
32. Chapter 32


This chapter does contain a reference to past suicidal thoughts and implied suicide but does not actually contain it.

I know some people can get upset over mentions of such topics so just a heads up

"Come on Mirabel you can do it."

It was Mirabel's first ever braille lesson and after learning to recognise the first a few letters of the alphabet individually she was now attempting to recognise them when put in a random order "B...D...A?"

Dolores sat next to her holding the 'answers' in her hands "Come on only two more to go you got it right so far."


"Yes!" Sofia clapped her hands "You got them all right, excellent work Mirabel."

"I read! I mean I know it was only single letters but I read Dolores! I read!"

The smile on Mirabel's face reassured Dolores she was making the right choice by staying "Yes you did you should be very proud of yourself." she turned to Sofia "Thank you so much. How much do I owe you?" she reached over to get their money.

"Oh it's no troubles, and don't worry about payment I do this for free to volunteer bum my time to the community. Now how about another lesson same time tomorrow?"

"Mira?" Dolores turned her head getting a grinning nod in response "Yes that would be perfect."

"Excellent, I'll leave all that with you in case you want to practice more. Goodbye girls." Sofia made her way towards the door.

"Bye." Dolores and Mirabel said in unison.

Once she was gone Mirabel returned to reading the letters again "B...D...A...C...E. I did it again!"

Dolores pulled Mirabel into a hug "I'm happy to see you happy. How about we go celebrate? I saw an ice cream store across the street. How about we go get a treat?"

"Out there?" Mirabel hesitated.

"No buses, and if you start getting overwhelmed I'll bring you straight back."

"Okay...I'll try."

Dolores smiled and pulled Mirabel off the bed pausing to grab their money and lead Mirabel out the door pausing at the top of the stairs surprised to see four people gathered with cameras.

"You will not bother them." María was doing her best to keep her cool "You will respect their privacy and not plaster them over every newspaper in Bogotá."

Dolores pulled Mirabel behind her instinctively feeling like the need to protect her "María? What's going on?" but making their presence known was the wrong thing to do as cameras immediately turned in their direction.

"Hey hey it's them!" a woman started snapping photos "Tell your sister to stop hiding we just want some pictures."

María stood blocking the pair from view "I ask you again to leave them alone, you know what you need to know. Anything else is none of your business."

Dolores was confused "María? Who are all these people?"

"Reporters from the newspapers they all want to interview you both for a story."

Mirabel poked her head around "Dolores? I thought we were getting ice cream? I hear a lot of people. Are they after us?"

"Yes...but they don't want to hurt us they are just annoying." Dolores cleared her throat "Please leave us alone, you're making my sister nervous." with a huff she made her way down the stairs keeping Mirabel close ignoring the flashing of cameras.

"What if they follow us?"

"Then they'll have me to deal with, they'll only come near you if you give them permission no one else gets to have a say." Dolores crossed the street entering the ice cream shop leaving Mirabel in a booth "I'll be back, if anyone bothers you just give a yell."

Mirabel tapped her hand on the table pausing when she felt someone sit next to her "Dolores?" she asked she felt like something was off she reached out her hand a and felt a beard. This was not Dolores. Panic set in as she heard two more people sit across from her one reaching over to tap her hand and she moved over so far she was now pressed against the wall "Dolores!" her voice came out in a squeak.

"It's okay we just want to talk to you." an unfamiliar woman's voice came from across the table "We mean you no harm, would you mind telling us the story of the fire in which you got your scars?"

Mirabel realised it was 'reporters' from the hotel. They seriously followed her and Dolores. She felt trapped and she remembered the last time she was trapped against a wall like this. She got hurt and had to practically drag herself back to the barn. Now here she was trapped again and totally blind. She could feel her breathing getting heavier as all the sounds around her merged together.

Dolores was at the counter about to order when concerned shouting drew her attention. It took everything in her to stop herself from raging when she saw those reporters had her hermanita surrounded walking over the booth she saw Mirabel having what she recognised as a panic attack "Hey! Get away! Back off!"

The look on Dolores's face set all three scrambling away from the the booth uttering apologies.

