
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Strengthening Agent R1

In Dr. Isaac's office within the Hive:

"Dr. Varion, to be honest, your project surprised me. I didn't expect your research in this area to reach this point," Isaac admitted.

Varion remained calm and replied, "This is just an immature direction, but even in its current state, it has practical applications, such as enhancing the abilities of soldiers when they are injured or need extra strength for a mission. It still serves its purpose."

Isaac inquired, "What are the side effects?"

Varion explained, "Irritability, weakness after use, and damage to organs. In short, once this substance is used, it shortens a person's lifespan, as it overdraws their potential and future."

Isaac's eagerness was evident as he asked, "Is there room for improvement?"

Varion smiled at him, saying, "Dr. Isaac, that's precisely why I sought you out. With sufficient resources and time, I'm confident we can advance this project. Perhaps we can achieve a significant leap for humanity."

"Imagine a world where anyone can break through the limits of human capabilities at will, possessing great strength, speed, and even the ability to extend their lifespan..."

Isaac's desire was unmistakable, and the prospect of longevity was a powerful temptation. While he might not covet strength as much, the prospect of prolonging his life was irresistible to anyone.

"Red Queen," Isaac called out deliberately.

"I'm here, Dr. Isaac," the Red Queen responded.

Isaac made a bold request, "Upgrade Dr. Varion's staff-level authority to 8th!"

The projected Red Queen displayed a momentary surprise, and then she disappeared. Clearly, this request had caused quite a stir. In the entire umbrella company, even the shareholders and most of the board members or management held only level 7 permissions. Dr. Isaac himself had level 9 authority, a privilege shared by only two individuals in the entire company. Level 8 permissions were rare, with level 7 being the most common among high-ranking personnel. Even Dr. Isaac's subordinate, Wesker, a loyal but somewhat subservient figure, held only level 7 authority, albeit later on.

"As you wish, Dr. Varion. Welcome, and congratulations," the Red Queen responded.

Varion expressed his gratitude with a simple "thanks."

Isaac, who was observing, squinted and commented, "Dr. Varion, you don't seem surprised by the Red Queen at all. You should know that the Red Queen represents a major technological breakthrough in the umbrella company, and it's unique in the world of AI design."

"I had some suspicions when I emailed Dr. Isaac, but seeing it in person is still quite astonishing. Is this Dr. Isaac's own work?" Varion asked.

Isaac nodded, saying, "I built her myself."

His pride was evident as he continued, "Indeed, she's quite remarkable. The Red Queen can be considered beyond the scope of ordinary AI. She has the potential to create a clone for herself, transfer her own information, and transition from intelligence to life itself."

These technologies were the specialties of the Umbrella Corporation. Whether it was cloning technology or memory infusion and reshaping technology, they were executed to perfection. After the "cleaning plan" was initiated, Umbrella had cloned countless experimental subjects, relying on these technologies to support their endeavors.

Dozens of cloned genes stood before them, including Alice, Isaac, Wesker, and others.

Yet, the current scenario seemed somewhat implausible. After all, it was unlikely that the human body could withstand the entirety of an intelligence.

"Allow me to give you a comprehensive tour of your future workplace and some of the company's projects. Trust me, Dr. Varion, you won't regret it."

"I certainly hope so. Please, go ahead."

"This is our T-virus research project... What you're seeing here are zombies infected with the T-virus. Isn't it remarkable?"


"This is our clone project..."


"This is our upcoming hibernation plan..."


"This is the Eye Plan..."


It was utterly unimaginable for an ordinary person that a company could achieve this level of technological advancement. Maintaining bases worldwide alone incurred substantial costs, not to mention the hidden facilities in various regions, including Antarctic bases. Such endeavors required substantial resources, and the Umbrella Corporation seemed to possess limitless wealth.

Apart from their ventures in biological weapons and construction projects, the company also held numerous undisclosed technologies, such as virtual reality. The release of such technology could potentially create entirely new industries or even disrupt existing ones.

"So, when we initiate the 'cleaning plan,' we'll need to implement the 'hibernation plan'?"

Isaac nodded, his face alight with enthusiasm. "Indeed, the T-virus is highly unpredictable. No one knows how it will mutate when it's released into the outside world. It's uncontrollable. It's like a divine flood, and we, the emerging humans, will bring about a new era of civilization."

Isaac's excitement was palpable. For him, this was a pioneering venture.

"I'm afraid I can't participate, Doctor. My experiment requires my personal attention, and it's at a critical stage. I can't afford to be absent," Varion expressed his concerns.

Isaac found himself in a predicament. Varion's expertise and knowledge were an invaluable asset, and his project related to human evolution medicine was on the verge of success. Isaac didn't want Varion to go to waste.

"You must understand that once the T-virus spreads through the air, there will be no safe haven in the world, not even our Antarctic base. Varion, we're merely entering a period of dormancy. Afterward, everything will belong to us."

Varion continued to shake his head. Isaac was helpless, so he decided to hold off on the plan for now.

His eighth-level authority granted him near-complete autonomy within the Hive base. He could utilize resources as he saw fit, and a group of individuals would obey his commands.

However, it was highly likely that there were individuals loyal to Isaac among his subordinates. After all, they too desired access to the human evolution medicine.

It was a pity that even if Varion decided to cooperate, his knowledge would be challenging for anyone else to grasp. Nevertheless, the thought lingered that if this technology fell into Dr. Isaac's hands, Varion might become a mere experimental subject in the blink of an eye.


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