
The Heart of Yue

Every Sunday is a new chapter from here on out! We will be uploading every Sunday by 11:59pm U.S eastern standard time at the latest! Creator note: This is a much more mature fantasy setting; we deal heavily with dark topics such as racism, child abuse/abuse, manipulation and many more heavy themes. In the world of Moirilia there exist three humanoid races. Humans, Elves and Dwarves and each of these races all hate one thing in particular. Shifting beasts. These beasts are able to take the form of any humanoid race they chose, and there is virtually no way to tell them apart from real humans, elves or dwarves once changed. The one and only way that any of the three races have an idea is from the sired children of a humanoid and changed beasts, who retain both traits and abilities similar to their beast parent. Over the years the discrimination and violence towards the new sired race call Anzu continued to grow and become worse and worse, until war broke out. We follow both a ghost of the distant past and a young Anzu girl during the age of war. Follow as Yue, the ghost of the past mentor’s and raises Elvina from a scared child into a fearless adult. From a sloppy and brash kid into a possible combat goddess; what all will she have to do to live a peaceful life free of blood, death, pain and warfare? please comment as much as possible! it helps with feedback and helps us gauge how much you all enjoy everything. Also we would like to see and engage with you all as much as possible! :)

Redcloudpavilion · Fantasie
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8 Chs

New Beginnings Part 1

Faye's Story 


"A Phoenix… Brannon Koan was the last Phoenix"

Faye stares at her mother for a few seconds before her words finally set in. She looks down at her feet in a daze before looking up and asking. "How is that possible? How could a Phoenix procreate with another beast?" Lilith sighs and says. "I honestly have no clue how the trait was successfully passed down and inherited by Elvina. Phoenix's usually only procreate with their own or humanoid races; in both instances it is a one hundred percent chance that the trait is passed and a new Phoenix is born." Faye stands up and starts to pace around the cabin.

"so if her mother, Alison is a changed Shadow Panther. Her father is… was a Phoenix. What is she? How does she even exist, no. How do any of their children even exist?" She thinks and speaks as the gathers her thoughts. "Do all of them have the trait?" She says and looks to her mother, she repeats herself. "Do they all have the trait, mom?" She shakes her head, "No. I was there when they were born, and there was no sign of them having inherited the trait." Faye sighs in relief. "That's good… that's good, because her sister is certifiably insane. I can't be-" she stops and her face goes white, Lilith rushes to her. "Faye! What's wrong? Are you okay?"

she looks at her mother and asks, "Mom, when they were born did mana swell up and circle around them? Did all the elements seep into their skin, did they glow?" Lilith's eyes widen and she quickly rushes to the door and closes it, she grabs Faye's hands and says cautiously. "No. They were just normal babies being born. Are you implying what I think you are?" Faye nods and says. "Yes. All attributes were clearly visible and the room felt so thick. Everything all went into her and her body was glowing, at the time i thought it was an Anzu thing, but this makes much more sense than that." Lilith takes a step back and asks, "was you father present during this?" She nods and says. "He delivered her. We were all there, but everyone was acting excited and happy. No one told me what she was."

Lilith walks to the door opens it and calls to the closest guard. "Send word for my husband. Tell him we need to speak, immediately." The guard bows, "By your order, Your Majesty." And walks off. Elsewhere on the lower level of the ship Alexious sits with Alison, holding her hand with a solemn expression on his face as tears silently flow down her cheeks. "Alison… I'm truly sorry. If I hadn't stopped training I-" she tightens her grip, looking up at the ceiling vacantly. "Alexious. It-it's not on you… we both know we were caught by surprise. It was a well planned… she had us cornered…" her eyes bloodshot and rage boiling to the surface. "We got too Fucking comfortable… i got too Fucking comfortable… I let me guard down, and she attacked. It's my fault… it-it's m-my Fucking. F-fault!"

