
33. Chapter 33

Pedro looked around the courtyard with a sigh when he died he gave a piece of his spirit to the house to protect his family making the house it's own entity seperate from himself "Casita, my trusted friend. You have sheltered my family for fifty years and tonight we will right a wrong." he glanced up at the glowing doors behind each of them his family slept peacefully

Castia flipped it's tiles happily the flipping following behind Pedro into the dining room where the family tree was.

Pedro shook his head seeing the two empty spaces where Mirabel and Dolores should be "Alma what were you thinking? I was hoping our nietas leaving would make realise what you have done but you're too stubborn. Why couldn't you see? Mirabel is just like you." placing a hand on the family tree "Casita I know you were just listening to Alma but now if you wouldn't mind...put them back."

Casita was more than happy to obey the request and immediately an image appeared alongside Antonio and Camilo. Dolores was now displayed alongside her brothers but her image now showed a more disheveled look but it was clear as day it was Dolores. A brief pause and another image appeared beside Isabela and Lusia.

Pedro smiled sadly at Mirabels image, just like Dolores's her image was updated to fit with her new appearance. Scars, blinded eyes and unkept hair "Ah Mirabel I am so very sorry. I truly am. I never wanted this for you...I didn't want it for any of you just know I am proud of you, you have always been a survivor.".

His eyes went back to Dolores "You've done a great job as well Dolores, you saved Mirabel's life you know without you she would of given up the fight and I would have her with me now. I apologise your gift brought you so much grief." eying Camilo "Camilo be yourself mi nieto. You don't have to be someone you're not to be special." it was Antonio's turn "Antonio...never change."

Pedro turned his focus to Lusia and Isabela "Luisa...you are allowed to take breaks, you are not a workhorse and you do not need to be strong all the time. The safety of this family is not solely your responsibility. Isabela...be yourself you are so much more than flowers no one is truly perfect we all have flaws. Do what makes you happy."

"Bruno...my only son none of this was your fault and don't let anyone tell you it was. The future is not something we can control." eyes landed on Pepa "Ah Pepa my fiery second born don't keep your emotions locked up express yourself I love seeing your smile." it was Julieta's turn now "Julieta you're not a terrible mother I promise you're not you have three wonderful daughters. You did everything you possibly could"

"Agustín...Félix look after mi hijas. I mean it." his attention focused on Alma "Alma...mi vida. What have you done? They are not happy...can't you see? You're so worried about losing your family you created what you were fearing. How could you do that to our miracle mariposa? I sent you signs but you chose to ignore them all you thought you had the answer you have treated Mirabel like a monster to the point she now believes it herself. You convinced the town she was a monster you let them abuse her. You put so much pressure on Isabela it boiled over in a fight that nearly claimed a life. Lusia became convinced unless she's using her gift to serve the community she is worthless. Camilo doesn't even know who he is. Dolores never felt like she actually mattered she suffered in silence until she snapped. I wish I could say it's not to late but it is."

Pedro knew all his words will go unheard but all he was addressing as his gaze turned back to Mirabel and Dolores's images. He hoped this sign would be clear, they were alive and safe and they would be returning. However he knew their return would be the start of the end of the magic.

And then maybe just maybe his family can heal.


Julieta yawned as she exited her room "Casita?" she rubbed her eyes "What is going on?" the house seemed eager to show her something as she walked down the stairs. The moment her feet touched the ground of the courtyard Casita was pushing her towards the dining room and the family tree "Casita what's gotten into you-" her hand flew to her mouth seeing the two additions on the family tree "Mirabel...Dolores..." a hopeful smile spread across "They're alive? They're safe?"

Casita seemed happy...happy for a house anyway which Julieta took for confirmation.

"I knew it...I just knew in my heart they are still out there somewhere. I know Dolores is looking after my baby. I know Dolores had her reasons to take her. I just hope they are happy..wherever they are." with the smile still on her face she went into the kitchen to start preparing breakfast.

Alma entered the kitchen pausing to stare at the humming Julieta "Well you're in high spirits today."

"Go look in the dining room."

Alma frowned in confusion but curiosity got the better of her and she went into the dining room not understanding what was going on until she saw the family tree and the fact Mirabel and Dolores were on it once more. "Casita? Is this your doing?" in response Casita moved in a way Alma learned meant 'yes' "Are they alive?" another 'yes'. Alma looked at the pictures in confusion "How did you know that? Pedro? You know they are alive don't you? It's not over."

