
Chapter 1

The rain came down in sheets outside of the old brick cottage painted white with black trim with black flower beds hanging at the windows with a rock fence surrounding the home and small yard that surrounded the home.

The tall trees swayed above with the wind, the smoke coming from the chimey of the home disappearing into the wind as it blew.

The young woman inside the little cottage payed no mind to the storm outside her home, as she was sound asleep, lulled to sleep by the rain and wind, having no fear of the storm or the damage it could cause during the night come morning.

However there was a dark shadow that crept through her home, from the basment the shadow moved with a purpose as it went up the stairs, under the door, making a sharp right down the hall towards the woman's room, sliding under her door, stopping at her side of the bed before raising and taking shape of creature with a fanged Ram's skull with glowing amber eyes with a slit in the middle like a cat's eye.

It's body took on a centaur form of a black dire wolf with a lion's tail with it's front legs that of the dire wolf, but it's back legs were that of a dragon's. It's upper torso was that of a thin fur covered man's that was well defined, showing that the creature was strong and powerful. It's hands were human save for the long, sharp black claws at the ends that were so sharp and strong they could cut through steel if the creature wanted.

It leaned over the woman's sleeping form, mouth open, baring it's sharp fangs and teeth, more suited for a wolf's skull then a Ram's, it's claws were curled menacingly as well as it reached out to the woman, ready to devour her,

" Don't even think about it Anu. " The woman spoke, haulting the creature's movement, mere inches from her face. Her eyes were still closed, but it was clear that she was awake and aware of her surrounds.

The creature, Anu, growled lowl in his throat, changing his form to that of a two legged fawn-like creature now, his upper torso remained the same, but his lower half now had a red loincloth with silver tiny bull skulls spaced perfectly on a thick dark brown belt with a buckle at the front that was a roaring tiger's skull. His legs were that of his dragon legs with his lion's tail swaying behind him in mock irritation with the woman spoiling his fun.

" Really Jack? " Anu said, he had thought he had got her that time. But as usual, she always knew when he was near.

Jack opened her eyes and looked up into Anu's glowing amber eyes, a sight that would normally frightened or make others uneasy by him, but Jackie or Jack as she likes to go by.

" I've lived here long enough to know you and your ways Anu. " Jack reminded her demonic looking friend with a sleepy teasing tone as she got up to a sitting position on her old style metal frame bed. She turned on her lamp by her bed, Anu winced at the brightness, but didn't shy away from it.

" Fair enough. " He replied as he moved around to the other side of the bed and got into the same position that she was in, crossing his strong arms over his chest and crossing his legs at the ankles. The bed dipped from his weight, more so then it did with Jack in it.

" Is the storm keeping you up? " Jack asked him. 

" Storms do not bother me. And I don't need sleep like you humans do. " Anu answered.

" But you  do sleep sometimes. "

" Yes.  Sometimes being the keyword. "

" True. " 

They were quiet for a moment.

" Mind staying here with me until I fall asleep again? Or do you want to tell me what is really bothering you tonight? "

" Nothing is bothering me. But I will stay here until you fall asleep again. "

" Alright. But I'm here if you change your mind. "

" I know. And I appreciate it. "

" Your welcome. You still making breakfast? "

" Yes. I always make you breakfast. You are in such a rush to get out of here that you never eat anything that's good for you. "

" Well you know that I love working at the shop. "

" I know. But you also need to take care of yourself every once and a while too. Should I also have to be ready to pick you up at the shop as well? Hells know that if I don't come and get you, you'd stay there all night to get a car finished. "

" Maybe. " She leaned up and kissed his cheek bone, " You're the best, Anu. " 

" I do my best. " He shrugged, hugging her to him and keeping her there as she snuggled into his furred chest and quickly fell back to sleep in his embrace.

' I just hope that that  boy