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Para cuando actualizas , más capitulos xd ,
How funny that they say they are high class demons when they are weak, they only have that title because of their brothers xd: v
the quincy bloodline is better
esta mal es SIUUUUU no sui
Actualizalo thanks You
A gem of a book, very well structured, although there are parts that are unfinished, but from there the best, I hope the author does not abandon it.
It's seriously tiring with the Loki family thing. There is a series of novels where he goes to Danmamchi and coincidentally meets Loki or is in his territory. this concept is already very burned
Simply having honkai gakuen is already better. I just wanted to ask what era or timeline this is in? , since Honkai Gakuen is divided into several, but the very rotisimos characters arriving at the multiversal
Mini Madara's performance is good.
I don't like ichika he's stupid 😶😶👍