
The Irregular in remnant

In a world plagued by soulless beings of darkness and a struggle between two gods, an irregularity is born that will break everything by changing the world system itself, thus also eliminating anyone who gets in its way.

ZAHARD_KING · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: Beyond the Realms

After a week of sheer suffering in kuo kuana, they were able to settle in their destroyed homes, although some fauns still feared that there would be another explosion and that they would not survive.

Due to this destruction, the White Fang united as one supporting all those in need, several were also afraid as they thought that this was an attack from the kingdoms that wanted to show their dominance over them, being powerless before the attack power that surely it would if they receive it completely, there will be nothing left of them.

Sienna also reflected on Alex's words since this attack could be proof of them, thinking that really if the kingdoms wanted to they would already be destroyed, and with everything that happened she decided to support Ghira to strengthen her people so that they are not little potatoes. French fries for the rest of the world.

Meanwhile Belladonna also began to help those in need, some were given refuge in her mansion since miraculously it was intact and they did not suffer anything, although Ghira as the leader of the island had a huge burden wanting to reduce the casualties, but with the With the help of the White Fang, their burden lessened and together they began to rebuild their village, but there is also the problem of the fauns' fear that their island is no longer safe.

They were also worried about Alex since he disappeared the day of the explosion and they don't want to imagine what happened to him, Blake is even worse, although he helped with everything with a smile, he is very depressed since he feels that it is his fault that Alex has disappeared and she thinks that she had an accident when the explosion occurred, since no matter how hard she looks for it, she can't find it, leaving her even more disappointed.

There were also those who supported the fauns, ozpin personally with his hunters also helped more since he was also here to investigate, and surprisingly atlas sent supplies to distribute them among the population.

White Fang did not like this at all and some resentful fauns, some even claimed that the one who attacked them were humans, but they had to grit their teeth, since they were in a deplorable situation not to accept help.

Thanks to these it is also that the fauns did not fall into such misfortune.

When Ozpin with some hunters and another surprise, since he was also accompanied by General Ironwood with his officer Winter Schnee, went to investigate what happened, they did not leave unprotected since they also carried weapons of the highest caliber since this is of the utmost importance.

They only found a devastated land that seems to have been pulled from the same hell, the same weather was uncontrollable, multiple fire storms passed through the entire desert, with the same space seeming out of control as it seems total destruction due to the landscape where it is, and with a huge cannon on the ground, craters all over the place like someone fought here, even a person would go crazy around here as the aura is also crazy with dark parts that look corrupted.

The Grimm themselves seemed to not exist on this land as they had all been eradicated in the crossfire.

Some hunters even looked like they wanted to pee their pants, this whole thing was a scene from the apocalypse.

But the most experienced and those who adapted to the new power system, using their spiritual vision, saw aura residues that were all over the battlefield, one by his very essence discovered that he was a human and the other annoyed them since his presence was very dark and corrupt.

With that they came to the conclusion that there was a great battle between two higher powers here, that only made them feel weak, but then they cheered up since with the information they had they could evolve to a higher level, only time will tell if they will improve.

"ozpin I think this is proof enough that what that anonymous being said is real! There are hidden powers in every remnant that has enough power to defeat us! I think we should implement the new upgrade to have stronger people among us! says ironwood in a very serious way, silencing everyone since what he said is true.

"You're right about that James, once we get back we should make it official!"

"Come on, we've investigated enough already! I don't think we can get close to that! The only thing that this event awakened in us is our duty to strengthen ourselves and defend ourselves from what is beyond what we know!"

"James gather everyone you trust and I will bring the hunters loyal to humanity and us to implement it once and for all!" says ozpin seriously without a hint of emotion.

"Yes come on, we have a lot of work to do!" ordering everyone to get ready

"yes sir!"


P.O.V. Alex:

Getting up, I wake up all sore, looking, I see that all my clothes are destroyed, looking around I realize that I am in a very narrow cave.

By stretching, I make all my bones creak that were days without moving, I think, going to sit on a high rock, I put my consciousness inside, and I see that I am very damaged internally, it will take me a while to recover. completely.

But it's strange right now, I feel more powerful than I was before, even using all my power, checking my soul, I'm surprised to see that my spiritual core was complete, but the core wouldn't make me that powerful, that just gives me large reserves of aura and mana, but I don't get that strong.

