
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantasy
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24 Chs

CH 2: A New Life

9 years later, The Raven Kingdom, Sayla River:

It's a peaceful day by the riverside, the sparkling water giving life to its surroundings, there was a wooden house built beside it.

An old man can be seen sitting on the riverside with a fishing rod in his hands, he is sitting patiently waiting for a catch, behind him, sitting under a tree shade, an old woman on a wooden swing chair with a small boy on her lap sleeping peacefully.

This kid was none other than Immorious or at least that was his real name, in this world his name is Martin Immortella that's the name that was given to him by his grandparents. After the incident, his grandparents took care of him and taught him everything they knew, his grandmother taught him academic portions, and his grandfather taught him the combat portion.

Humans aren't the only species in this world, there are elves, dwarfs, lizardmen, and many others who are under the demi-human species, aside from that, there are monsters, that differ from humans, and demi-humans that have intellect.

Monsters, on the other hand, lack intellect, where monsters are aggressive creatures and see everything either as a threat or prey, there is no third option.

Even though both humans and demi-humans have intellect, the people of this world treat demi-humans as cursed creatures, giving humans the top spot in the hierarchy, that's why many of the demi-humans have fled and built towns for their kind, while others got captured and turned into slaves. Although some cities were different, they accepted both humans and demi-humans, giving them equal grounds and opportunities and that they should be treated indifferently.

Grandmother: "He is truly a prodigy, isn't he?"

Grandfather: "Yes he is, he can cast spells without incantations and do in his first try after seeing it for the first time, all aside from his inhuman strength, if he keeps going at this pace he will be a force to be reckoned with".

Grandmother:" He is grasping concepts far exceeding his age, making it look like child's play".

Grandfather: "He truly is a miraculous child."

After such a long time in the human world, Martin started to grasp a better understanding of humans and their emotions, but he never felt grief for his dead parents, after all, he didn't even know them. He felt grief for the first time at the age of twelve when his grandmother died even though he had the power to resurrect her using ancient magic, he chose not to, knowing that she wouldn't want that.

For the next couple of years, he lived alone with his grandfather, they were together almost all the time, not leaving his side. The years went by, and Martin kept gaining knowledge in this new world and acquiring new emotions such as anger, happiness, sadness, etc...

One night when Martin and his grandfather sitting beside a small fire by the riverside, the grandfather looked at Martin approvingly and asked, "Have I ever told you the story of the black ring?", taken aback by his grandpa's question Martin took a moment to answer trying to recall, after a few seconds he moved his head sideways saying no.

With a proud smile, the grandfather said "Fine, listen carefully then, my great-grandfather was a very famous adventurer, he was a carefree man going around the whole continent exploring and defeating monsters, one day he was in the northern continent, and there he was fighting a 10-meter-tall polar bear, the bear was a nightmare for whoever crossed its path, its claws alone can chop trees in half, after a long and tiring fight he was able to kill the bear, by delivering a fatal wound to the heart and followed by a slash to the neck, he was in a bad state, the snow was piling up, so he tried to get shelter in a nearby cave that used to be inhabited by the huge polar bear.

Stepping into the cave he felt a chill crawl down his spine and felt a huge pressure weigh on him, he was reluctant about entering the cave, but looking back he saw a storm is closing in on his location, gritting his teeth he kept going deeper into the cave, opening his bag he found his last healing potion, after drinking it and resting for few hours he kept on walking further into the cave, feeling the pressure getting even heavier until he reached a pair of giant pitch black gates with ancient golden runes on them"

A spark of excitement flashed in Martin's eyes as was waiting to hear what happens next when his grandfather saw that spark he chuckled getting up from his seat and stretching saying "As for the rest of the story is for another time", the excitement on Martin's face soon turned into sadness that's when his old man tapped his shoulder "don't worry you will hear the rest of the story when the time is right".

Now Martin is 14 years old, he has a fit body, white hair, and white eyes which was truly unique in this world. At that age, Martin was sitting next to his dying grandfather with grief in his eyes.

Still, he tried to look fine holding his old man's hand in his and recalling all the happy and sad memories that they lived together laughing with each other when his grandfather felt that his time has come he held out his and took off a pitch-black ring with even darker runes carved onto it putting it in Martin's palms, squeezing his hand he said with a low and a gentle voice "You never asked me, but I know that your curios about how we live deep in this forest and never had contact with other people, I feel that I owe you the truth".

Lucid_Devil#9008, feel free to contact me on Discord.

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