
Armed Suppression (3)

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

No trial, no questioning, just direct killing. There was no room for discussion.

Ji Fengyan's decisive killing had shocked everyone. All those who had been waiting to see how Ji Fengyan would deal with the matter were completely dumbstruck.

Ji Fengyan's method of dealing with the matter had been very simple—kill.

Now, not only were the residents of Fu Guang City dumbstruck, even Meng Fusheng was shocked. He would never have thought that Ji Fengyan would kill so decisively.

"All of you, remember this." Ji Fengyan sheathed the evil-vanquishing sword. She lifted her chin slightly as she stood amidst the pool of blood. "In Fu Guang City, there are no punishments, only the death penalty."

Only the death penalty!

These four simple words instantly sent chills down everyone's spines.

Once a crime had been committed, it would lead only to death, no matter whether it was a minor or a major crime!