
The Journey of Lady Doom

Her Death amused the Gods. Now she is searching for owls and profit. Beware the Arrival of Lady Doom. AN: English is not my first language and this story is being written as a form if therapy for myself.

Owlfurret · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Lady Doom

Chapter 1: Fire and Shadows

She found herself floating in total darkness with no memory of how she got here. All around her the void stretched out into infinity. No matter how hard she tried to remember nothing came to mind. It felt like she had been floating in darkness for an eternity.

A bright green box Floating in front of her face brought her out of her thoughts.

Welcome potential Host. You died in an ironic way. As Your death has amused one of the creator gods and they are offering you a new chance at life. Should you accept you will be reincarnated in a fictional universe.yoiu will be granted the ability commonly known as THE GAMER.

Shop points allow the user to buy a multitude of objects, abilities and other things in the Game Shop.

If the Host accepts the title of The Traveller the Host shall gain access to the Ability to travel through the Omniverse. The Host will instantly gain Access to the following Abilities:

Gamer's Mind:

The Host is immune to any form of mind alteration. Note that this does not make the Host immune to Illusions that affect the environment. It only affects mind alteration that targets the Host directly.

Gamer´s Body:

The Host's body becomes like that of a Video game Character. The Host no longer needs food, water, sleep or air. The Host can gain buffs from eating or sleeping. The Host is able to heal from any Injury as long as the Health points (dictated by the Host's Vitality) have not reached Zero. After a night of sleep the Host will heal from any Injury. Note that certain curses will still affect the Host until removed.


The Host is able to store any Non-living Object inside the Inventory and recall them at will. Note that while there is no maximum Limit to the Size of the stored Object the time needed will increase above a certain size (capital class Star destroyer).

Do You Wish to accept the Role of THE TRAVELLER?

[ Yes | No ]

What the Heck? A gamer system?

You know what, sure why not I have nothing better to do inside this endless Void.

Might as well go for an adventure.

Yes System, I accept.

Very well Traveller

As a welcoming gift you get one three draws of the wheel of Power.

Three massive wheels with endless symbols appeared before her and began to spin at immense speeds. The first wheel stopped upon the symbol of the tattoo of a maroon red fox with a sub inside its tail.

Power Gained Fox sin of Greed:

The Host gains extreme resistance to attacks, Immortality and the ability to rob physical objects and abilities they can catch. This ability is limited by the power of the Host. If too much is stolen the Host will explode.

"Oh shite, that's amazing I got Bans powers. Oh I am going to have fun with this. This is going to be amazing. I wonder if I can steal an Uchihas eyeballs? Oooh maybe I can steal the souls of people. Mehehehe this will be fun. I wonder what else I will get."

The second wheel stopped upon the Symbol of a Brain

Power Gained Supreme Learning:

The Host is able to learn anything they have the Physical capabilities for at an extremely accelerated rate.

"That will come in handy with the powers of Ban. Let's see what else I will get."

The last wheel stopped upon a Symbol representing a conflagration of shadows.

Power Gained Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic:

The Host has gained the abilities of a Shadow dragon Slayer. With this power The Host is able to enter shadows to travel, Consume Shadows to heal and strengthen themselves, turn into Shadows and use Shadows as a means of attack.

"Shadow Slayer magic huh? I already know what I am going to do with this. Well no time like the present. System, can you tell me if I get to design how I will look in my new Life?"

Yes Host. You are allowed to design your new Avatar. Keep in mind that things like wings and claws are allowed. However the system will not provide you with the ability to hide your features should you choose to have them.

" I see, please import the features of Maleficent with her wings equipped, add retractable bone claws like those of Laura Kinney and you know what add eyes and the tail of a clouded Leopard too but make it prehensile. If possible set my age to 14 years old"

Affirmative Template Chosen

The 3D image of a Child Maleficent with acidic yellow eyes, magnificent raven wings and a long clouded Leopard tail appeared in front of her.

"Yes this will do nicely."

Host needs to Choose a Name for Herself

"I think I shall be called ALice Doom from here on out. System please set my name as Alice Doom."

