
The Hidden Disciple

Samuel Lestrange was trained to kill from an early age, raised to be a Death Eater, the perfect pureblood. Kept hidden for most of his younger life because of who his mother and father are. However, when Samuel turns eleven, he comes out of hiding and makes his debut in the magical world. What will happen to Samuel, when, against expectations, he is sorted into Gryffindor? AU!

TheRealestWangLin · Bücher und Literatur
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12 Chs


(James Potter POV)

James arose to a vivid burst of green spilling from above him.

Rubble was strewn about the ground, and shards of glass gleamed in the fading emerald light. The walls were covered in scorch marks, and the walls were littered with holes from stray spells.

He struggled to get up, but eventually managed to crawl to his feet.

"Lily!" He screamed out as he limped as fast as he could up the stairs. He barely managed to make it up the stairs. He was determined to die with his children and wife.

He crossed the threshold into his children's room.

He fell to the ground. What he saw caused his blood to run cold. He crawled over to his wife, who lay splayed out on the floor, her skin creamy white, and her eyes staring out listlessly.

Tears began to fall from his face onto her lifeless body.

He cradled her in his arms. The door burst open with a thud, a man with sallow skin and a hooked nose, wearing a black cloak took one look at the corpse of Lily Potter and fell to the ground crying.

"Damnit, Snape. Why? Why did this have to happen?" He cried, unable to pry his eyes away from his dead wife.

Suddenly, the sound of crying broke the two men from their reverie.

James' eyes shot up from Lily as he gently placed her on the floor. Her red hair splayed out on the floor as he slowly rose to his feet. Inside the crib were two children, seemingly unharmed.

Alyssum and Harry's bright green eyes stared at him from the crib as they cried simultaneously.

He noticed a mark on baby Harry, a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead.

"He's Alive!" James exclaimed.

(Samuel Lestrange POV)

A handsome young boy of about 8 years with skin creamy white skin, and tufts of curly brown hair adorned atop his head, sat shirtless.

He looked up only to be met with the angry face of Fenrir Greyback and the cold, regal face of Yaxley. A deep cut from a cutting curse oozed blood from his cheek to the base of his chin.

"Be wary, Grayback, don't take things too far. If you turn him, no one will be able to save you." Yaxley growled in a low voice.

Grayback simply grunted in response, a vicious smile blossoming on his face.

The young boy looked on with eyes churning with hate. As he made to stand up, his legs began trembling in protest.

"You will learn to dodge unfriendly curses if you wish to properly serve the Dark Lord… just like your mother," Yaxley whispered in a cold voice.

An azure streak of light lanced towards the boy, plowing into his chest. Samuel screamed. As the cold and darkness embraced him once more.


A young boy sat in a chair, gilded with silver and gold. He faced a man with a long, sallow, hooked nose.

"Severus, why do I have to do this again? What if I don't wish to serve the Dark Lord?" Samuel asked, staring up at the man who seemed to have a scowl permanently etched onto his face.

The man's gaze softened for a moment, then hardened once more.

"Do not lose focus. Unlike most, you do not have that luxury." Snape said.

"You will become a Deatheater like your father and mother. Now focus. Legilimens!" Snape drawled out in a monotonous voice.

Memories flowed through his head like a river, unceasing. He was completely at Snape's mercy.

Images of him running from multicolored lights flashed through his mind. He saw himself being struck over and over again by unfriendly spells until he was able to parry them. Then the scene changed. Samuel beamed with pride as he managed to turn a quill into A needle with a crisp, tip of silver.

The scene changed once more.

Frustration echoed through his mind as he screamed, "Wingardium lesiosaaaa," flicking his wand over and over again.

"Why wouldn't the damn feather float?" the thought echoed angrily, within his mind.

Scene after scene played before his eyes, echoing repeatedly throughout his mind.

Samuel stood in front of Nott Sr. with an elongated midnight wand grasped in his hand.

"Samuel, today we shall begin teaching you the Dark Arts. In this lesson, you must understand the first fundamental element of the Dark Arts is intent.

You have to mean it.

When you cause pain to something you'll be rewarded with an equal amount of pleasure.

You must first train your magical core to become a practitioner of the dark arts.

You will begin by casting the eye-bleeding curse on this mutt." Nott Sr. said in a low, cold tone.

"Yes, Mr. Nott." said the young boy eagerly bobbing his head in anticipation.

Samuel watched as the stone warped into tendrils that snaked out, curling into elongated paws, a golden hue blooming from the hard, dull surface of the stone, into a glistening golden coat of fur.

Of all the magical skills he could acquire, he longed to be a transfiguration master the most. maybe even one day he could become the greatest of all time.

Samuel aimed his wand at the dog and felt his hatred bubble up.

He wanted it to hurt. He wanted it to feel as much pain as he felt. He replaced its face with Greyback's, imagining the golden dog's eyes oozing beads of scarlet, as he drew his wand into a long curving arc while screaming, "Occunuo Intus!"

Shortly afterward, the dog whimpered in pain as it fell to the ground grinding its paws all over its face, beads of cerise streaming onto the pale stone slabs.

Samuel started on with a smile as he felt an orgasmic feeling flow through his nerves. He shuddered in ecstasy. He felt so powerful. Heat rolled through him, nothing would be able to stop him.

"I could get used to this," he thought to himself as he gazed back at Nott Sr. With a maniacal smile on his lips and a fire burning within his eyes.

Samuel was flipped over Grayback's shoulder and quickly hopped back onto his feet. Blood was oozing from a broken nose. He put both of his fists up bringing them to level with his chin, and stepped into a sloppy fighting stance.

