
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantasie
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24 Chs

CH 11 : Silent Blade

Hearing those words, the man at the rear, popped open a sewer lid that was a few feet away from them, while the woman kept watch.

The man in the lead looked at the new arrival, saying, "Ladies first," with a grin covering his face. Keeping his head down the newcomer jumped into the hole, followed by the other three after confirming no one was watching.

When they got down, they formed the same triangle as before, the man in the lead took off his black cloak showing a gray-haired clad, with a scar vertical over his left eye, making him unable to see with it, the man was tall and thin, although he looked lanky, no one dares to underestimate him.

This guy was a famous assassin, who is known as Silent Blade, he earned this name by having a body made for assassins, combined with his exquisite skill and swift blades anyone who is targeted by him gets killed without even getting the chance to retaliate, and no one has escaped his blade, he was a monster like existence.

"So, you are the newbie that got recruited at the last tryouts, huh, and here I thought you were someone gutsy after you made us wait 10 minutes." Saying those words, the temperature around them dropped, and it seemed like time froze no one uttering a single word.

The newcomer nervously looked at the trio, his knees almost giving up beneath him, "Sir, my name is Rard, it's an honor to be able to meet one of the Forbidden Demise twelve demons in person, I am sorry for making you wait, but I was watching someone I found interesting."

Lifting one eyebrow, Silent Blade looked at Rard, sizing him up, and watching his body movement to know if he was lying, a few seconds later he asked: "Someone interesting? Please do tell me who is that person that piqued your interest".

Tensing up, Rard finally was able to talk, "Well it was a teenager, he had white hair and white eyes, but his appearance isn't what interested me it's his aura and his presence".

"His aura you say, but you know humans don't have an aura, only demi-humans do, or did you bang your head with something?" the man at the back who was one of Silent Blade's subordinates replied with a laugh that sounded throughout the sewer tunnels."

"I know what it's like," hesitating for a second, he continued, "It's like the same pressure you feel in the goddess's chamber", after saying those words he saw the members in front of him gasping, he hurriedly covers his mouth and looking straight at the ground.

Turning his gaze to them once again, he saw Silent Blade staring at him with bloodlust and rage filling his eyes. In the blink of an eye, Silent Blade turned into an afterimage appearing behind Rard.

Trying to turn around, he got launched at the wall with a kick to his back, his vision blurred, and he fell unconscious, a few moments later he heard a faded voice speaking to him, and finding it hard to breathe, he slowly got his senses back.

"Hey, you bastard, you bastard wake up, you think I will let you die just like that", opening his eyes he saw Silent Blade pinning him to the wall with his hands holding tightly Rard's neck chocking him, "You little bastard you dare to disrespect the goddess that we all worship, the strongest of all the gods."

Locking eye's with each other, Silent Blade released a sigh, dropping Rard to the floor, "Just make sure he is worth our time and resources, if he isn't, you will pay for it twofold", Silent Blade spat those words before commanding his subordinates to follow him leaving Rard all alone.

Both subordinates were in even greater shock at the fact that their leader actually let him live after such disrespect, fastening her steps the woman was at her leader's side, "Excuse me, sir, I know you have your reasons, but how could you leave him unpunished."

Glancing at her, Silent Blade said, "When I looked into his eyes I knew he wasn't lying, I've locked eyes with many lyres in my life, and he isn't one of them, leave it as that, and I don't want anyone to know about this you hear me", his voice making them shiver in fear.

Every species has its own unique power to help it survive, humans have magic for them to protect themselves, but humans aren't the only species in this world, demi-humans are one of those species, and demi-humans have many species themselves, they have human-like appearance but animal-like characteristics as well, for example, a person with animal ears, having unnatural strength, agility, or endurance, those demi-humans aren't able to use magic, instead, they use aura which is a power booster skill like body enhancement, but it can be used infinitely as long as their body can endure it, in addition, they can engrave their aura into their weapons to boost its abilities, and damage as well as its durability.

Back at the Laston Inn, a knock can be heard on Martin's door, "One second", getting off the bed Martin put on his clothes and opened the door. "Oh, it's you landlady, good morning," Martin greeted her as he placed his sword on his waist. "Did I disappoint you, you wanted Anna to come and wake you up?", with a grin on her face she looked at him, Martin understood her intentions wanting to tease him and make him feel embarrassed.

"No ma'am, I don't care either way as long as someone wakes me up", Martin replied non chantingly shrugging her off. "Oh, come on no need to be all that serious, I came to tell you that breakfast is ready."

"Thanks, ma'am I'll be down in a minute."

Finishing placing his sword he collected all his stuff putting them back in his storage space and went downstairs, walking down he saw Anna and the Landlady arguing.

Lucid_Devil#9008, feel free to contact me on Discord.

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