She was relieved they hadn't met some terrible deaths but she was hoping they would just stay where they are and not come back. They had already been there a month.

What if they are only still there because they can't leave? What if they are being held against their will? Alma frowned "Casita are they safe?" yet another 'yes'. So they were staying away on their own will but why?

What were they planning? Could they be planning to lead people back here? They would be a whole new low for the both of them but she wouldn't be surprised. Lead an attack back here and slip away again amongst the chaos.

Alma turned her head to see the rest of the family standing in the doorway, Julieta had obviously told them all to look here.

Pepa made the first move rushing forward to stare at three family tree a rainbow forming over her head seeing her daughter and niece's images restored "Is it a sign? They're alive? I knew it...I knew it..."

"Are Dolores and Mirabel coming home?" Antonio asked "I miss them and Mirabel doesn't have her jaguar. What is she cuddling with at night?"

Pepa smiled "They'll be back...they'll be back..and when they do I'm not sure what I'll do first. Hug them both or scream at them for having me so worried."

"They might not come back..maybe they are happier with they are." Camilo pointed out "Let's face it they were running from something." he glared at Alma when he said that.

"Run from what? The Encanto is safe." Alma frowned.

"Not for them." Lusia spoke up "And you know it's not you're the one who gave the word regrading their protection or lack of protection rather."

Alma opened her mouth to respond but had no comeback to that, it was true those two were not safe in this valley. All more reason for them to not come back in Alma's opinion but she knew saying she didn't want them to come back would be taken the wrong way. "Well we'll worry about that when they come back. IF they come back, for all we know they could of moved on. They could be anywhere in Colombia, they could even be out of Colombia. Now all of you please let's have breakfast, it's family day let's enjoy it." she grabbed Antonio's hand and lead him towards the kitchen.

"I still think she knows more about their disappearance than she is letting on." Pepa frowned "She was the last one to see them, she said something to them."

"She still claims Mirabel threatened her with physical harm." Bruno said "I don't really see how Mirabel is a threat physically..."

Isabela had been standing quietly at the back "Actually don't underestimate her. Mirabel actually packs quite a punch...don't provoke her to that point."

"Yeah you learned that lesson personally didn't you Isabela? Mirabel punched you into a new personality." Camilo snickered.

"Camilo!" Pepa scolded.


"Everyone please come and get breakfast!" Julieta's voice called out.

Isabela watched file out of the dining room and once alone she approached the family tree placing a hand on Mirabel's image "I miss you...I really am sorry. Please come home Mirabel...come home." she glanced over to Dolores "Bring our hermanita home safely..." with a sigh she turned away to go to the kitchen. It was not until she was seated at the table did she realise exactly what came out her mouth.

Our hermanita.


"Mirabel I'm glad you're enjoying your new book but can you please put it away for a bit and just eat your breakfast?"

Mirabel sighed in annoyance but did as Dolores requested closing the book "Fine." putting the book to the side she felt around for her spoon and began to eat the oatmeal in front of her. It had been three months since they arrived here and they were both thriving. Mirabel thanks to private daily lessons and hours of daily practice was now able to read full simple sentences...slowly but she got there in the end. She was also getting a lot better with her anxiety though she still avoided crowded places, still flinched and still stuck to Dolores's side she was now comfortable enough to sit in the dining room with the other hotel guests long enough to eat.

Dolores now twenty two after having celebrated her Birthday here shook her head. She was starting to think it was time to head back to the Encanto, she could tell Mirabel was getting restless, she could hear her muttering under her breath about 'finishing what I started'. Dolores herself was really missing everyone, her mother and father, her brother, her Tía and her Tíos. She missed Lusia and even was starting to miss Isabela. She and Isabela didn't get along these days but for her whole life Isabela was always right there.

Mirabel didn't want to admit it but she was feeling really homesick...well more like familysick. María had been nothing short of wonderful to her but she wasn't Julieta and it was Julieta that she wanted. She wanted her Mamá. She missed Julieta's hugs, her food and her voice. The past three months had been great. Dolores had made sure she ate three nutritious meals a day, she got a bath every night and she got to sleep in a real bed. But with each day she spent here her resentment towards the Encanto grow. Why couldn't they show her this compassion? How could total strangers show her more mercy than people who known her since she was born?

