
The Heart of Yue

Every Sunday is a new chapter from here on out! We will be uploading every Sunday by 11:59pm U.S eastern standard time at the latest! Creator note: This is a much more mature fantasy setting; we deal heavily with dark topics such as racism, child abuse/abuse, manipulation and many more heavy themes. In the world of Moirilia there exist three humanoid races. Humans, Elves and Dwarves and each of these races all hate one thing in particular. Shifting beasts. These beasts are able to take the form of any humanoid race they chose, and there is virtually no way to tell them apart from real humans, elves or dwarves once changed. The one and only way that any of the three races have an idea is from the sired children of a humanoid and changed beasts, who retain both traits and abilities similar to their beast parent. Over the years the discrimination and violence towards the new sired race call Anzu continued to grow and become worse and worse, until war broke out. We follow both a ghost of the distant past and a young Anzu girl during the age of war. Follow as Yue, the ghost of the past mentor’s and raises Elvina from a scared child into a fearless adult. From a sloppy and brash kid into a possible combat goddess; what all will she have to do to live a peaceful life free of blood, death, pain and warfare? please comment as much as possible! it helps with feedback and helps us gauge how much you all enjoy everything. Also we would like to see and engage with you all as much as possible! :)

Redcloudpavilion · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

New Beginnings Part 2

Elvina's Story

~ ~

Lightning surges across the sky covered in glittering stars, it swims through the air like a snake through water. Four faint figures float motionless inside. "Hey, Kengi. Where are we going? Looks like we're headed over the Yue Straight." Elvina asks and he just says two words. "Dragon Keep." She raises her eyebrow, "Dragon Keep? Big sis… Faye. She told me that there's no dragons on Galleus." He chuckles. "You're right. We won't be on Galleus, we're going to Sevaren. The home of the beasts." She looks to the two hooded boys and the larger one says. "It's our homeland. My brother and I are Anzu just like you." He removes his hood and long jet black dreads with red tips slide down his shoulders. 

Twin reddish golden horns sit on his forehead and his eyes sparkle gold and skin like bronze. The other boy removes his hood and tosses his cloak and laughs as it's shredded by the lightning. "Damn it, Shoto! How many times have I told you not to do that!" Kengi frustratedly exclaims. "What? We're fine. It's over the strait anyway, people'll think some boat guy died anyway." The older boy sighs, "That is not the point, but okay. I can see your point of view." Shoto's hair is a clean ashen grey color in a two-block cut with bangs. His eyes are sparkling sapphire blue and his smile wide. "I killed five guys back there! How many did you get Jeff?" Jeff sighs and looks at Elvina. "I'm sorry about him. He's a brash one, but you'll come to enjoy his company in time." She turns her head back to Kengi and asks. "How much longer?" Not a few seconds after the words left her lips the night shifted to day an he chuckled. "Just a few seconds now. I went at a leisurely pace for you kids." 

Not even a second later lightning strikes down on a platform atop a magnificent 10,578 meter mountain. Pillars etched into stone, intricate draconian runes dance across the platform and Elvina can't help but be completely speechless; the view rolls past vast mountains and deep valleys. Snow tipped peaks, lush green trees, subtle foggy valleys, otherworldly waterfalls and dragons. Tens of thousands of dragons litter the horizon, the mountains and even the oceans can be seen from this high up. "Fuck… is this… even real?" She speaks softly and completely bewildered. "Sevaren…" Kengi laughs and says. "Hell yeah, kid. It's the most amazing view I've seen myself." He the turns to the two men who Elvina just noticed. "Yo, bitches! I'm back." The two turn around, begrudgingly. "Kengi, my pet elf boy. What did you bring us this time?" 

The taller of the two speaks in a playfully condescending tone. His eyes piercing gold, crackling silvery-golden scales on his forearms, chest and his neck. Wings of the same color protrude from his back with an impressive five meter wingspan. "Bitch I ain't your pet, you're mine." The two laugh and embrace each other, "Brother, Kengi? What is she?" The smaller of the two speaks in at tone of curiosity, his pure white eyes contrast his long fiery red hair. He wears plain white robes and holds himself upright and proud. "You boys are going to train her. She's Brannon and Alison's daughter." The two look at each other and then back to Elvina. "Come forward, girl." The taller of the two speaks sternly, but Elvina just stands her ground. "No. I came her so Kengi could train me. He said he'd make me strong, so I'm good. Thanks."

