
Establishing dominance

"Capture them for me".

Sam commanded the protectors but the protectors didnot move from their seat.

The protectors were convinced by the intelligence and wits of Sam.Sure ,he was more intelligent than people of his age but that was it.No one wanted to follow the command of people weaker than them after all this was the martial world where strong were respected.

Seeing that no protector moved to follow his command, Sam realized just what was happening.

The air around sam started to become violent as energy started to leak out his body.Sam looked at the protectors as he released his cultivation of the initial essence core realm to the limit.He simililarly release all the killing intent that he absorbed from the the muderous sword and saber during his training.As his energy and killing intent was released the whole hall started to shake as the sword shaped earring on Sam's left ear started to emittng buzzing sound.

The sword shaped deatached itself from his ear as it slowly flaoted in the air as it hover above his head.


With a buzzing sword,the sword expanded in side to become a meter long silver shaped longsword.A dragon was carved in the blade of the sword as its silver handle had the carving a black and white fish on the side.The sword was sharp as if it could cut down the heavenly dome into two if it desired.The space around the sword started to rupture as it couldnot handle the powerful presence of this sword.

The sword started to emit a powerful pressure as it floated down and landed into Sam's right hand of its own violation.The elders and protectors looked at the sword in astonishment.Their instict screamed them of danger as they had a feeling that they would if he attacked them with this sword.The powerful pressure emitting from the sword bore down on them as they felt that they could not move their body body from their seat anymore.

Sam gripped the sword with his right hand.He could feel the excitement of the sword as the sword emitted more buzzing noise like it was greeting him.Sam poured his energy into the sword as he looked at the protector as he slowly said:

"You all feel ndignant to be commanded by a junior but to me you all are nothing.Inside this sect i can kill you all with a flip of my finger.Inside this sect I,Sam Desvons,am invincible.Follow me, you shall prosper; oppose me,and you shall die."

Sam pushed the silver sword on the ground as he roared "ACTIVATE". Simmering runes started to flow from the sword into the ground as the floor, walls and pillars started to lit up.Similar runes started to appear on the floors and walls as they started to madly abaord the earthly essence from the air.Bright light started fo form on different parts of the wall as they shot straight towards the throne as jade chairs.


The throne, white tiger seats ,qilin seats and the vermilion birds seat started to emit imperial pressure as they floated in the air throwing the people sitting on them to the ground.


Sounds of beast roaring and birds screeching resounded in the hall as the carving of the divine beast in the seats opened their eyes.The while dimmed as their eyes open as they beacame the brightes thing in this world.


The dragon carved on the throne came alive as the let out of the dragonic roars creating tempest capabke of destroying the sun and moon.It separated itself from the the throne as it soured in the air breaking the dome of the Heavenly martial hall to soar in the clear blue skies.The had the head like a came with two large horn.It had the whisker like that of a cat with a large snake like body with sharp and eagle like talon.It body was covered with blue draconic scale .


The white tigers also came alive as the two white tiger rushed in the air and fused together to form a large white tiger with black stripes running through its body.It thad two large fangs and four strong paw with sharp claws.Letting out a large roar,it saoared in the air as if wanting to fight the against the blue sky.


As the sound of bird screeching resounded the Vermilion bird carving came alive and fused together to form a large vermilion bird white beautiful red wing and sharp talons.It whole was ablazed with fire.The temperature of the whole sect became hot as the vermilion bird soared in the sky as if wanting burn the whole word and watch it turn into ashes.


While letting out neighs,the qilin carving came out alive to form a huge qilin with red scale.It had the head of the dragon and body of horse fulled red demonic scale.It jumped through the space as it arrived the aur above the Heavenly martial sect as it started running in the air.

The presence of the divine beasts were so strong that all the people inside the hall and whole were pushed into the ground as tgey were all forced to kneel inside.

The throne floated above Sam's head it formed a barrier made up of light around Sam's body due to which he wasnot affected by the strong presence of the divine beasts..only sam emmiting the strong pressure remained standing on the platform with back straight like a rod with the long silver sword in his hand while all the people inside the sect were kneeling.It looked liked all the people inside the hall were kneeling to their monarch.