Affirmative Name has been set to Alice Doom

The Host will now be sent to her first world. Be aware that the Host's age can be changed by the system depending on which world they will enter.

Now, Prepare for transit Host

A kaleidoscope of colours surrounded Alice and she lost consciousness.

When she regained consciousness she found herself in a fast plain of grass. After getting her bearings she decided to check her body. She was wearing simple linen clothes and primitive leather shoes. She didn't have anything else with her. After that she took stock of her surroundings.

The grasslands stretched for quite a distance. A river was running through the lands and she was able to see a mountain range in the distance. After observing the sun she was able to ascertain that it was early morning.

"System please display my current Status."


Name: Alice Doom

Title: The Traveller

[The traveller allows the Host to travel to different worlds in the Omniverse. It also allows the Host to understand any Language. As well as ??? and ???]

Level: 1

HP: 1000

EP: 0

Strength: F

Endurance: SSS To physical attacks. E to Soul Attacks

Charisma: G

Luck: E

Intelligence: F-

Speed: E

Energy: 100


Cooking Level 35

[The Host is able to cook tasty home cooked meals]

Metalworking Level 63

[The Host is able to utilise multiple types of tools to create objects, tools, weapons and armour from metal]

Programming Level 47

[The Host is able to understand and program in most of the basic programming languages]

Unarmed Combat Level 12

[the Hosts skills are slightly above your average street thug]


Snatch Level 1

Adaptive Mind Level MAX

Dragon Slayer Magic Level 1

"System, might I ask where exactly I am?"

Host is in the world of Avatar the Last Airbender. The time is one year before Canon. Would the Host like to enable the Map function?

"Yes System please enable the Map Function for me if you could."

A round blue map appeared in the top right corner of her Vision displaying her current surroundings in a top down view. It had grid lines that separated the map in 1km by 1km squares.

Alice took some time to observe her surroundings via the map and realised that she was nowhere near anything built by humans.

This would work to her advantage as she really needed to figure out what she wanted to do now and what she was capable of at this moment. But first she wanted to do something else.

She unfurled her new wings with a satisfying grunt. The feeling of the wind on her feathers was amazing and she had never felt anything like it. The way it passed through her flight feathers was almost orgasmic after not feeling anything for what could have been aeons.

She discarded her shoes and just enjoyed the feeling of the grass underneath her feet. After a few hours of just enjoying the feeling she made her way towards the river and took a long soak in the river's crystal clear water, enjoying the texture of the gravel beneath her feet.

With a deep sigh she sank beneath the waters, enjoying the fact that she was able to stay below the surface of the river for as long as she pleased.

Hours later when her entire skin looked like a wrinkled prune she made her way out of the water and onto land. Her wings spread out and a pleasant shudder went through them as she shook off the water from her feathers.

After she finished drying herself off she began to experiment with her wings, expanding and contracting them, moving them individually. She spent hours trying to figure out how her wings worked before finally getting the hang of it.

"Ok I can do this. I wanted wings, I can learn how to use them. Come on Alice, let's try this.

Like a baby owl running start."

Alice began to run across the plane as fast as she could before unfurling her wings and with a mighty jump took off for the first time. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she gained altitude but because she was too focused on the feeling of flying on her own without any tools, she soon planted her face into the dirt because she forgot to flap her wings in order to keep flying.

Spitting out the dirt and grass and removing the grasshoppers from her hair she sat up and got her bearings.

Everything was spinning and she wasn't feeling too well. It took her a few minutes but once the world was back to normal she tried again.

This time she didn't lose herself to the feeling of flight, Instead she focused on keeping her balance in the air and flapping her wings regularly.

flying in a straight line for a while she tried to turn for the first time. She remembered videos of owls flying and foggy memories of observing a murderous pet owl flying around.

She extended the tip of her left wing and was promptly janked towards the left. Over the next few hours she exercised her wings thoroughly flying across the plane. Due to her gamer's body Perk she was able to fly indefinitely.