Kengi burst out laughing and pats the taller one. "Kane! Looks like she's pretty strong spirited, huh? Hahaha!" Kane sighs and turns to the other man. "Gabe. You talk." He sighs and says. "Listen, child. No. My name is Galadriel, but those closest to me know me as Gabe. This is my brother, Kane. We are the rulers of the dragon race, so now that i have introduced us. Please introduce yourself, and we shall move forward from there." She removes her arm from its sling, stands upright, limps closer to them and speaks coldly. "Elvina. That's my name, and those closest to me are either dead, close to it, broken or they turned their backs on me. So call me whatever." He smiles and asks. "Could you elaborate more on that? Is the death of those closest to you perhaps related to your current sorry physical condition?" 

Her expression grows dark as she stares up into his eyes. "Yes. I do mind. Yes. It's related. Anymore questions?" Gabe turns to Kengi and he shrugs, "she just watched her uncle and father die right in front of her. She was tortured and brutally beaten by her eldest sister, so she's not up for talking about that right now." He tilts his head and asks. "Was all of this done by the Eldest?" "Yes. It. Was." Elvina replies and Gabe turns back to her and asks. "What is your age as of the current year?" She still holds eye contact and says. "Eight." He then asks. "You seem to be doing quite well, considering. You should be a crying mess." Her eyes narrow and she furrows her brows. "Crying isn't going to kill my sister. Getting more strong will." Gabe smirks and says. "Getting stronger can only take you so far, girl. You need to kill." She scoffs. "I killed fifteen people today, and I'm not sorry. I'll kill whoever, whenever i need to."

Gabe chuckles and says. "You know it's different killing family, right child?" Boom! The sound of her fist hitting his solid stomach echoes out. Her eyes bloodshot and forehead vein popping as she shouts. "SHE! IS Not FAMILY! Don't use that word, she's my enemy. I'll kill her with my hands. On my terms. Just like she did to Kaycee and my Dad." Everyone present stands speechless and stunned at the fact that Elvina just struck a Dragon King, but Gabe and Kane Laugh. "Oh yeah! That's some fire you got there kid." Kane shouts, but Gabe raises his and in a motion for him to be quiet. He looks at Elvina, extends his hand and thumps her on the forehead; sending her back two meters. Surprisingly she stands her ground and shouts. "Listen here, Gabe! I'm here to train!; I'm here to grow. So tell me why I should do that with either of you instead of Kengi?" He laughs and says. "That would be because the both of us trained Kengi as well."

he scratches his head and says. "Well to be more accurate the three of us fought together for two hundred years and against each other for another fifty. He's the closest living thing to a dragon besides his actual son, my nephew. Jeff." She turns to look at Jeff who's still in shock and she asks. "You're a dragon Anzu?" He nods and says. "I thought that to be rather obvious, but yes. I am a dragon's child." She turns her head back to Gabe and he says. "I'll ask once more, what are you?" She audibly sighs and says. "I'm a fucking Anzu, dude! You're white eyes make you blind?" Kengi, Kane and Shoto burst out laughs and Jeff shakes his head. Oh boy, she's just like them. I'll have my hands quite full. He thinks to himself and Kengi shouts. "She inherited the Trait from Brannon, but she also inherited Alison's beast blood and ability! You two know what that means, right?" 

Kane shouts, "that's what the feeling is!? She's a Phoenix!" Elvina steps back and says, "what the hell? What do you mean I'mma Phoenix, dad was human." Just as she says that Yue echoes in her mind. "No, child. He was a Phoenix, and an extremely old one at that. Could you go to Kengi for me?" Elvina asks. "What? Are you serious?" Yue replies. "I am. You are no true Anzu, but something else entirely. You are something new, something strong. Take me to Kengi, give him the ring and i will explain it all to you."she sighs, grabs the ring and removes it from her neck. She walks over to Kengi and says. "Yue want's to talk to you." He Gabe and Kane all look at her and he says. "Are you saying you've been talking to her?" She nods and says. "She says it's okay for her to talk to you." He takes the ring and all the sudden he hears the voice of a woman in his mind. "Kengi Koan. I thank you for getting my pupil out of such a dangerous situation."

