
The king of dragons ASOIAF/GOT

A story about The wealthiest Man on Earth's getting reincarnated to the world of A song of ice and fire/game of thrones world as the KING of Dragons. Multiple beautiful and elegant Dragon at his disposal that the world has never seen before. Watch as how he will rule the planetos at it's entirety and leave a mark on history as the LEGENDARY GOD OF DRAGONS. A/N* Heavely AU type of GOT/ASOIAF all my knowledge comes from fanfiction and the likes and i appreciate it the constructive criticism. "*English is not my first language*"

Iceswallowcome · Bücher und Literatur
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2 Chs


'where am i?... what's this place?..aghh my head feels like shit..why am i in a castle?.. so they can't even wait 5 minutes huh..

I struggled to open my eyes but in the end i did it albeit barely, my vision still blurry and my body.. it's.. it feels different, am i dead?... It's better this way.

Without even realizing it, water started to pour out from my eyes 'BULLSHIT! SAVE THE WORLD MY ASS.. SACRIFICE YOURSELF THEY SAID.. YOU'LL SAVE THE WORLD THEY SAID' i try to held it in but to no avail.'huh.. is this tears?.. i see.. looks like my friend betraying me took more of me than i thought..' cry's of a betrayed man full of agony can be heard throughout the castle, it lasted for a atleast an hour before it slowly died down.

'Get yourself together man, the fact that you're not dead yet is a good sign atleast, when was the last time I cried like this?.. can't even remember' I tried to motivate myself and after a lot of pep talk and a minute or two i pulled myself together.

'Now where is this place?' I started to look around the place to find any clue and what i saw only made my questioning mind question myself more, i have a lot of questions that need immediate answer and i like for it to be now please.

Like why am i in a castle? why am i sitting in a throne of some kind? I've read enough fanfiction in my last life to know where this is going and I'm not gonna lie it makes my blood boil, not out of anger but excitement, my previous emotions of sadness change and instead it was replaced by happiness and excitement, it has been a long time since i felt this way, furthermore now that i got a good look of the throne room for a good minute i noticed a tail of some kind suddenly caught my eye just below the step, shit you not it's the biggest tail I've ever seen, it wrap the entirety of the throne that I'm sitting on with its massive size.

Following it's origin i started to trace back the origin of the tail and sure enough just in my back standing a tall as mothafcking ass dragon. My eyes bulge bigger than humanly possible a little bit more and it would fall out out my socket, I can't believe a gigantic dragon has been on my back the whole time, how did i not notice? Is this because of old age? have i gone senile? did i think just because my friend betrayed me i can bring my guard down? FUCK NO!, I Don't wanna die a second time, i atleast want to enjoy this second life of mine then we can talk about DEATH! but now.. looks like it's gonna end before it even started 'ahh' a sigh left my mouth as i open my arms wide so that the dragon can eat me better and then i was ready to accept my fate.

'Atleast being eaten by a mythical beast that said to only exist in fantasy troupe novels/manga is better than being betrayed by a friend you consider your brother' I thought to myself as i started to wonder it has been some time but i still don't feel any pain that or being eaten by an actual dragon has blind me to the point of my body automatically shutting down my pain receptor so that i don't feel pain.

I slowly open my eyes and what i see almost made me shit myself.. The dragon.. is literally inches away from me looking at me with; Respect? da fck? NO! that can't be true it's a dragon for goodness sake, I'm being delusional again, just because i dreamed of owning a dragon and flying it someday when i was a child 'and i still am.. mentally atleast ' doesn't mean i get to be delusional like this. Still I don't get it, even if it isn't respect why is it not eating me?.

"Uhhhhhhh.. Hello dragon-dono" I started to talk to it, don't ask me man the silent was killing me i thought i was gonna die a second ago don't judge.

{Truly amusing human, you're different, just like he said}

"TH-T-TH-THE DRAGON SPOKE!!" I scream my lungs out as this was totally unexpected i expected it to flair it's nostril like in fanfictions i read or at the very least nod to show it's understanding of my words but this.. This is not what i expected, i know certain dragon or some dragon are capable of human speech but, i thought those types need to be a millennial old or atleast reaching thousand of age. But this dragon is little compared to those old fossils i read in manga, those guys are as big as a mountain but this guy is barely reaching the roof of this castle so i never thought it like that.

I expected to be roast in a dragon fire any second now, i just scream to a dragon that can understand me and can talk as well, dragons are arrogant by blood that trait of them Atleast has to have a truth mix in them because every dragon wether fantasy or mythology are arrogant bunch that won't bow down no matter what so me screaming like that in her or is it a he? NO! 'Why am i thinking about it's gender right now? is that more important than my life?'

"So-so-sorry dragon-dono, I-i didn't mean to scream like that please don't eat me" I said to the dragon with my shaky legs and head facing down.

{Worry not kid, you're an interesting human and i like to make a deal with you}

"What deal dragon-dono?" At this point i started calming myself down the dragon wanting a deal mean I'm gonna live.. For now Atleast.

{Make a pact with me} Huh, what is this dragon smoking? a dragon wanting a pack with a human, truly amusing.

{make me your animal companion if you will and i shall regard you as my king never to disobey your order}

"Alright first of all why? second what's in it for me?" This is suspicious for all i know i have something that he/she needs and thats why she wants me? A dragon making a deal with you in itself is already susceptible add that to him or her wanting me to become hee king just doesn't make sense.

{For your second question, is owning a dragon not enough for you? a Special one at that} I mean yeah owning a dragon is cool in all but like i said if my soul is the counterfeit then no thankyou.

"No thankyou." after that i just turn around and started walking hoping to get out of this castle, I don't even know how or where i got the courage to faceslap a dragon head to head i just know or more like feel it that he isn't gonna do anything to me.

{HAHAHAHAAHH} Instead of anger laughter greeted my cold reply and not just any laugh a laugh that made the very foundation of the castle shake itself. {You truly are interesting i like you more and more, and I'm sorry for not mentioning to you the details but.. I am trap in here ever since the battle of gods I've been trap in here, and the only way for me to get out is to find a rider worthy of myself, but there hasn't been any visitors since then so how can i make a pact with anyone not even mentioning someone worthy.. But one-day someone or something visited me telling me that my time has come, it was time for me to get out of this place and he shall find me a worthy lord for me and my siblings to serve, and then he just vanish like a smoke in a cloud, the pressure i got from him was nothing close to those so called gods of this world, i was sure of it, i was i was ecstatic that my dream will finally come true, a minute later and you came, you just appeared out of nowhere sitting on this very throne and not even a minute later you cried your eyes out, at first i was wary of you someone who can appear here out of nowhere is nothing short of impressive but after i heard your cries of agony and pain i thought to myself that maybe i should wait a bit longer, and thats what i did, not even an hour later you're back to your normal self even feeling happiness like you've never feel sad a second ago, that's why you're interesting, and i can feel it.. our connection I'm sure you as well although faint, i know you're the one worthy to follow, so it's up to me to humble myself in front of the emperor}


(Throne room image's)

(Dragon image)

(Mc potential looks)

A/N: Thanks everyone for reading this disgusting fanfic of mine, at first i wanted to write this to make myself happy because i just got a stupid and smart idea at the same time but you know, it's not stupid if it works. We'll see though if it's really stupid or what. And please i accept constructive comments on what's wrong about my grammar or the story in general so leave some if you see one I'll try to fix it, Thankyou again.

Also how to add pictures hehehe I'm on a phone so I don't know how.

Iceswallowcomecreators' thoughts