
The Knight and the Apocalypse: A Second Chance at Life

this novel has been rebooted by me for several reasons, it has the same title, and a similar poster the link if you are interested is right here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-knight-and-the-apocalypse-a-second-chance-at-life-(reboot)_26989959906245305 ----------------------------------------- "Huuuf-hufff-hufff, do you see now, my lords, the devastation that now exists?" said John as he surveyed the desolate landscape before him. The ruins of the once great cities of the dragons and the titans lay in ruins, their once mighty armies now nothing more than scattered remnants of their former selves. "Perhaps had the two of you listened to our warnings, we could have avoided this," John continued, turning to the dragon lord Pallas and the titan emperor Costas. "Cough-cough-cough," Pallas coughed, his body battered and bruised from the long, grueling war. "Say John, had you a second chance, do you believe you have the power to actually stop today's events?" John thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "I'm not sure, Pallas. I like to think that I could, but the reality is that the forces at play were beyond my control." "Pallas, don't tell me?" Costas said, a look of shock and disbelief on his face. "Yes, it's true," Pallas replied. "However, it seems like both our souls are far too damaged to actually go through the process." "Could we possibly merge with his to perhaps guide him later?" Costas suggested, gesturing towards John. "That is possible, but we will likely stay in a long slumber after it's done," Pallas replied. "let's do it then, there is no need to think twice." Costas replied resolutely. "Would the two of you mind explaining to me what you are talking…" John's words were stopped before he could finish them ******* chirp chirp chirp, in the middle of an exquisitely decorated room john woke up and shouted, "ABOUT" "huh, Pallas, Costas? what the fuck is going on?" john said as he looked around surprised by the situation before walking towards the mirror in the middle of the room… ---------------------------------------------------------------- HEYYYY author here, I'm saying this before you start reading, there will be no harem in this, frankly I am not a fan of the genre, and writing one romantic plot line is hard enough for me let alone multiple, the series is also going to be heavily within the realm of politics, as suggested by the kingdom building tag…ummm yeah that pretty much sums it, there will be romance, action, politics, but no harem, or anything of the sort. THE DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/hwjQEGjv5k Thanks to pink_lolie24 for the new novel cover, I absolutely loved it.

themusicaddict · Fantasie
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98 Chs

Chapter 2 - making plans(1)

A/N- people this novel has been rebooted by me, the link is in the novel description, if you want to feel free to read it, but i suggest you just read the reboot, i have done a much better job with that one.THIS NOVEL WILL PROBABLY BE HIDDEN IN A WEEK.


"Good, now that we are done with the unnecessary nuisance, let's get to why I called you here today," the Emperor said as he cut up a piece of steak and took a bite.

John nodded, his attention focused on the conversation at hand. "Yes, Father."

"Are you prepared to make a contract with a god?" the Emperor asked, his gaze piercing through John.

John hesitated for a moment before answering, "I am not sure, Father. It is not up to me to decide whether a god will choose me."

"Your concerns are valid," the Emperor acknowledged. "But don't worry. You carry the blood of the royal family. Any god would be honored to form a contract with you."

"I will not disappoint you, Father," John vowed, bowing his head in respect.

"See that you don't," the Emperor warned, his tone cold.

John stood up from his seat, preparing to leave the room. "I have much to think about," he said.

"Yes, go ahead," the Emperor replied, a hint of dismissal in his voice.

"I'll see you all later," John said, bowing to his family before making his way out of the dining room.

Just as John was about to leave the room, the Emperor called out, "Oh, and John. My father, your grandfather, wishes to see you. He will be arriving tonight, and I have scheduled a meeting for the two of you for tomorrow morning."

John's expression betrayed a hint of irritation. "I see. I'll look forward to it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have training to attend to."

"Oh, of course. Go ahead," the Emperor said, waving John off.


The Emperor sat at his desk in his private chambers, surrounded by the luxurious decor that befitted his status as the ruler of the empire. As he leaned back in his chair, he turned to the Prime Minister, a man of similar age with short white hair, and asked, "Has the youngest prince always been so straightforward?"

The Prime Minister shook his head. "No, Your Majesty. From what I've seen in the reports, he has generally been quite timid and reserved. I can only assume the loss of Her Highness, the Queen Consort, has forced him to change."

The Emperor let out a heavy sigh, a sense of sadness and regret washing over him. "It's unfortunate that I must act this way, even towards my children. To be unable to care for them, despite being the most powerful man in the country... what a pitiful excuse for a father I have become."

The Prime Minister placed a comforting hand on the Emperor's shoulder, his expression stern but compassionate. "Your Majesty, you must remember that the walls of the royal castle have ears. Those ears belong to the nobles who are waiting for a moment of weakness to depose you and replace you with a puppet who will do their bidding."