she continues. "If you would be so kind as to infuse some of your mana into the ring i can speak with everyone present here." Kengi stares at the ring in shock and replies aloud. "So… miss Yue, how exactly do you want me to infuse my mana into the ring. I'm sure there's a specific way to do it." He hears her chuckle in his mind and she says. "Just be sure to have it rotate in an even clockwise pattern at around forty five hundred rotations per second. I'm sure as a descendent on the mighty Koan clan that much is child's play for you." He smiles and says. "You're god damn right it is. I can do that in my sleep, girl." He then proceeds to do as she says and in just a few seconds the ring glows bright white and green and a thick energy cloud is released. It first morphs into the rough shape of a woman, however as it continues to condense and form a truly enamoring sight begins to unfold. The spirit of Yue becomes fully visible and it is breathtaking.

long purplish black hair, skin like clouds soft and translucent. Purple eyeshadow perfectly accentuates her light hazel eyes, she wears an exquisitely embroidered body suit with enamoring patterns all around. A crown of leaves, flowers and diamonds sits atop her head. She is the definition of infatuating, otherworldly beauty. The definition of a goddess and perfection. Kengi's mind is absolutely charmed by her presence and as he walks forward Gabe, Kane, Jeff and Shoto all kneel. "I can now thank you in person, Kengi Koan. You will forever have my heartfelt eternal gratitude." Her voice caresses his ears like smooth silk, her tone like honey and a smile brighter than the sun could ever shine. Kengi continues to walk forward until he is directly in front of her. He removes his oni mask and smiles. "I only did what a good uncle would. I have to say, Yue. You're absolutely stunning, and extremely nice on the eyes." 

She smiles and replies. "You are not so bad to look at yourself, Kengi. I must say though…" she floats in and lightly places her finger just one centimeter above the center of his chest, and smirks. "You're a few billion years too young for me, boy." He jolts momentarily before smirking himself. "You know, Yue. Sometimes an older woman needs a younger man, ya know. It helps keep you youthful." He winks and whispers. "And tight." Kane, Jeff and Gabe shoot up and shout simultaneously . "Fucking, God! Can you not flirt with our literal goddess!" he smiles and Yue laughs and turns to Elvina, who is beat face red staring at her. "Elvina, my pupil. You are quite flushed yourself, child." She floats lower and circles behind Elvina. She places one hand on her shoulder and lightly brushes the left side of her face with the other and smiles. "I'm so glad you are mostly okay, though it does sadden me that your beautiful little face will be scared."

she shifts her position and rubs the bandage on the right side of her face. Elvina's palms begin sweating and her hands tremble, causing Yue to chuckle. "Hmhm. I see, i make you nervous, my pupil. Is it me, perhaps? My close proximity to you, perhaps?" Elvina barely manages to get a few words out. "No… I-I just… haven't seen s-someone l-like you." Yue chuckles, "hmhmhm. Someone like me, hm? Now, now. What could that mean." Kengi speaks up and teasingly says. "Aw, c'mon now. You know what you're doing, now how about you come this way before you make her little heart explode." Yue nods and floats to the center of the platform. "You may all stand, also I would like to apologize for my playful teasing. It has been two billion years inside that ring for me after all." Everyone nods and circle around her. "Good. I will now begin with what i wanted to say."

she continues, "Lords of Dragon Keep, Gabe and Kane. I ask of you to help my pupil train and create her Origin. In return i shall impart my age old magic knowledge and wisdom onto the two of you. Secondly, Jeff and Shoto Koan I will personally oversee your training and teach you how to use mana similar to Elvina, who is a Phoenix. In return I sincerely wish that the three of you fight and travel together as one. That is all, if anyone here has questions or concerns feel free to voice them now." Kane respectfully raises his hand and she nods. "I as one of the two Dragon Lords of this Keep do solemnly swear that i will help aid the successor of the Great Deity Yue." Jeff speaks up and asks. "You said we'd wield magic like Elvina, right? She's only eight years of age, same as my brother; are you saying she can use magic without having any awakening?" 

