
The Immortal in Star Wars

Going to the galaxy far far away, was something that the MC always wanted. But going there is dangerous, so he has to make sure his one wish counts. What better than to simply wish for immortality? He will find out the ups and downs. Well ... he should have asked for a specific time to be born in. Now he waits.

DaoistRUH792 · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


The Rakata had gotten wind of an outsider who wasn't a Zenorian, who was helping them. This of course wasn't allowed in their eyes. They wanted to destroy and or enslave the Zenorians and not have someone help them. So they decided to attack the Zenorian settlement and their hideouts outright. 

Considering the time we were in, they assembled a rather big force and attacked. No strategy was involved in their attack, or formations in their army. The only clear thing was that they would destroy the Zenorians and the Outsider. They had very primitive weapons. It reminded me of my first life in the galaxy when using stone for anything else but throwing it was considered magic. 

The Rakata were Force-sensitive, all of them. And their biology was also rather impressive. They were strong and could perform impressive feats, even before they were taught how to use the Force, by the Kwa. I had no interest in the Rakata. It was good information to gather and to study their biology for my archives but that was as far as my interest went. 

So it was understandable that I was unhappy about their decision to destroy my new friends, who had grown on me. A good decade has passed since I came to Lehon and used my knowledge and the Force to teach, heal and help them in any way. I have come to see them as something akin to my kids in a way. Due to the frequent attacks of the Rakata, the population is rather small and the oldest one among them is not even 200 years old. That is considered, just about grown up among the Zenorians. 

So imagine my reaction when I come down from the Explorer because I feel what is going on with my senses and see the Rakata attacking the Zenorians. I was angry that much is certain. Now due to my long life and many lives that I have already lived, I am not going crazy with grief or falling into a battle frenzy, but I am still angry. 

And I believe this is a good chance to show them, about the other uses of the Force. The other side that they are trying to not see and the side that makes the Rakata the way they are. 


I jump from the small spaceship before it can land right in the middle of the battlefield. 


A crater is formed as I land on my two feet, with my hands behind my back. I don't do a superhero landing and have my body in an upright position. In a second, the smoke and debris clears and the Rakata point spears at me. 

"It is time that someone teaches you how to respect your elders. Now ... kneel!", I say and channel the Force through my voice. This makes my words become an order for the Rakata and all of them begin to kneel on the ground. Some try to resist but eventually still kneel. This just shows that my control over this isn't as strong as it can be. In the future, as I grow more powerful, this could become something like 'cursed speech'. 

I use some of my anger and channel it through the Force as well. A second later, all over my body, lightning begins to form and crackles as it is discharged powerfully. I still only stand in the middle of the army of Rakata as they kneel and look at me fearfully.


And then, like an EMP, the lightning spreads outwards and shocks all of the Rakata present. Those closest to me disintegrate immediately and the further away, the less lethal the lightning is. That is done intentionally. I don't want to hurt the Zenorians. The attack looks similar to the one Galen Marek uses to kill the group of troopers. But mine is based on lightning primarily. 

The ground is scorched. I use Plant Surge to channel my vitality into the ground and heal all the damaged plants. After I am finished, I telekinetically grab the last surviving Rakata and push them far away. They are like cannonballs as they disappear. After I am finished I look at the Zenorians and wonder what they will do now. 

I can feel their emotions. I can tell that they are ... scared to some degree. They know me and they know my character. They are wise and even though I feel their disapproval, I also sense their understanding. There is no anger to be felt, but rather relief and some apprehension. They are a bit wary of me again. It makes sense. During this decade, I haven't taught them how to use the Force to fight yet. 

I myself didn't learn something like that until after thousands of years of meditation. And it wasn't even that important to the Force. It was only mentioned in passing. As much as it pains me to say this, I don't have that much experience teaching others about the Force. The deep connection I have with the Force, can't be replicated by anyone, so my way of learning things is vastly different from others. 


'Understand the meaning behind your actions, we do.', the oldest among the Zenorians says after we come together for dinner. They have talked among themselves and come to an understanding, it seems. 

'Teach us about the Force, you did. Showing us what we tried to repress, you did.'

"That is true. Your way of using the Force will naturally differ from the way I connect to the Force."

That is trust. I don't really use the Force, in the actual sense. I only transmit my wish and thoughts or will to the Force and then things happen naturally. I have full control over it, but it's like a stopper that the Force 'could' put on my next move. This 'stopper' has always been there. I have put it there when I decided to just listen to the Force, instead of take what I wanted outright. 

