
The Heavenly Celestial Stair Path:The Hidden Legendary Dragon God Core

The Age of Gods has long since ended, their voices no longer heard on the continent of Mother Seriou Star Continent. Humanity, standing on the shoulders of legends from its history, advanced soul technology to inconceivable heights. The humans of Mother Seriou Continent invented weapons of mass destruction, mechanized armor, and living metals. Mankind and demonic spirit have been war against each other over 500,000 years after the Blood War Battle that almost destroyed the demon race within a second but after that none have ever been kind to one another. The weak or destroyed but the demonic spirit beast aren't willing to back down. Deep within the Fairy Lake Forest a long since forgotten God has awaken but this time this god is after to destroy mankind just like how it has destroyed it's people this god won't stop at anything since the gods and goddess love humans so much we might as well kill them all as what they have done to his kind. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himself- Akash Beaufort a young boy who was born in the Great House of Beaufort Family Dynasty. A child that holds hope for mankind, and the demon race, he is the bride between the two races.He finds his way into the fabled halls of Heavenly Grail College, where he learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends, finds allies, but also make enemies who try there best to kill him, but even that eventually rising to become a towering leader. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows as the various factions of humanity maneuver and plot to usurp Heavenly Grail College. Akash discovers the threat to the only world he knows as he sinks deeper into the intrigue. Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the demonic spirit beasts' plot continues to steadily advance. With different races up against each other no one truly knows who is the enemy or who you can trust along the way.

Gloria_Drinka_0209 · Fantasie
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58 Chs

Chapter 5 Akash {Green Hill Elementary}

"Son, are you the indignant food devoured of legend?" Maverick asked helplessly. In the end, all of the food on the table was inhaled by Akash's belly, and Sara had to forbid him from eating anymore.

Puzzled, Akash looked at his father.

"Dad, why am I indignant?"

"Dad really wants to ask you son, do you plan on entering the Spirit Soul Master class, or do you want dad to help you enter the ordinary class?" Maverick asked his son.

"No dad, I want to entire the Spirit Soul Master class I want to become strong so I can catch up to my older sister who is working hard to make a name for our clan, I want to make our clan so powerful that when people hear our name they think of our Beaufort Clan."

"Alright then we will make that happen son, but you do understand the road you are going to take won't be easy the path will be hard and each step you take won't be simple at all," Maverick said to Akash who was drinking apple juice and he let out a burp.

"I understand dad, I know I will need to work hard and earn resources from other people, our family might be powerful in this city and we have money but we aren't extremely rich."

"That's true but don't worry about that matter it's your dad job to worry about that."

"But if I become a Spirit Soul Master, I can make lots of money to help everyone."

Maverick and Sara were both so touched by their son kindness and willing to give them money both of them kissed him on the cheek and he grinned happily and kissed his parents cheeks as well.

"Since you're set on this, then mom and dad will support you. But if you regret this choice in the future, just tell dad, and I'll help you transfer classes. Just remember that mom and dad have never wanted you to become a dragon or a phoenix. We only want you to be happy. We'll be content as long as you're happy. There's nothing else more important in our hearts than your happiness. Do you understand?" Maverick said to his son.

"Yes dad, I understand it means a lot to me that you guys are there for me."

"Here is a gift your sister sent to you."

Akash was so excited he saw the letter and he opened the letter.

To my little brother,

Ma, and dad told me you will be awakening your abilities no matter what you get I hope you understand I will always love you and protect you from any kind of danger. Since it's your first awakening it will be hard to get away from everything so I got you this spirit weapon hope you like it, drop some your blood on it and it will become one of your spirit weapons. Oh yes and not use it yet wait until you are like nine years old so wait three more years that way your blood is much stronger love you kisses and do call me idiot brother!

Love Big Sis

Akash smiled brightly and stared at the sword that was inside it's case. Akash grabbed it and he felt the sword was far to heavy so he left it at the table.

Fiona is always busy training and becomes a powerful spirit warrior master. So when she does come home it's only for a few days and most of the time she stays inside the house hanging out with her family that's pretty much it. She calls her parents every single day only for five minutes and then she is off to do whatever she does best.