She smiles and nods. "My pupil has been able to use magic for the last five years, but she was only recently able to use it properly in combat." His eyes widen and excitement grows on his face as he turns to Elvina and asks. "Can you show me, Elvina?" After a good minute of fumbling she finally gets herself under control. "Hah, so-sorry about that. I was… distracted…" she says nervously as she glances over at Yue. She holds out her left hand and thick tendrils of black mana and purple lightning circle wildly around her arm before condescending in her palm and morphing into the shape of a sword. Pure black in the center with a purple outline around it and the amethyst Hugh lightning crackling around both the sword and her body. "It's like this. It's pretty easy really, I thought everyone was able to do this, but i guess not." Jeff's jaw drops as he watches her effortlessly swing around her conjoined sword and he looks over to Shoto, Kane, Gabe and Kengi who are also just as surprised.

Yue smiles and says. "Good, good. Now, try to change the shape. Remember, child. You need only to imagine it and it shall form. Your mana is you, yourself." She nods and in just three seconds, mid swing the she opened her hand and the sword dispersed into two separate orbs and condensed in both of her hands. The condensed mana lengthened between her hands wrapping around each other clockwise and counterclockwise, they stretched and formed an impressive two meter long scythe crackling with amethyst tinted lightning. "This is the best i can do. I can make short swords and daggers too, but this is the biggest thing I think I can do now." Shoto shouts, "No Fuckin Shot Man! I wanna do magic like that, the bitch didn't even chant! I-" Slap! "Ow!" Jeff slaps him upside the head and Elvina sighs. "Elvina. That's my name. Not 'the bitch' got that." Jeff smiles and Shoto begrudgingly walks over to her and hold out his fist. "Okay, Elvina. I'm Shoto, and I'm gonna be the strongest one of us here. You got that."

she smirks and they bump fists. "Not if you can't keep up, Shoto." She snarks back as she walks past him to Gabe. She looks up at him and asks. "So, what's the deal with my Origin and how do i form in?" He tilts his head and says. "You assume i know this, how?" She slightly motions her head to Yue and says. "Yue was looking at you when she asked, so I just guessed." He looks at Yue and bows his head respectfully. "The most high, Deity Yue. I, Galadriel Lord of the dragon race humbly ask that i have but a single request heard and answered. I, however mean no disrespect in my request." She smiles and says. "Raise your head, young dragon. I am more than willing to hear you out, i am the one asking you to care for my pupil from the start; am i not?" He lets out a sigh of relief and raises his head and once his eyes meet hers he stands upright and firm. "I can only train her in the ways that i know how, so these may be some… less than ideal methods on my end. I just ask that you let me train her diligently and without outside assistance, pressure or protection. So long as that is possible i can personally guarantee that she will have formed her origin within just a few weeks time at most."

she nods and replies with deep affection and gratitude. "That is absolutely necessary for her to grow, young dragon. I believe that she will benefit greatly from receiving authentic training from a fully realized Dragon Lord, such as yourself. I shal leave my pupil to only you and you alone." He smiles, holds his hands together and bows deeply. "I sincerely thank you for believing in and trusting me with your successor. I swear that i will not disappoint you, oh great Deity Yue." She then turns her attention to Kane, Kengi, Jeff and Shoto. "I will be together with the four of you in the meantime. Firstly, Kane and Kengi. I will impart my knowledge of Lightning magic onto the two of you. I will do this for two reasons, one is to show gratitude and thanks to you. The other is simply because I believe you could be better, so call it my curiosity if you may. I would just like to see how much further i can push the two of you." She smirks and playfully says. "If you two boys think you can handle ancient mana techniques, of course." Kengi and Kane smile at each other and both says. "Hell yeah, we can!" She nods and looks to Jeff and Shoto next.

she smiles softly and says. "If you two are willing I will take you on as my pupil's as well. You will learn all that I've taught Elvina and once you catch up to her the three of you will be taught together." Jeff smiles and nods, but Shoto just stands tall and shouts. "Hell yeah man! I'll beat everyone, I'll be the strongest!" He turns and points at Elvina. "Four months bitch! I'll bet your ass in four months, count on in!" Kengi, Kane, Gabe and even Yue laugh at his sudden proclamation and challenge to a dual, yet on the other hand Jeff just sighs and Elvina smiles and points right back at him. "I'll be waiting, and I'll still win. Bitch." They nod and Yue looks to her and says. "For the first time in your life i will not be by your side. I know it will not be easy, but this is the best way for you to grow and really see where you stand without help from outside sources." Elvina nods and says. "I'll do whatever you need me to. You have never lied to or betrayed me, so i trust you."

