
Chapter 2

' I just hope that that boy isn't there again today. ' Anu thought as his tail curled around Jack's thigh.



" Hey Jack! Got another one for ya! " A big burly man shouted from the office of the Mechanic's shop that Jackie, or Jack, Canue worked in.

Jack wiped her hands with the grease rag, having just finished with an older pickup truck that had a bad alternator.

" Give me a sec Seth! I need to move this old girl out of the way! " She called back the big industrial fan was going and was loud in the garage. But not so loud that Jack couldn't figure out what was wrong with the cars and trucks that come in.

She got in the truck and started it, which was right away, and sounded better than it did before coming in. She had checked the truck over when it came in and had adjusted the carburetor a bit and now the truck sounded wonderful and like it should.

She also took note of the tires condition and the brakes. And made a mental note to inform the owner that he would have to have to replace them next month. The brakes before the tires, those would last him a couple more months before they began to show the wires.

She parked the truck out of the way of any other vehicles that would be coming in and went to see about the next one.

Though, Seth could've told her it was the same man that had been coming in the last couple of months.

His name was Wolfgang Brayers. He was tall, handsome, and was in good shape.

She supposes he would be for some other woman who would gaga over that kind of thing. And the man clearly was used to charming women and getting them into his bed.

Not Jackie. She did talk with out of politeness and he never got too handsy or pushy about going on a date with him.

But she just wasn't interested in him, no matter how intriguing he found her. Or how interesting she was to him for being a female mechanic and knowing what was wrong with the vehicle just by listening to it.

Jackie had learned all about cars and trucks from her mother and her uncle. She had learned to fix what she had rather then just going out and buying it new unless she absolutely needed to.

Unlike Wolfgang. She knew he had at least had a fairly good amount of money or he was just in debt up to his eyeballs. It seemed that every week since he first came in, he had found something else wrong wtih one of his cars that he owned.

Any excuse just to see her and try to get her to go on a date with him.

And each time Jack turned him down. She may not be good social gatherings or know how to act appropriately in a punblic setting, but she did know how to read people like she listens to cars. She also had a very good sixth sense about people too.

She never could explain it. A tingling sensation would start the moment she laid eyes on someone, a warning bell as it were. And her warning bell was going crazy around Wolfgang.

May it be because she knew his type and that he was only looking for another conquest and notch on his bedpost or she just didn't trust him as far as she could throw him.

The guy made her uncomfortable and uneasy.

Feelings that one ought to feel around Anu when first seeing him. But she never got that with him. And it was Anu that she found more attractive then Wolfgang, but she couldn't let Anu know that. 

He was protective of her, and would at times, treat her like a sister rather than a potential lover or love interest.

So she will treat him as she's always had, a friend or best friend rather. Because she'd rather have him in her life then without.

" Hello Mr. Brayers. What car have you brought me to look at this week? " She asked him.

" Oh, I think you'll enjoy this one, Ms. Canue. " Wolfgang replied, rather smug with himself as always.

She will admit, the car he brought in today was a beauty.

A 1976 blue and gold trim Trans Am with the firebird on the hood being black. Orginal wheels, seats, and was a T-top. 

But she won't tell him that.

" Ok. What's wrong with it? "

" She's not pulling like she should. "

" I'll have to drive it and see why that is. "

" As usual. Here, take her for a spin. " Wolfgang tossed her the keys.

She caught them with ease, thinking about lying about the problem with the car just to get him to leave. If only for a short time.

She even found herself hoping the car had at least a week's worth of labor to fix so she wouldn't have to put with him for day. Which was usually what he brought in was a day's worth of labor to fix and return back to him.

Seth wouldn't let him into the garage while she was working along with her work partner Xavier. As it was unsafe for those who didn't know what they were doing. And it was against his policy to have customers be in there or drive their cars or trucks into the garage.

But when Jack and Xavier took a lunch break, Wolfgang was right there, flirting again and offering to buy her lunch.

Again, she turned it down.

Today, after she found out what was wrong with the trans am, which, thank you Jesus! It was a week's worth of labor, Jack got a surprise visitor.

Anu had shown up in his human form, she had only seen this form a couple of times. And that was when it was his turn to go and get grocheries. He did work, only it was at home on his laptop and during those times, it was only half of him as he was on camera. 

But in his full human form, he could be mistaken for a football player or a heavy weight MMA fighter.

He was taller than Wolfgang, who stood at even 6ft. Anu stood at 6ft 5inches. And as previously mentioned, he was more muscular than too, not overly sickeningly so, but just the right amount. His face was very handsome, beautiful actually, the slight beard along his jaw, chin, and mouth, beautiful black hair that had Jack wanting to run her hands through it and see if it was as soft and silky as it looked, but the most striking thing was his eyes, his eyes remained the same, amber. When asked, he would say that they were a mutation that actually does happen in a trillion to one chance of getting it.

She could get lost in those beautiful eyes of his.

He had a brown paper bag in one of his big hands, it was from her favorite fast food restaurant.

Seth and Xavier have never met Anu, but they have heard about him and have only seen his picture on Jack's phone; again, only his top half when on a camera.

" Anu! You didn't have to bring me my lunch! " She said coming to greet him, giving him a hug as a thank you, her head in the middle of his hard stomach, hands no where touching around his back.

" I was on my way back home when I saw the time and thought to bring it to you before leaving town. " Anu replied, hugging her back with his free hand.

Wolfgang of course is still there in the office, waiting for when Jack had her lunch break to flirt and try to get her to go out with him again, stares at the stranger, sizing him up and wondering what he had to have such a reaction from Jack that he didn't.

Anu himself was watching Wolfgang, he may not have known wha the man looked like but given Jack's description, it wasn't too hard to figure out that this was the man that kept trying to get Jack out on a date.

" You brought your lunch too? "

" I thought we could eat together today. "

" Awe! You are so sweet! Come on, we can go to my office and eat. " She took his hand and pulled him along to her office, something that she had earned for her hard work and success here at the shop.

Once the door shut, Wolfgang asked rather rudely, " Who the hell was that? "