The next day, just as the sky revealed the first glimmers of light, Akash was woken up by his father. Today was the day he would begin attending the academy. He had officially entered the Green Hill Mountain Academy's Spirit Soul Master class. This would be the first day of his nine years of learning.

According to the regulations set by the Gray Moon Federation, elementary and intermediate academies had free tuition and were compulsory. Elementary academy was three years while the intermediate academy was six years long. There were several ways to enter an advanced academy: outstanding achievements, paying an exceedingly expensive tuition, or entering an academy of science and specializing in a field of study.

Maverick accompanied Akash to the academy gates before leaving as the academy was very close to their home. Before leaving to go work, Maverick repeatedly urged Akash to directly return home after school.

The Spirit Soul Master class specially had a teacher at the front doors to welcome the new students. Clearly, they were treated much better than the ordinary students.

The ordinary class would receive a normal cultural education while the Soul Master class would also learn how use their innate soul power to become Soul Masters. They would also be taught knowledge essential to Soul Masters and prepare to enter an intermediate academy.

This year's Spirit Soul Master class only had 15 students, the number of children who had awakened soul power were simply too low. It was even more apparent in a small city like Sky Quin City. This year's arrivals could actually be considered a lot.

The moment Akash walked inside the gate he held on his gray white backup on his left shoulder.

"Hey what's your martial spirit and your warrior spirit?" A chubby boy asked while he chewed on dry meat and Akash licked his lips after all he was hungry.

"My martial spirit is Lyu Grass, and my warrior spirit a rank 1 fox that's sleeping right now," Akash said.

"Pff, a trash Martial spirit and a trash warrior spirit you might as well give up on that kind of dream that will never happen do you know what I have?"

Akash felt annoyed by this chubby guy but he shook his head.

"My warrior spirit is a kitchen knife it means the food I make would become spirit food my warrior spirit it's a magic pot I shell cook everything within this world and never starve to death hahaha a trash like you can never best me ever! Come and call me king!"


"What you think you are better then me."


Akash just walked away after that does he want to become a spirit warrior master or a chief? Anyway he shouldn't bother with other people's matters. 

"Hello everyone I am your home room teacher my name is Josephine Black. You can call me Mrs. Black, now everyone take a seat from this moment on I will be your teacher the progress you make in this class can help you enter a better academy in the near future, now let's introduce ourselves and then after that tell us about your abilities," Mrs. Black said while she took a seat with a sweet smile on her face.

There were only 15 students, so the introductions went by quickly. When Mrs. Black heard that Akash's martial spirit was Lyu Grass,his warrior spirit was sleeping fox, she couldn't help but be startled while the other students roared with laughter.

Mrs. Black clapped her hands together and everyone stopped laughing and everyone calmed down while she tapped on the table a screen popped up in front of her and the student stared at the holograph screen.

"Today is your first day of class, so I'll be explaining the different classifications for martial souls first. In the afternoon, I'll teach you how to meditate. Meditation is the only way to temper and improve your soul power. If you want to become a true Spirit Soul Master, then you all must strive your hardest. As you all know at the age of six years old you awaken your martial spirit and your warrior spirit powers, with these two things one must be ready for hardship some people relay one ability more then the other but 90% of people relay on both of their abilities. Now a question for all of you, what classifications are there for martial souls?"

"First of all, the two main classes are tool spirits and beast spirits. Among them, all of the martial spirit that appear on the body are beast spirit. If they appear separately from the body, then they're tool spirits. By cultivating your soul power, you're able to upgrade your martial spirit. After your soul power reaches rank 10, then you're able to become a Soul Master. With Warrior spirit they appear separately from your body these warrior spirit are also upgraded ranks go from 1-over ten million which is rare for anyone to reach that kind of level most adult have reached almost 50,000 level if high if they are lucky. There are also two main classes of Spirit Soul Masters. The Battle Spirit Masters and Utility Spirit Masters. Those who cultivate the goal of fighting are Battle Spirit Masters. Regardless of what someone's martial spirit and warrior spirit is, they are still a Spirit Soul Master. There are also many minor classifications…"

Akash's depression gradually faded away as he listened to Mrs. Black explain the classifications of martial spirit, warrior spirit, and Spirit Soul Masters. He had been filled with a curiosity towards Soul Masters since he was small. To him, this knowledge was like a door, opening up a brand new magnificent world.