
The Kings Curse

A life unknown caused by revenge. At the hands of a scorned sorceresses, Malik was punished by a life as an outsider. Will Malik fight to know where he came from or will he suffer in the shadows. Raven was the human leaders daughter. Beautiful and strong, she knows what she wants and she gets it. She dreamed of traveling the world until meeting Malik and discovering her Mothers secret, changes her journey.

Raven_St0ne · sci-fi
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21 Chs

Journey To The Kingdom

Malik and Raven left the mansion and headed to the Midnight Shadow Kingdom, being driven by one of the President's guards Tyson. The trip itself would take hours, but they were in no rush, they were soaking up the scenery cuddled in the back seat together. Raven squinted her eyes from the sunlight and rested her head on Malik's shoulder. "You seem tense Raven, what is bothering you?" Malik questioned. She didn't want to admit it, but she felt anxious and on edge for unknown reasons. She inhaled deeply, slowly exhaling and answered, "I'm unsure right now, unsure of this feeling I have. I can't explain it. I'm not scared buy I feel this urge to be overly cautious right now." Malik looked at her with genuine concern in his eyes and while continuing to look at her he said, "Tyson, do you see anything out of sorts at all?" Raven turned quickly to look ahead as Tyson stared back in the rear-view mirror, "I haven't seen anything out of sorts, but I will stay vigilant in watching our surroundings." Malik held Raven and reassured her that he was there to protect her. She let out a long sigh and rested her head against him again, "I want to believe it's ok, but I have a gut feeling we're not alone. Someone or something is watching us. I just can't explain it. Maybe I need to rest a bit." Malik stroked Ravens hair and kissed her head hiding his confusion at how she was feeling but he wouldn't ignore what she said. Malik strained his eyes as he looked out each window to assess the area around them as they drove. The steady beating of his heart lulled Raven to sleep and Malik held her close, looking down at her innocent features. "Sir", Tyson said quietly, "we have about another hour drive until we reach the Black Forest. From there it is roughly another two hours to the Kingdoms territory." Malik sensed Tyson was anxious about something that he was withholding. "Tyson," Malik started, "It is my duty to protect Raven, even if it costs me my own life. If you know something or feel something, please do not hesitate to share it." Tyson hesitated, his eyes darting back and forth as he sighed. "I'm not saying we need to be worried, but, if what Miss Raven said is true, the forest would be the perfect place to pull off an attack. Let's just make sure we keep our eyes open." Malik nodded his head and gently embraced Raven tighter while he prayed to the moon goddess for safe passage and protection.

Ophelia's POV:

I had lost everything. My coven, my home, my sisters and now my powers were fleeting. I've asked the same question over and over in my head, what did I do to deserve this. To deserve to lose the love of my life and be replaced by a mutt. To become weaker each year when I should be getting stronger. I had gone through every scenario multiple times of how I would enact my revenge on that bastard child. While I spent my days outcasted from my coven, embracing the rage and darkness within, that son of a bitch found his mate. A MATE! I cursed him to a life of pain and this so-called moon bitch fated him a mate. The more I thought about how he was supposed to be the outcast, not me, I went mad. This human scum was chipping away my curse within the boy and in turn, was chipping away my powers, my life force. HOW? My magic was flawless, this shouldn't have happened. I spent too much time trying to piece it together to find the answer, but my time was wasted. It was then I decided to focus more on how I would ruin him for good this time. I played off my own pain and realized I needed to take his mate away and leave him to sulk in the loneliness and heartache he so deserved. Putting my plan in motion, I started watching the newly fated mates. Watching and waiting for the perfect time to pay the princess a visit and leave a path of destruction in my wake. It's really quite funny though, the little princess doesn't even know she is now the Royal Luna, fated to the heir to the throne, the true Alpha King. Shame the Kingdom isn't going to meet their precious Queen before she's thrown through the gates of hell. Today was going to be that day, how lucky for me that they planned this little mission back to where it all began. How unlucky for them though, so curious about things that will end up destroying them.

