
The Hidden Disciple

Samuel Lestrange was trained to kill from an early age, raised to be a Death Eater, the perfect pureblood. Kept hidden for most of his younger life because of who his mother and father are. However, when Samuel turns eleven, he comes out of hiding and makes his debut in the magical world. What will happen to Samuel, when, against expectations, he is sorted into Gryffindor? AU!

TheRealestWangLin · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

CH. 2


(Samuel Lestrange POV)


Samuel sat in a gilded chair, his curly hair dripped with countless droplets of water after bathing and his pale skin shone brightly in the early morning light. A midnight black dress robe was draped over his body. His height now exceeded Draco's, and other children that were his age besides Crabbe and Goyle.


Even though he was smaller than them, when it came down to it, he had beaten both of them easily and wandlessly.


He grinned to himself, as he thought of beating up the duo.

Today was a big day for him. It was the day where he finally went shopping for his Hogwarts supplies. He had been asking Lucius for ages for when this very day would come, and in-turn Lucius told him that he would take him to meet his parents in Azkaban afterwards.


 He was ecstatic to meet his mother. He had only heard good things from Narcissa. 


"Samuel, it's time to go." He heard Narcissa call out.


He took a deep breath, shutting his book with a gentle thump. His whole body trembled and a smile glowed on his face. Frankly seeing a smile on his face was a tad eerie, even to himself.


With a quick dust of his robes, he sped off to join the rest of the Malfoy's. He swept through the lavish hallways, adorned with teakwood, and embellished silver until he entered a room with deep emerald furniture, and gold accents along with a desolate fireplace. 


Narcissa and Lucius were waiting for him looking as regal as they could and Draco stood in front of the two, his pale blonde hair bobbing up and down.


"Come on Samuel, I'm ready to go!" Draco said with an impatient expression, boiling on his milky face.

Samuel smiled, "Sorry, Draco. I'm ready too." He replied with an embarrassed expression sitting on his face.


Draco was his best friend, they did everything together. He usually wasn't permitted to leave the general grounds of the manor. Thus, most of his time was spent training with the Dark Lord's inner circle. When he wasn't training he was with Draco or reading a book about Transfiguration. 


He saw Draco as the brother he never had. He would gladly sacrifice his life for the boy if it was necessary.


"Draco, I'm so excited! I haven't ever been to Diagon Alley. The most I've seen of it is when your father and I visit Knockturn Alley." Samuel exclaimed!


Lucius looked at him and let out a sigh. "Samuel. What did I tell you about guarding your emotions? You must not give yourself away. How many times do I have to tell you?" He exhaustively said.


"Sorry Mr. Malfoy. I can't help it. I'm just too excited today. I've always had a hard time with my poker face." He said beaming up at the Malfoy's.


"It's alright Samuel. Today is a big day. I know you'll be fine." Narcissa said elegantly, unable to stop herself from letting her affection for the boy show.


"Do you think she'll recognize me today?" He asked, unable to stop the curiosity brimming within him. 


"I don't know how Bella won't be able to, considering you look just like her. So handsome." She whispered in a soft voice, running her hand through the snow-white streak on his head.


"I can't wait to be sorted into Slytherin and make her proud!" He said, puffing his chest out.


"That's enough Samuel." Lucius said, giving a sharp rasp of his cane against the cold marble floor. 


They all grabbed a fistful of floo powder and filed into the fireplace. 


"Diagon Alley!" They yelled in unison as emerald-colored flames arose, engulfed them.



The group of travelers, flashed into view, in the incandescent fireplace of the leaky cauldron. Samuel took a step onto the weathered floorboards, recoiling as they groaned in protest.


"I finally start to be able to live a little!" He excitedly thought to himself.


He clasped Draco on the shoulder with a massive grin on his face.


"I can't wait to see the quidditch stuff. You know I've always wanted to play!" He said smiling.


"Sam, they just released the Nimbus 2000. We have to go see it." Said Draco with a pensive look. 


"What about your wand Draco? What type of core do you think you'll get?" Sam curiously asked. 


"Obviously, Dragon-Heartstring like father." He said with a proud expression on his face.


"Indeed, I'm also curious as to what my school wand will be. The one I currently have is quite good but I never really got to go out and chose one. I've heard Ollivander is quite strange." Sam muttered.


He followed the Malfoy's out through the back of the Leaky Cauldron. 


Lucius tapped the bricks in a special order. "I heard the same —" Draco said something, but at this point, Sam wasn't even listening to Draco. His attention was fully placed on the majestic sight before him.


The wall gaped open to reveal a glistening alleyway. Witches and wizards milled around, meandering from store to store.


Magic saturated the air, toys and objects were whizzing about, and the magic in the air felt clean. Sam took a deep breath and smiled; every worrisome thought flew to the back of his mind as he beheld Diagon Alley for the first time.


"Wow." Sam said again. This was much nicer than Knockturn Alley. He felt jealousy rise within him, at the thought of Draco coming here every week; while he had to be confined at the edges of society because of his parents' crimes.