Dolores ignored them sliding in next to Mirabel "Mira?" she reached out to touch her shoulder making the younger girl jump "It's okay it's just me."


"It's okay, just breathe." Dolores knew Pepa had panic attacks sometimes and she watched Félix help her enough times to know what to do "Just focus on my voice. Just breathe." instinctively she searched Mirabel for injury "Did they hurt you?"

Mirabel shook her head trembling, she felt her heart racing. She didn't understand what was going on.

Dolores knew she had to get Mirabel out of here "Come with me." she gently pulled Mirabel out of the booth putting an arm around using her free hand to point at the sheepish reporters "Keep them away from my hermanita."

What's going on? Am I dying? Mirabel felt faint she needed to lay down but Dolores kept her moving not letting her stop. She felt sick "Dolores..."

"Just breathe we are nearly in the hotel." Dolores wanted to scream. Despite her saying to leave them alone they still followed them like a bunch of stalkers. She entered the hotel thankful to see María behind her desk "María!"

María looked up "Yes? Oh...oh my. What happened."

"Those reporter people followed us and cornered Mira I don't know what they said or did to her but she's having a total breakdown. I need help getting her into the room."

María ran her hand down her face "I told them..." she came out from behind her desk "Mirabel I'm going to just help you get you back into your room, okay?"

It didn't take that long before Mirabel felt herself placed down on a bed still shaking still feeling like she couldn't breathe. She felt Dolores wrap her arm around her and could hear her telling to just breathe. She was trying, she was really trying. She was scared, she wanted to know what was happening. She was so sure she was dying.

"Do you want me to fetch some medical help?" María asked in concern.

"No, I got it. Just make sure those people stay away from us. No stories, no photos." Dolores scowled.

"Of course." María made her way to the door "I'll make sure you aren't bothered, but are you sure you don't want me to get help?"

"I'm sure, I can handle it." Dolores turned Mirabel around so she was facing her "Just focus on my voice. You're safe, just breathe." she heard the door shut gently "It's just you and me. Just breathe with me. One...two...three."


"That's it. Deep breath in...deep breath out." Dolores's voice was soft.

Mirabel's hand suddenly flew to her mouth as her eyes widened.

Dolores realising what was going on quickly but calmly pulled Mirabel off the bed and guided her to their small bathroom just in case she was sick. From what knowledge she had on panic attacks and having overheard people having them she knew that while uncommon it wasn't unheard of someone becoming physically ill during an attack. "Just focus on my voice and breathe.".

Mirabel sat up straighter hand over her mouth again.

"Let it out hermanita." Dolores rubbed her back as Mirabel emptied her stomach "You're going to be okay."

Eventually after what felt like hours to both of them Mirabel's breathing returned to normal and her shaking stopped.

"How you feeling?"


"That's normal, you had a panic attack. But you're going to be fine." Dolores helped her stand up "Come on, come lay down."

Mirabel laid down on the bed Salomé scampering up next to her "What happened exactly?"

Dolores sat down next to her "Well I turn my back to place our order, and when I turn to check on you you look like you were having trouble breathing and you were totally freaking out surrounded by these other four people. Do you remember what happened?"

Mirabel nodded stroking the cats fur "I felt so trapped..."

"It's okay. Just rest we'll talk about it later I'll make sure they won't come near you. I'll be right back."

"Where are you going now?"

"Just downstairs to talk to someone. Do you want me to stay with you?" Dolores was hesitant about leaving her.

"It's fine...was just wondering."

"Just rest, Mami has panic attacks sometimes you're going to be just fine." she closed the door behind her.

Mirabel took a deep breath "I'm fine I'm totally fine. I'm not fine. What is wrong with me? I get scared out there. That...that is not me. I don't belong here...I don't belong anywhere. In the Encanto they think I'm the devil and here they love me but I'm terrified."

Only fifteen and she felt like her life was too ruined to fix. Her vision was gone and her face was permanently scarred. But it was her mind that was the most broken. All because of Alma Madrigal and her precious Encanto. Alma killed her spirt, the townspeople killed her hope. They took everything from her.

And Mirabel knew that if she didn't have Dolores she would of just given up, when she says Dolores saved her life she meant that in more way than one.