She spent an entire day flying around above the grasslands, chasing what birds she could find and flying through a cloud. That was a mistake as she was dripping wet when she exited the cloud.

After that she made her way down and landed in front of a cave she had seen from the sky. Alice shook her wings to get rid of the moisture before wrapping them around herself and made her way into the cave. Her tail swishing behind her.

Her eyes allowed her to see in the darkness of the cave. There was nothing inside and the cave ended after a few metres. The walls were lined with glowing pink mushrooms and the ground was covered with soft blue moss. Some stalactites hung from the roof, spreading eerie shadows across the cave.

Alice laid down on the ground and used her wings as a cover before she went to sleep.

-The next day Mossy cave, Earth country

Alice woke up with a heavy jawn and proceeded to stretch her wings and limbs. She blearily rubbed the sleep from her eyes and made her way towards the exit of her temporary home.

When she reached the outside she found that a massive storm cell had made its way above the plains and it was absolutely pouring. Thick strands of rain fell down from the sky and lightning danced between the clouds. She sighed and made her way back into the cave.

"Oh well I guess I can train my Shadow slayer magic. I am not going flying in that weather. Nope, no way, not happening. Let's see, Shadow Slayer magic grants control over Shadows. If I understand this right, I should be able to mould Shadows as I wish. Hmm I could probably create an illusionary shell around myself and if I want to I should be able to use the Shadows as armour. Oh I got an amazing idea, let's try this."

She sat down in the lotus position and focused on the shadows around herself. With a moderate amount of concentration she managed to envelop herself in a shroud of shadows.

A drop of water fell from the roof of the cave but when it landed on her head it passed through her body without touching her.

"Intangibility confirmed. Good, let's move on to teleportation."

Alice made her way over to one of the shadows cast by a stalactite and sat down inside the shadow. She focused on the effects of a magnetic funnel and tried to connect it to one of the other shadows in the cave. A strange feeling spread across her body and she disappeared. An instant later she reappeared in the shadow she had focused on.

"Mehehehe oh this will be FUN. Let's see if I can hide in a Shadow"

It took her some effort but in the end Alice managed to sink into the Shadow without teleporting around. After that she exited the shadow and tried to pull it with her. To her surprise it came easily and she wrapped it around herself like a blanket.

Using the principles behind the refraction of light in water she managed to get a grayscale image to form on the palm of her hand. She spent the rest of the day getting familiar with her shadow powers, discovering multiple new types of power.

In the Afternoon Alice began experimenting with mana. Since she had a Gamer system she suspected that she had mana like almost every other gamer.

Alice sat down in the lotus position and began to focus on the Energies inside of herself. It took her some time but She began to feel a spark inside of herself.

She began to observe the spark from all sides, her mental image floating in front of a small electric blue bolt of light. Gently she touched the lightning inside of her.

As her hand made contact with the lightning as shock went through her body and she heard the now familiar ding of the system. With a triumphant yell of victory she bolted up from her sitting position and began to dance around the cave in joy.

She had done it. She had achieved one of her oldest dreams. She was finally FINALLY able to manipulate the energies of the Universe.

It had taken her one lifetime she no longer remembered clearly and an eternity floating in the void but She finally made progress. This was a joyous day indeed.

Due to rigorous meditation you have unlocked Energy manipulation And Meditation.

Be aware that the Energy manipulation skill theoretically allows the User to use any type of energy if the right catalysts are present.

Meditation Lvl: 1

Passively increases the Regeneration of Energy points by 10%

Active meditation increases the Regeneration by 50%

Active meditation currently needs the User to sit or lay down. Movement breaks the concentration.

Current Energies unlocked:

Chi (Avatar)

Mana (universal)

"YES I KNEW IT. MEHEHEHEHEHEHE. Oh you better watch out Ozai, I am coming for your ass, and when I am done with you there won't be anything left to bury."

After her outburst of minor madness Alice sat back down and continued to meditate.

Her plan was to unlock the ability to use chakra so she had more forms of mobility. After all, no one expects their enemy to run along the ceiling or on the surface of a lake.

