
The Heavenly Celestial Stair Path:The Hidden Legendary Dragon God Core

The Age of Gods has long since ended, their voices no longer heard on the continent of Mother Seriou Star Continent. Humanity, standing on the shoulders of legends from its history, advanced soul technology to inconceivable heights. The humans of Mother Seriou Continent invented weapons of mass destruction, mechanized armor, and living metals. Mankind and demonic spirit have been war against each other over 500,000 years after the Blood War Battle that almost destroyed the demon race within a second but after that none have ever been kind to one another. The weak or destroyed but the demonic spirit beast aren't willing to back down. Deep within the Fairy Lake Forest a long since forgotten God has awaken but this time this god is after to destroy mankind just like how it has destroyed it's people this god won't stop at anything since the gods and goddess love humans so much we might as well kill them all as what they have done to his kind. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himself- Akash Beaufort a young boy who was born in the Great House of Beaufort Family Dynasty. A child that holds hope for mankind, and the demon race, he is the bride between the two races.He finds his way into the fabled halls of Heavenly Grail College, where he learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends, finds allies, but also make enemies who try there best to kill him, but even that eventually rising to become a towering leader. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows as the various factions of humanity maneuver and plot to usurp Heavenly Grail College. Akash discovers the threat to the only world he knows as he sinks deeper into the intrigue. Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the demonic spirit beasts' plot continues to steadily advance. With different races up against each other no one truly knows who is the enemy or who you can trust along the way.

Gloria_Drinka_0209 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 4 Akash {Mysterious Dream}

Every year, those who awakened soul power along with their martial soul were invited to join the Soul Master class of Green Hill Mountain Academy as new students. No matter which elementary academy it was, the Soul Master class was undoubtedly the most important.

Akash previous agitation hadn't completely dissipated; his head felt swollen, and his body was heating up. He dizzily continued walking.

"Son you are one in a million."

"But dad I woken two most useless trash abilities first it's my martial spirit Lyu Grass, next is my warrior spirit it's a lazy fox that's just known to sleep all day long!"

"Son, there isn't such thing as useless martial spirit or useless warrior spirit what you need to understand is two things number one, you can make your Lyu Grass stronger work harder, the second is don't let yourself down or beat yourself down. You and your sister are two different people one is born with talent while the other isn't her path is laid down for her but it also means that when she hits something hard she might give up but you just hit something hard like a giant mountain what are you going to do?"

"I will claim that mountain?"

"That's right every single step, one step at the time.""Um, I understand dad."

"Alright then."

The flying car landed on the ground the two guards welcomed Maverick who nodded his head.They walked inside a beautiful woman with long dark brown hair and gentle blue eyes looked at her son who looked so tired."Son what did you awaken?"

"Nothing useful I want to take a nap," Akash muttered and he rushed up the stairs they lived in a large mansion when Akash opened his bedroom door he fall down on his bed and he grabbed his stuffed animal and laid down on his pillow and he fall asleep.

Sara was confused for a moment, but quickly understood the meaning of her husband's words.

"Then Akash, he…."

 "He seems to be in shock. He didn't say anything on the way back. In the process of growing up, our family's little man will definitely encounter some setbacks. It's best to just leave him be for now," Maverick said

Sara glanced upstairs with worried eyes. Sighing loudly, she refilled her husband's bowl of rice.

"Let's eat first then, we won't disturb him either. Ash has always been obedient. So we'll transfer him to the normal class if it doesn't work out."


As soon as he returned to his room, he fell headfirst onto his bed and entered the land of dreams.

Soon after, Akash's body began twisting and turning atop the bed, his skin flushed crimson. If Sara or Maverick were there, they would discover that Akash's body temperature was increasing at an astonishing rate.

The deep red pigmentation of his skin began to gradually penetrate deeper and deeper until his meridian channels were becoming faintly visible. Even with this faintness, his blood flow could be seen. His heartbeat began increasing rapidly; it had become at least three times his normal heartbeat.

The gold lines that had appeared in the awakening chamber, once again re-emerged on his forehead. The line pattern began to extend from his head to his toes, before returning upwards once again.

After three cycles of traveling the length of his body, the gold line pattern quietly receded back into the depths of his body once again. Akash's whole body began making slight creaking noises, but after a moment, the undisturbed silence returned, and his body returned to its normal temperature. He then entered an even deeper slumber.

In his dreams, Akash found himself in an empty place that was covered in Lyu Grass but also he heard the ocean that was endless his eyes traveled around while he stepped forward he saw butterflies that flattered around they were calm like a pure lake, before he could even go any further. He felt something pushing him away.

"Ah-" Akash shouted and he touched his head.

"Son!" Sara and Maverick shouted and they stared at there son who looked at them he felt so tired and well he wanted to eat.

"Ma, dad, I am so hungry!"

"Alright we will feed you."

At the dinning room table Akash stuffed himself with the food that his mother made for last night dinner he kept on eating his food he felt even more hungry then normal his pet fox which his calling Little Xiao, was sleeping on his head. After finishing eating he touched his stomach and he looked at his ma and dad.