
The Kings Curse

A life unknown caused by revenge. At the hands of a scorned sorceresses, Malik was punished by a life as an outsider. Will Malik fight to know where he came from or will he suffer in the shadows. Raven was the human leaders daughter. Beautiful and strong, she knows what she wants and she gets it. She dreamed of traveling the world until meeting Malik and discovering her Mothers secret, changes her journey.

Raven_St0ne · Sci-fi
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21 Chs

The Calm Before the Storm

The sun began to set as Malik and Raven packed for their trip. Raven could not decide what clothes to bring as she was not sure what the weather would bring. As she stood in her closet, she contemplated bringing everything. Malik was much less worried about his clothes, they happened to already be packed since Ash had brought him some when he came. The knock at the door broke Raven's trance, she stepped out of the closet as Malik was headed to open the door. Raven laughed as Malik narrowed his eyes at her, "better hurry and get the door big boy, it might be someone dangerous." Malik rolled his eyes and opened the door to see Miss Dupree. "I apologize for the interruption Malik, but I do believe that you both should head downstairs as night falls." Raven smiled at Jane saying, "thank you Jane, I'm almost done packing for our trip," but she was interrupted by Malik, "almost?" as he laughed, "I may have a bad eye, but I can see just fine that you've yet to put anything in your suitcase." Raven scuffed at Malik as she walked towards him, "you have no idea what a pain it is to ensure I have the right clothing for our trip and I don't want to forget anything," Miss Dupree could see the playful banter between the two and beamed knowing that Raven was truly happy. "Now now children," Jane said, "let me finish all your packing Raven. You both need to head to the basement to prepare. I would hate for something to happen up here." Malik looked at Raven and then back at Miss Dupree with a smirk on his face. He stepped towards Raven and quickly picked her up bridal style while she tried to grab hold of his shoulders. "Thank you, Miss Dupree, I appreciate your thoughtfulness so we will take our leave now," Malik said over his shoulder as he headed out of the room. Raven was giggling loudly as she wrapped her hands around his neck and into his hair, "thank you Jane, I love you," she said as they walked away. They could both hear Jane laughing as she shut the bedroom door. Raven pulled her head back giving Malik a confused look. Malik quickly looked at her and stopped, "was that to much, it was to much wasn't it, especially in front of Miss Dupree," he said. Raven continued to look at him as she stroked the back of his head, "actually, that was perfect. I was a tad surprised, but I love this whole being swept away by my prince charming thing," she whispered as she leaned in to kiss him. As their lips met Maliks grip around Raven tightened trying to pull her as close to him as he could. Malik deepened the kiss and softly moaned into Ravens mouth, "Ares liked being called a big boy." Raven stopped and sprung her eyes open before she started to laugh, "why am I not even surprised by that! You should tell that big boy to get moving then so we can get to the bedroom." Maliks eyes began to swirl in color as he let out a low throaty growl, "do not tempt me little bird. I will take you right here in this hallway and show everyone in this place whose good girl you are." Raven stilled in his arms and gulped loudly. She wanted so bad to throw it back to Ares, but something stirred within her, it made her excited, almost urging her to push him until he did exactly what he said. "What's the matter little bird, dogs got your tongue?" Ares said to her pulling her out of her haze and making her smile. She leaned in towards him, her lips lightly brushing his ear. She could see the goosebumps on his skin as her breath passed over them. "Not yet," was all she whispered before Ares was in a full sprint to the stairs. He was focused on one thing and that was getting to their room and stripping her of her clothes. She thought she had won but Ares knew it was just the beginning and he intended to make her beg for him.