Yue places her hand on her shoulder with a smile on her face and says. "I am glad you think that way, Elvina. I too value and trust you immensely, and i am thoroughly enjoying speaking to you face to face." Elvina smiles back and says. "Me too! I'm glad to see and speak to you too." She pauses for a second and blushes, "also… you-you're really… pretty too." Yue chuckles and says. "Hmhm. So you were flustered because you think that I am pretty? Well you're very pretty yourself, Elvina." Her face turns visibly red and she says. "Nope! N0-nope. Not like you… I'm just a-average. Just m-me." Yue floats closer, causing Elaina to step back nervously. Yue smiles and whispers. "Are you perhaps interested or just captivated, I wonder." Elvina nervously brushes her messy unkempt bangs and says. "I-I dunno… maybe I-" she quickly straightens sup and says. "I should get ready for training." She look over to Gabe and says. "Where can i rest before we start?"

he smirks and says. "There's the non-partnered female den you can stay in, if you're able to handle that little fluster problem you have." She walks up to him and says sternly. "I don't have a problem. I just never saw her before, so I was surprised." He chuckles and says. "Alright then. I'll lead the way, also i will give you two days to rest and heal. That should be more than enough seeing that you're basically a fledgling beast cub." She nods and walks over to Jeff. "Hey. Thanks, for back on the island… you took out a guy targeting my mom. I'll remember that." She quickly turns and walks away with Gabe leaving Yue, Jeff, Shoto, Kengi and Kane. Shoto watches them disappear down the path and turns back to the others and says. "Yo! Is it just me or is she like a dude? Like she's not like the other chicks, ya know? Ya think it's cuz she's strong, or like a Phoenix or whatever?" Jeff sighs while Kengi and Kane snicker together. "Pfft… yeah you could say that and it's true in more ways than you'd know Shoto." Kengi says and he ruffles his hair.

Elsewhere more than five kilometers away from the platform they were on Gabe lands at the base of a much smaller mountain standing around 3,776 meters tall with Elvina in hand. She looks up this enormous mountain in front of her and asks. "So, where is the room or den i guess?" Gabe points to a less than meter wide path that winds up at least on hundred meters and says. "Since you can't fly yet you'll have to take the less traveled foot path about a hundred and fifty meters up. You'll see a cave there, walk in and the women will show you the rest of the way." She looks at him slightly annoyed and says. "Are you messing with me now? You know my leg's still busted, why not take me up since you flew us here?" He scratches his head and says. "Well, you see. I would do that, but there are certain rules and customs with Dragons. Being a partnered male and the Dragon Lord it would be… not so great for me if my partner was to hear about my going up there. Regardless of the reason."

she just shrugs and says. "So, singles and partners don't mix. Right? I'm guessing if you do that breaks the rules." He nods and says, "precisely the point as to why you will meet me here an hour before the dawn of the third day." She sighs and questions. "Gahh! Why? I'm un-parented or whatever so is it not breaking the rules for you to be mixing with me?" Gabe pauses for a second before completely breaking his stone cold exterior and bursting out into a full belly laughter. "Aah! Hahaha!! Absolutely not! You are very much different, trust me on that. You're a child, that rule is for us adults. Aah! Hahaha!" She just smacks her lips and sighs in both confusion and annoyance. "Whatever, dragons are weird. Guess I'mma limp up this stupid mountain. See you before dawn three days from now." She waives her hand dismissively as she limps off. He thinks to himself. She's definitely just as brash as both Kengi and Shoto, that is for sure. I'll make her into a fierce beast with cold eyes and zero hesitation. She's def rough around the edges and for sure weak to beautiful women, but she's just a child so i'm sure she'll be fine in due time.