As he watched the alley, a seed of doubt sprouted within his mind. "Perhaps there's more to this world than everything I've been taught up to this point.


Have I truly been missing out on so much?" He wondered silently as they strolled through the alleyway with an earnest expression on his face.

(Alyssum Potter POV)


"Ginny, it's so good to see you." She said sweetly.


A pretty young girl of about 11 years of age skipped along the narrow, cobbled streets of Diagon Alley. A bright red dress fell to her knees and flowed around her figure. Etched into her face were a set of bright green eyes. Beside her stood the figure of a larger, fit man with messy hair and glasses. On the opposing side stood a thinner, lankier boy who was quite handsome. He had emerald, green eyes just like the girl and wore round glasses.


Staring out through the gaggle of bodies, a head topped with familiar bright-red hair filed into view. The girl, unable to contain her excitement, broke out into a run, slipping between bodies before pulling her red-headed friend into an embrace.

"Ginny, it's so good to see you!" She cheerfully exclaimed!

"U-uhm it's good to see you too, Ally," Ginny mumbled. 


Ron and her brother seemed to be excited about Hogwarts. That and quidditch were all they ever talked about.


A chubby boy nearly the same age as her was approaching them, he wasn't very attractive and was very clumsy.


A grin sprouted on her lips "Hey, Neville. How are you doing?" She asked.


"H-hey guys how are you doing?" He stammered.


A wrinkled woman, dressed pompously in a strange outfit, delivered a smack to the back of Neville's head.


"Neville, quit acting so scared. Hold your head high. You're about to go to Hogwarts." She said, with her nose held high in the air.


Ally, Harry, Ron, and Ginny broke into snickers. 


"It's okay Neville, we have your back." Ally said, placing her hand onto Neville's shoulder in an attempt to comfort the boy. 


"We'll all be in Gryffindor soon." Harry said, attempting to comfort the boy alongside his sister. 


Then, the handsome young boy with bright green eyes sprinted over to James Potter. "Can we please go to the Quidditch store dad, please?" He asked with a pleading look on his face.

Before he even had a chance to respond, Alyssum's voice rose through the air, "Daddy, I want to get my robes first! You always pick what Harry wants to do first." She growled. 


James scratched the back of his head.


 "I suppose you're right Ally. Last time we came we did what Harry wanted first. It's only fair you get a chance too." He sighed. 


"Yippee! Thank you so much!" Ally exclaimed, while sticking her tongue out towards her brother.


Harry rolled his eyes at her. "Whatever." He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to Ron and Neville who were midway through a discussion. 


Ally ran over to her father, grabbing his hand and prying him away from his conversation with Arthur Weasley. 


"Let's get to Madame Malkin's dad. come on." She said as they all began to follow her to Madame Malkin's. 


James smiled and pinched his nose. "Man, I have seriously spoiled you kids. Your mother would have my head." He said exasperatedly as he was slowly dragged forward by his daughter. 


They walked along the narrow-cobbled path down the majestic and packed street of Diagon Alley, passing by Ollivander's.


"What's exciting about this? They're just school robes." Ginny asked, curiously peering at Ally. 


"Well my dad met my mom at Hogwarts and so did yours. I want to make sure I look nice for my future husband." She innocently pronounced.

An ugly expression twisted itself onto James' face. "You're eleven Ally. You don't need to be thinking about this at your age, and if I find out you have a boyfriend in your first-year I'll have you homeschooled." He said in a blank monotone voice.


Ally rolled her eyes, "Yes, daddy." 


While Ginny laughed at her. Something Ally hadn't noticed were Ginny's eyes while they talked about boys. They never left her brother Harry's figure.


"Harry, come on!" She yelled at the group of boys walking slowly behind the group, bantering with each other.


She stood still, bouncing on her heels, before pushing the emblazoned mahogany doors open.


Inside Madame Malkin's Robes for Every Occasion, a tall, young boy, with knots of short curly brown hair, adorned with a white streak nibbling a chocolate frog. Next to him stood the imposing form of Lucius Malfoy.


"Hurry up, Draco! I'm trying to get this over with and go get my wand and see the brooms." He said whilst glancing at the platinum-haired boy who was currently getting measured by Madame Malkin.


He slowly turned his face, as he noticed people filing into the clothing store.


He was incredibly handsome. probably the most handsome boy she had ever seen. The only blemish on his flawless skin was the scar that ran down the left side of his face. He had lovely two-tone hair. She couldn't tear her eyes away from him.


 "Who is he? " She wondered as the creamy white skin on her face turned beet-red.


They locked eyes, her green clashed with his dark brown. Everything slowed to a crawl, it was like time had frozen. It was as if the only people who existed in the world. 


(Samuel Lestrange POV)


Samuel gazed at the pretty green-eyed girl who wore a bright red dress. 


"Who is she? Is she here for Hogwarts?" He wondered as he watched a stocky brown-haired man walk up and place his arm onto her shoulder.


"Mr. Potter. It's a pleasure to see the head Auror here. . . Even if you are with the Weasleys." 


Lucius coldly said, laying a hand onto Samuel's shoulder.


