
The Journey Of The Progenitor Of Fear

have you ever thought that you hate being human? bound by a prison made of flesh and bones, humans are limited, petty creatures, i dont hate humans in general, but being one feel horrible. have you ever thought about this? i did alot, until I was reincarnated in a fantasy world as a progenitor vampire A journey of destruction, cute girls, monsters, domination and magic fights ah, forgot to say, come closer, there is lesbian action

San_Martins · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Fear And Sarcasm = Fun

In the middle of a forest, a dark red thunder could be seen crashing into the ground, making a big boom

"I guess this time wasn't that bad right?" I say getting up after falling on my butt

Vani and Eleonore seem to be a little dizzy but everything is okay

"Gosh, will it come the day when I can take this without wanting to throw up my breakfast?" says Vani supporting her back against a tree

Eleonore agrees and we all start to laugh

"let's see what this new item does" I say putting the tusk necklace out of my spatial ring

these words on it, I can read just like Horror Bringer, probably because of my old monster genes

they say, Calm River Calm Mind, I didn't quite grasp what it does but I will use it for now

after letting Eleonore and Vani rest for a moment we soon go running around the forest to see if we can find the so-called dungeon

an easy task for my greater mana vision, I followed the track of the bear from before and found a place with miasma

an opening at the mountain

"seems like it is here, Eleonore Vani, keep on watch for strange behavior outside, if any monster tries to run away take them down, if someone tries to enter kill, understood?" I say with a serious tone

"Your wish is my command" they say at the same time


Entering the dungeon, I kinda feel good?

Maybe something to do with being an undead myself

going forward I see some skeleton creatures, five of them, there is a bit of armor in them probably from a time when they were alive

they rush at me with rusty swords, but too slow as expected of skeletons

let's see, I will experiment with something

I rush and smash the skull of one at my right, I jump and kick the one behind me, 2 down

at my left one of them tries to slice me but I evade my body and I grab his neck a bone crack is heard, and his head is in my hand

I throw a skeleton head at the other one, 2 down 1 left

now let's see if it works

I rush at the skeleton and kick his leg making him fall on his back, I put my right foot at his chest and my left foot at his hand that was holding the sword

he keeps trying to escape, I quickly open my eyes and look at him, but as I thought my fear doesn't work into mindless creatures, was worth the shot I guess

I crush the last skeleton skull and keep going inside

walking for some minutes here I find more skeletons, a few a reptile creature that comes from holes in the wall, seems like they could be dangerous for unprepared people

I find myself on a two ways road, I will take a left for now, and after walking for a while I find a glade

some trees and a little river, there's a lot of those bears here too, look like a pack of 12

there is one bigger than normal, seems like I found the boss

I take out the horror bringer and rush in a bolt of red lighting at two of them drinking water by the river, two bear heads could be heard falling inside the river 

the others lying down get up, 5 of them jump at me at once

I channel some dark red lighting on Horror Bringer and do a slash at the air, all five bears were cut in half by a clean cut, and they fell to the ground burning

"Growl!" the chief roared and all four of them rushed towards me faster than before

I block a claw slash and jump into the air, pointing my sword to the ground I fall and spike the ground, and a wave of dark red lighting is sent around me

all four bears are dead and burning

the chief roars again rushing towards me, it comes with a barrage of slashes, and his strength surpasses by a lot of a normal one, I keep clashing my sword and blocking its attacks waiting for an opening

it looks tired, it stops to breathe for a second and gets cut in half

looking around this nest, I found what looks like a book not sure what it does, so I store it for the time being

I look around the glade but see nothing more

going back to take the right side road, nothing special happened

It's dark in here, if I didn't have greater mana vision I would need a touch or something

on the right side road, I find nothing, only some skeletons, and reptiles, a dead-end

getting out I sense Vani Eleonore and more 3 unknown life form

I hear a yell seems like they are having a disagreement

I walk slowly toward the exit, I open my eyes for a second to send fear at them

they stopped talking, walking slowly step by step making a noise, I could feel their fear making me stronger

I appear before them, and once again I surprise myself, humans are tiny compared to vampires, a group of 2 men and one woman, judging by their equipment the girl is a mage, and the other two men are warriors one with a shield