Dolores knew about that time when she was eleven with her self inflicted starvation but what she didn't know that was the only time Mirabel had such thoughts about taking her own life and she didn't want to tell her. If she knew Dolores would never let her out of her sights again, she would take Mirabel everywhere she went to keep an eye on her.

But all that was in the past, she had her family back. She wouldn't do that to Dolores or the rest of the family now.

"Things will be okay, won't they Salomé? The sun always shines brighter after the storm. I today I started learning how to read. That's a positive."

Mirabel sighed as she rolled over to her side "I'm safe.. I'm safe...I'm safe..." she repeated over and over "I'm safe."

She was safe after all, she was the one with the issues. Wasn't she?


"No you just try and I understand me. You had my hermanita so stressed out it made her physically sick. She was up in that room gasping for breath and vomiting because you were so concerned about your 'story' you completely ignored my kind request to leave us alone we are not an attraction at a festival." Dolores was peeved if this is what is was going to be like here there was no way they were going to stay here now or later with the family.

María was standing next to her scowling at the one reporter that remained the others giving their sincere apologies and leaving "You will bother any of the guests in my hotel. You will not stalk them across the street. All my guests have a right to their privacy. You will leave at once or I will get you removed by force."

The woman stared at Dolores "Can't I just get a few words? Why did she react like that?"

"No." Dolores said simply.

"Leave." María pointed at the door shaking her head as the woman finally gave up and left "I'm so sorry I told some guests and close friends about you two and it just blew up."

"No no, no need to apologise for the actions of others you've done so much for us. Just don't let anymore reporters get to Mirabel. All we wanted was to go get some ice cream."

"Is she alright?"

"Yes, she's just tired it took a lot out of her. She was...abused a lot throughout the years. Both physical and emotional. Me not so much but our home village think hers scars mark her as a curse so they harm her."

María looked disgusted "That's the most despicable thing I have ever heard. What is wrong with your home village?"

Dolores shrugged "The community leader hates Mirabel and myself so they all follow her. Always making our life harder, we slept in the barn because of her we had nowhere else."

"Oh you poor darlings, no wonder you both fled." María rubbed Dolores's shoulder "Just know you don't have to talk about your past to anyone, I'm positive it involves a lot of painful memories."

"It does, I nearly lost Mirabel not to long ago. I thought for sure she was going to die that day...but luckily I managed to stop the bleeding..." realising she was rambling Dolores sighed "I'm very protective of her as you understand ..all we have in this world is each other."

"Mirabel nearly died?" María asked eyes growing wide.


"What happened?"

Dolores looked away "I...don't like talking about it."

"Of course, I'm sorry for poking my nose in. Anything I can get you? A cup of tea?"

"Oh that would be lovely. Can you get some for Mira as well?"

"Of course, wait here."

Dolores leaned against the wall groaning, all this when all they wanted was some ice cream. Unbelievable.

It didn't take long for María to return carrying two mugs passing them to Dolores "I'll follow you up just to open the door."

Concern filled Dolores when entered the room and Mirabel wasn't there "Mira?" meowing made her look down "Salomé? Where's Mira?"

The cat ran in the direction of the bathroom pausing half way to see if Dolores was following.

Dolores carefully passed the tea over to María and entered the bathroom seeing Mirabel collapsed on the floor "Oh hermanita.." she knelt down next to Mirabel she could see she had been sick again "I'm sorry I took so long." that last idiot wouldn't get it through her head she added in her mind.

"Dolores? What's wrong with me?" Mirabel sat up "I don't feel well."

"I know. But you're going to be just fine."

"Are you sure?"

Dolores nodded lowering her voice "After your failed gift ceremony and seeing that vision and the events of the morning after...Mami had a panic attack just like yours. She was sick after but she was fine. And you'll be fine."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Dolores took her hand "Come on I'll get you back to bed.

"This sucks." Mirabel grumbled as she settled back down on the bed.

"I know." she looked up and nodded her thanks at María who placed their tea on a small stand and left "Mirabel, I think we should stay here for a while. For your own good."

"Stay here?"