It took her days to remember how the energy in the Naruto world worked but after relentlessly banging her head against the problem She finally managed to unlock the Ability to use chakra.

After another little dance she Looked at her Energy tab.

Energy Manipulation

The Ability to manipulate the building blocks of the Universe.

Current Energy types:

Mana (Universal)

Chi (Avatar)

Chakra (Naruto)

Another Week passed and Alice spent a lot of time trying to figure out the basics of Chakra.

There was no telling how many times she had fallen off a wall or into the river as she tried to stick to the walls of her cave or walking on the surface of the small river nearby.

At some point She had stopped wearing her clothes when trying to walk on the water as drying her clothes had gotten quite annoying to her.

It took another Week of meditation and some rigorous Application of swearing for her to figure out the trick but She finally had managed to stick to walls on instinct and running on water was now second nature to her.

She spent the rest of the day practising her flight and following her biggest passion. Looking for owls. Sadly she didn't find any burrowing owls in the grasslands surrounding her cave.

When evening drew near Alice collected some of the moss from the cave floor and made herself a rudimentary bed and a loose moss blanket. She soon drifted off into a relaxing night of sleep.

The next morning she got up and stretched herself. After some basic gymnastic exercise she decided that it was finally time to get some combat experience.

On a whim Alice began to collect Samples of the moss and the Mushrooms in the cave for later observation and testing. After stuffing roughly half of the cave into her Inventory She made her way outside and asked the System.

"System please grant me entrance to an Instant Dungeon filled with the lowest level enemies possible."


Time crawled to a halt and Alice found herself in a ruined world.

All around her rose crumbling skyscrapers, The sky had a sickly yellow colour and the land looked dead and rotten. She was able to see a large crowd of shambling corpses in the distance.

"Ah yes the basic zombie apocalypse, Well let's do this."

She tried her Shadow Slayer magic by turning into shadows to protect herself from the zombies. Her entire body turned a shade of grey as the shadow shroud enveloped her body.

Without wasting anymore time she rushed towards the first zombie, a decomposing child and used her snatch magic.

The corpse let out a low wail as a dark essence was collected from it before decomposing into grey particles.

1 Minor Necrotic Energy gained, 10 EXP gained

A sinister smirk appeared on her face as she ran towards her next target. She kept stealing the Essence of multiple Zombies and in a short while she amassed one hundred Minor Necrotic Essences and enough EXP to reach Level 2. During her rush to steal as much as she could, her Snatch and Shadow dragon slayer magic had levelled up to 4 and 7 respectively.

Host has reached level 2. Host has been awarded 1 Status Point and 1 Shop point. Would the Host like to distribute her Status Points?

"Invest Half into Strength and Half into Speed"


"What is the use of minor necrotic Essences?"

Minor Necrotic Essence can be combined into Necrotic Essence at a rate of 100 to 1.

This Essence can be used to rot and destroy living beings. With the proper skill iot can be used to raise undead. Once acquired, it will regenerate equal to the Energy status.

Alice nodded before using her wings to fly up onto one of the decaying buildings to get a vantage point. In order to relax her mind, she left her Shadow form and began to look around. It didn't take her long to find what she was looking for.

In the distance she was able to see a shopping mall. With a few flaps of her wings she was moving towards her target.

What she didn't expect was the swarm of undead crows that got in her way.

After spitting out some feathers from having flown into one of the crows she let loose a massive Shadow dragon's roar, utterly obliterating the crows in her way.

"Stupid annoying undead crows. Not only does your living kin fight with my beloved owls now you attack me too? Well get wrecked you annoying things."

Now thoroughly annoyed she switched back to her Shadow form to avoid any more crows and made her way into the mall. She began to comb through the building, pocketing anything of use she could find and killing any zombies she came across. After what felt like days she had found enough supplies that were still in a usable condition.

Her level had increased by 5 and she had managed to find some better clothing too. Her new clothes consisted of a set of Blue cargo pants, black combat boots, a red pullover and a brown leather Jacket.