her once cold and collected exterior crumbling to dust as she wails out, it's a cry of pain, betrayal, loss and love. Alison breaks, and Alexious's walls begin to crumble. First one tear, then two and before long they both release rivers from their eyes. "Th-this… is not. On you. This i-is not your fault… it's on Althea, no one else." He tries to reassure her while wiping his eyes with one hand and grasping her with the other. "No, Alexious. I raised her… to be ruthless. To be a killer… I failed with her. I see that n-now." She looks at him in pure anguish. "I want her dead. I want her dead, but… I can't. I still see my star, and i-i… i can't. I don't know if i can hurt her. I don't know… I don't think i can kill my own ch-child… please, Alexious." She motions with her hand to his swords at his hip. "Let be be with him."

she continues, "Let me rest… kill me. I… i just can't l-live… without him." Alexious grabs her head and leans in, forehead to forehead; tears running onto her face and says. "NO. You listen to me… i will not l-let you give up. You still have Elvina and Altreaho, and i know… they will need you. Would Brannon ever forgive me if i was the one who sent you to him?" She sighs and says. "No… no I don't think that he would… so what should i do? I haven't been without him in three hundred years." He sits up and grabs her hand, he struggles to wear a weak smile and says. "I… I don't know. All I know is that we can wait for Elvina to finish her training with Kengi, however long that may take. Once she is ready, you, me and Elvina… we'll find her and avenge them both." She looks back at the ceiling. "I… i just can't kill my own child." Alexious stands and unsheathes his sword, he kneels down, holds it out towards her, bows his head and swears. "If you cannot deal her the blow, i shall bear that sin. If that is what you truly believe you want. I Alexious Koan, of the Water elf tribe swear this on my life."

she sighs and says, "Get up, Alexious. I hear your vow, and I accept." He stands and sheaths his sword, he turns to walk away and she asks. "Why? Why give a Knight's Oath when you're not in the order, you left." He weakly smiles and replies. "I only left, because a knight cannot love their master. I am still a knight, Alison. Rest well, I'll return tomorrow morning." He walks through the door and closes it softly, leaving Alison alone with her typhoon of emotions and spinning thoughts; all she can do was stare blankly at the creaky Woden boards while tears silently flow down her cheeks. Alexious walks through the lower deck of the ship, his head slumped. "S!" He continues to walk. "Sir." His mind completely absent, not hearing the guard calling him. "Sir- oof!" he looks up startled back to reality.

"I'm sorry… my mind is absent at the moment. Let me help you." He reaches down and lifts up the guard who was knocked down. I know he is King Consort and all, but he is unbelievably sturdy. I'm a knight of the Royal Guard and bumping into him was like walking into a wall… the Guard thinks as she stands up, brushes himself off and says. "Sir. Alexious. The Queen in requesting your presence alongside she and the Princess." He nods and pats the guard's shoulder. "Thanks. I'll head that way now." He smiles softly. "Care to join me for the short stroll, Sir. Knight." The guard nods. "If i may, i will escort you to the Queen's cabin." They begin to walk through the massive Royal Elvin ship, they walk through the lower common area and up onto the deck. Alexious looks out at the cindered homes, the dying embers of the huge explosions that were heard from across the island. He looks out onto the scars that remain where Tangamoor Village once stood proudly, tucked in this beautiful island. Now it's little more that ash and rubble.

the guard notices and turns to him. "Sir. We should keep moving, it's best not to keep the Queen waiting." Alexious's eyes stay fixated on the ruins in front of them and asks. "Tell me, Sir. Knight. What is your name?" Taken aback he asks, "Why, sir? My name is of no importance. I am simply a Knight of the Royal Guard, nothing more." He sighs and says. "A name is always of importance. Look out at the carnage in front of you. Look at it and tell me… what it is you feel." The guard annoyedly complies. "I only see a destroyed village, sir. Why waste time with such trivial things, with all due respect of course." Alexious places his hand on the guard's shoulder while still looking forward. He speaks in a somber tone. "I see bodies of innocent people. I see innocent men, whose families will mourn their deaths. I see innocent women whose families will do the same. I see innocent children who were ripped away from this word much too soon."