It works because the Force wouldn't ever do something against me and it knows that I wouldn't do anything that goes against the natural order of life and death. I have experienced too much and know too much as well. And no matter what I do, the Force will always exist, because I will always exist as well. 

I am free from the 'fate' that the Force has created shortly after its creation. I told the Force as much. There is no way that I would be 'bound' by any sort of fate and the Force knows that and accepts that. 

'Understand that, we do. But learn it, we will not. Accept that, we hope you can.'

"Of course. I am not here to tell you what to do and what not. It is your decision. If you want to learn, I can teach you. What you take away from my words, is up to you."

'Thank you, we do.'


The Zenorians wished to be relocated to another planet after the fight. I told them that the Rakata weren't extinct, so there would be new fighting and they would have to sooner or later fight back to defend themselves or go extinct. They wished to rather migrate to another planet and I had no problem with that. I didn't have a planet in mind as of now, but we'll see. 

So I loaded all of the Zenorians on my smaller spaceship and then began to fly to space where the Explorer had been waiting all this time. When they first saw the giant ship, they were all in awe. Especially the younger ones were fascinated. Zenorians weren't like human children. They wouldn't need any technological devices and preferred to be as close to nature as possible. 

I showed them the area where they could stay on the Explorer. My ship was ginormous, so there were of course different biomes I had created as a form of studying. They thanked me and I showed them everything. They were very confused at first and I had to use the growing sentience of the Explorer to help them for now. 

This brought me to another idea I had for a while now. Helpers ... would be useful. As much as my lone wolf persona was good, and even though it was not because I enjoyed that lifestyle but had to because of my immortality, I could use some help with miscellaneous stuff. When I am alone that isn't necessary at all, but now that I have guests ... that is important. 

So creating a droid of some kind was on the table now. 


The Zenorians were in awe at everything they saw. And they needed at least one year until they had gotten over most of their surprise. The interior of the Explorer was as modern and as beautiful as no other ship will be in the future. I wanted to enjoy staying here and not just see it as a means of transportation. 

And what's more, the Zenorians LOVED the ship. They adored every part of it. The reason for that? 

The Explorer 'oozed' of the Force. It was literally dripping Force energy thanks to yours truly. Every little piece of the Explorer has been imbued with the Force and my own energy. I made sure to have everything connected to me. So the longer I spent on the Explorer and used it, and channelled the Force through the ship, the more it began to change into something akin to a Force nexus!

That's right. I could tell that in the future, the Explorer might as well become a Force nexus that is connected to me personally. And it's not even a particular 'side'. It's just the Force and neither Ashla nor Bogan. 

So the Zenorians really came to love it on the Explorer. 


As the months passed and the search for a suitable planet continued, I continued teaching the Zenorians about the Force. I explained to them what the Force was and how it manifested in different abilities taht various species could develop in the galaxy and the entire Universe. 

I told them that I could point them in the direction but they would have to walk their own paths. I didn't want to make them into Je'daii, especially not Jedi or Sith. I wanted them to first feel the Force like I did in the beginning. Learn to live together with it and not take what you need from it like it will be practised in the future. 

The Zenorians were talented in the Light side of the Force. They enjoyed peace and detachment from material things. I could understand them. They were a species closely connected to nature. They could do what they wanted and that was alright with me. Both the light and the dark were accepted here. I wouldn't judge. But here my rules were the law and if you fell to one side, it was your own problem. 

I began to show the Zenorians who were talented in the application of Plant Surge. This was a skill that was useful in any situation, they would find themselves in on the planet they will live on. Another skill was Force healing. It was a rather neutral ability and I thought them about it since the skill used your own vitality to work. so it didn't take from the Force outright, it taught them that it is a taking and giving equally. 


Finally, after a year of looking for it, I found a suitable planet in the Outer Rim. It was hidden mostly and if they wanted to make contact with the outside worlds and galaxies, they would have to travel to an adjacent world. 

They were happy with the new world and using their new knowledge began to use the Force to connect with the planet and the wildlife. I was proud to see their progress. I liked the Zenorians and would stay with them until they have integrated into their new environment. That won't take too long I can tell. 


For those not understanding how he uses the Force, let me explain it very shortly. 

The MC expresses his will/desire/wish to have something happen. He can make that happen by himself if he wants but he basically giving the Force a chance to say no to what he wants to do. He is NOT a simp, but it is mutual respect. 

And for those who worry about beef in the future, don't worry. The Force won't ever go against him or decline something he wants to do. Their bond is far too close for that. At this point the MC could destroy the Universe and the Force wouldn't bat an eye.