Dolores sat next to her "Look I am really concerned about you and your mental health. And your overall health in general. You have spent five years living in donkey barn, you're malnourished and when is the last time you had a check up?"

"Ten years ago."

"Exactly. Think of it like this, we just disappear without a trace. You take the time to get stronger both mentally and physically. They won't excepting us to come back but boy will they be in for a surprise. And Alma...oh her hopes will crushed." Dolores grinned "I know the rest of the family will be worried about us, but I'm sure they'll understand. It's for your health...and maybe a little bit for me."

Mirabel thought about it "I mean I am liking sleeping in a real bed and eating real meals but...Mamá..."

"If you want to go back, we'll go back. I'm just suggesting."

"No no...I agree. Let's stay. Besides. I got my reading lessons."

Dolores grinned "Ah yes of course your reading lessons, that will be something to show everyone. Look who can read now?" she slid off the bed "Now rest just let me know if you're going to be sick again." she walked over to the stand and picked up her tea still somewhat warm and took a sip deciding against giving Mirabel hers to let her stomach settle.

She sat down in an armchair casting glances over to Mirabel who seemed quite content stroking Salomé. Dolores on the other had was annoyed no she was pissed. No not at Mirabel never at her hermanita. She was pissed off at the townspeople back in the Encanto.

They broke Mirabel's mind to the point she didn't feel safe doing normal things everyone else got to enjoy. Dolores knew this about of trauma wasn't going to disappear over night it'll be a long road to recovery.

Her expression darkened she had it all worked out. She starting smiling as she imagined the looks on their faces when came strolling back into town.

Dolores's resentment was growing with each day that passed. The huge difference between how they were treated there compared to here was only fuelling it.

Mirabel felt the same way, they ruined her life. She'll listen to Dolores and stay here for now. She'll go back stronger than ever.

And that was when they will all truly know her wrath.


It had now been a month since Mirabel and Dolores went missing and though the family looked everyday just in case the hope that they would be found in the valley alive was gone.

After finding no possible ways out they began searching the ground for any signs something had been buried there, and though they found a few such sites digging them up revealed nothing. They couldn't decide to be relieved it wasn't their bodies or devastated they still have no answers.

Finally Alma had enough and declared them both dead closing the case.

The rest of the family clung to the hope they were still alive out there somewhere and one day they'll come home again...one day.

Julieta and Pepa took it the hardest truly mourning their daughters as if they really had died. It had been nonstop rain for the last month and anyone who dared complain to Pepa had a lightning bolt sent their way.

Even now as the family was gathered around the table for breakfast a cloud hung over Pepa's head.

"Pepa the cloud."

Pepa glared at Alma "Do not start with me today, I'm going out later to look for them again. There has to be a sign somewhere."

"Mirabel and Dolores are dead, they wouldn't of survived this long without food and exposed to the elements. Julieta left food to see if they were coming back and they were not."

"If they are dead where are their bodies?"

Alma sighed "They could be at the bottom of the river for all we know, I don't like saying it but we been up and down the valley and there's no sigh of either of them. Mirabel probably fell in and drowned and Dolores drowned trying to save her. A terrible accident no one to blame."

Julieta turned her glare Alma's way "Oh but if they drowned why is their stuff gone? Why would they take horses? Your 'theory' makes no sense."

"Maybe it wasn't an accident than, maybe they wanted to make it look like they ran away but in reality they..."

Julieta saw where this was going "Are you trying to imply the girls made it look like they ran away and killed themselves? That has to be your most ridiculous theory yet. Again why would they need a horse for that? Where is the horse now? Or are you going to tell me the horse is at the bottom of the river as well?"

"Why are you so insistent they are dead? What do you know? What did you do to them? Did you drown them yourself or something and make it look like they ran away yourself or something?" Pepa stood up in her chair pointing an accusing finger at Alma "You were the last one to see them. WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Knowing things were going to blow up again the four remaining Madrigal grandchildren got out of their seats and made a dash for Dolores's old room which to their relief had kept its soundproofing.

"Do you think they are really dead?" Camilo asked.