he continues. "I see entire families slaughtered, never to be seen again. What i see is a tragedy. Each of those men, women and children had names. When one dies, their name lives on in the hearts of their friends and family; so tell me. When all who know the names die alongside them, who will remember that they even lived? Death… it is the great equalizer for all who breathe in life, no matter if they're human, elf, dwarf, Anzu or beasts. In the end we all die, we all return to the world that gave us the gift of life. The only way to truly live on after even the greatest equalizer of all… is to write your name in the stars. Names hold power. Names have significance. Names are who we are, and they are the only thing that can truly live on into the end of time." He turns his head to the guard whose eyes are wide in shock and says. "So tell me, Sir. Knight of the Fire Elven Royal Guard. What is your name?"

he removes his golden helmet, revealing short two-block style red hair and peach colored skin. He looks into Alexious's eyes and says. "My name is Fayith… Fayith of house Sparrow." He smiles and nods. "Well… Fayith of house Sparrow, I am Alexious Koan. Now both of our names will live on throughout each other, make sure to spread your name wide and far, Fayith. Spread your name so that you do not die out forever. My brother's were private men, hence their names are small. I will spread their names so that they may live on, and I encourage you to do the same for anyone who you may have lost through the years." Alexious turns his back to the villages and says, "now, let's get going Fayith. We don't want to wander around much longer." He smiles and puts his helmet back on and says. "Yes Sir. Thank you for the enlightenment, Sir." He nods and says. "Just call me Alexious. You know my name and now i know yours, so let's just be casual from here on out."

Knock Knock Knock! "Your Majesty! I have brought Sir. Alexious as requested." He shouts as Alexious walks through the doorway and turns back to him with a soft smile. "Thank you, Fayith. You may continue to stand guard at your post." He nods and closes the door. He turns to Lilith and Faye who are staring at him both looking concerned. "Dad… Why didn't you tell us that Elvina has the Phoenix trait?" Alexious slightly tilts his head in confusion, "I didn't believe that to be important, is that really the only reason you called for me?" Lilith walks towards him and hugs him, she leans her forehead against his and says. "Of course not, Lexi. You just lost two of your brothers and i was concerned about you." She lifts her head and pulls his chin up with her finer, locking eyes. "Tell me, honestly. How are you holding up?" He stares into her eyes as his vision blurs her face with tears. "I… I'm not so. I guess… I'm not okay, lily."

She wipes the tears from his face and smiles, her voice softly brushes across his ears in a soothing tone. "Lexi, you're with us. It's ok to cry. I know much more than most how much you Koan brothers love each other. Let it out, this is one time where controlling the water is not necessary, honey. Faye and i are your family and we can cry together." He struggles to speak. "I… I can't. I… if i let my emotions go. I… i may not be able to control myself." She continues to wipe his teas and smile lovingly. "You can. I. Am. Here. I'll protect us, so let it out. Please, Lexi. Don't hold it in. Do not torture yourself with bottled up emotions." Hearing her words brings him to his knees and he shouts. His guttural primal cry echoes out through the night and rivers flow from his eyes.

Thick tendrils of water begin to swirl around him and his hair bursts out of the tie, turning white and his eyes glow pure azure blue. She holds out her hand. "Barrier Orb." fire swirls all around him, containing the water as he shouts. Faye stands to the side in shock, she has never seen her father lose control like this before. She watches as Lilith contains him in an orb of fire and steam begins to fill the room. "AAAHHH!!!" He cries out as his tears freeze over and a layer of frost covers his body. His beard turns white, same as his hair and he collapses further from his knees and drops his head to the floor. His tattered tunic shreds off his body as shards of ice jut out from every inch of his torso. "It's ok! I have you, I'm here. Just grieve, Lexi." She shouts as the intensity of her flame grows, struggling to control his raging fury. This continues for ten minutes before he began to calm down.

the ice shards fade away, his hair and beard returns to their normal ashy blue-gray color and his eyes return to normal. Lilith releases her spell and both she and Faye rush to him and embrace him together. "D-Dad! It's okay now… it's okay." "We are here for you Lexi. We grieve with you." The comfort him as he lays collapsed on the floor. "I… I couldn't do… anything! I'm supposed to be Strong! I'm Supposed to Protect People, but I couldn't do anything!" Lilith rubs his back and looks over to Faye. "Faye, darling. I'll stay with him. Have the guards show you to your quarters. I believe this may take up the remainder of our night." She nods, leans down and kisses his cheek. "You and mom take your time. I'll see you in the morning. I love you dad." She gets up and walks out the door, closing it behind her. "Your Highness, Princess." Faylith bows and she says. "My father and mother will be taking their night, so if you could please show me to my room." He nods and they walk down the hall.