I think of all the possible outcomes but I don't come to a conclusion as it's that battle if I break my limit getting stronger but I don't like this weird feeling.

Once again, looking deeper into my soul, I carefully see that everything inside of me changes, my soul seems more evolved, waiting for "evolution"

remembering the last gift that the other old God gave me, I feel that all the strength returns for the joy that I feel.

"ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! I never thought that my evolution would come like this, but I am completely satisfied because with this I will become stronger ha! ha! ha! ha!" " LOL!" my curl resonates throughout the cave, but I don't stop because I'm so happy.

After a while I stop to breathe since I laugh so much that I am out of breath putting myself to rest I think I should calculate my evolution, I remember that in that slime novel humans have an evolution, I think I will be inspired by that one.

I'll call this evolution "Enlightened" just like the first evolution like the one in the novel, although I'm stronger than those "enlightened" I'm not thinking of strength right now, I'm just thinking of evolution, since evolution also serves to break your limits easier, I would not be surprised if in a later evolution there are no limits, perhaps I can help those who are trusted to evolve, nor will I be so naive to believe everyone.


I meditate a bit to relax, I have to go see how everyone is, I don't want something to have happened to them in the explosion, at the last moment I put a protection over all kuo kuana but more to the Belladonna mansion, since they are the ones What matters most to me, I only saved the others since Ghira wants to build his strength.

I prepare to go back, but I can't go with this wachafada of clothes that are all destroyed, the demon's clothes that I stole when I came here I still have it in my own dimension, "uff I happily kept it there" putting the clothes on I teleport in the Marked point that I left in the mansion.

At the top of the mansion, I see the entire village under reconstruction. It seems the explosion reached them, but there are no injuries. That's a good thing. I'm surprised that White Fang is cooperative. I say who isn't if their land is destroyed. I guess they learned from This one too, "I'm glad they're growing up!" I think sarcastically.

Appearing in front of the old man I surprised him a lot since he jumped back falling, how silly, I suppress my laughter looking away, the old man gets up quickly although embarrassed, "how disgusting to see an old man blushing" I think with disgust.

"Is that really you, Alex! Nothing bad happened to you?!" the old man asks me all worried, although the view is strange, but I got used to it.

"hey man , yeah I'm fine just a little tired but no big deal !" I tell him without telling him anything about what happened in the desert that's just for me .

"Oh thank God I'll get this over with and take you to Kali and Blake! Maybe your presence will cheer Blake up a little since she's been a little down lately!" he says and then carries big boxes.

"old man I will help you with this no refusals" without letting me recuse myself I also help him load these boxes which I guess will be supplies , the old man says let's take it to the center as they are making a big canteen there for those who are without food to feed from there.

After much work we return to the mansion which was also inhabited by other homeless fauns , as we get to the main room we smell a rich aroma coming from the kitchen , although most of it smells like seafood.

"Kali honey! , Blake is back and guess who's coming with me!"

"ohh Ghira the food is almost ready here I come !" coming out aunt Kali from the kitchen with Blake who was also helping , as soon as they saw me they were surprised .

"Surprise!" I say raising my arms expecting a hug and I am not disappointed as Aunt Kali hugged me excitedly.

"oh Alex I'm so glad you're okay you don't know how worried I was not finding you in the whole situation this with the explosion!"

"you don't have to worry about that aunt it's over besides I'm fine! I can help in any way I can!"

"oh then later we'll help in the Re construction of kuo kuana!"

"no problem!"

"Blake what are you doing there dear come say hi to Alex he's back healthy!" urging his daughter to say hi to me , it's kind of comical how Blake is uncomfortable there

"welcome back!" then she ran off to the kitchen.

"ahh this girl don't worry Alex she'll get over it! , rather let's go serve the food!"

Then we started to eat all together, I devoured a huge amount of food as I was very hungry and had not eaten for days, I apologized and told him that they would give me more food as compensation, and they gave it to me.

So the months passed and the reconstruction was successfully carried out, even some places improved with this change.

With Ghira's alliance with Sienna , White Fang joined starting a new reform of forming an army to defend the fauns , of course I also helped a little .

Blake apologized to me , I told her it was no problem and started joking with her , going back to our previous relationship with more rapprochement .

I already knew that my time on the island was running out as I don't know when those demons will come back in here in remnant , I must be prepared for that , the last battle made me see my limit of what I can with them , and even being here prevents me from progressing , so I will help in what I can to leave in peace .