She had recovered a lot of gear including a 10 person steel frame tent, cooking equipment, multiple sets of spare clothing, antibiotics, general medical supplies, a collection of knives ranging from camping to combat, an entire jewellery store's worth of jewellery, a Fridge, tv and generator.

Multiple plushies, construction equipment, one camping van and one Honda Shadow 1500. And most importantly one King size bed with silk sheets and a massive woollen Blanket.

She left the shopping mall and flew across the city looking around for new and interesting finds. After some time She found an abandoned Military base.

A wicked grin spread across her face as she landed in front of the base. The rusting iron gates were quickly kicked down as She made her way into the compound pocketing any weapons she could find.

It took her hours to comb through the base and loot everything. When She discovered the Armoury she did another small dance of happiness.

Her haul consisted of multiple types of guns, rifles, sniper rifles, grenades, mortars, mines, motorcycles, MRAs and hummers.

But by far her biggest Find was a Fully working Marauder Truck, A fully functioning anti air defence system and a complete fuel refining system with millions of litres of fuel in Storage.

This find alone would be instrumental in ruining the Fire nation's plans. After all, what could their little b do against an anti aircraft battery?

"Well this has been a good hunt. I think I have everything I could need in the near future. It's just annoying that this place didn't have any booze or food left but what can you expect from a Zombie apocalypse. Of course the food and the booze would have been the first things to go. After all, who wants to be sober in the apocalypse? Oh well maybe next time I will find something tasty and if not there is always the real world for that. Well then let's go back. System please open a portal back to the real world."


A bright Flash of light occurred and Alice found herself back in the vast plane of grass. With a mighty jump Alice took to the sky and unfurled her massive wings taking off along the river and towards the mountain range.

-Later that Day, Path along the River

A group of fire nation soldiers was making their way towards one of the earth kingdom villages. Their Intent was to find the rumoured Earth Bender that was hiding in the village.

They were taking a short on some logs next to the river when a dark shadow appeared, covering their entire group.

"Terror Bird. Get into combat position you lazy bastards. Or do you want to get eaten?" Shouted the commander.

But the characteristic screech of the terror bird never came. Instead they heard a sinister feminime chuckle and the shadow began to darken.

"Oh no little soldiers this isn't a terror bird this is much worse."

Alice took pleasure in scaring the soldiers. She had been observing this particular group of prey for a while and what she found had made her unreasonably angry.

This group of soldiers had openly joked about how they liked to raid the local villages for fun.

They had recalled how they had taken advantage of the female population of the earth kingdom. So she had decided to use them as subjects for some experiments she had planned.

She exerted her control over the shadows and first manifested the shadow of a giant bird locally known as terror birds. A unit destroying creature that usually needed a team of trained benders to defeat.

Next she hid in the Shadow of the troop commander and used the Shadow of the bird to project her voice. The soldiers were now on high alert as they suspected an ambush by a malicious spirit.

They weren't wrong…

Before the commander could react she allowed her hand now covered in shadows that dripped from it like ink to exit his shadow and grabbed his back. She proceeded to tear out his spine via her Snatch power. The rest of the soldiers watched with a horrified expression as their commander lost his spine. After tearing out the spine she used it to cave in the commander's skull.

"Now then little soldiers are you scared?" One of the soldiers peed himself.

The next soldier in the line of command decided to try and appease the spirit before she killed them all. "W-What do you want spirit? We did nothing to offend you. P-Please Leave us be."

Alice decided to up the ante and used her shadows to modify her appearance. A gigantic pair of eyes grew inside the shadow followed by a wicked maw that could only be described as demonic in origin and a black miasma began to ooze from the shadows.

"Oh really? So you did not kill the villagers? You didn't rape the women and girls after killing their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons? You didn't burn the villages to the ground for the smallest of slights? No, you have offended me deeply and you shall pay the price for it."

Alice said before materialising two massive wings that lifted her shadow-covered body from the Darkness.

In her new form she stood at a massive four metres of height, covered in darkness from head to toe. Her arms were much longer than any natural creatures and ended in wicked claws that scraped along the ground.