"What is happening? Vani Eleonore" I ask 

after I asked, the girl with them started talking

"so you are the so-called "Queen" these two were talki-g" the black-haired mage tries to speak

but in a bolt of dark red lighting making a rumble, I appear at her side looking at her from above

one man goes into reflex mode and tries to hit me with a slash, but Eleonore appears behind him and snaps his neck

"no! What did you do?!" the girl screamed while the lifeless body of her companion fell to the ground

the other man tries to pull out his sword, but Vani is already behind him

"pull that out and will be my pleasure to kill you mortal" Vani says with a malicious laugh

the man is paralyzed in fear his body won't move

"you talk only when I ask if you understand shake your head," I say with a menacing voice

the girl is trembling, she is doing her best to keep standing at least, she shakes her head nervously

"then Eleonore, what happened?" I ask Eleonore, and she gives me a bow

"My lady, these mortals were going to enter the dungeon, and we gave a warning, that if they got close to the door we would kill them, seems like the little girl didn't like it, and she started blabbing about her mortal's affairs, I paid no mind" says Eleonore politely

"girl you are permitted to speak, say what business you have here" I say with a cold voice

She is trembling a bit but is keeping it together somehow, I guess survival instinct?

"M-e and my party came here lookin-g for a book, a magic tome that I lost the last time I was in this dungeon" the little girl answered, she was talking very fast

I did find a book let's see, getting the book out of my ring I hold it

"This book?" I ask with a cold voice

she hesitates, and agree

"I see, what does it do?" I ask her, she seems surprised that I do not know 

"magic tomes possess information about types of magic created by experienced mages that study the arcane" the little girl says

I throw it to Eleonore a mage, she takes it and reads it for a bit

"is it useful for you Eleonore?" I ask her

Eleonore closes the book

"It is not My Lady" Eleonore said throwing me the book

"Seems like your luck day, huh? I could return this book to you of course" I say smiling gently

the girl looks at her friend's corpse on the ground and tears fall from her eye

"I could return it, but in return, I ask for information" I say smiling 

"What kind of information?" the little girl asked fearing the worst

"Don't worry mortal, just some friendly talk nothing more, Vani" I say, giving a gesture to Vani, and she creates a round table with five chairs

I give my spatial ring to Eleonore, so she does her work arranging the table

"then be my guest, you two may sit down" I say while sitting in the middle, at my left and right were Vani and Eleonore

The little girl sits and the man with a shield too, they are terrified, 3 tall women drinking blood with a teacup? I would be too

"then, little girl and you with the shield, state your names" I say

"im Fela" the girl say

"im Hiko" the men say

"Fela, Hiko, I wish to know more about the mortal world, say you guys came from where?" I ask

they came from the nearby city of Suaoriz, adventures working for the guild, a job where you slay dangerous monsters that can cause trouble and win money, they even have small little ranks

"one of you happen to have some words about a necromancer around these parts?" I ask casually

"no, we don't, first of all, necromancy arts are prohibited by the church of Light, so any necromancer the Crusaders find around is burned to death" Fela says

"Ho? Tell me more about this church of Light and Crusaders" I ask

she says that the church of Light worshiper a god named Oriel god of light, those who have strong links with the church and their ways gain the powers of light magic that comes from Oriel himself at least is what the legend says, light magic is a big advantage against demons and monsters, the crusaders are the first line of defense against demons, no wonder vampires got almost wiped out being stronger than humans, light magic mixed with human numbers could be deadly

some cities even permit them to patrol the streets, they even have a nation of their own, called Light Popedom, they hate any other race but humans because they do not follow the church beliefs, typical

I asked for information regarding strong magical artifacts too but they don't know much

"if you need to know you should ask a researcher in the field, there is one guy at Suaoriz, maybe he can help you but will be difficult for you, I don't know what you are but you girls definitely are not humans" Hiko says

"Could you say how many crusaders there are at Suaoriz?" I ask

"Probably about 14 initiate level and one commander, and a priest, that's what they usually use for every church at minor cities but is hard to know" says Fela


I then rise from my chair Vani and Eleonore do the same

I throw a book at Fela

"Take it, you deserved, where you two are going now?" I ask them


"back to Suaoriz, bring back our companion's body to his family bury..." Fela says looking sad