Dropping her spoon she waited for Dolores to finish eating wondering how she should bring the topic about going back up. Mirabel wouldn't tell her she knew but on the night Dolores's Birthday when the older girl thought Mirabel was asleep she could hear her crying and whispering how much she missed everyone. It made Mirabel feel guilty she knew the only reason Dolores insisted on staying so long was for her benefit. But of course if she told Dolores she felt bad that would just make her feel bad making Mirabel feel even worse. She let her mind drift, she had adjusted to having no vision and had mastered the layout of their room but required Dolores's guide outside of it.

Dolores finished eating "Alright, you ready to head back to the room?" no response so she reached over and tapped Mirabel's hand causing her to flinch "Sorry, just me. I asked you if you want to go back to the room?"

"Oh, yeah sorry lost in thoughts again." Mirabel slid out of her chair "Yeah I'm ready." she grabbed her book off the table tucking it under her arm.

"Alright, let's go." Dolores took a hold of Mirabel's arm "You know I must say I never expected you of all people to turn into a bookworm."

"Well I can't do anything else can I? Even if I can only read the simple stories and reading by the time I read one sentence someone else would probably be half way through the next one...I enjoy it."

"Stairs." Dolores let her arm go and waited until Mirabel grabbed the handrail before continuing to speak "Sofia told me you're exceeding her exceptions with how fast you're learning, says you have a lot of untapped intelligence. And I agree you're smarter than you give yourself credit for you know." she took a hold of Mirabel's arm again once they reached the top of the stairs.

"I don't think I'm dumb I just never got given a chance..."

Dolores sighed as they entered the room "I know hermanita, it's not fair."

Mirabel sat on the bed immediately being greeted by Salomé "Hey there girl." she scooped her up in her arms the cat putting "I love you Salomé, yes I do."

"Lord help us if anything happens to that cat." Dolores muttered to herself.

Mirabel hesitated for a moment "Dolores?"


"I...I want to go back."

Dolores was startled for a moment "Go back?" she sat down next to her "Well I've been thinking about it too..the sooner we go back and complete what we need to the sooner we can bring the family here. But are you sure you're ready?"

Mirabel nodded "Oh I'm ready. Besides you already missed spending your Birthday with the family..."

"I still had a nice day..." Dolores insisted "We went out for ice cream and María and Andrés got me a cake and gift even though I told them they didn't need too. Sofia and some other people also got me a gift. Besides if we were in the Encanto I wouldn't get a grand party in Casita anyway. Maybe the family would come have cake in the barn but that's it. It's fine, but I'm ready to go back if you are. How soon do you want to go?"


"Today?" Dolores blinked in surprise.

"Yes today, we don't need to bring everything back with us they'll just wonder how we got it all anyway. I'm sure we can leave it here and pick it up when we return."

Dolores sighed and nodded "If we leave just before lunch we can be back at the Encanto by dinner. But...we should tell María and Andrés the truth we owe them that much... "

Mirabel clicked her tongue "If you insist."

"I'll be back." Dolores stood up leaving the room to track down María and Andrés. María wasn't that hard to find she was behind her desk as usual "María? Mirabel and I need to talk to you and Andrés alone."

The tone of her voice made María look up "Oh? Is it urgent or can it wait?"

"Urgent, we need to talk now."

"Oh well..I suppose this paperwork can wait. Alright, I'll get Andrés and meet you both in the room. Is everything alright-oh" Dolores had already disappeared.

Dolores pushed her way back into the room picking up a bag and began packing "I'll pack, you can unpack when we get back." she grabbed Mirabel's book stuffing it in the bag "We don't have space to bring everything back with us anyway. I think we should change back into our 'Encanto clothes' and leave the rest here."

"Exactly what I was thinking."

"If only you could see how you're dressed right now."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Dolores looked at Mirabel wearing a pink frilly dress and snickered "Oh nothing, you look great." a knock came from the door "Come in."

María and Andrés entered confused spread across their faces.

"You girls wanted to talk?" Andrés questioned.

"Yes." Dolores took a deep breath "We're leaving."

"Leaving?!" María exclaimed "When?"


María looked over to her husband in shock before looking back to Dolores "Why? Are you not happy here?"