"It's been a month with no sign of them, if they left the valley their exit is really well hidden." Luisa sighed she was worried sick about her cousin and baby sister. Who was protecting them now? If you protected them like you should they wouldn't be missing in the first place. No not this thought again. You failed them both. No she did everything she could..right?

Isabela played with a flower the guilt she had been feeling ever since the fight that nearly claimed Mirabel's life consuming her more and more each day. Last time she encountered Dolores she hit her to getting a what Isabela would admit a well deserved punch in the face.

It was all her fault, she just knew it was. Dolores told her she would protect Mirabel from anyone including her. And what better way was there to protect Mirabel from her than ensuring Isabela never had contact with her again?

Part of her wanted to scream at Dolores for being so selfish, for taking her baby sister away. For causing their mother so much pain. It wasn't Dolores's choice to make, she wasn't even Mirabel's real sister. But she also knew that Mirabel would of willingly went with her, there was no way Dolores could of forced her. Mirabel wanted to leave and Isabela could not blame her.

You better keep her safe Dolores. If anything happens to her I'll never forgive you. Isabela thought to herself.

Since when do you care about what happens to Mirabel? Not to long ago you said you wished she was dead. Isabela's own voice argued back in her head. Of course I care! She is my hermanita! Isabela argued back hearing her own laugh in her head in response. You gave her up, she sees Dolores as her hermana mayor not you.

Well she couldn't deny that, Mirabel hated her yet she saw the affection in her eyes when she looked at Dolores. She had been observing them and ace couldn't help but feel jealous at their bond. She should be in Dolores's place but she wasn't because of her stupid choices. She put pleasing Alma over loving the one person who really needed her.

Now both her sister and the one who used to be her best friend were gone presumed dead. She wondered if she would ever see them again or if they were gone for good. Even they left who knows where they have gone. They could of even kept going and crossed the boarder out of Colombia all together.

Isabela shook off that thought turning her attention back to her remaining sister and cousin none noticed she had zoned out to busy trying to comfort Antonio telling him that Dolores and Mirabel have just gone on a trip and forgot to tell everyone and they'll be back and maybe they'll even bring him a present. Perhaps trying to convince themselves as well.

"But Abuela keeps saying they have died." Antonio blinked through the tears.

"Abuela doesn't know what she talking about. Dolores and Mirabel are alive I just have a feeling they are alive and they will come back." Camilo told him with a forced smile.


"I don't know but I'm sure they'll cone back full of stories of the places they have been, the things they have seen and the people they met."

Luisa nodded "Yeah maybe they'll see new animals not even you have heard of."

"But I know every animal!" Antonio protested, ah yes this was what they were looking for-a distraction.

"Oh yeah?" Camilo grinned "Name them all."

Antonio fell right for it and began listing off all the animals they could be found in the Encanto.

Isabela watched the brothers interact jealously filling her once more, why couldn't she have that with her sisters? Her relationship with Lusia was improving though Isabela still put up her facade in front of Alma and the rest of the town but she was concerned that her relationship with Mirabel was damaged beyond repair. Julieta kept insisting Mirabel and Dolores would come around in time. But Isabela wasn't convinced.

"You okay sis?"

Ah now Lusia had noticed was something wrong, sighing Isabela shook her head "Can we talk? Just sister to sister?"

"Sure." Lusia followed Isabela out of Dolores's room into Isabela's own pausing for a moment in the doorway "Wow your room has a lot of pink."

"Tell me about it, I hate it."

"You do?"

Isabela nodded "I'm so sick of pretty, I want something true don't you?"

Luisa looked around the room "I always thought you liked this stuff."

"Abuela likes it. I hate it. I hate being perfect."

"Why don't you say something to Abuela?"

Isabela shot her a look "You know why, the same reason you won't say anything. The same reason you snuck around visiting Mirabel and Dolores. Everything we do is because of Abuela." she sighed "You know I'm jealous of Dolores. She got to stand up to Abuela and say she had enough. And I'm jealous she gets to be with OUR hermanita."

"Going with Mirabel costed Dolores everything but she told me if she could go back and change her mind she would still make the same choice."

"I should of stood up for Mira all those years ago, I should of realised it was wrong. But instead I took every opportunity to insult her over something she had no control over...now I'll probably never see her again."

