
The IDLE Noble’s:Beastly Mate [BL]

[Mature Content] “You’ll live only to serve me, both in spirit and with your body..” Gu Jeoyoon, a former noble turned lowly servant, found himself struggling to adapt to his new lifestyle. In this rigidly hierarchical society, servants were relegated to the lowest rungs, with no rights, no dreams - they only lived to serve their owners and masters. The once-proud nobleman now wore the humble attire of a servant, his pride and dignity battered by the cruel whims of fate. But Gu Jeoyoon's spirit remained unbroken, his fierce determination and unyielding sense of self-worth refused to be extinguished by his harsh circumstances, a righteous cause but it had brought him a lot of trouble. “Ah...what had interesting prey..” A man with a blue veil covering his face smiled as he stroked Jeoyoon’s face, his piercing gaze seeming to bore into the very soul of the young servant. The veil, a symbol of power and mystery, only added to the stifling and dangerous aura surrounding this stranger. “Are you the one they call the nine-tailed beast? The untouchable one?” “Are you the one they call the idle noble, the master of whimsy and indulgence?” The man chuckled “That’s one way to put it...why don’t you follow me and be my wife and I’ll return you back to your rank as a noble” Gu Jeoyoon suddenly saw himself wrapped in the palms of this blue veiled noble man, and his peaceful life had crumpled until there was nothing left.

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32 Chs

Lady Jae-hwa

The man's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed on Gu Jeoyoon's face. "Ah, so you do have the special constitution," he said, his voice dripping with excitement. "I've heard rumors, but I never thought it was actually true."

Gu Jeoyoon's eyes flashed with anger, his hands clenched into fists. "What do you want from me?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.

The man chuckled, a cold, mirthless sound. "Oh, I think you know," he said, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I want to study you, to learn more about your... condition. And perhaps, if you're lucky, I might even allow you to bear me a child."

Gu Jeoyoon's eyes widened in horror. He was of noble blood, not some sort of breeding animal. He refused to be used in such a way.

"You're sick," Gu Jeoyoon spat, his voice venomous. "I'll never let you touch me, never let you use me like that."

The man's face darkened, his eyes flashing with anger. "You're in no position to refuse me, Jeoyoon," he said, his voice cold and menacing. "You're mine now, and you'll do as I say. Or suffer the consequences."

The man's eyes seemed to bore into Gu Jeoyoon's soul, making him shiver with fear. But Gu Jeoyoon refused to back down, refused to show any weakness.

"I'd rather die than let you touch me," Gu Jeoyoon said, his voice steady and firm.

The man's face twisted with anger, and he took a step closer to Gu Jeoyoon. "You're brave, I'll give you that," he said, his voice low and menacing. "But you're also foolish. You think you can defy me? My sweet, foolish Jeoyoon...how cute.."

Gu Jeoyoon stood his ground, even as the man's anger seemed to radiate from him like a palpable force. He knew that he had to keep his wits about him, had to find a way to escape before it was too late.

Suddenly, the man's anger seemed to dissipate, replaced by a cold, calculating gaze. "Very well," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "Let's see how you fare in the chamber. Perhaps a little... motivation will help you see things my way."

Gu Jeoyoon's heart sank as the man gestured to one of the guards, who stepped forward and grasped his arm. "Come," the guard said, his voice firm.

Gu Jeoyoon struggled, but it was no use. He was dragged from the room, leaving him to wonder what horrors awaited him in the chamber.

As Gu Jeoyoon was dragged through the winding corridors of the manor, he caught glimpses of silk decorations and lavish furnishings. But his mind was racing with fear and anxiety, wondering what would happen to him.

Finally, they arrived at a large wooden door, adorned with carvings of a wisteria flower. The guard pushed the door open, and Gu Jeoyoon was dragged into a dimly lit chamber.

The air was thick with the stench of blood and sweat, and Gu Jeoyoon's eyes adjusted slowly to the faint light. He saw rows of torture racks, iron maidens, and other instruments of pain and suffering.

"Welcome, Jeoyoon," the figure said, its voice low and menacing.

Gu Jeoyoon struggled against the guard's grip, but it was no use. He was trapped, at the mercy of these cruel and ruthless people.

The figure stepped forward, revealing a tall, gaunt man with piercing eyes. "I want to show you what happens to those who defy the master," he said, his voice dripping with malice.

Gu Jeoyoon's heart sank as the man raised his hand, and a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Lady Jae-hwa, her eyes vacant and empty, her body battered and bruised.

"Behold, Jeoyoon," the man said, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure. "This is what happens to those who cross the master. She was once a noble, just like you. But now, she's nothing more than a shell of her former self."

"What did you do to her?" Gu Jeoyoon demanded, his voice shaking with rage and fear.

The man chuckled, a cold, mirthless sound. "Oh, I didn't do anything to her," he said. "She did it to herself. She refused to obey the master, refused to do what he wanted. And so, she suffered the consequences."

Gu Jeoyoon's eyes were fixed on the woman, his heart aching with pity and horror. He knew that he had to get out of this place, had to escape before it was too late.

"You're a monster," Gu Jeoyoon spat, his voice venomous.

The man's face darkened, his eyes flashing with anger. "I am what I am," he said, his voice cold and menacing. "And you would do well to remember that."

Suddenly, the woman's eyes seemed to clear, and she looked up at Gu Jeoyoon with a faint glimmer of recognition. "Jeoyoon?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Gu Jeoyoon's eyes widened as he recognized the woman's face.

It was lady Jae-hwa a childhood friend of his.

How did she fall into that unholy's man's hands. Seeing the blood dripping from her body, he knew he had to act fast and help her escape or she'll die in such a filthy place.

"Let me go," Gu Jeoyoon demanded, his voice firm and determined.

The guard's grip tightened, but Gu Jeoyoon refused to give up. He kicked and struggled, finally managing to break free from the guard's grasp.

Gu Jeoyoon rushed to Lady Jae-hwa's side, helping her to her feet. She was shaky and weak, but Gu Jeoyoon held her close, supporting her.

"We have to get out of here," Gu Jeoyoon whispered, his eyes scanning the chamber for any signs of escape.

Lady Jae-hwa nodded, her eyes filled with determination. Together, they began to make their way through the chamber, trying to find a way out of the manor.

But as they moved, Gu Jeoyoon could feel the man's eyes on them, could sense his anger and frustration. He knew that they had to move fast, had to escape before the man caught up with them.

"Come on," Gu Jeoyoon whispered, his voice urgent. "We have to hurry."

Lady Jae-hwa nodded, and they quickened their pace, desperate to escape the manor before that man caught up to them.

Gu Jeoyoon's eyes scanned the garden, searching for any signs of escape. He spotted a small gate in the distance, partially hidden by the wisteria tree.