I heard the rumble of a vehicle in the distance, summoning my sight, I could see a car heading for the Black Forest and in the back seat sat the two of them. I couldn't hide the smirk from my face knowing how all my pain and strife would be taken out on the girl, but if that boy wants to try me today, I'll end him like the roach he is and send his head to the King. I could feel my body start to hum and tingle with excitement as I glided through the forest towards the road. How enjoyable it was going to be toying and taunting with them until I vanish with the girl, leaving the boy to suffer and drown in his grief. I could see the car nearing the clearance where I stood, and once they were in sight, the flick of my wrist sent the car spinning out of control. Their screams were music to my heart, how easy entertaining myself was at times. As the car came to a halt on its side propped against a tree, I began to manically laugh as I strode towards them. The driver was the first to make his way out of the tangled car, standing next to it trying to get his bearings while he narrowed his eyes at me. I saw him instinctively reach for his holstered gun and I grinned, "tsk tsk.... I wouldn't do that if I were you." I could see he was trying to talk to the others in the vehicle, never taking his eyes off me. As he continued to reach to his belt, I shook my head and waved my hand sending the man flying across the road where he landed in the ditch. "It's a shame he didn't listen to me. Take that as a warning, cooperate or meet your maker. I'm not feeling very generous today, you see the sun is far to bright and warm for me today." I said as I saw the two getting out of the car. I could hear the girl calling for the boy, calling him Malik. That must be his given name, smirking I thought to myself, it's hideous. "Don't come any closer. Who are you and what do you want?" Malik yelled to me as he shielded the girl behind him. I could hear her gasp as she looked across the road at their driver. "I suggest neither of you move or I'll throw you like I did him," I sneered at them.

Malik's POV:

The forest line went on for miles down each side of the road, the trees were full causing the area to be covered in shade. The ominous feeling I got just driving through caused the hairs on my body to stand and my heart to loudly beat, I could feel it threatening to push out of my chest. The short rapid breaths I had woke Raven up and she began to stir. Even her soft groans were seductive enough to harden me against her. "Malik, what's the matter? I could feel your erratic heartbeat and quick breathing," Raven said as she began to quickly look around. "Where are we, it's not nightfall yet it's so dark", Raven gasped out. I cupped her face reassuring her that we were just passing through the forest, "look up ahead, there's a clearance so the sun can shine through. We're almost out of here." I tried to hide the menacing feeling I had but Raven was smarter than that, she could see right through me. "Malik, I know you're hiding something, what is it? Somethings wrong isn't it, what I felt is real and were in trouble aren't we?" I didn't know what to say to her, I didn't want these dark feelings to loom over her and scare her. "What the hell," is all Tyson said before the car was forcefully spinning out of control. I could hear Raven screaming so I held her flush to my body as the car flipped to it's side crashing into a tree. "Malik," Raven said as she continued to shake me. I could hear her and feel her but couldn't open my eyes. "Malik wake up. Please Malik, please." When she put her hand to the back on my head is when my eyes snapped open from the pain. Quickly clutching my head and groaning at the ache I could see the wave of relief wash over Raven. "Oh my god I thought you wouldn't wake up, you hit your head. You hit your head to protect me Malik," Raven cried as she pulled me to her kissing me fervently. She pulled away so we could catch our breath when I noticed that Tyson was gone. I could hear muffled voices outside but couldn't make out what they were saying. "Raven, we need to get out of here. I can hear Tyson outside speaking to someone." She nodded her head, and I helped her crawl out of the back window that had shattered when we hit the tree. Once Raven was safe, I followed behind her crawling out of the vehicle. "Malik, where's Tyson? TYSON", she began to yell. As I stood up and looked around, I saw a woman approaching us. She looked at us with a foreboding grin and sneered, "It's a shame he didn't listen to me. Take that as a warning, cooperate or meet your maker. I'm not feeling very generous today, you see the sun is far too bright and warm for me today." My entire body was on fire with a burning rage ready to destroy her to protect Raven. I impulsively stepped in front of Raven, "don't come any closer. Who are you and what do you want?" I spit out. Raven gasped behind me, her hand on my back and I could see her out of the corner of my eye start to turn and head across the road to where Tyson laid. "I suggest neither of you move or I'll throw you like I did him," the woman said vehemently. I could tell Raven had her focus on ensuring that Tyson was alive, so she didn't listen to what the woman said and continued to move. I threw my arm out to try and stop her, but she ran. I screamed to her, "no Raven, stay behind me," as I turned to grab her. I could hear the woman laughing and as I turned to look at her, she clapped her hands and I saw Raven flying through the air towards the ditch Tyson laid in. "Children these days just don't listen, do they?" the woman laughed. I was frozen, I stared towards the ditch waiting for Raven to get up, but she didn't move. I felt a jolt of pain in my chest making me scream and lash out. My screams turned to growls and I howled in pain. I fell to my knees at the feeling of my entire body breaking. I fell forward on my hands and knees bowing my head praying for relief when Ares violently pushed me aside and took over.