Her Face was a twisted visage with no visible eyes or ears and her mouth was a massive gaping maw with what only could be described as crawling darkness and her legs and feet were that of a bipedal goat.

Her wings were full of milky white eyes that stared at the fire nation soldiers with pure hatred.

The soldiers backed away in fright as this nightmare given form crept towards them. With every step the aberration took the ground beneath it lost all life and turned black and brittle.

The first one to lose his cool was one of the benders. He turned around and ran away screaming. Unfortunately for him, Alice wasn't planning on letting any of them live past this day.

She picked up the corpse of the commander and threw it at the escaping soldier, aiming for his legs.

The corpse impacted the body of the soldier and tore his legs to pieces leaving behind a bloody mess. In the next second Alice had flashed through the group of soldiers ripping off their legs. She used the shadow as a means of travel and appeared next to the bender who tried to run and slowly sank her clawed hand into his chest and slowly used her Snatch powers to steal both his beating heart and bending ability. The other soldiers watched in horror as the aberration stole their friend's heart and ate it.

"Ahh the rotten heart of a human, delicious. I do so enjoy the hearts of men."

As She said this she used the Inventory inside her mouth to seal away the heart. You never know when you will need a fresh heart in the Omniverse.

As this was happening the soldiers began to break down and prayed to the avatar of all things to come and save them.

Their minds could not handle the things they saw and began to shatter. Alice meanwhile was having the time of her life as she slowly and methodically stole the hearts, memories, talents and bending of everyone present.

She had left one soldier unharmed and leisurely made her way over to him. As she walked her face turned into a shadowy copy of his last victim beaten, bloodied and with half of her face burned off exposing her brain.

She had used the memories of the soldiers she had killed to construct this visage in order to inflict the maximum amount of terror upon her would bew messenger.

"Little soldier, are you not happy to see me? Did you not enjoy mine and my daughters bodies before you burnt us to death? Was it not fun for you? Do you not wish for my embrace?" Said Alice as she let the shadows retreat, revealing the abused body of the soldier's last victim. Shadowy Maggots crawled from between her ribs and fell to the ground, crawling towards the soldier.

"Do you not wish to meet the children you brought into this world? Look dear, they are coming towards their father." Said Alice with a sinister grin on her face.

The soldier, having his psyche completely shattered, began to curl up into a ball and begged for his mother. Rocking back and forth as Alice sat down next to him. She lovingly placed her cold hand on his face and released a minor amount of necrotic energy into his flesh leaving behind a patch of dead grey skin in the form of a hand print that spread across his left cheek.

"You know since you fathered those lovely children I am going to let you go as long as you deliver my message to your commander, from this moment on your army is hunted. The spirits of the land are no longer allowing your crimes and any soldier found to be hurting the innocent civilians of this land will be marked and haunted for the short amount of time they have left upon this earth. So run little man, run far and don't stop until you reach your masters for you are marked and there will be no rest for you from now on- and don't even think about killing yourself for the moment you die you will join my court for eternity little soldier. Now go and run to your masters. And don't forget that we will be watching you"

The nameless soldier got up and ran as if hell was on his heels, not noticing the shadowy maggots that stuck to his body.

As soon as the soldier was out of view Alice turned back into her base form and promptly puked into the river. She sat there at the edge of the river dry heaving and shivering. Not from what she had done but from what she had seen in the minds of the soldiers.

It was much worse than anything she could have imagined. They hadn't just abused the adults but had stooped so low as to hurt children as young as ten years old and the worst part was that she knew that those weren't the only soldiers doing such abhorrent deeds.

Oh no, most of the fire nation's army was like this and it sickened her to the core. Her anger turned towards Aang who instead of doing his duty decided to run and thus allowed this to happen. She swore to herself that she would make this right even if she had to kill every single fire nation soldier on her own.

She had time and with the amount of bending she had stolen from the soldiers, she was one of the more powerful fire benders on this planet. She would make this right.

She collected herself and leapt into the sky with a massive flap of her wings, flying towards the location of the Village she had stolen from the soldier's mind.