"We are happy here but...we have been lying to you we are not who you think we are...we're actually not good people we are...how do I put this...criminals."


Dolores pointed a thumb to Mirabel "You should see her criminal record. Assault, blackmail, threatening with harm, theft,kidnapping, arson...attempted murder...and mine isn't much better." Dolores decided to just get straight to the point, they didn't have time to drag it out."

María and Andrés looked at each other in complete shock. "But what you told us...the house fire..." María's eyes were darting from her husband's face to the girls.

"There was no house fire." Mirabel said "And we aren't actually sisters not by blood. Though Mirabel and Dolores Madrigal are our real names, we're cousins through our mothers."

"Then how..." María pointed at Mirabel's face "I can't believe I'm hearing this. I thought I had taken in two sisters with nothing going to them but now I find out it was a lie and I've been harbouring criminals."

"We never meant for it to go so far...believe me we mean no one here harm...if you would just let us explain and then we'll go and you'll never have to see us again."

María and Andrés sat down arms folded glancing at each other.

"Alright...go ahead. Tell us what's really going on."

Dolores took a deep breath "What we are about to tell you isn't going to sound real but I ensure you it is. Right.. it all started fifty years ago when soldiers came here forcing our Abuela Alma and Abuelo Pedro to flee alongside their three newborn babies-triplets. Those babies were my mother Pepa, Mirabel's mother Julieta and our Tío Bruno."

"Yes I know about those days...of course I was just an infant myself but my parents told me it was a scary time for everyone...continue."

"They alongside others fled trying to find a new home but the soldiers caught up with them. Abuelo Pedro chose to sacrifice his own life so our Abuela could get away with the babies...and when he died a miracle happened."

Mirabel continued "The candle became...magical and fended off the attackers and created a refuge in the mountains but it didn't stop there a house appeared...and came to life. Casita was alive to shelter our family. That was how the Encanto was formed."

"Magical candles? Living houses? What? Those things only exist in fairytales." Andrés shook his head "Please tell us the truth."

"We are." Dolores insisted "On the triplets fifth Birthday they were granted a magical gift to help the family and community. My mother can control the weather with her mood, Mirabel's mother can heal any injury with just one arepa and Bruno can see the future."

María shook her head in disbelief "I'm sorry but I fail to believe that."

"Yeah we figured no one would believe us." Mirabel muttered.

Dolores elbowed her "Would you believe us if you isn't actually experience it?"


"Exactly." Dolores patted her back before continuing "The triplets grew up and our mothers got married and had children of their own. First it was Isabela who is Mirabel's sister. I followed a month later, than Isabela got a hermanita in Lusia three years later. When she was four I got a brother-Camilo, Mirabel was born three months later but her birth wasn't easy...she was born premature and Tía Julieta had a hard time...but we already told you that story. My youngest brother Antonio was born ten years after Mirabel for a grand total of six grandchildren for Alma and Pedro."

"When the grandchildren turned five they also got a gift. Isabela was the first one-she can grow any plant with a snap of her fingers, Lusia has super strength she can carry a whole church like it's a pebble, Camilo shapeshifts and Antonio talks to animals." Mirabel hummed.

María ran her hand through her hair "And what...gifts do you two have?"

"I had super hearing, I could hear a pin drop on the other side of town. But I lost my gift."

María still shaking her head in disbelief turned to Mirabel "And you? What is your gift?"

"I didn't get one." Mirabel sighed heavily "And that's where the story really begins."

"When Mirabel didn't get her gift Alma asked Bruno to have a vision to see if the magic was in danger. He saw our home cracking and Mirabel standing in front of it. Alma decided that day Mirabel was dangerous and stripped her of all status as a Madrigal disowning her completely." Dolores shook her head "And that's when the abuse started."

"Abuse?" María looked horrified.

"Alma abused Mirabel."

"I know you said before Mirabel suffered abuse...but it was your own Abuela?" María glanced to her husband "Andrés? Are you hearing all this?"

Andrés nodded "I'm hearing but not I'm not believing what I'm hearing. Magic candles? Magic gifts? Seeing the future? And now child abuse? What is going on? Who are these two girls?"

Dolores gave a small smile "I know how it all sounds...I wouldn't believe it either if I were in your shoes but we're telling the truth. Why would we make up such a story? It would of been easier for us to just run without a word."

"Right...of course it would of been easier...it's just a bit...well you know by all means carry on."