Lusia say down next to her big sister forcing back a chuckle at the irony of that as she towered over her "Don't say that, we will see her again."

"How can you be so sure? There's no sign of them anywhere."

"They left the valley, I don't know how but they left the valley."

Isabela was hit by an idea "What if Tío Bruno has a vision of them?"

Luisa fiddled her thumbs "He did. I overheard the grownups talking about it. He couldn't see their future and he tried both Mirabel and Dolores. There's only two reasons for that. They are dead which if they were it doesn't explain why all their supplies are gone and the missing horses. Or they have left the range the magic reaches. Think of it, Bruno has never had a vision of anyone or anything outside of the Encanto. We just have to believe they found a place of safety."

Secretly she was hoping they found somewhere, somewhere they can both live free and at peace. And one day they'll come back and lead them there.

"But what if something happened to them out there? Two young girls travelling alone...one blind and defenceless they are easy targets."

"No...they are safe. They just have to be. And they are going to come back one day. We just have to believe it."

Isabela wrapped her arms around Lusia as far as they would go "I hope you're right, I made a promise to myself."

"What's that?"

"I'm going to get my hermanita back, I'm going to make it up to her. If it's the last thing I do I am going to make it up to her."


Dolores knocked on the door of María and Andrés's private room, Mirabel behind her they were told to come knocking if they needed anything. The the past month had really helped them both. Mirabel was exceeding all exceptions in her braille reading lessons and the proper food and bed had done wonders to her health, already her skin had a much healthier glow to it. Dolores to was feeling better, she hadn't realise just how much living in that barn had taken a toll on her own health until now.

Mirabel was slowly coming out of her shell more, she still flinched if touched unexpectedly and still didn't like being around to many people but she was a lot more comfortable compared to when they first arrived. Just as Dolores predicted she made a full recovery from her panic attack but Dolores hadn't left her alone out in public since making sure she was in her sight at all times.

The door opened and Andrés poked his head out "Ah, hello girls. Is there something wrong?"

"Ah I hate to complain, but the people that have the room next to us will not shut up. Seriously, it's annoying. They kept us up last night, they woke us up this morning and they still won't shut up they have been going on all day and me and Mira want to go to bed soon." Dolores threw her hands in her air.

"Ah yes, we had complaints about those two. We given them warnings but looks like we need to look into removing them. I am sorry. It'll be dealt with tomorrow."

"Thank you." Dolores and Mirabel began to turn around.

"Oh, Dolores. Mirabel. Come in." María's voice came from the room "I want to show you both at something."

Curious the duo entered the room Dolores frowning when she saw the television set "What's that?"

"Television, I'm surprised you haven't encountered one yet."

Mirabel frowned and walked forward until she was standing in front of it rubbing her hands over it hearing the voices coming from it she tilted her head "Another talking box?"

Dolores giggled as she moved around to look at it from the front "Oh this is so cool, there's people."

"There's people in the box?"

María and Andrés shared amused glances as the two girls gathered around the TV like it was it was some strange new foreign object. Though to them it was.

Dolores shook her head "No, it's like a moving picture. It's really cool it's like watching a novel being acted out in front of you."

"Oh." Mirabel was still rubbing her hands on the TV "That's weird. How do the pictures get in there?"

"The same way the sounds get into the radio?" Dolores suggested with a shrug "Now stop rubbing the TV you weirdo." she laughed as she pulled Mirabel back "I'm really sorry you can't see it, I know you would of loved it." Dolores turned back to the screen "Can I watch? I'm curious."

"Of course, we were about to sit down and watch. You two are more welcome to join." María smiled patting the empty half of the couch she was sitting on.

Dolores turned her head back to Mirabel "Do you want to back to the room?"

"Nah, I can't see but I can hear. I'm sure I can imagine what's happening. Besides if I go back to the room I'll have to listen to the idiots next door."

"Right, well come on." Dolores guided Mirabel over the couch "You sit there and listen to the talking box as you call it."

"You're not going to let me live that down are you? Like the radio."

"No I am not."