Staff throughout the mansion continued about their work as the two raced through the halls to get downstairs. Raven continued to tease Ares by stroking his hair or kissing his neck until all he could do was growl, then she knew that he needed her. The two thought they were toying with each other and pushing one another until one broke not knowing that they both lusted for and needed each other equally. They came around the last corner to the hallway that led to their room and Ares stopped and stared ahead. He was panting and seemed to tighten his grip on Raven. Confused, she looked ahead to see nothing then looked at him, "what's wrong, are you ok?" she asked. As she stared into his eyes, she could see the swirls beginning and the red was now turning green. She softly traced her finger down the scar on his face hoping to help calm what ever was happening. Malik gasped and looked at her, "something happened, I do not know what, but Ares howled in pain in my head and left. We need to get to the room before something else happens," he said as he quickly ran down the hall into their room.

Ravens POV:

"It's been hours Malik and nothing's happened. How are you feeling now?" I said as I paced back and forth throughout the room. Malik sat at the edge of the bed looking relaxed yet anxious, waiting for something to happen. "I feel fine Raven. I don't understand what changed or where Ares went. I keep trying to call out to him but he's not responding. What happens if nothing happens tonight?" Malik said as he stood up and walked towards me. I opened my arms and embraced him in a tight hug. We stood in silence holding each other, helping to relax each other. Malik let out a long sigh and pulled back so he could see my face. "I know this is confusing for you my sun, believe me, it's also confusing for me. I want you to know that everything you've done for me has changed me. I would never have thought I'd be blessed with a mate let alone one as amazing as you. You saw through the damage both mentally and physically, and you never hesitated or shown regret for anything you've done. I don't deserve you Raven, but I promise until my last breath, that I will always put you first and ensure that you're treated like the queen you are." I knew at that moment I must have looked like a complete mess, yet his words never faltered. This man didn't understand that I felt the same way for him. That I would spend every day showing him how much he means to me. That I found him to be the most handsome man I'd ever met, and I was never letting him go. As he wiped a tear from my cheek and gently caressed my face with the back of his hand, I looked directly into his beautiful eyes and said, "Malik, there is no you going forward, there is only us. I intend to show you everyday for the rest of our lives just how special you are and how blessed I am to have been given you. In my eyes you have no flaws, you are perfect inside and out. We will navigate this life together and you will never be alone. Mate bond or not Malik, I've fallen for you, and I don't want to get up." I could see the quiver in his bottom lip as I felt a slight shaking in his arms. His jaw clenched tight, and he pulled me flush against his body engulfing me in his arms. His musky scent surrounded me, and, in his arm, I felt like I was home. "Right here is where we belong Malik. Together we will be unstoppable" I whispered into his chest. I could feel the tension leave his body as I traced my fingers up and down his back. I could hear his heartbeat becoming more rapid and his breathing sharper. I lifted the corner of my lip and raised an eyebrow as I gazed down at the bulging evidence of his desire for me. The exhilarating, throbbing heat I felt between my legs had my thoughts racing at what I wanted to do to this man. I leaned up towards Malik, ran one hand around his torso up to his chest and wrapped the other around his neck pulling him down me. I could feel the vibration in his chest as he growled before meeting my lips. Kissing him puts me in a clouded daze of bliss. He nipped at my bottom lip, and I moaned into his mouth causing his grip on waist to tighten. Malik broke the kiss, resting his forehead to mine and I instantly missed his soft lips. "I just can't get enough of you Raven," he said before lifting me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and turning to the bed. He slowly peppered my neck with soft kisses paying attention to spot where his mark laid. Laying me on the bed he hovered over me, running his hands up and down my body. "Mine," he growled as he kissed me with a primal hunger. Our tongues tangled as they explored the others mouth, and I relished in the warmth his body gave me. Malik continued to fondle my breasts, pinching my nipple until my back arched, pushing my hips into his causing him to moan into my neck. Without warning he grabbed both of my wrists and held them above my head while he positioned himself above me. I could feel the tip of his shaft in between my thighs and instinctively opened my legs wider for him. "Please Malik," I whispered, giving him the consent to finish what he started. In one move Malik had thrust into me, filling me with each movement. My body synced with each thrust, and I was at the mercy of this man who could bring me to the edge of delirium with every touch. Malik leaned down, a throaty whisper to me ear saying, "you're so wet for me Raven, I can't control myself when I'm around you. I could stay in you forever." As the pleasure rose and my body tingled, I pulled Malik into a deep, hungry kiss showing him just how he made me feel. Malik started to increase his speed bringing me to closer to release and as his breath became ragged, he slipped his hand down to my core and the faint touch of his fingers had my body exploding with waves of pleasure. "Malik," I screamed as I felt him tremble as he reached his climax. Panting and breathless, they both laid there staring at the ceiling as their bodies came down from the euphoric high. I rolled towards Malik, resting my hand on his rock-solid chest, "that was amazing, but it was different, you were different," I breathed out. He turned and looked at me with genuine confusion in his eyes, "I know, I feel it. I can't explain it, but I feel stronger, more in control. Which is making me nervous as I never shifted tonight." Malik turned to look at the ceiling again and my heart broke for him. He doesn't deserve to live with the anxiety and confusion like he has. I caressed his cheek and softly said, "maybe it's a good thing, maybe this means you're close to finishing your full shift. Maybe you're becoming stronger so you can make it through?" Malik turned his head and closed his eyes to fall asleep so I rested my hand on his chest and closed my eyes, relaxing at the feeling of his chest rising and falling.

