
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantasie
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24 Chs

CH3: The Ring of Hadrious

"Do you remember the story of the black ring that I kept on telling you, the time is right to finish it".

Releasing a low sigh his grandfather continued " After seeing the giant pitch black gates my grandfather tried to force it open but it didn't budge, after a few tries he saw a strange-looking pitch black rock that had cracks coving it in the corner of the room, picking up the rock he felt pressure, same as the one emitting from the gates, he tried a bunch of ideas on the rock even using magic, but none worked, getting frustrated he threw the rock at the wall cursing, that's when the rock shattered into pieces and a pitch black key was laying on the floor, picking up the key he stood in front of the gate which reacted to the presence of the key, and the golden runes started shifting showing a key-hole.

After placing the key it turned on its own and the gates started opening making a loud creak that swept over the cave, as soon as a small gap appeared between the formerly shut gates, the pressure rampaged its way through the gates swinging them open, the pressure was so intense, that it brought him to his knees, in a few seconds he was able to move again, walking cautiously into the dark room a single candle lit up on its own, behind it, was a small black box sitting alone in the empty room, and this ring was inside the box".

"following, he went back to the city and told his story to the people, but instead of admiration, he got vulgar looks".

Raven Kingdom, Ralors Capital City:

A two-story building was in the central district, holding a broad sign "Tampal Tavern" It was one of the most famous taverns in the capital having adventurers as its mainstream customers. Inside the tavern:

"Did you hear Robert's crazy story? "

"Hahaha, of course, I did, or did you think I live under a rock?"

"He must have hit his head on his way back, hahaha."


"Loud laughs mocking my grandfather were heard across the tavern, and soon can be heard across the whole city, they started saying that he lost his mind and that the ring was not worth anything, some others got greedy and tried stealing the ring even if they had to spill blood when they found the latter option hard, rumors started spreading.

At that point, he had enough of leaving the city, and his former life behind, and lived on this peaceful mountain ever since".

" From that day this ring was our family's treasure, and today my son I will pass it down to you, on two conditions, first I want you to protect this ring and keep it safe, and second I want you to go and explore the world and have a normal life, I'm sorry that I had to leave you alone on such a young age ".

After those words, Martin felt his grandfather's hands grow even colder, looking up at him he saw a small smile decorating his pale cheeks with tears running down them.

Seeing this Martin wasn't able to hold his tears any longer, letting it all out his cries filled the surrounding forest. The next day Martin gave his grandfather a respectful and proper burial beside his wife.

A few days have passed since his grandfather's death, and the house was deathly silent, sitting on the bed, with the pitch-black ring that was left for him held in his fingers, Martin muttered: "So after thousands of years I've finally found it, the ring of Hadrious, who could tell id find it in this place and hidden in this world if only I could see the expression on your face if you knew that I got it after all your attempts to hide it from me, god of greed". A wicked smile crawled on his face with eyes full of bloodlust.

The Ring of Hadrious is a pitch-black ring with dark gray runes carved on it, this ring was the god of greed's greatest treasure, who had stolen it from Hephaestus the god of forging, escaping with its last strand of life.

This ring was truly unique even among Hephaestus' most outstanding works, but at the gods' massacre between the immortal and the backstabbing gods, the god of greed found himself in a tight spot not wanting to give his enemy his greatest treasure he hurriedly took off the ring and sealed it in another world, but after his death, the crew lost its owner becoming once again unbound to any entity.

This ring released a pitch-black gas that condensed and could be formed into any weapon its wielder desired, but for it to be able to exert its power it needs to come into contact with god's might, which was a power given to the beings that have acquired the title of a god. And naturally, the stronger a god was the stronger his god's might.

Looking at the ring, Martin slid it into his middle finger, once the ring went all the way through, the carved runes started releasing black strings that went into a rampage, absorbing a portion of Martin's gods' might and bounding itself to him becoming a part of him, in few seconds the black strings got pulled back into the ring until it disappeared going back to normal.

Focusing his mind, pitch-black strings and gas came out of the ring once again but this time it was calm and peaceful, joining together they formed a pitch-black broad long sword with runes carved on the sword and identical to the rings' runes, Martin was ecstatic shouting "it is the real deal", the wicked smile on his face got even wider transforming into an evil one, and his bloodlust grew even denser, any creature in the nearby forest felt this bloodlust their bodies moved on their own, their survival instincts kicking in, telling them to run and get as far away as possible while they still had the chance.

Lucid_Devil#9008, feel free to contact me on Discord.

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