
The House With One Window

David_Arce_4701 · Horror
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6 Chs

Reflections Of Terror

As Sarina explores each new area of the one windowed home, she notices that the way she entered disappears, leaving her with a growing realization that she might be on the right path. "Shit! Now I'm stuck in this bathroom!" Sarina gagged, her voice strained through the gag. The blood stains in the bathtub and the presence of mites intensified her disgust and desperation to escape. "Am I gonna be stuck in here forever!" cried Sarina as she cautiously returns to where the door once stood, running her hand along the wall in disbelief. She can't wrap her head around the fact that the door has vanished. "When will this be over!" Sarina's frustration boils over as she realizes she's truly trapped. She lets out a furious scream, unleashing her rage on everything in sight, Sarina's fury led her to punch the mirror, resulting in a deep cut on her hand, "o-ouch, it stings!" cried Sarina as her blood splattered on the cracked mirror, but something strange happened. The blood started to spread in an eerie, paranormal manner. "What the fuck is happening!" Sarina screamed in terror as the mirror started turning an even deeper shade of red from her blood, "I'm gonna end up dying here!" Sarina screamed in terror as she stared at the blood-soaked mirror. "My reflection... it's not moving like I am! It's like there's something controlling it!" Her voice trembled with fear as she tried to make sense of the horrifying situation, Sarina couldn't contain her fear any longer and yelled at her reflection, demanding answers. "What do you want from me?!" She shouted, her voice echoing through the bathroom, Sarina's heart pounded in her chest as her reflection grinned and took a step closer. Fear coursed through her veins as she backed away, her mind racing for an escape plan. "N-no this is it!" cried Sarina as she scans the bathroom for any hope of an escape, but with her luck there was no sign of any escape, she then closes her eyes accepting her fate from her own reflection. 'J-Jacqueline!" cried Sarina "I will see you soon!" Sarina cries knowing this might be her last day alive, but nothing happens, Sarina's eyes widened in shock as she saw the bloody writing on the mirror. "walk through the mirror?" She whispered, her voice trembling. With no other option, Sarina bravely climbed onto the counter and walked through the bloody mirror. In a blink of an eye, she found herself in what appeared to be an attic.