Lilith sits in front of Alexious as she rubs her hand on his head. "Lexi. Honey, you should get off the floor. Come to the bed, lay with me." She says softly as she reaches down for his face with both hands, lifting his head to meet her desperate gaze. "I'm so sorry, lily. If i was stronger… if i hadn't stop-" his words melt away as she kisses him softly and lovingly pulls on his beard. "You have nothing. Absolutely nothing to apologize to me for. You did everything you could." He smiles weakly and says. "I do though. I have every-" "stop it. Stop blaming yourself for an attack that was out of your control. Get up and come to bed. We will lay together tonight, we will talk. Nothing more, i know you need support. I know you need to talk, so come lay with me and let us talk." He stands up and wipes his eyes.

Lilith reaches out her hands and he takes them as she slowly leads him to the bed. She turns her back to him and brushes her hair over her shoulder. "Would you like to help me get comfortable, Lexi?" He reaches up and slowly unties her dress and slides it down her shoulders, and it flows down her body to the floor. She pulls out a purple satin nightgown and steps into it, she then turns back to him looking at his bare torso. She stares at him, his body covered in water elven tattoos aside from just his arms. A large diagonal scar runs from his left collarbone to the right side of his waist, his beard has grown long enough to braid and his hair flows down to just above his butt. She lets out a chuckle. "You really did just let go of grooming for these last eight years, hm?" She teases.

He lets a small smile escape his lips as he nods. "I… don't really worry about that unless you're with me." She smiles and says. "Well. I can clean you up on our way to the kingdom." She playfully teases him as she tosses him brand new trousers and a tunic. "They're both plain. Beige and white, just like you like them." He lets out a sigh as he gets himself dressed in the beige trousers and white tunic. They lie on the bed, facing each other; his hands on her waits and hers around his neck and face. "You let everything out now. I'll just listen, ok." He sighs and begins to speak. "I watched my brothers die, right in front of me. I was there, frozen. Unable to move. I failed them, because I wasn't strong enough." His expression solemn as she runs her fingers through his hair gently, she reassures him. "You know, that is not on you. You didn't fail anyone. You did everything you could, Lexi." He places his hand on hers and says. "I did fail. I wasn't strong enough."

he continues. "I am a brother, a father, a… an un… uncle. I failed in all respects, Lily. Do you know, no. Did Faye tell you what Althea did?" She sighs and replies softly. "Not everything in detail… i know she somehow managed to recruit a time mage, and i know that Elvina killed a lot of people tonight… i do not know how your brothers died, we mostly spoke about Elvina. Faye is heartbroken about her." At the mention of her name he begins to cry again. "Al… Althea brutalized her. I was forced to watch as she carved into her face, forced to hear her cry out in pain. She… she enjoyed every second of it. Once she finished with her… she turned to Kaycee. She slit his throat… and ripped his heart from his chest. She threw it at Elvina… and hit her in the face. With. His. Beating. Heart… she tore Brannon into pieces. She destroyed his origin… and she just laughed. All while i was frozen. Stuck in time."

