
The House With One Window

David_Arce_4701 · Horror
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6 Chs

Trapped In The Shadows: A Menacing Presence

Sarina cautiously climbed through the hole she had painstakingly created. As she finally emerged on the other side, she peered down, only to find that the hole had vanished into thin air. A wave of confusion washed over her, leaving her bewildered and uncertain of what awaited her next. It was the beginning of a new chapter, full of mystery and unanswered questions. Sarina, with a sense of unease, whispered to herself , "There's something off about this house. I've seen far worse, but there's still an eerie feeling here." She couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity mixed with caution. Sarina wrinkled her nose in disgust as she surveyed the middle floor. "ugh, this place is a nightmare! The staircase looks like it leads to more horrors, the bathroom is probably a breeding ground for germs, and that dirty, blood-soaked living room is just...repulsive. "I can't stay another minute in this house!" gagged Sarina as her eyes darted around the middle floor, unsure of where to focus her attention first. Just as she was about to make a decision, she heard the distinct sound of creaking floorboards coming from upstairs. The noise grew louder and closer, seemingly emanating from the staircase. Her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and fear, wondering what awaited her at the top! "Shit! I was to cocky, I need to hide!" Intensely thought Sarina as she hobbles to the living room and desperately hides behind the blood-soaked couch, her heart racing with fear. she tries to catch a glimpse of the approaching entity, but her overwhelming terror keeps her frozen in place! "Don't look Sarina! He might be standing right there!" Sarina repeated to herself quietly, suddenly it grew quiet, as if nothing had come downstairs, just as Sarina thought she was safe, the entity's eerie silence shattered the illusion. With a sudden lunge, it leapt over the couch, reaching out for Sarina's neck. She fought back with all her strength, desperately trying to escape its grasp! Sarina's desperation fuels her courage as she screams, "get the fuck away from me!" With a trembling hand, she swings the same knife she used to create the hole, hoping to strike the entity. But to her shock, the knife passes right through it, as if the entity were nothing but smoke. As the entity lunges once more, Sarina summons every ounce of strength and manages to evade its grasp. With a surge of desperation, she quickly rises to her feet, "get away from me!" Sarina's voice quivers with fear as she scrambles to her feet, desperately fleeing up the stairs. Her mind races, filled with a sense of terror and uncertainty as she runs, not knowing where she's going or what awaits her. Sarina's adrenaline-fueled sprint leads her through the upstairs hallway and into a bedroom. With a quick glance around, she spots a bed, its springs exposed and the mattress torn. Without hesitation, she dives underneath the bed, seeking refuge from the menacing presence. Trembling with fear, she hopes that this hiding spot will keep her safe. "please, please let me survive," Sarina whispers under her breath, her voice trembling with desperation. She clings to the hope that hiding beneath the destroyed bed will keep her out of harm's way. Sarina's eyes dart around the room, searching for any sign of safety. suddenly, her gaze lands on a small hole in the wall, resembling a mouse hole. curiosity overtakes her fear as she reaches inside and retrieves a crinkled, old note. With her heart pounding, she unfolds it slowly and reads the faded words, her mind still alert to her surroundings, "whatever kills you in this house you become what has killed you, these entity's are blood thirsty and they want us to become just like them." Sarina's eyes widen after she read the chilling words on the old note, "i-is t-that what Jaqueline turned into!" The realization sinks in, sending shivers down her spine. She understands the dire consequences that await if she falls victim to the entities lurking in the house. Determined to survive, she clutches the note tightly, her mind racing with thoughts of escape. "O-ok if I want to escape, I can't stay under here forever!" Sarina silently told herself as she emerges from her hiding spot under the bed, her senses on high alert. though the entity didn't follow her upstairs, its ominous presence lingers in the house, sending chills down her spine once again. She scans the area, her eyes darting from corner to corner, searching for any sign of safety or any clues on how to escape this hell. "Their has to be more clues in this room right!? Not just some old note!" Sarina told herself as she searches the old, tattered dresses, but unfortunately, she doesn't find anything useful. With no other option, she knows there's an entity lurking in the house, and the thought sends a shiver down her spine. Taking a deep breath, she prepares herself for whatever awaits her in the house. "Ok Sarina I need to silently maneuver my way around to find more clues!" Sarina repeated to herself as she makes her way back downstairs, moving silently as she enters the grimy bathroom. She manages to walk past the entity without catching its attention, "if it seen me I would've died!" Sarina sighed as she looked around the bathroom, but suddenly the door she came into has disappeared!