"Alma decided the best way to keep the community safe was to basically lock Mirabel up in our casa. For five years she didn't step foot out the front door, she was banned from all family events including holiday celebrations. She was left out of family photos. I know when it was my Quinceañera, Mirabel was locked in the baby nursery with a plate of food and left for the night. I could hear her crying all night. But the abuse wasn't just emotional it was physical, when no else was around I could hear Alma striking Mirabel but she would always make Mirabel eat some of Tía Julieta's food to heal any injuries before anyone could find out. I should of said something but...I was scared of what would happen to me. It was selfish of me I know..."

Mirabel squeezed Dolore's shoulder "It wasn't your fault..just get to the point of the story we don't have all day."

"Right...right. Anyway of course as result of all that Mirabel's mental health declined and an event when she was ten was the breaking point. It was the day Antonio was born, Alma decided she couldn't risk Mirabel doing something that will prevent him from getting a gift so she went behind everyones back to arrange for Mirabel to live in a donkey barn, she pulled Mirabel aside and told her that she a ten year old girl was getting kicked out to live in a donkey barn."

"Alma showed me that vision of me...and something just came over me and I snatched the vision shattering it. Then the candle caught my eye.."

"Wait...you're blind...how could you seen anything? How did you commit those crimes? I can see your eyes you are definitely blind." María wasn't sure what she was expecting to be told but it wasn't this. Magic? What on earth were these two on about?

"Oh I'm about to get to the part of how I became blind and got these scars. I figured the candle was the cause of all my problems and if there was no more candle...no more troubles...so I went to destroy it...what I wasn't expecting was for the candle to fight back. Burning pain that's all I could feel...and I must of passed out. I woke up and it felt like my face was on fire. Ever felt like your face was on fire? Not fun."

"I wouldn't imagine...so this candle gave you those scars and blinded you? Not a house fire."

"Yes the candle did this to me...but back home I can see with glasses. You see...I still have Madrigal magic in me and when I was hit by the candle I was wearing glasses...I had bad vision even before this...got it from my father the magic also got my glasses and as long as I where them I have vision...but the magic doesn't work outside of the Encanto so..."

Mirabel and Dolores continued telling their story not leaving out a detail, told of everything the town had down to them and everything they had down to the town in turn. How they wanted to destroy the magic and flee the Encanto with their family and start a life somewhere else.

"That's...a lot to take in..." María murmured "Now I won't kid myself you both have done some terrible things and both of you should be in a jail cell for them but you wouldn't of done any of that if it wasn't for this Alma woman." she took a deep breath "I wouldn't want to go back but I see you both miss your family...your mothers...your mothers must be so worried about the both of you.."

"I"m still not sure if I believe all this stuff about the magic that seems...but I'm willing to believe the rest of your story. Why would you lie about committing crimes? That makes no sense if you wanted to lie you would make yourselves look innocent. I'm not excusing your actions but I see you felt justified. But are you sure you both want revenge? Will they really make you both happier?" Andrés stared at the two like he was meeting them for the first time, everything they thought they knew about them was a lie.

Mirabel nodded a grin forming on her eyes "Oh yes...revenge will make us VERY happy. Alma deserves every bit of it the old bitch-OW"

Dolores had smacked her in the head "Language. Now you're seeing the real Mirabel, she's not as shy and innocent as she lead you to believe. She is the mastermind behind everything in fact back home they call her La Diabla Del Encanto-the she devil of the Encanto." she snickered.

"I worked hard for my title thanks."

María and Andrés could only stare at each other as the two girls they took in transformed before their eyes, the smiles on their faces..the almost demonic glint in their eyes as they spoke about payback and revenge. They felt no remorse for their crimes. They felt tricked. They both wondered if they knew the truth would they of done what they did?

María glanced from Mirabel to Dolores and back again and she knew even if she knew the truth she would of still helped them. She would never forget how frightened Mirabel was those first few weeks. How unhealthy they both looked. Hearing of the abuse brought tears to her eyes. She wasn't going to excuse their actions but she wasn't scared of them. No she was scared for them. Even knowing of the things they have done she still couldn't help but pity them. And she had to admit being reminded they already had mothers they loved and were missing broke her heart. Andrés had warned her but she listened to her heart rather than her head. Somewhere out there were two mothers who were waiting for their daughters to come home again and María had to say goodbye. "Well...we can't stop you from leaving...I just can't believe this whole time...I had gotten it all wrong."

