
The Hybrid (blessed or curse)

Once another closes another opens. Minos an orphan named after the king of Crete(Greek legend). On the day his first love broke his heart he finally completed the requirements to become the perfect hybrid , the one with no weakness, king of the underworld. at least that's what he was told. follow through let's unravel the true story behind the hybrid.

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20 Chs

The Hybrid (blessed or cursed)---Chapter 20---Class type???---

TL note= Happy 20th chapter... Thanks to Mr anonymous for supporting this chapter!

unedited ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ

As the time became normal, Minos felt his whole body heat up as he could sense a strange kind of refreshing strength surging through his body.


System reboot complete!

Master Minos

recording stats


zing Name: Minos

 Race: Minotaur

 HP: 60/100(recovering...

 Exp: 0/100 

Class: Dario Agger 

Skills: Beast mode; partial controlled transformation. Goring.

 Level: ????

Strength: 100**?????****

Agility: 100**?????****

Speed: 100**?????****

Durability: ????! (class active) Transformation: active

(Host will now level up in 3, 2, 1...1....1...1)



recording stats

 Name: Minos

 Race: Minotaur

 HP: 150/200

 Exp: 0/100

Class: Dario Agger 

Skills: Beast mode; partial controlled transformation. Goring.

 Level: 1

Strength: 150

Agility: 130

Speed: 120

Durability: 240 (class active) Transformation: active


Special class type unlocked


 Class type::


(class type involves Strength and agility; additional points will be added to stats)


(class type involves Speed and agility; additional points will be added to stats)

After much deliberation, Minos decided to go for the assassin class type as he never saw himself as someone who uses brute force.


Class type: Assassin


special skills has been added to shop.

After this series of message, Minos body immediately cooled down as if a bucket of ice was dumped on his body.

Opening his eyes, Minos saw Decimus charging at him with his horn as he got ready to kill him with his horn.

Using his fastest speed, he charged at Minos with his horn but when he was close to the strike, he struck air as Minos had already moved to the side. Lucky he muttered before hitting trying again. This time, Minos was calm and decided to face this attack head on. 

Immediately Decimus attack came in contact with Minos, his whole body was sent flying from the middle of the arena to the end.

After a while, Decimus recovered but couldn't find Minos in his field of vision. After choosing his class type, Minos speed increased tenfold as he could move almost as fast as the speed of light. He moved very close to Decimus and sent barrage of punch, each one carefully placed.

Decimus couldn't see anything but in ten seconds he had received 50 plus punches.

Minos decided to end this right now but couldn't resist his favorite move "the hulk smash "

After slamming Decimus for the umpteenth time, He activated the sword of Theseus and without wasting time, Decimus head was already meters away from his body. He didn't plan to use the sword to absorb Decimus body as he thought of the gains he would get from digesting it.

Indeed, the match was over and the people of the Akkaba clan screams of joy could be heard all round the arena. Xin couldn't help but smile as she saw Minos winking at her.

Dragging the corpse, Minos activated his speed and ran 200 miles in a second just so he could have privacy as he devoured the corpse.

When Minos was done he used his speed and moved back to his training cave as he was preparing to go back home. He already asked the system if it was possible to bring some one with him and he got a some what positive answer even if it was quite complicated and risky.

After a while, Minos was summoned by the chief of the clan. He simply refused to honour such invitation as he knew what the chief would say and frankly he don't think anyone from akkaba can reward him. 

Minos was about to look for Xin as the time to leave this world of labyrinth was nigh, when he realized that Xin was with the chief of Akkaba clan.

Argh, so for real I can't escape this meeting. Minos muttered as he walked to where Xin and the chief was standing.

Minos, as the chief of the Akkaba clan, I want to say thank you for all your done for us, truly what we have can't repay you but we still wished to ask you if there's anything we can do for you, we are more than willing to do no matter what it may be. The chief said and the people of the Akkaba clan around nodded in agreement.

Truly, nothing on my mind. But we can call it even . I mean you managed to keep Xin since all this years for me. so naturally am grateful. If we ever meet in the future, I promise to treat y'all to a meal. Minos said and signalled Xin it is time to go. 

Xin immediately followed Minos as they returned back to the cave.

Hubby, are you sure we shouldn't eat before we start our journey? Xin asked as she was a little bit hungry and cant even process travelling without food as Minos haven't explained how the journey will go. Can you blame him, who would be able to explain that they are not going by foot but teleportation to someone who haven't seen a car in her life.

We'll eat once we get to our destination. Come give me a hug! Minos said as he was about to activate the system. 

Immediately Xin embraced him, a bright light covered their figure and within a few seconds, Minos and Xin was transported back to Minos house in Crimson Villa.

Welcome to my.. no our home. Minos said as Xin was still shocked from what just happened. Minos saw his phone om the table, and immediately went through it to see 211 missed calls almost all from Luca and the rest from Zhang Han and the Chu's. 

Wifey ,come let me show you around. Minos said as he noticed Xin was more confused than he expected.

After a while, Xi seemed to be getting more familiar with the new modern system and Minos couldn't help but was marvelled at the system.

*Flash back*

System, now that I have finished my mission, can I return home with my new bride? Minos asked hoping earnestly for a positive response


searching keyword "new bride"


Master after you've gotten married, it's mandatory to go home with your new bride for the night. people call it the "wedding night "

Minos let out a silly laugh before rephrasing the question.


yes, you can be transported with someone from labyrinth as long as it's part of your fate. 



Once the person leaves labyrinth into the present world, He/she have about 3 hrs to live if it's required by fate, the host memory of the present world will be shared with the person if not he/she will disintegrate into nothingness.

Risky indeed, Minos thought and asked lazily, what if the person is married to the host? 


the string of fate ties the bride to the groom. Rate of success::**calculating*

 Rate of success::**calculating*

Rate of success::**calculating*

Rate of success::**calculating*

Rate of success:: 70%

*End of Flashbacks*

Well, it was worth the risk, Minos thought as he showed Xin to her room.

Xin actually wanted Minos and her to share a room like they did in labyrinth but Minos disagreed saying she needed her privacy and alas she succumbed and went to take a shower.

Minos immediately called Luca who picked up the call the second it rang.

Mr Agger, where have you been? Luca was the first to start the conversation.

The call lasted for over 10 minutes as Luca brought Minos up to date on the company and local news.

Hmm, so I've been missing for a month now, Minos thought as he knew he didn't spend up to three weeks in labyrinth.

Wow, time really moves fast. Minos thought


TL note: What's your thought on the 20th chapter? 

chapter is unedited ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ

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