
The Knight and the Apocalypse: A Second Chance at Life

this novel has been rebooted by me for several reasons, it has the same title, and a similar poster the link if you are interested is right here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-knight-and-the-apocalypse-a-second-chance-at-life-(reboot)_26989959906245305 ----------------------------------------- "Huuuf-hufff-hufff, do you see now, my lords, the devastation that now exists?" said John as he surveyed the desolate landscape before him. The ruins of the once great cities of the dragons and the titans lay in ruins, their once mighty armies now nothing more than scattered remnants of their former selves. "Perhaps had the two of you listened to our warnings, we could have avoided this," John continued, turning to the dragon lord Pallas and the titan emperor Costas. "Cough-cough-cough," Pallas coughed, his body battered and bruised from the long, grueling war. "Say John, had you a second chance, do you believe you have the power to actually stop today's events?" John thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "I'm not sure, Pallas. I like to think that I could, but the reality is that the forces at play were beyond my control." "Pallas, don't tell me?" Costas said, a look of shock and disbelief on his face. "Yes, it's true," Pallas replied. "However, it seems like both our souls are far too damaged to actually go through the process." "Could we possibly merge with his to perhaps guide him later?" Costas suggested, gesturing towards John. "That is possible, but we will likely stay in a long slumber after it's done," Pallas replied. "let's do it then, there is no need to think twice." Costas replied resolutely. "Would the two of you mind explaining to me what you are talking…" John's words were stopped before he could finish them ******* chirp chirp chirp, in the middle of an exquisitely decorated room john woke up and shouted, "ABOUT" "huh, Pallas, Costas? what the fuck is going on?" john said as he looked around surprised by the situation before walking towards the mirror in the middle of the room… ---------------------------------------------------------------- HEYYYY author here, I'm saying this before you start reading, there will be no harem in this, frankly I am not a fan of the genre, and writing one romantic plot line is hard enough for me let alone multiple, the series is also going to be heavily within the realm of politics, as suggested by the kingdom building tag…ummm yeah that pretty much sums it, there will be romance, action, politics, but no harem, or anything of the sort. THE DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/hwjQEGjv5k Thanks to pink_lolie24 for the new novel cover, I absolutely loved it.

themusicaddict · Fantasie
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98 Chs

Chapter 87 - restructured training

Once John had finished his speech/scolding session, Friedrich approached him as instructed. John handed him a stack of papers containing the names of each member for each attache, along with their assigned responsibilities.

"Sir, will this be okay? Having different attache's with different purposes, won't that cause issues in the long run?" Friedrich inquired, studying the plans that outlined the division: one heavy cavalry unit, one light cavalry unit, one flying cavalry unit, one mounted archer unit, and one mounted mage unit. These divisions were carefully crafted by John, who had meticulously sought out talented individuals from across the grand duchy.

"Why do you think my entire unit is entirely mobile?" John responded with a smirk, his confidence shining through. He noticed the guard opening the door to the training hall.

"THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMY HAS ARRIVED," the guard announced, saluting as the grand duke entered the training ground. The soldiers, who had been discussing the training the grand duke would impose on them, swiftly formed neat rows in front of the wooden podium where John stood.

"ATTENTION, SALUTE!" Friedrich assumed his position and issued the commands, prompting all the soldiers to offer a synchronized salute.

As Dante returned the salute, he responded with a smile and said, "At ease."



The synchronized sound of the soldiers' feet hitting the ground resonated throughout the training field, eliciting a sense of pride in John. The rigorous basics that he had instilled in his troops were finally taking hold.

"I don't understand what you were complaining about. Your soldiers are moving in perfect synchronization," Dante remarked, wearing a curious and puzzled expression.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet, sir. Let's get the training started, and afterward, you'll understand why I had such a despondent look on my face," John replied with a touch of sarcasm, his annoyance evident.

"Alright, then. Let's get started," Dante agreed, focusing his attention on John, who took command of his soldiers.

"ATTENTION!" John bellowed, and in response, all the troops stood upright, their hands firmly at their sides.

"We will now begin basic training, starting with running. Everyone, march to the track!"

The soldiers briskly moved toward the designated area, their footsteps resounding as they formed orderly lines. John, with a commanding presence, guided them through warm-up exercises, preparing their bodies for the upcoming physical exertion. They stretched their muscles, loosening their limbs and ensuring they were ready for the challenges ahead.

"Alright, troops! On your marks, get set, go!" John shouted, signaling the start of the running drill. The soldiers burst into action, their feet pounding against the ground as they sprinted forward. The sound of their rapid footsteps filled the air, accompanied by the rhythm of their controlled breathing.

As they pushed their limits, sweat began to trickle down their faces, displaying the intensity of their efforts. John watched closely, assessing their form, encouraging them to maintain their pace and persevere through the physical strain. His voice carried through the training field, offering guidance and motivation to his soldiers.

"Keep pushing! You've got this! Don't let up!" John's words resonated with determination and echoed in the soldiers' ears, fueling their resolve to give their all.

The training session continued, incorporating various drills and exercises to enhance the soldiers' stamina, strength, and agility. John pushed them to their limits, demanding their best while also ensuring their safety and well-being. He meticulously observed their movements, offering corrections and guidance to refine their technique.

As the basic training session drew to a close, the soldiers stood before John, their chests heaving and sweat-soaked uniforms clinging to their bodies.

"Great job, all of you! Now that we're done with basic training, we'll move on to beast training, and the grand duke here will be supervising you through it. But before that, you have a fifteen-minute break to drink water and change into riding gear," John said, announcing the break and the next phase of training.

"Wait, don't tell me you make them do all that training before you even start beast training?" Dante asked, his surprise evident.

"Yeah, and after beast training, we have weapons training. If we don't do all that, their stamina won't build, and they won't grow stronger. I only make them do this much because I know they can handle it. If you're worried that I'm overdoing it, rest assured, I won't allow them to fucking overexert themselves," John replied with a slight laugh.

"I see. If you're aware of that, then it's all okay with me. Let's go look at the beasts that you selected. By the way, you haven't made a beast contract yet, have you? How are you managing your beasts then?" Dante asked as he walked with John to the stables, a surprised look on his face.

"Uncle, I realized something after getting to meet these beasts a few times. Unlike monsters, these guys are fairly smart and possess a great deal of intelligence. So, I wondered if, like regular animals, one could eventually tame them," John explained, causing Dante's ears to perk up as they entered the shed. The various beasts inside started making loud noises as soon as they noticed someone had entered their home.

"Silence," John muttered as he exuded only the slightest bit of mana, causing all the animals in the shed to immediately shut up.

'Of course, I can't tell him that my mana core, being like a dragon's heart, exudes dragon fear that lets me control these fuckers. ' John thought to himself while continuing to look at Dante with an innocent smile on his face. Given the context, it seemed quite intimidating to Dante for a second.

I have to say two things today: a) I know the chapters recently have been short, and I am just getting back into writing after a long trip, so it's taking some time to get used to my keyboard (not exactly high quality). Bear with it for a couple more chapters. By chapter 90, I will return to 1500 words per chapter.

b) I said I would talk about it today in yesterday's chapter, so here it is; the reason I couldn't post a chapter day before yesterday is that I had some shit to deal with, had the stuff to do with why I had to leave town for a week or so previously.

Anyway, a little spoiler of sorts, by chapter 100, the second conflict will start, and this one will be long.

Lastly, if you see any issues or have any questions, leave a comment or join the discord;

THE DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/hwjQEGjv5k


30 power stones = bonus chapter,

5 gt = bonus chapter

themusicaddictcreators' thoughts