"LITTLE BIRD" he screamed in my head. "No one, and I mean NO ONE touches our mate and lives to walk this earth another day."

The physical and mental pain was unbearable, and I just wanted to get to Raven but I knew what I had to do. I could feel the amount of power flowing through my veins, the sheer strength that was forming and I was going to have to let Ares take over. He wasn't going to let me refuse this time.

Ares POV:

The moment I saw Raven hit the ground my entire body came to life. The surge of strength and rage filled me. When Malik stood aside, I knew that he was entrusting me to deal with the threat and save our mate, and I was going to do more than just deal with this threat. Every second that passed I could feel my body breaking and shifting, this time it wasn't stopping. As if the moon goddess herself, looking down on me said shift, it happened. I was on all fours, teeth baring at the women and the growl that vibrated through my entire body seemed to shock her. She fell to her knees, clutching her chest as her eyes opened wide. "You, you, you were never supposed to shift," she said as I stalked towards her. I was extremely large and muscular, intimidating, and dominant in my commands. I could feel the power of my aura and the closer I got to this woman, the lower she bowed her head in submission. I was teetering back and forth from wanting to tie her to a tree and leave her for dead, or just ripping her throat out. I could tell she was in a weakened state, so I turned to look towards where Raven and Tyson fell. I exhaled in relief when I saw that Tyson was on his feet, trying to help Raven up. I could tell that Raven was up and stunned at what she saw, I could hear her heart and feel her terror. I whimpered and looked at her, broken to think she was scared of me. "Malik, Malik where are you? What have you done with him you witch?" she screamed as she ran towards us. She wasn't scared of me; she just didn't know that it was me. Our little bird, I needed to reassure her that Malik was ok, so I hesitantly gave Malik the reigns again, shifting back into my human form.

Malik POV:

The pain jolted me back to reality as my body took the human form again. Raven stopped in her tracks and loudly gasped as I looked at her. "Tyson, get a rope please, I have one in my bag. Tie this witch up," I exhaled. Raven ran into my arms, tears falling down her face. "Oh my god Malik you did it! You and Ares did it and you are beautiful. You have the most obsidian black silky fur, the sunlight reflecting off you was just beautiful.," she said pulling back to look at me. She beamed with pride and for the first time in my life I felt like this is exactly where I belonged, with her. I quickly looked her over assessing whether she was hurt or not. She began to giggle, "Malik, I'm ok. Nothing is broken, just some aches a pains, maybe a bruise or two but I'm ok. I'm more than ok." I didn't care, I needed to be sure that she was ok, "I know Raven but just let me make sure, let me ease my worries please," I pleaded to her. She simply nodded and allowed me to check her. Once I was done, I pulled her to me and tightly held her, "I don't know what happened, I could have lost you Raven. I wasn't quick enough; I need to be quicker. If Ares hadn't forced his way out -," Raven looked up and brought her hands to my face, "hush big boy, there was nothing you could have done to stop what she did, but you still saved me. You fought for me, you SHIFTED! You shifted because you would never let anything happen to me. Malik," she said in a raspy voice as she winked, "you love me, don't you?" All I could do was stare at this beautiful woman and smile. I've never been in love, nor do I know what it feels like, but I think I knew that I did. I love her, if I would give my life for her, it must mean I love her. As I was leaning down to kiss her, I stopped, sniffing the air I could smell an unknown scent. I quickly grabbed Raven and moved towards Tyson who was still tying up the woman. "Wolves, I smell more than one and they are closing in," I said to them. I could hear the leaves being pawed and the sticks breaking as the ground rumbled. "Malik," Raven whispered, "they sound excessively large, maybe we should hide?" I continued to stare into the forest at the direction of the sound. The witch tried to stand while saying, "we need to go, they could be rogues and if they are we will not win. I'm too weak to use my magic and there are two humans here. We have no chance." I thought about what she said and decided that I was done running. My main focus is to keep Raven safe, and I intend to do that by destroying anything that is a threat to her. "Shut up, you don't get to decide what we do. I should leave you for them," I sneered at her causing her to bow her head. "Get up, why do you bow into submission? You're a witch yet you're scared of me." I said harshly. She looked up, tilting her head, "you still don't get it do you?" I had had enough of her, reaching for her neck I held her tightly, raising her to her feet. Looking directly in her eyes I contemplated her fate, but to her luck the wolves broke through the trees and stopped in the clearing. "Ares now" I thought in my mind. Within seconds I shifted and stood in front of the others, shielding them from our visitors.