Mirabel relaxed using Dolores's shoulder as as a pillow listening to her excited whispers as she told her what was unfolding on the screen. She could hear a voice come the TV that sounded so much like Julieta that if she didn't know better she would think it was her mother.

She missed Julieta, she really did. She suddenly felt like a baby again wanting nothing more to be held in her mothers arms. She yawned lifting her head off Dolores's shoulder she could no longer use the lighting around her to judge what time it was but considering it's past dinner she knew it was getting late.

Comforted by what sounded like mother's voice she laid her head down again but this time on María's shoulder surprising the older woman. "Mamá..." she mumbled snuggling closer as she grew more and more sleepy and less aware her become brain convinced this bigger warm body was her mother "Night night Mamá."

Dolores stared in shock and put two and two together. She thought one of the people in the show they were watching sounded a lot like Julieta and now Mirabel seemed to be convinced María was Julieta. She's just tired..she knows Julieta isn't actually here. She wants Julieta not María. It's heartwarming but sad at the same time. She shot a knowing look to Andrés who nodded, he understood what was really going on. But María?

María was beaming down at Mirabel, despite what her husband said to her about not getting attached to the girls and that they were not her daughters. She did, she got attached to them considering them her adopted daughters in her mind. They were hers now as far as she was concerned them, she got them clothes, fed them and sheltered them. She ran her hand through Mirabel's hair not noticing the looks Dolores and her husband where giving her. All she ever wanted was for someone to hold onto while they called her Mamá, and now she has got that. She didn't need an offical adoption certificate, Mirabel was hers now.

Dolores was concerned María had attached herself to Mirabel, and while Mirabel deserved it it was just going to end up breaking María's heart when Mirabel went with Julieta. María would have no choice but to give Mirabel up. She watched as María leaned down and kissed the top of Mirabel's head.

"Good night, hija."

Dolores had to once again wonder. How do they keep getting themselves in these situations?


His poor family, this is not what he wanted for them. He had watched for ten years as his youngest granddaughter suffered. Now Mirabel and Dolores were somewhere safe but his daughters were suffering.

Alma had changed so much, she had misunderstood what the miracle was for and was destroying their family as a result. He had tried to reach her, tried to tell show her what she was doing wrong but she kept misunderstanding his messages. None of this was Mirabel's fault, what that girl has become was purely result of Alma's own actions. Now their nieta was going to destroy the magic.

He knew Mirabel liked to claim she was going to destroy the miracle, but in truth she was saving it. The family was the miracle all along and she was bringing them back together, opening their eyes to the fact they were more than their gifts.

Being forced to watch as his poor mariposa went through hell broke Pedro's heart but he could do nothing to stop it, he could only observe but was powerless to interfere. They found the tunnel they had gone undiscovered for fifty years and Pedro followed them until María found them and took them to safety knowing they were in safe hands Pedro returned to the Encanto watching over as he had done ever since he died.

Mirabel and Dolores would be back, it was their destiny. If he knew the magic was going to cause this much pain he would of never of granted it to them. He thought it would stop the pain, protect them but instead it was tearing them apart.

As soon as Mirabel was born Pedro knew she was the one to bring the change, the next guardian. Alma asked him for another miracle and he sent her Mirabel. But it all went wrong, Alma shunned her for not getting a gift. Abused her. She sent Mirabel down the path of darkness she failed to realise what the miracle actually was. Her family. Their family.

Mirabel was blind but she was not the only one, Alma was blind to what was in front of her. Mirabel could of been something great if Alma just gave her a chance but now she was beyond even Pedro's help.

He stood watching as his daughters mourned the presumed death of their own, he had to ease their fears. Send them a sign that they were alive but keep their location a secret, for the sake of both Mirabel and Dolores Alma must never discover where they are hiding.

A smile formed on his lips as an idea came to mind, he knew just what to do.

Life...just life.

Don't be surprised if I suddenly disappear and come back without a word, I got a lot on my plate right now.

You guys voted for them to stay so I can work with that.

Mirabel's got a new mother, nah I'm kidding poor girl thought she was with Julieta.

But who wants to tell Julieta someone else has adopted her daughter?

And who wants to tell María that her new daughter is actually a criminal on the run?