Dolores smiled "We do appreciate the compassion you have shown us really we do, we could never thank you enough. We are sorry it was all based on a lie but we were afraid if you knew the truth it'll just be like it is back in the Encanto."

"You have done more for me in three months than that whole damn town has done for me in ten years. I'm glad to see there's still hope in this world...but I can't put this of any longer. The longer I stay here the longer my family remains trapped." Mirabel frowned for a moment "I mean I get if you're disgusted by me and just want to throw me in the nearest cell but I will free my family." she flicked her hand "Dolores when we are done here, you go to the stables and get our horses I want to be back in the barn by nightfall."

"Of course." Dolores nodded before turning back to María and Andrés "We can't carry anything with us and we will be changing back to the clothes we came here in, we'll be leaving everything given to us behind. We are hoping to settle here with our family so if we could just leave our stuff here and pick it up at a later day. You won't have to have anything to do with us after that if you don't want to."

"You can leave your stuff here..yes..." Andrés stood up and began backing up towards the door "I'll...give the order to get your horses ready...I'll see you both at the stables. And your little...secret is safe with us." with a forced smile he left the room muttering to himself "No one would believe it anyway...I still don't fully believe it magic candles...magic gifts...magic isn't real...but just roll with it Andrés...just roll with it...just don't upset them...they don't need that right now they have enough problems."

"Hmm." Mirabel tilted her head "You know you can just say it...you think I'm a monster."

María glanced down to the floor "What I think...is you have been forced down dark path in life. I know inside you don't actually want to do this-"

"How do you know what I want?!" Mirabel snapped back.

"Mirabel!" Dolores scolded "Don't start here please...don't start..."

Mirabel sighed "Fine I'm sorry..."

Well it was only a matter of time she could only keep in control of herself for so long and she lasted three months...incredible. Dolores stood up "We have thought it through and this is the only answer I mean no disrespect but nothing you can say or do to change our minds. People are counting on us. I'm sorry we are not who we lead you to believe we are we didn't intend on staying. We were just seeing where that tunnel lead, find a place to sleep for the night and go back. I'm the one who insisted on staying and it was only for her." she pointed a thumb at Mirabel "Just know the fear you saw was real. Even if really she is my cousin I will always see Mirabel as my hermanita. Her welfare has been entrusted to me and will always be my first priority."

"You were doing what you believed was best." María sighed "While I'm disappointed you felt the need to lie I understand why...and I know I can't stop you from going back..." she stood up "I'll leave you both to pack and change. Call me when you're ready I'll help you carry your bags. I'll think of a story to tell everyone." she made her way to the door "I must admit I was hoping you would stay...with me. But I should of known it would of been to good to be true."

Dolores watched her leave with a sigh "You know she was ready to sign the certificate to adopt you."

"I know...don't think I don't feel bad. I still have a heart. She has been good to us but I can't stay here living this lie. Let's go...home."

It didn't take long for them to change back into their original clothing and pack what little they actually brought with with them. Dolores paused in the mirror staring at her appearance, she was no longer the beloved Dolores of Bogotá but instead she was the hated outcast Dolores of Encanto once more. She took one last glance around the room eyes landing longingly on the soft bed, it'll be back to the donkey stall tonight. But her heart was longing to go back, to hug her Mami and Papi, to laugh at Camilo's antics, to see Antonio's smile.

Mirabel put Salomé in the cat carrier sling Dolores had made for her so she could take the cat with her when she went out and put the sling around herself "We ready?"

"We're ready." Dolores slung one of the bags over her shoulder and picked up another using her free hand to guide Mirabel along "Hey just think...you'll get your vision back for a bit. You won't need me to guide you everywhere, not that I don't mind being your guide I just know you like your independence. Oh stairs."

"I do..." she grabbed onto the handrail of the stairs "But I know there are things I'm always going to need help with and it's fine...I just hope everyone doesn't feel the need to baby me."

"They are going to want to, they'll want to make it up to you but if it's to much you can tell them to give you space." Dolores smiled for a second as María and Andrés walked towards them smiling falling when she realised María had been crying.

"How many more bags?" María forced a smile on her face.


Without another word María disappeared up the stairs doing her best to hide the tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes.