Three enormous black wolves with bright green eyes cleared the trees and stopped once in the clearing. Ares pawed the ground loudly letting out a low warning growl that made the wolves stop where they were. They each let out a small whimper and looked at each other in confusion. Ares didn't back down and Raven could feel the vibration from his chest as he let out another growl. The wolves bowed into submission and shifted back into their human form, never bringing their head up. Ares stood there assessing the situation and once he felt comfortable, he shifted back, and Malik turned to Tyson who offered him a pair of shorts he took from his bag. Malik held Raven to ensure she was safe, she looked at him with pride in her eyes showing him that she was proud of his actions. She laid a hand on his chest and took in his scent relaxing her as she melted into his embrace. Malik quickly looked up at the sound of Tyson grabbing the woman. "She was trying to run Sir," Tyson said as he held her by the back of the neck. A cough came from the group of men causing everyone to turn and look at them. One of them spoke up once he saw the woman, "Ophelia, long time no see. We've been looking for you. I believe the King would like to have a word." Ophelia tensed and cussed to herself. Malik stepped forward towards the men, "I apologize if we are on your land, we mean no harm. This woman you call Ophelia attacked us on our way to the Kingdom. Who are you and what do you want with this woman?" Two of the men looked at each other confused but the one who spoke continued to stare at Malik in bewilderment. "Spit it out, who are you and why are you looking at me like that?" Malik was getting angry now. He had so many different emotions running through his head he didn't know where to begin. The oldest one stepped forward, bowing his head slightly while looking at Malik, "we mean you no harm. We were patrolling our borders when we heard the crash and came as soon as we could. I just can't believe it. The two behind me are confused but I am not." The man continued to walk up to Malik with a look in his eye as if he didn't believe Malik was real. He looked around Malik at Ophelia, "is it him witch? Do NOT lie to me either," he said firmly. Malik and Raven looked back and forth at them waiting for answers. Ophelia held her head high with a wicked grin and uttered, "maybe it is or maybe he's dead. Wouldn't you like to know Beta Kane?" The man stared at her for what seemed like forever before sighing, "do you know who you are boy?" It was Malik's turn to look confused now, "what do you mean, my name is Malik and I'm from the Greene Oak Pack." The man shook his head and reached out his hand, "well Malik, my name is Kane, Beta to Zion Knite, the Alpha King. There is much you need to learn but first, I think the King and Queen would like to meet you. The woman here is a witch, wanted for an unspeakable crime against the Kingdom 18 years ago that only a few of us know about. It's why the others look lost, but I was there, and I know what she did. I've called for a car to get us; shall we walk until we meet them?" Malik nodded in agreement, but Beta Kane knew what he wanted to do and stopped him quickly, "I know you have questions, please know they will be answered once we get to the kingdom." Beta Kane instructed the two with him to take Ophelia and they headed through the clearing towards the road. Malik held Raven's hand as they walked next to Tyson enjoying the silence through the forest until they saw the car up ahead that would take them to the Kingdom.