
The IDLE Noble’s:Beastly Mate [BL]

[Mature Content] “You’ll live only to serve me, both in spirit and with your body..” Gu Jeoyoon, a former noble turned lowly servant, found himself struggling to adapt to his new lifestyle. In this rigidly hierarchical society, servants were relegated to the lowest rungs, with no rights, no dreams - they only lived to serve their owners and masters. The once-proud nobleman now wore the humble attire of a servant, his pride and dignity battered by the cruel whims of fate. But Gu Jeoyoon's spirit remained unbroken, his fierce determination and unyielding sense of self-worth refused to be extinguished by his harsh circumstances, a righteous cause but it had brought him a lot of trouble. “Ah...what had interesting prey..” A man with a blue veil covering his face smiled as he stroked Jeoyoon’s face, his piercing gaze seeming to bore into the very soul of the young servant. The veil, a symbol of power and mystery, only added to the stifling and dangerous aura surrounding this stranger. “Are you the one they call the nine-tailed beast? The untouchable one?” “Are you the one they call the idle noble, the master of whimsy and indulgence?” The man chuckled “That’s one way to put it...why don’t you follow me and be my wife and I’ll return you back to your rank as a noble” Gu Jeoyoon suddenly saw himself wrapped in the palms of this blue veiled noble man, and his peaceful life had crumpled until there was nothing left.

Scone_ · LGBT+
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32 Chs

Reduced noble

The sun beat down on the bustling market square, casting a golden glow over the crowds of people gathered to witness the day's events. The air was thick with the smells of sweat, smoke, and desperation.

Gu Jeoyoon stood on the auction block, his eyes cast downward as he clutched the worn wooden railing for support. His once-fine clothes were now tattered and worn, a far cry from the elegant attire he had once worn as a noble.

He had once been a noble, a member of the esteemed Gu family, but fate had dealt him a cruel hand. His family's fortunes had declined, and he had been forced to sell himself into servitude to pay off their debts.

Those greedy bastard! They happily sold him off for their own benefits and returned once a month to collect money from him.

Now, he stood alongside a dozen other slaves, waiting to be sold to the highest bidder.

The auctioneer, a portly man with a loud voice and a cruel grin, strode up to the block, his eyes scanning the crowd as he began to speak. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, we have a rare treat for you! A former noble, fallen on hard times, but still retaining the refinement and elegance of his noble blood! Who will start the bidding at 1 thousand silvers?"

Gu Jeoyoon's heart sank as he heard the auctioneer's words. He knew he was worth more than that, but he also knew that his new circumstances left him with little choice. He was at the mercy of these people, forced to endure their gawking stares and cruel comments.

Gu Jeoyoon clenched his fists tightly as the bidding began, his eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a glimmer of hope. But all he saw were faces filled with greed and curiosity.

No one seemed to care about his well-being or his dignity. He was just a commodity, a tool to be used and discarded at their whim.

Just as it seemed like the bidding would never end, a figure emerged from the crowd. A man clothed in fine silks, his face hidden behind a blue veil. He strode up to the block, his piercing gaze fixed on Gu Jeoyoon, and whispered something in the auctioneer's ear.

The auctioneer's eyes widened, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Sold!" he exclaimed, slamming his gavel down on the block. "To the noble gentleman in the blue veil, for the sum of 15 thousand silvers!"

Gu Jeoyoon's heart skipped a beat as the veil-covered man beckoned him forward. "You," the man said, his voice low and smooth. "Come with me."

Gu Jeoyoon hesitated, unsure of what to do. But the man's piercing gaze seemed to bore into his very soul, and he felt a shiver run down his spine. He took a step forward, his eyes fixed on the man's veil.

"What do you want from me?" Gu Jeoyoon asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The man chuckled, a low, menacing sound. "Oh, I think you'll find out soon enough," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. "For now, let's just say...I have plans for you."

Gu Jeoyoon's heart raced as the man turned and strode away, beckoning him to follow.

He had spent a total of 15 thousand silver just to play with him? Seems like he had more money that he could count.

As they walked through the winding streets of Hwang, the capital city of the Goyeo kingdom, Gu Jeoyoon couldn't help but notice the way the people parted to let them through. It was as if they knew who this mysterious stranger was, and they didn't want to cross him.

They arrived at a grand manor, its tiled roof and wooden pillars gleaming in the fading light of day.

The man gestured to Gu Jeoyoon, and the guards stepped aside, allowing them to pass.

The interior was opulent, with intricate carvings and expensive silks adorning the walls.

The main living area was spacious and elegantly furnished, with a beautifully crafted wooden floor.

Not to mention the huge wisteria tree at the end of the manor.

Gu Jeoyoon sighed as he looked around, the manor was huge but there was only few servants to be seen.

It seems like he liked his privacy.

The man led Gu Jeoyoon to a room that seemed to be waiting just for him. It was a lavish bedroom, with a large bed and a fireplace crackling with flames.

"Welcome to your new home," the man said, his voice dripping with amusement. "You will find that I have provided for all your needs. But let me make one thing clear: you are mine now. You will do as I say, and you will not leave this manor without my permission."


"If you bought me as slave, why give me such a lavish room?"

"Oh... you don't like it? I thought you would like to experience living like a noble once again but it seems like you enjoy being a slave.."

Gu Jeoyoon frowned as he pursed his lips, this man spent 15 thousand silver just so he let him experience noble living once again?

"What do you want from me?" Gu Jeoyoon pressed as the man eyes darkened.

"Don't push your luck Jeoyoon, you belong to me now if you don't want your tongue cut off I suggest you watch your tone.."

Gu Jeoyoon bit his lips and fell silent, he hands clenched tightly, he didn't dare to believe that this man in front of him was the type to take pity on a lowly slave.

"You're right I do want something from you, I heard you have special constitution just like many others I'm curious to know what it is..."

Gu Jeoyoon eyes widened as he took a step back, his entire life had been ruined to nothing just because of this special constitution of his.

"Yeah so what? I have the ability to get pregnant is that what you want to know? Or do you wish to see my horns?"