
The king of dragons ASOIAF/GOT

A story about The wealthiest Man on Earth's getting reincarnated to the world of A song of ice and fire/game of thrones world as the KING of Dragons. Multiple beautiful and elegant Dragon at his disposal that the world has never seen before. Watch as how he will rule the planetos at it's entirety and leave a mark on history as the LEGENDARY GOD OF DRAGONS. A/N* Heavely AU type of GOT/ASOIAF all my knowledge comes from fanfiction and the likes and i appreciate it the constructive criticism. "*English is not my first language*"

Iceswallowcome · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Forsaken world


somewhere around East asia.

11:50PM EA


Late at night in one of the tallest building in the world, a wall made up of an entire glass a man can be seen standing inside, dress in a expensive suit with a glass of wine in his hand twirling it's contents around and his other hand in his back.

While watching the scenery outside seeing little cars in the Streets through the window he mutters to himself.

"It matters not that this world will eventually perish, i just hope i can prolong it a little longer."

With a sigh the man turn around just to see a girl wearing a glasses and a expensive secretary suit with a bunch of papers in her hand.

"Sir this is the reports about the things you ask me of." Says the girl while bowing to the man in front of her.

"Just leave it right there in my desk. After that you can go" Replied the Man while sitting in his chair taping his fingers in the table seemingly contemplating about something.

"As you wish sir" The girl did as the man said and put the papers in her hands in the table organizing it in a process, After that she was ready to get out, but before she could touch the handle of the door a voice called out to her.

"Is there really no other way?, all the work I've done for the better of this company it all comes down to this?" The man said with a heaviness in his voice, he still remember the day where he was just an orphan on the street barely surviving through trash and leftover rotten foods.

All my work getting through the top, not mentioning the Fame and money I've accumulated throughout the years have gone all to drain just because of a single mistake.

The man have ones trusted a guy with his back through it all, both of them fought blood and sweat the top together whether through fire or blood it didn't matter.

What matters is the two of them together for 40 years have been keeping this goddamn company running. inventing new ideas producing them and selling them the two of them have done it all.

They have done there best. But sadly even there best was futile against the world ending disease. It all started with another company name 'UMBRELLA' experimenting on ancient fossils and plants wether it's a body of a certain mummy from the desert of Egypt,

or plants that can only be find through the deepest pit of hell.

they've done experiment on it all just for the sake of catching up to us. Even though most of those things they know nothing of.

The way they categories this variables is if they're useful or not. There's not even a proper testing wether the thing is dangerous or not.

'Well they paid the ultimate price' i thought to myself.

Through those experiment they've created what they called the UMVID-100 a virus so lethal it can kill a person in less than a fraction of a second, but it doesn't stop there the body that is killed with this virus comes back to life, but not as a living person but a dead zombie trying to eat anything on sight.

When the news of this dangerous virus got out various country's and Hidden people throughout the world immediately put an order to stop it's Operation.

But it was already too late the virus have already been spread, a day later the whole U.S have already been infected, And two days later 1/5 of the western part of the globe have already gone black and after a month of trying to fight the virus with all we got.... We.. Got nothing, we couldn't make a cure no matter how much we tried, no matter how much a genius was the scientist, no matter how much money we burn through, in the end it didn't matter.

The virus was specifically found in the Northern hemisphere of the map trap in a floating iceberg a size of a Warship.

The UMBRELLA thought it was a good idea to bring it back and do an experiment on it. But they didn't know the consequences, it was already to late when they realized what they've done. They were so obsessed with surpassing us on the ranking and achievement that they have blind themselves.

"I-m.. I'm, sorry sir, but. It's the only way"

we've found out a while later that my body is the cure, specifically my blood. I don't know how it happened we've all been tested for the virus and that's where we found out that my blood was the answer.

You might be thinking yeah simple just give them a drop of your blood to experiment on then problem solve, It's not that simple a drop of my blood at most can fight the virus for a few seconds but that's not what we're looking for.

What we want is the cure, what we need is the cure. And for that to happen i have to sacrifice myself for this world, for this god Forsaken planet.

"Bullshit i don't even know how i have this blood I was just an orphan back then with no parents whatsoever, I'm not even living at that point. I was surviving. SO DONT GIVE ME THAT CRAP" I shout in anger and threw the papers at my table to the poor lady who duck away while scared clearly showing in her face.

"I-I-I-I.. I'm sorry sir bu-bu-but.. it-its the only way" The lady said stuttering clearly a product of her expression.

"GO, LEAVE me."

"But sir we urgently need you in the laboratory if you delay any longer more people will die."


The lady jump in fright and reluctantly got out not before bitting her lower lips while saying "we are expecting you in five minutes sir."

'hmph acting though in front of me.' i thought while standing up taking a sip of the wine in my hand clearly still frustrated from the conversation.

'Even if the inhabitants of this world are full of sin, The world doesn't deserve it, the ones nature vibrant with life and trees are now nothin but mud and ash. Atleast this world I'll save it.'