
Chapter 2

The smell of cooking aroused my sense of smell. What is this smell? Very rich in spices and appetizing. I got out of bed, tidied my face and clothes, then hurried downstairs. Fried rice? Who cooked it? Ah, I remembered that last night I brought a girl home. The aroma is quite familiar, like the smell of my mother's cooking in the morning. Did Vanilla succeed in using the mother's recipe taped to the refrigerator door? Since I was a child, my mother often experimented with various recipes and ingredients. When successful, the recipe is booked so that it is easy to find in the future. But there are certain recipes that my mother puts on the door of the refrigerator, one of which is my favorite fried rice recipe.

The aromas and sounds created by the interaction between the frying pan and the spatula make for a harmonious morning orchestra. I didn't feel like I had been standing crossed my arms watching Vanilla for almost ten minutes.

"Until when will Mr. Literature be standing there? Sorry I was so rude to use the kitchen, sir. " Suddenly Vanilla turned around to put the finished fried rice on the table.

"I told you just call Sastra, it's okay, who will get angry when the food is cooked?"

"Thank you, Mr. Sastra, I-I mean Sastra"

"Ah, never mind, let's eat."

After pouring the drinking water I sat across from Vanilla. The first bite evoked the memory I had left for a long time.


In the morning, see father and mother exchanging stories while eating breakfast.

"Hey dude, soon your new chapter will start, whatever the result, pass or not, I always believe in my son." At home my father used to call me “dude,” he said it sounds cool.

"That's right, son, whatever your decision, whether you want to go to college or continue to another education, mother believes in you."

"Thank you father, mother. Wait for me later this afternoon, I will bring good news. " I smiled leaving the dining table after I finished breakfast. Goodbye to father and mother, then go to school.


Ah, if I don't go that day, at least I won't be alone, at least I'll still be with my father and mother ...

"Sir, sir, what's wrong, is the fried rice not delicious?" Vanilla calls out and shakes my left hand. I seem to be lost in daydreams.

“No, it's okay, it's just that it reminds me of my mother. Did you use the recipe on the refrigerator? "

"Yes sir, I'm sorry if I am presumptuous." Vanilla nod a little.

“It's okay. I told you there is no need to call me sir, it's not nice when other people hear that. "

"Sorry sir, I mean Sastra."

"Ah, never mind, just call me as comfortable as you can. By the way, I have a day off today, also for my daily needs, it's almost ran out. Can you accompany me shopping today? Or are you in a hurry to leave? "

"Yes, sir, I am not in a hurry."

“Alright, after this I clean the dishes, you get ready. OK? "

"Yes sir." Vanilla smiled, nodding.

Why do I feel strange, is this the impact of living single for years. Ah never mind, what I was thinking.


After getting ready, we immediately went to the nearest supermarket. We took a bus which was quite busy that morning. Crowded yet silent, perhaps the description at that time. In public transportation, there have been regulations not to be noisy. Some say that because it contains various circumstances from those just starting out in the day to those who are tired of working, they will sleep for a while on public transportation. Where would it be so annoying not if someone was noisy. There is also an assumption that in a closed state in public transportation the spread of disease, or virus, or sickness becomes easier, so to minimize this the rules are made.

Time seems so fast, arriving at the supermarket, shopping, paying. It's not like two people who have just met, somehow Vanilla can find out what I need. We just passed a few storefronts that I really used to visit, talked a little about prices and variants of goods, even Vanilla was better at choosing goods. I spend more little than usual.

Since I don't have the heart to let Vanilla stand with the groceries on the bus, it's not like I usually take a taxi instead of a bus. At least at the time, I thought it would be better to take a taxi, although I felt that if I hadn't taken a taxi then things would have been different.


"Good afternoon, where are you going? "The taxi driver is very friendly, behind a slightly large body, with a dangling beard, and a tattoo on his left neck.

"To the housing on the edge of town, sir, I'll guide the way, because I don't know the exact address," Vanilla answered the driver casually.

"Yes, miss." Why do I feel awkward about this situation? Do they know each other? Ah never mind, I'll take a look along the way.

The journey from the supermarket that day felt very different, not that I wanted to discriminate, but the driver who drove us surprisingly has a lot of knowledge. Starting from discussing historical stories, fairy tales and myths, the latest technological developments, to the world's great conspiracies.


At home, after paying, the driver said a sentence that I thought was very familiar. But somehow I forgot where it was.

“Your knowledge is not simple boy, you can turn the world upside down if you want. Until then I hope you make the right decision. "

What does it mean? I? Turn the world upside down? Never mind, I'll think about this another time.