In a large barracks hidden by voucher gathered the greatest powers of all remnant , of course those who are only loyal to protect humanity , and professional hunters from the various academies headed by Director Ozpin of Beacon .

They are all gathered in a large room with a very tense atmosphere because the topic they will discuss is of utmost importance, any interruption is a serious crime here.

In the large circle of leaders, everyone keeps a straight face as what is said here will change the world as they know it.

At this moment General Ironwood walks to the front in full view of everyone to begin the Meeting once and for all.

"First everything that is said here shall not be revealed to the general public until the official announcement on a global scale! Those who do not comply with this important requirement! will be severely punished! And if it is not too much even death will be included! Seeing as no one is saying anything, he exhales a little to continue speaking.

"Well, as you know, a serious event occurred in Menagerie! I won't hide it from you! But all that disaster happened because of a battle between only two people! It almost wiped out the continent of Menagerie!"

suddenly the hubbub among the leaders began to be heard some afraid of things they are not aware of and others interested and cautious in the mysteries they did not know.

"That how is it possible for only two people to cause such destruction".

"Yes! I'm sure they are just covering it up for some other reason".

"Yes! Maybe one of the kingdoms ordered the attack because they don't like the fauns.

"for two people to do such a thing, how monstrous they will be".

"SILENCE!" shouted General Ironwood.

"I know you will be afraid or curious, but be restrained from speaking until I am finished!" seeing how they are silent, he continued.

"a year and a half ago we received information from someone mysterious , saying that the world is bigger than what we see , with explicit details of different hidden enemies who could destroy us if they wish but fail in their many attempts as they are suppressed by a mysterious force !" he watches as everyone's face looks at him as if he is joking .

"I know you don't believe me ! I know you don't believe me , but as you are you , so were we ! me with professor ozpin , we didn't believe you at first , but you shut us up with the truth ! not only because of what happened in Menagerie ! But you also hide them from us and they are getting stronger and stronger !" from there the General showed several images of beings that were found with the clues they were given , needless to say that the weak minded and leaders who were always normal were frightened by what they saw thinking that there is a way to oppose those beings.

"I know we are no match for them with our weapons and aura alone! Even the various factions we don't even know! We can't fight the grimm but we can fight them but maybe in the future we can't! But that unknown person gave us a way to become stronger by going through different phases! One stronger than the other, and this is what I wanted to show you!" in a hologram a row of the different phases appeared:


[Stage of evolution and manipulation of Aura:]

[Each level has its stages : initial , intermediate , high and maximum.]

[Level 1 : Awakening and simple aura protection : shield used by all].

[Level 2 : Strengthening and internal control of aura : be faster stronger and have better senses].

[Level 3 : Outer aura control with spiritual sight , apart from a great physical improvement in all senses , with a spiritual pressure trait , intelligence improvement , weak healing].

[Level 4 : Outer and inner aura formations : swords flecks spears , etc. ; being able to greatly improve your semblance , even some elemental semblances : being able to allow the user to be able to elementize a part of his body being half-intangible minor longevity , improved healing ; photographic memory].

[Level 5 : Being able to put your consciousness in your own body ; for those of elemental semblance : being able to elementize to full body ; computer processing ability ; seeing your inner self brings many benefits : seeing internal wounds never encountered , tumors, diseases , etc. [Even being able to form wings made of aura to be able to fly, minor regeneration, increase your life by two hundred years].

[Level 6 : Being able to affect the environment where you are with your mere presence , high aura manipulation : an aura technique could destroy a small city , great spiritual senses being able to cover a whole set of islands , speeds equal to sound , regeneration enhancement : heal destroyed organs , also badly wounded body , life increased to five hundred years].

[Level 7 : Large aura reserve , control over a basic element : fire , earth , water , wind ; spiritual core formation , being able to see your soul and enhance it , flying without the need for wing formation ; huge body enhancement in all aspects : parallel memory , high regeneration : regenerating up to a limb , longevity of nine hundred years ; having a pocket dimension size of a small room for a person ; a nuclear bomb would only give you a scratch].