Samuel's eyes narrowed, he had never actually seen the Potters before or their children. Lucius didn't normally let him read the Prophet in order to keep him from being distracted. 

Samuel scanned the crowd, he saw a few freckled faces and a handsome young boy with round glasses, green eyes and a lightning bolt shaped scar. Samuel felt his hatred and disgust rise in his stomach as he stared at the young boy with green eyes as if he were his enemy. The young boy with glasses caught him staring at him, and stepped forward. He quickly looked to the side and the girl was still staring at him, he wondered if there was something wrong with his face or something.


"You know if you want to see the scar all you have to do is ask." The boy said with a cold smile on his face


"My apologies, Mr. Potter, I have heard many things about you. You'll have to excuse me, I don't need to see the scar. I don't like people staring at mine much either." He said tracing the scar across his cheek.


Ron and Neville pushed to the front of their group. The adults were in the midst of a conversation about work in the ministry. Something Samuel found incredibly boring. 


"Ah, I understand. I'm Harry, this is my sister Alyssum, this is Ron Weasley, this is his sister Ginny, and this is Neville Longbottom." He said, pointing to each of the children in the group. 


"H-hi." Alyssum said with a red face, twiddling her thumbs together. 


Samuel raised an eyebrow at her, then turned back to face Harry. 


"It's nice to meet you. My name is Samuel." He said coldly, gazing into the boy's green eyes.


"It's nice to meet you Samuel. What house do you want to end up in at Hogwarts?" He asked


"Hopefully, Slytherin, it is clearly the best house and the one my mother and father were in." Samuel replied nonchalantly


Harry raised an eye at that, "Oh really? We were all hoping to end up in Gryffindor. All of our parents were in that house as well." 


"Ww-ho are you parents, Samuel?" Alyssum asked with a nervous expression on her face.


"I was hoping to avoid this so soon." He thought to himself, glancing at Neville.


"Rabastian and Bellatrix Lestrange." He said calmly, raising his head up a bit higher than before.


Suddenly the room went quiet, and Neville's face turned pale white as he clenched his fists. Everyone was staring at him.


"Is there an issue with that?" he asked, staring down the Longbottom boy with a dark smirk on his face.


"Ahhh, Neville get away from that devil spawn!" His granny screamed, grabbing his arm and trying to pull him back.


"Hellspawn… please don't talk to me like you know me, Mrs. Longbottom. It's not good for Neville to have him making enemies before he even steps foot in Hogwarts." He smirked viciously


"I haven't even done anything wrong yet." He said letting out a laugh that sounded eerily like his mothers.


"Shut your mouth!" Neville screamed in a surge of courage that was uncharacteristic of the boy he ran up and pushed Samuel.


Samuel was forced back several steps but caught himself. Physically he was much stronger, and taller than everyone except the Weasley who was about the same height as him.


Samuel cracked his neck and said, "I suppose that's about all I should expect from the legendary Longbottom Squib." He said laughing at him


Neville's face shifted into an ugly expression as Samuel moved so fast Neville wasn't even able to register the punch slamming into his face sending him sprawling back on the floor. Blood leaked out of the boy's bottom lip as he struggled to get up.


"Like I said I haven't even done anything yet and you are already assaulting me. You lot are worse than Crabbe and Goyle. Perhaps I should just go to Durmstrang to avoid this nonsense." 

He said taking a handkerchief out of his pocket and gently wiping the blood off of his knuckles. 


"What the heck is the matter with you!" Alyssum screamed

"What's the matter with me? All I was doing was minding my own business, and he attacked me." He said back calmly. 


Harry jumped up from his fallen friend's side and squared up to Samuel with Ron. Both of them looked furious. Both of their fathers showed up behind the two of them and placed their hands on their son's shoulders. 


"I think we should go boys." The two men said.


Augusta was screaming bloody murder, as she helped her son up off the ground.


"No dad, we aren't leaving until he apologizes." Alyssum said, stamping her foot on the ground.


"Well then, you'll be here all day, because he hit me first." Samuel said calmly, looking at Alyssum.


She couldn't take it anymore and ran right up to Samuel and slapped him across his face. Samuel just sighed and rolled his eyes as he turned his head back to stare into her deep green eyes.


"Are you finished?" He asked calmly, his occlumency shields were in full effect. He was unwilling to react emotionally right now, just like Severus had taught him.


"Y-you!" She screamed, stomping her foot on the ground and storming out of the store in an angry red streak.


When they finally left Samuel let out a sigh of relief. Draco was over in the corner, laughing his ass off.


"I'm glad you thought me giving it to the Longbottom boy was so funny Draco." He said, rolling his eyes with an impish grin on his face.


"That was so bloody funny, mate." Draco said gasping for breath


"Language Draco," Lucius said, tapping Draco's forehead with his cane.


"Well done Samuel, even though you fought like a muggle, you handled the Longbottom brat well. I am proud of the man you are becoming." Lucius said lightly nodding his head.


Samuel swelled with pride at Lucius' compliment, "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy." He said


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