The Emperor nodded, a sad smile crossing his face. "You are right, of course. Seeing my youngest change in such a positive light has made me sentimental. My apologies, good friend."

The Prime Minister stood behind the Emperor, his hands behind his back, as he spoke gravely. "Eric, you know as well as I do that at least the two of us do not have the luxury to bear emotions until we stabilize the country. If we don't, your two eldest children will cause a schism between the empire, if not outright civil war, when you pass from this world."

The Emperor nodded, his expression troubled as he stood at the window, gazing out at his son John training on the field next to the palace. "That is what I fear most, my friend. That I won't last long enough to stabilize the empire. And with the recent abolishment of serfdom, the nobles have become far more radical. Assassination attempts have increased as well. I suppose this is the price a royal must pay."

The Prime Minister placed a hand on the Emperor's shoulder, a sense of solidarity and friendship in the gesture. "It is unfortunate, but this is a burden I hope only the two of us have to bear."


John was mumbling to himself as he paced around the training grounds for the knights, deep in thought. "Why is grandfather visiting me all of a sudden? I don't have any recollection of this happening in the last timeline. What reason could he have gained suddenly?"

His musings were interrupted by a rough, gravelly voice. "Your Highness? How come you have visited the training grounds today?"

John turned to see a one-eyed man in full plate armor, the emblem of the royal family - a golden lion with the sun shining on it - gilded on the chest. This was Sir Joseph, a respected knight of the empire.

"Oh, Sir Joseph," John replied, shaking off his distraction. "I would like to ask you to oversee my training. I feel it would be best to do it under supervision, lest I overexert myself and end up causing myself more harm than good."

Sir Joseph looked shocked, but he nodded in compliance. "If Your Highness wishes for me to supervise you, then I shall do so. However, do know that I am not a kind drill instructor."

John grinned widely. "I am counting on that." But little did he know, the smile on his face would soon fade.





Around 30 minutes later, on a massive training ground next to John's palace, a young boy could be seen running around the field in circles, sweat dripping from almost every part of his body. Sir Joseph stood at one end of the field, his voice carrying across the training ground as he yelled at the top of his lungs.


"SIR YES SIR!" John shouted back, panting as he tried to increase his pace.




Sir Joseph's constant yelling never stopped, and John kept running, trying his best not to faint.




"STOP! WE ARE DONE WITH THE WARM-UP. GO AND PICK UP YOUR WEAPON," Sir Joseph yelled at John, causing him to come to a halt.

"FAST, FAST! NO TIME TO REST! YOU WILL GET PLENTY OF THAT AFTER YOU ARE DONE HERE," Sir Joseph said, clapping his hands and gesturing for John to go fetch his weapon for weapon practice.

"YES SIRRR!" John shouted, running towards the weapon rack on the side of the field.

John panted heavily as he grabbed his spear, his thoughts racing. 'Ahhhh he wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't a kind drill instructor… the madman isn't even giving me a moment to catch my breath.'

As John returned with a wooden spear in his hand, Joseph started to speak.

"LET'S GET A LOOK AT YOUR BASICS - THE THRUST, THE SLASH, AND THE GRAB," Sir Joseph said, clapping his hands and gesturing for John to begin.

"YES SIR," John replied, taking his stance and starting to move his spear.

As he watched John swing the spear, Sir Joseph couldn't help but feel shocked. 'The fuck, how does a 10-year-old handle the spear this well… As far as I'm aware, the prince hasn't ever practiced with this weapon, so what the fuck is going on here?' Despite his inner turmoil, Sir Joseph's face remained Stoic. "WELL, AT LEAST YOUR BASICS ARE GREAT. HOWEVER, IT SEEMS LIKE YOUR BODY IS UNABLE TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR SPEAR," he said, eyeing John critically.

Inside, John couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. 'As I thought, although my body is so much weaker now, my skill is still imprinted in my mind Well, at least I gave the old man some form of shock. I feel redeemed.'

"Put down the spear and come here," Sir Joseph said, beckoning for John to approach.

"Yes sir," John replied, placing the spear back on the rack and running over to Sir Joseph.

"From now on, we will only focus on getting your body into great shape, since it seems like your skill is at a decent level. Meet me tomorrow at 7 pm right here on the training grounds," Sir Joseph told John, his hands behind his back.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Sir Joseph shouted, drawing in a deep breath.

"YES SIR," John replied, standing at attention.

"GOOD. YOU ARE NOW DISMISSED," Sir Joseph said, nodding in approval at John's response.

I changed the circle to the grab, because that is what Shaolin calls it, that is why so many people were confused in that particular paragraph, but no longer, will that be an issue I suppose.

themusicaddictcreators' thoughts