
Chapter 1


That night I just came back from my job as a waiter at a seafood restaurant in the capital. I came home a little late tonight due to a customer celebrating a birthday at our restaurant. Since I'm the youngest, and also the most junior, I'm in charge of staying last and tidying up the restaurant. The manager had several times reprimanded other employees to help clean up the restaurant, and did not rely on me. But after repeated admonitions, he didn't do it anymore.

It seems unfair, but I don't mind it. Because what else can I do? Having a job and being able to suevive is enough for me. Instead of grumbling, I better do what I can.

My house is not too far from my workplace, I deliberately chose a place that was not too far away, in addition to saving costs, I also could not drive a motorized vehicle, everyday I only drove a bicycle to go to work.

The street lights were shining all the way to my house. The silence that night made me seem to hear the breezy wind humming a song. I cycled as fast as I could to get rid of the cold and the drowsiness piercing every inch of my body. Besides that, I'm also quite timid. Bad boys or thugs are not the problems, even if I'm not good at fighting, at least I can retaliate when attacked. But it's a different story if the one who attacks you is a creature hiding in the shadows. Ghosts, demons, jinns you name it all. I am sure that even the martial arts athletes who often appear on television do not act in their presence.

Isn't that funny? A skeptical bookworm is superstitious and believes in mysticism. As a child, my father often read several stories as bedtime stories. As I got older I understood that the more my dad didn't tell me. Trust me, the more literature you absorb, the greater your fear of things that smell like that.

The sleepiness that coursed through every inch became more and more as I pedal my bicycle. The cool night breeze adds to the sensation of sleepiness every second. Suddenly there was a faint sound like music. You can see a girl in the distance wearing a denim jacket, playing her violin, sitting on the side of the road. The soft, heart-rending melody drifted in the night breeze. As I crossed the girl, my logic ordered me to go home without caring about the girl, but my instincts told me differently. I turned and walked over to the girl.

"Excuse me, can I help you?"

The girl nodded with a smile, put down her violin, then tidied up the clothes and things she was carrying.

"I'm sorry, am I allowed to hitch a ride? I just got to this area and don't know where to go. "

I was silent for a moment, quite suspiciously. Thief? Robber? Again, common sense kept implying me to reject the girl. But somehow I felt that I had to help that girl. I also gave up on my conscience that morning.

"Hmm, my house is not too far from here, are you still able to walk?"

"Capable, still able, thanks for being willing to help me." The girl's face was flushed red, and her voice trembled slightly as if she was about to cry then.


I led the bike followed by the girl beside me. I did not open the topic, I did not ask the origin, not even the name. Yes, I am that shy. Very awkward moment at that time. When I got home I immediately cleaned up my bicycle, then locked the fence.

"The guest room is on the first floor, before taking a break take a shower, the bathroom is across from the living room, if necessary, my room is upstairs with a light blue door."

"Fine, thanks again for your kindness, sir."

"No need to be too formal, I turn 21 this year, I'm still young and not that high degree to be called sir. Just call me Sastra, if I may know what's your name ? "

"Vanilla, my name is Vanilla." The girl bent a little, I think she still hesitates with me.

"All right Vanilla, please rest, good night."

"Thank you, Sir Sastra, um-I mean young master, sorry I mean Sastra, good night." Vanilla blushed again, slightly bowed, shy.

"Hmmm, o-okay" I left Vanilla downstairs while turning to see her shy expression that night. Ah, it's really awkward, because before that I haven't had that close experience with women except for my mother.

After showering and cleaning up, I pushed my body into the bed. Still imagining that very awkward moment. You are stupid Sastra, in front of a girl you are like this. Then I fell asleep.