"I see, you bestow upon me great information, and I shall give you a ride there, do you accept?" I ask them

Fela and Hiko look at each other puzzled

"Well if you wanted to kill us you would have done it already, but what do you mean by a ride? There is no horse around" Fela say

"Soon you will learn, but I warn you, protect your body with everything you have I don't know what effects it might have on mortals" I say with a serious tone


I gesture for Vani to take they friend's body with her

"Again? Sigh I hate this Queen" Vani says worried

"this time it will go well you shall see Vani" I say laughing a little

"Mortals get close to me, for you shall travel with us today" I say channeling my dark red lighting

the mortals watch in shock

I channel a bolt to the heavens making a thundering sound

"Aaaa! Why it is so loud" Fela yells putting his hands on his ears

Im surrounded by dark red lighting, while the sky turned black, thunders with a red color could be seen forming in the clouds

rain starts to fall

the storm is getting worse

"brace yourselves here I go" I say with a serious tone

"thunder gods chariot!" a gigantic bolt of red lighting hit us

sending us to the sky with a boom, and we go traveling through the clouds making a storm of lighting behind us, the thundering sound could be heard miles away

I see a green plane close to the city but not too much, and we are going down in a bolt, when we hit the ground a louder boom came and shook the ground

"I knew it! See girls? The third time is the lucky one, I'm on my feet!" I say happily but when I look behind


"whaaaaaaaaaaaa" Fela and Hiko are throwing up


Vani and Eleonore are on the ground

"No more My lady I can't take it, had my head is shaking the world is shaking haa" Eleonore said dizzy

"I guess the third is only your luck try, My Queen" says Vani getting up

"Wake up already Eleonore lets get going, Vani let their companion body there, they don't seem to be in a state to come with us right now" I say while looking at the duo throwing up

Eleonore gets up a little dizzy and falls into my arms

"let me smell you a bit my lady to recharge purposes," says Eleonore smelling my hair

"Yes yes, done? let's go shall we?" I say laughing and giving her a little kiss

Vani and Eleonore put on mantles to hide themselves and I pull the hood of my night cloak

we wake on the main road to Suaoriz, a few people pass, but nothing happened

soon we got close to the city doors, I could see two guards at the gate checking people probably Crusaders, seems like a problem, 3 tall women were wearing cloaks to cover their heads and bodies, yes we would pass without a problem for sure...

one of them with a sword that is similar in height to an average human being, surely we will not get checked

"Vani Eleonore follow my lead" I whisper to them while walking forward

"hold, you three, state your business and show your faces" one of the guards say

but we don't stop, unsheathing their swords one of them asks again

I open my eyes


In a cold dark forest, a man is running from something

"wHy dId yOu bUrN mE, iT hUrTs dOnT rUn hElP mE" screams could be heard and shadows could be seen

"No don't come closer!!, why are you following me!! help, help somebody there?!" the crusader called for help but only the screams of burned souls could be heard


Two crusaders fell to the ground unconscious, and we passed by the gate, some people rushed to aid the guards, but we just kept going forward

as expected we attract a lot of attention, but no one seems to get in our way so don't matter

passing by some people talking I heard quite an interesting thing

"Have you heard? They say that great calamity is coming soon, the thundering sounds and storms in the east are a signal, and some folks even got to see a red bolt of thunder traveling the sky!" one man says to the other

the other men seem skeptical and start to laugh

"Just a bunch of rumors hahaha! red lighting traveling the sky? Probably just a bunch of drunk ass old folks I say" The skeptical men say

I guess I should take a look at the guild first, ask about nearby dungeons and ruins

after walking around for a bit we find the guildhall, some adventures are talking at the doorstep outside blocking the door

I walk to them and stop at their side

"What do you want? Got some problem with us?" a bold head adventure asks me with an angry tone

the bold adventure then looks closely at us and takes a step back

"yes I have quite a problem, I want to enter could you be so gentle and let us pass?" I say with a cold voice

a cold breeze ran down the man's spine, and he got out of the way

The hall seems lively, but soon when I pass through the door with Vani and Eleonore, everyone stops talking, I guess they are not a fan of meeting new people...