"If you ever make a stance like that again, I will slap you to death, kid. You need to learn to fight like a muggle because you won't always have your wand to defend yourself." Greyback said, a lustful fervor gleaming in his eyes.

Samuel felt afraid, Fenrir made his skin crawl.

Regardless of what he wanted, he had to fight. He couldn't disappoint his mother and father when they got out of Azkaban. He couldn't fail the Dark Lord when the time came. Which they assured him would happen very soon.

Samuel charged Greyback and managed to dodge his first strike. He threw out a wild right-hand punch. Just when he thought it was about to land, Greyback slapped it away with a clawed hand, snarling in anticipation.

"Looks like you aren't as bad at this as you are at charms, boy," Greyback said as he slammed his huge meaty fist into Samuel's face.

Samuel flew back as blood flew from his face and splattered all over the ashen stone floor. He hit the ground, slamming his head into the ground. A loud cracking noise was all he remembered before his vision quickly went black.

Lucius Malfoy stood with his head high, his regal blonde hair flowing down past his shoulders.

He drew his wand out of his walking cane.

"Forgive me, boy. If you are to serve the Dark Lord you must learn to resist the pain of failing him.

Also, I'm doubtful Mad-Eye will give you any consideration just because you're young." He said.

Samuel trembled in fear as he watched Lucius point his wand at him, and say the word,


Instantly it was as if an inferno raged through his veins, every cell, every molecule of his body was set alight. It was beyond anything he could imagine, the pain it tore through him, as he screamed and writhed on the cold stone floor. The soft allure of darkness took him once more.


(2 Years Later)

A handsome young boy with short curly brown hair, cut in half by a streak of bright white hair. The only blemish on the creamy white skin on his face was the deep white scar that stretched from his cheek to the base of his chin. He sat alone in a gilded chair within the library of Malfoy Manor.

He sat with his legs crossed against each other, a book resting in his off-hand. The title of it read "Combat Transfiguration 101".

Transfiguration was his best subject. It was one of the few things he enjoyed in this world.

Sam had been through hell from the moment he could walk, and he despised the Potter children for it.

"Them and their precious fucking mudblood mother." He spat under his breath, his face contorted in a hideous expression.

The world cried for them and yet here he sat, forgotten.

Put him in a room alone with the Potter twins and he was certain he would slaughter them.

However, that right was currently reserved for the Dark Lord and Dark Lord only.

His Occlumency shields were passable, something he was always good at.

No one would ever catch him off guard.

Suddenly, the door hit the wall, rattling against the smooth mahogany walls. He sighed and saw Grayback's vile smirk. "Come on boy. We have a present for you. It's finally time." He said with a sinister expression on his face.

"Ugh seriously? I just started enjoying my new transfiguration book." The boy coldly stated.

He slapped his book shut with a thud and rose from his chair.

He followed Grayback out into the desolate training room.

When he walked in, he saw Severus Snape, Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Yaxley, and Mr. Nott all with pitch-black hoods covering their heads.

"It's time boy. Now kill the fucking Mudblood." Greyback growled, tossing him an old knife, looking at it you could tell it was meant for combat. It was razor sharp and it gleamed under the artificial magical light deep in the cellar.

"Why a knife? I have a wand, you know." Sam coldly enquired, as he snatched the knife from Greyback.

He smiled ominously, "We want you to relish the experience of killing your first mudblood."

"Now go take out the trash. Walk before you can run, boy. Most kids your age haven't even touched a wand." Greyback growled.

Sam simply shrugged, "Alright then." He said, calmly clamping down on his mental shields.

"If I do this, will mom love me when she gets out?" He wondered to himself.

"Will Draco be joining me, Mr. Malfoy?" He asked with an innocent expression plastered on his face.

"Eventually, he will, but for now, this is something you must do alone." Lucius said with a cold expression glistening on his face.

Sam walked up to the struggling man with a bag on his head. He didn't think anything of it.

To him, this was normal. This was what he was born to do.

"For the Dark Lord." He whispered.

Sam pressed the blade up against the struggling man's neck, grabbing the back of the man's head. He swiftly drew the knife across the mudblood's throat as fast as he could.

Blood sprayed the young boy's face, painting it red. Samuel's lips curled into a hideous grin, resembling Nott and Greyback's when they tortured him.

He fell on top of the man, who was flopping around on the ground as blood spurted out of the man's throat onto the cold stone floor and plunged his knife into the mudblood's chest over and over and over again.

Blood oozed from the body onto the stone cold floor. His violent movements caused the blood to fly everywhere, drenching his black trousers and sweater.

The coppery scent of blood filled Sam's nose and he felt pride surge through him.

All the men except for Severus looked on with begrudging respect fostered after years of training the boy.

Lucius smiled looking at the boy's expression, "Well done nephew." He said while clasping his hands together.

Severus' gaze was unwavering, "Indeed…your mother would be pleased."

Sam smiled at Severus, he was his favorite. He couldn't wait to have him as his Head of House at Hogwarts.

"Well done boy, we might make a man of you, yet," Greyback said laughing heartily.

"Indeed, well done. I should only hope my son performs as admirably as you when the time comes." Mr. Nott said

"Nice job Sammy, you did good." He thought to himself and smiled happily as they all led him out of the training ground beneath Malfoy Manor.



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Authors Notes: The First Chapter is mostly a time skip, trust me it slows way down and gets much better.

TheRealestWangLincreators' thoughts