will fight, I will for myself, for my pride.

  Elon glared at me and lashed out but I was quick to dodge. I was dodging all of his moves till now but the match can’t be won this way.

  “Enough! No one will fight here!” Fiarra shouted and tried to stop the brawl.

  “Hey, sis! Let us see who will win today, you mate or your ex boyfriend?” Jacob said and my head turned to him.

  Elon got the opportunity to punch my face when I was distracted and the punch landed on my zygomatic bone. For a while, my brain blacked out and I couldn't focus. Elon was a tough competitor and fast enough to hit.

  “Elon! Stop it!” Fiarra screamed but he won’t budge.