Andrés sighed "I feared this, I told her you both already had a mother you were missing dearly and not to get attached. She got attached...especially to you Mirabel. When she would talk to me about you two she would call you 'our hijas'. Even knowing what you two have done...she doesn't want to give you to up she begged me to try and talk you out of it but Dolores you're a grown woman and Mirabel is in your care if you want to take her away we can not stop you. Your mothers must be sick with worry...just know you're both welcome back anytime...as is your family."

"Even after...we lied?"

"Yes, like I said I don't support your actions but I see why you felt justified...just be careful both of you. Don't destroy any chance you have of a future for temporary satisfaction."

María reappeared before they could answer "Right...Marcos has your horses waiting for you. We'll send you out the back way so you can avoid the roads and any questions. Thankfully it's quiet right now, most people won't be around until lunch time. Come along."

Dolores and Mirabel followed the couple out of a different door to the side of the stables where Reina was ready and saddled for them and Princesa had her pack straps tied to her.

Andrés took the bags off Dolores tying them to the straps María doing the same with the bags she was holding. Andrés put a hand on his wife's shoulder in comfort. He understood he was going to miss them as well. He didn't spend as much time with them as María or even Sofia did but the time he did spend with them with Dolores doing most of the talking for both her and Mirabel he did enjoy their company.

María approached them "I guess...this is goodbye..."

"For now." Dolores corrected gently "We will never forget this and the kindness you have shown us...if only the people back in our Encanto were like you."

"We only did what any reasonable person would of done...I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. If I ever meet this Alma Madrigal woman...her and I are having words."

Dolores chuckled "Well...we best get going it's a long ride. Goodbye María...goodbye Andrés. Please give our goodbyes to Sofia as well and tell her we're sorry, we told her yesterday we'll be here for Mirabel's usual lesson this afternoon."

"Of course..." María hugged Dolores "Goodbye, Dolores. Take care of yourself and Mirabel now, go see your mothers." she turned to Mirabel "Mirabel? May I give you a hug?".

Mirabel hesitated for a moment but gave a small nod feeling arms wrap around her.

"Goodbye, Mirabel do you have your book?" when Mirabel nodded in response María smiled "Good, keep practicing alright?

"I will. Goodbye...I'm tell Mamá about you. She will want to meet you and thank you."

"And I hope one day I will get to meet her." María rubbed Salomé's head "And goodbye to you as well, you keep looking after your mistress." she stood back at her husbands side watching as Dolores guided Mirabel over to Reina helping her onto the horse's back and climbing on in front of her picking up the reins she could feel her heart breaking further when with one final wave Dolores nudged the horse into action and slowly disappeared out of sight praying to every God out there that this wasn't the last time she would see them.

If they returned no not if-WHEN they returned she would be waiting ready to welcome them back with open arms.


"We're home." after a quick stop by the river the two had made it back to the Encanto in an uneventful trip. Dolores stopped reaching over in a bag and pulling out Mirabel's glasses "Here."

Mirabel placed her glasses on her face startling herself when sight came back to her, she had adjusted to her world of darkness too well being out of it now was almost disorientating "Dolores you think everyone will be home by now?"

Dolores looked up at the sky "Yeah they should be getting ready for dinner now. Why? You want to stop at Castia?"

"Yes, I think Alma would of had a wonderful day...let's ruin it. And I don't want to wait until tomorrow to see Mamá."

"Alright." Dolores turned the horses in the direction of Castia pulling up once in front of the house "Ah, Casita...it's been a while. Don't mind us just dropping by to say hello." she swung out of the saddle and helped Mirabel down "You can do the honours."

Mirabel grinned as she raised her fist and knocked on the door, she could hear the family inside.

"I'll get it." Alma's voice reached them.

Both of them grinned wider as Alma opened the door and all colour drained from her face when she saw who was standing there.

Mirabel chuckled "Hello Alma, did you miss us?"

And they're back.

Next chapter we will have reunions and Mirabel finally gets the candle.

When that chapter will be I do not know, I could have the time but not the motivation to write or have the motivation to write but not the time.

I'm just experiencing a lot of mental burnout to some personal issues lately.

And nothing to do with anything but today is my Birthday which put me in a good mood and gave me the motivation to finish this.

Happy Birthday to me,

Here's chapter thirty-three.