he continues. "The only reason why Faye and I are unscathed is all because of him. Kengi… he single-handedly. Put a stop to everything. He broke out of stasis and broke me out as well… he's so much stronger now than ever before. We're brothers, raised by the same father. Our master, and yet. He's so fast, so strong… I've fallen behind him in these last fifty years. Now he has Elvina… i can only hope that he will train her properly… so that she does not have anymore pain." Lilith asks, "you know that she's inherited the Phoenix trait, so you know that her hardships are only beginning; right?" He nods and says. "I do. I know, but at least with Kengi she may just be able to form her origin. I'm sorry that i did not tell you about Elvina. I just… I thought that kind of information should not be said through a letter." So she has yet to form her origin. Good. We just need to find her and take her out quietly in that case. I just need to let Althea heal and we will turn over every village, town and even the dwarves empire. I'll search the entire continent in need be. She thinks to herself while smiling and stroking his hair.

she leans in and softly kisses his forehead, and smiles lovingly. "You made the right decision, honey. If a letter like that were to be intercepted not only would she be hunted endlessly, but an all out war against the beasts and Anzu alike would rage through the entire continent. Neither of us want to see her swept up in either of those situations, just thinking about that makes me upset." He cries tears of relief as he pulls her in for a kiss. He pulls back, longing clear as day on his face. "I'm so… so glad you understand me. Lily, you have no idea how much i love you. I'm so lucky to have you. I don't know how I would make it through this without you by my side. You and Faye are my two most precious blessings in this life, and I swear to you. Never again will i be as weak as today, i will protect the two of you with my life." They embrace each other and cuddle through the night, this night was full of tragedy and betrayal. It leaves a profound sense of loneliness and sadness.

the days on the water are calm, tranquil and even serene at times. The clear Azure sky with beautiful sparkling sapphire blue water fills their days and an endlessly glittering sea of stars under the illuminated moonlight brings forth the enchanting beauty of the night at sea. Faye spends her days exploring the ship, Alison continues to recover and Alexious and Lilith reconnect with each other after eight years apart. During the five day journey she shaves his beard clean off, revealing his perfect face structure and a small scar slightly to the left of his chin. The days felt like both minutes and years at the same time, though once the shore was visible the days on the island seem to be a lifetime ago for Faye. The Tikata region is an enamoring tropical treasure and the home of the Fire Elf Kingdom. The entire 29,418m2 region is a massive sprawling city! Homes built into the side of mountains and hills, buildings towering hundreds of meters high, bridges connecting them together, multilevel gardens and lush tropical greenery litter the city.

the region of Tikata is a sprawling multilevel tropical hive city that stands above even the esteemed Burmstone academy located in the capital city in the center of the continent. Once their ship docks in one of the many ports the guards form a line along the boardwalk and Lilith, Faye and Alexious walk beside each other in that order. "The Princess and his Highness The King have returned!" Trumpets, drums, tubas and silo phones fill the air as they walk through the port. People are shouting and cheering, screaming and chanting. "A-Lex-I-Ous! A-Lex-I-Ous!" "Long Live The Queen! Long Live The Queen!" "Welcome Home Fairy Princess!" The commoners and novels alike cheer for them and Faye and Lilith smile and wave, but Alexious turns to see Alison who's now standing up having recovered during the five day journey; alone and somber.

he walks over to her concerned and asks. "what will you do now?" She shrugs and says. "I'm going to look for some fucking answers. How about you?" He scratches his head and nervously laughs. "Hah. Well, i guess I'll try my had at leading this place for now." She motions with her head and he hugs her, she whispers in his ear. "Meet me once Elvina has formed her Origin. We. will. finish. this." He replies. "You got that. Keep in touch, I'm only a letter away. Stay safe Alison." She scoffs, "huh. I should say that to you. Watch yourself here Alexious, i told you this before. That woman of yours is a sly cunt. Do. Not. Fall for a fucking honey trap. You got that?" He sighs. "She's not who you think she is, Alison." They separate and she shouts. "Do what you want! Just take care of yourself, and start training yourself again for fucks sake!" He waives as she walks off into the sea of people in front of them.

Alexious, Lilith and Faye are all together waiving and smiling at the people who revere and worship them.

A new word is just opening up to Faye. One of wealth, status, power and worship. It is in this environment that the young girl will blossom into something extraordinary.

29,418m2 Is the approximate size of the total landmass of the island of Haiti and the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. So the city is absolutely massive!

Redcloudpavilioncreators' thoughts