The elders and protect were moved as they looked at the youth standing tall and aloof like a monarch above the platform.Feeling of reverence started to rise within them.

"When the Heavenly martial sword awakens,The divine beasts will descend to protect and the Heavenly martial shall rise again...the legends were true..Heavens didnot forsake us..heavens didnit forsake us..".

The main protector was talking to himself like a mad person as his face was filled with excitement...He pushed his head against the ground as he shouted with loud voice:

"Main protector Mabon greets the new sectmaster."

Seeing the main protector accepting him as new sectmaster other protector and elder also greeted in a loud voice :

"We greet the new sectmaster"

We greet the new sectmaster"

We greet the new sectmaster"

We greet the new sectmaster"


Main protector Mabon slowly raised his head as he sincerely said:

"Sectmaster,please forgive us for our behaviour earlier.We had eyes but we were muddled and couldnot recognize your supreme self.We sincerely apologize for our transgression .We are ready to accept any punishment that you bestow upon us".

Protector Mabon spoke to sam like a devout follower who finally got to speak with his god.

"Since this is the first time such things happened i shall forget it.Rise",Sam said as he looked at the protectors and elders as he waved his hand.It looked like time flowed backward as the silver sword return back to his left like a normal earring.The divine beasts roaring in the sky all doved down one after other as they turned back in the carving like before on the jade seats and thrones.The stifling pressure that was forcing the people to kneel in the ground dissappeared like it never existed as peace returned to the world.The throne and the jade seats also floated and and landed on the floor.

The Hall returned to its former state.The elder and protector got up from the ground as they looked around the hall with surprise written on their face.

"Now that we have resolved our little misunderstandind.It is time to deal with proper matter at hand.But,first capture the evildoers". Sam repeated his order again as he sat down on the throne.

The protectors surrounded the seven elders without any hesitation.A few second later ,the seven elders were kneeling infront the thrones with their cultivation sealed.Tge eight protectors were standing behind them with their hand behind their back like a well trained bodyguard.

"Things got longwinded due to our little misunderstanding but now that we have resolved it ,its time to deal with these evildoers".

Sam said slowly as he looked down at the kneeling elders.

"Do you wish to say anything before accepting your punishment?"

The second elder who was kneeling on the ground said:

"Sectmaster, I know our crimes are unforgivable but please give us another chance.We will use our body and soul to contribute for your cause"

Other elder begged to begged:

"Sectmaster,olease give us a chance.We will be your sheild against your enemies.We will fight for your cuase with all of our being.please bestow us this opportunity."

Sam remain unpertube by their begging as he slowly said:

"The first thing my master taught me when j was young was to never show mercy to enemies.Showing kindness to enemies is being cruel to yourself.Kil your enemy at the first opportunity prevent future disaster.You all schemed against me in the first day that i returned to sect and you will continue to do so.Will keeping you alive and well not come back to bite me back in the future?"

"No no no sectmaster.we will not do such foolish things. We can take a vow with our soul to the heaven to always follow your orders and to never harm you."

The second elder hurriedly added.The soul vow to heavens was tge most venomous form of oath.If the vower ever broke their vow,they will after being struck by lighnting as their soul would alongside them as they couldnot even enter the reincarnatiin cycle to be reborn as a new person.

"sectmaster, give them a chance.Our sect is in decline and we lack powerful cultivators.We will need them in the future.So le the live and be your vanguard in the future battles".

Uncle Gaton also pleaded on their behalf.The silent first elder also added:

"Supreme elder is correct.Keeping them around will be more advantageous to the sect."

Sam looked at uncle gaton and the silent first elder as he nodded his head.He then looked at the elder as he spoke slowly:

"The crime that you comitted are enough to grant you thousand deaths.But since uncle gaton and the first elder has pleaded on your behave i will you grant you all chance.Your life from today onwards belong to the Heavenly martial sect ,if the sect need your life for anything in the future it shall be forfeited".

He the slowly continued:

"Make to vow to never harm the sect and do evil with your soul.Make ammends for your crimes".