I walk toward the balcony where a woman stands, passing by some men whispering 

For some reason, a filthy human scum tries to put his foot on my way to make me fall...

I kept walking and I stepped on his feet, with a loud crack I broke the man's foot

"AAAAAAA my foot son of..." the man screamed

"ooh im sorry I didn't see that your feet were in the way truly a pity" I say while walking toward the balcony

"Hey, bastard! Do you think you gonna break someone's feet and just keep walking like nothing happened? Compensate me with money stupid bitch!" the man yelled in a rage


I stop and turn around, im going in his direction

"oh right sir, how can I forget money compensation, here take it" I say putting a sack of gold in his hand

but as soon as he touched the sack


"Why dId yOu lEaVe mE bEhInD, I tRuStEd yOu, wHy yOu bEtRaYeD mE" a twisted voice screamed at the dark and cold forest


The man fell to the ground and a shiver ran down everyone's spines at the guildhall

"Ooh? It seems like he forgave me, Vani Eleonore, he even returned my gold, what a gentle soul don't you think? Take the sack for me would you Eleonore?" I say sarcastically laughing a little

Eleonore and Vani laugh a little

"Naturally my lady, here" says Eleonore giving back my sack of gold

everyone in the hall was shocked, not one soul could explain what had happened

His companions helped him get up, but he was dead already

I keep walking toward the balcony and the clerk starts to tremble 

"h-i wh-at c-an i- d- for you?" the little clerk was terrified poor girl

"do you guys have information regarding magic artifacts or dangerous ruins dungeons etc?" I ask her putting a smile on my face

she seems to calm down

"Yes we do work with that kind of information, but you have to be a registered adventure to have access to it" she says a little bit scared of what my reaction might be

Hmm? I look around and see a girl wearing a red cloak and a magic staff, blue hair and brown skin, black eyes, smaller than an average human maybe a child?

"Not a problem, wait here for a bit" I say walking toward the seemingly defenseless girl

I stop in front of her and give her a smile

she is scared

"Oh my friend quite some time since I didn't see you, come here with me for a second" I say while grabbing her cloak and pulling her in the air

"what are you doin-" the little girl tries to say but when she looks at my face she changes her mind

I take her to the balcony, put her on the ground

"You see? This little girl is the leader of our team isn't it right?" I ask the little girl

"y-es it is haha" The girl scared played along

"but I just see what yo-" the clerk tries to say

but I cracked a grim smile and she shivered

"no, you didn't see anything, right?" I say to the clerk

"y-es I must have imagined im sorry, then girl show me your card" the clerk says with fear and a cold sweat coming down his forehead

little girl is trembling while she is taking her card out of her bag, I sneak a peak at her name, Eurazania

"then Eurazania, ask what I asked before to the clerk if you may" I said to her with a grim smile and laughing a little

after hearing me tell her name a shiver ran down her spine and she blank for a moment

I give her a little pat on the head, and she wakes up and asks the question

apparently, Suaoriz needs high-strength adventures, so there are some dangerous dungeons relatively nearby but no information about magic artifacts

while we were talking, two Crusaders guards entered the hall

"We received complaints about strange behavior coming from 3 tall women wearing black cloaks" a guard says entering the hall

they see us

"hey you three stop right there and lower your hoods!" one guard yelled

I grab Eurazania by her cloak again and get face-to-face with her

"Leader! Did you see the 3 strange women wearing black cloaks around here? I must have lost it, didn't see no one" I say sarcastically and Vani and Eleonore start to laugh the guards rush at me putting their spears on my face, but now they are already too close

I open my eyes and


"yOu kNoWn I wAs iNNoCeNt, wHy dId yOu bUrN mE AAAAA iT hUrTs" twisted voice screaming in agony around a man in a dark and cold forest


Everyone felt a cold running through their whole soul but no one dared to move

two guards fall to the ground at the same time

"Oh? Seems like they overworked and collapsed from fatigue, poor guards let us go and let them sleep for a bit shall we?" I say with a sarcastic tone walking towards the exit

little Eurazania is trembling at my hand, and Vani and Eleonore are laughing hard

"Wh-y are you still holding m-e?" Eurazania asks me trembling

"Why? Because you are coming with us, you are our team leader right?" I say smiling at her while walking out of the hall