( Alex is here in initial stage , only in the fight with the demon he was weakened , because of a fight before coming to menagerie )

[Level 8 : Your presence alone would shake entire continents ; able to destroy large multicontinental sized asteroids ; able to make a space rift ; pocket dimension the size of a large city ; spiritual sense covering the surface of the planet , even able to observe outer space ; extreme aura control , normal aura techniques will be able to do enormous damage to a continent , not destroy it ; able to fly to the exosphere of the earth and survive a short time ; the weather would change with your mood ; your physical strength would be extreme : destroying multiple mountains with your fist alone ; 1000 times the thought processing capacity ; longevity of 1400 years]

[Level 9 : Surviving the vacuum of space ; astral form ; control over all basic elements and their variants ; understanding of laws ; understanding of concepts ; being able to sense the entire planet but not in depth ; having an avatar of your own ; etc.]]

[Level ??? : ????]


Needless to say nothing , as all present and those who knew little were stunned by all this information , but all had that excitement that is when you find your greatest treasure of life .

Just looking at the upper levels it seemed as if water fell from their mouths , many know how their face is at this moment but they do not care because with this information is a way to become a god , several were already expectant of this .

At that a professional hunter asked for permission to ask , which he was allowed .

"Professor ozpin , General ironwood , I know with what you showed us we know there is more than just grimm in this world! but excuse my lack of confidence! But could you show us concrete proof that the levels are true?" asked the hunter with some excitement, wanting to see a demonstration.

"oh Mr. William don't worry! , each of us who called you have already confirmed this with ourselves by experiencing them!"

"Now qrow if you please!" with this one nodding his head.

qrow a while closed his eyes to then open them and all present fell a horrible pressure that knocked everyone to the ground , several felt their bones break , some even bled from his nose , some fainted .

"qrow stop it !" qrow knew it went over , but he didn't care as it is better for them to experience that it is first hand a spiritual pressure , even though he only put 2 % of his pressure , they all got like that as they are weak , they haven't even entered this new world , if he put more pressure he could kill most of them , in his eyes they are all normal people except ozpin and his group .

"For your information I already reached level 4 with the intermediate stage ! , but I can make some aura constructs!" says qrow to then in the air form three pure aura weapons being a sword , rifle and scythe .

"As I advance I can make more , but now only about five !"

Everyone in the room was scared out of their wits , some even feel like they are going to run away , but it must be said they managed to show them the truth even though they are horrified by the power they exerted on them , they feel that qrow could kill them all in a few seconds including all the hunters .

After a while of healing and calming their mind they all no longer denied that what they said is real , to do so would only make them a fool .

"since they are calm , let's make an official announcement !" says Ironwood looking at ozpin seeing how he nods at him .



With the General's announcement everyone in the Meeting went to get ready for this new beginning ; everyone wants to get stronger no matter if they were normal humans .

Everyone knows that in this new era what will matter will be strength , the weak will just crawl on the floor wanting protection being just trash in the eyes of the strong .


At the top of a large mountain that surpassed the clouds, at the top of it sat Alex looking at the horizon.

Remembering what happened in recent months , how he helped all the fauns , further improving what was their home .

Remembering how he also helped to strengthen the fauns of White Fang , more precisely talking to them that as they are part animal , they will have their own partial transformation , that after several months of trying Sienna herself achieved it by transforming her hands into tiger claws , when he talked to them about what it takes to do that , he tells them that everyone must stick to their own animal trait , that he knows his own species and his own anatomy .

And Alex told them that the more they know and get used to their transformation , in the future they will transform into the full animal of which is their trait , he told them that remembering the anime and novels he read that semi-humans had their partial to full transformations .

After a few months several had improved , White Fang was no longer obsessed with recognizing humans , if not they were putting together their own force , headed by Ghira and Sienna as leaders .

Alex said goodbye to the Belladonna to continue his journey , as he wasted a lot of time there , with everyone saying goodbye , he no longer spoke to them about the aura phases , as he knows ozpin will at some point contact them .

The notes he gave ozpin about the phases were based on his experience with the other species and those of the previous era , remembering how different each one was , and with his super mind he managed to build everything based on the aura he himself used to improve , you could say he is the founder of it all , but what does it matter , in the future everyone will know .

Taking momentum he launched himself into the air and flew faster than sound to an unknown destination .

And here is the explanation of the power levels that will exist from now on (in the original series as far as I saw they never focused on improving their own aura and always depended on the semblance with their shield that once they were broken they became vulnerable, but in this novel at the beginning of the canon it will be very different).


ZAHARD_KINGcreators' thoughts