The night passed by quickly with no sign of Malik trying to shift. Malik rose first, turning to Raven and stroking her cheek while he admired the beauty that laid beside him. The emotional roller coaster that ran through Malik's entire body drained his energy, yet when he looked at his mate, his life force blossomed again. He was truly grateful that through every setback he experienced in his life, the moon goddess still though he deserved to be blessed with an amazing mate. "Wake up sunshine, our journey begins today", Malik whispered to Raven. Soft groans slipped from Ravens lips as she began to stir. She slowly wrapped her arms around Malik nestling her head against his chest allowing his fresh scent to revitalize her senses. "Mmmm, I guess you're right, we should get going but just one more minute. I want to enjoy this moment longer", Raven breathed out. Malik tightened his embrace, digging his fingertips into her soft skin. "A lot of things can happen in one minute", Malik smirked. Ravens body tensed at the thought, the corner of her mouth lifting into a smile. "Malik, I like this side of you", she laughed as she pulled away to look at him. He blinked his eyes and shook his head, "honestly, I don't know where that came from, but it's where my thoughts are. Its what you do to me and I feel like I'm slowly losing control of my actions", he laughed as he leaned down and captured Raven's lips. She moaned into his mouth, parting her lips so she could taste him. As the sheets tangled between them there was a loud knock at the door. Groaning, Malik said while continuing to lay soft kisses down her neck, "maybe if we ignore them, they'll go away." Smiling, Raven said loudly, "who is it?" Raven cupped Malik's face softly saying, "we'll have plenty of time later big boy. We should really get going now." Moments passed and they heard, "Raven dear, it's Jane. You both should head upstairs for breakfast before you leave. I'll go get everything ready", Jane said as she left the door and headed back upstairs. The two reluctantly rolled out of bed and began to get ready, both lost in their thoughts of what this journey meant to them.

The breakfast table was full of a variety of food undoubtedly prepared by Freya. Ravens parents and Freya sat patiently at the table waiting for them to join. There was talk of how to safely travel and what to look out for. How to properly address those in the Kingdom and what they should be asking. Malik and Raven listened closely, takin in any information they could that would ensure them a successful journey. Sarafina signed, "Malik, please don't take this the wrong way because we do fully trust you, but this is a Royal wolf Kingdom you'll be heading into, and our baby girl is human. Please promise us that you'll protect her." Raven entwined her fingers with Malik's, he looked at her and smiled, "I will protect her with my life, I promise you that." Both Sarafina and Talon nodded their heads in approval of the reassurance that Raven would be safe. Breakfast continued with subtle chat about their upcoming trip, things around the mansion and what was happening with the Greene Oak Pack. Once everyone had finished their meal, they said their goodbyes and packed up their vehicle ready to head out.