This girl is something else though. Asking me what's the difference between mixing with me an adult and her? I'll let her figure that one out on her own if Brannon didn't say anything regarding it, but he really should have. He laughs as he walks away. On the other hand Elvina struggles to make her way up the path, stumbling over rocks and clinging to the face of the mountain for dear life. This sucks. I just want Kaycee and Dad. I want them, but they're gone. Dead because of her. Althea. Althea, I'll kill her. Sister or not. She's a stranger. What about big si-… no. Faye, does she hate me? I know I snapped. I know i killed, but they were gonna kill her. Does that make me bad? Does that make me a monster? No. I don't think that's it. Faye is weak. She told me to cherish all life, but is that right? Why should i if they don do that for me, for us? Does that make her wrong for thinking that way, though? No. Yes? I… i dunno all i know is that don't work for me. Sorry big sis Faye, but I'll kill anyone who wants to hurt you or my family. No. I'm not sorry. Or am i? Whatever, I'll figure this out later. I need to focus on climbing this stupid mountain. I'll think about that stuff later.

after four hours and with the sun beginning to set she finally made it to the entrance of the cave and collapses at it. "Hell Yeah!!! I did it!" She shouts in triumph as she lies on her back, staring up at the myriad color sky. Reds, oranges, purples and pink colors all blend together in the sky as the sun sets. "WOW… that's really pretty. Guess i didn't notice it till now, huh?" She says softly and completely exhausted. She lies there for what seems like a few seconds, "hey girl, how long are you going to lay there? You look hurt, need some help?" She sits up to see a two meter tall woman with brown hair cut into a short bob style, tan skin and eyes like lush green trees in summer. A single bronze horn wraps around to the back of her head and slightly over the top of the crown of it from the left side of her forehead. She wears only a light loin cloth over her private area and a similar colored cloth over her well endowed chest. Her muscles look to be carved of stone and bronze scales cover her neck, forearms, hands, shins and half of her forehead.

Elvina's cheeks flush red and she attempts to speak properly. "I-i… i'mma the o-one w-with the Phoenix trait… Gabe is gonna t-train me. He s-said to come here because I'm un-partnered." The woman laughs and says. "So you mean to tell me that you're going to from you origin and the Lord himself said for you to come here?" She nods. "Y-yess. I'm Elvina Koan, my dad was Brannon Koan. K-Kengi brought me here." The woman gasps and shouts. "My god! You're Brannon and Alison's child and you inherited the Phoenix train and your mother's beast blood!?" She nods. "Yup. That's why i got the ears, tail, claws, eyes and fangs… I-I thought I was just a-an Anzu until a few hours ago." The woman rushes to her side, kneels down and grabs her by the left arm. She smiles and says. "Come with me, child. The girls are going to love this! Gosh, to think we'd see the birth of a new species of beast!" She help Elvina up to her feel and asks. "You said your name's Elvina, right?" 

She nods and says. "Yeah… that's my name. El-Elvina Koan." She pauses for a second trying to think of how to speak to her and suddenly remembers how Kengi spoke to Yue annd remembered that she seemed to like that, and tries it out herself. "H-how, wh-what about you… beautiful?" The woman chuckles and says. "Hmhmhm! Aww, you're so sweet thank you! You're beautiful too, girlie! You can call me Jaz for short. Let's get you inside we'll have Diana fix you up, but there's going to be scars if your injuries are too deep." She sighs and says. "That's okay. I was going to be okay with that anyway. I need them to stay." Jaz looks down at her quite shocked at her sudden change of mood. "Sorry, i guess there's a serious story behind these injuries. I won't pry any, okay." Elvina smiles and nods. "Thanks, j-Jaz. You're really nice too." She playfully pats her on the back and says. "Aww, shucks! You think so? Well you're going to meet some interesting dragon girlies in here, so I'm sure you'll meet more like me. I'm nothing special." Elvina hugs her tightly, catching her off guard and even more so when she starts to tear up.

Elvina removes herself from Jaz, wipes her eyes and says. "Sorry… you re-remind me of m-my dead Uncle… because you're nice. Like h-he was." Jaz tears up slightly after hearing that and asks. "Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry. I hope you don't mind, but when did he-" "today. He was killed in front of me. Althea killed him and dad. She did this to me, so i need to keep these scars on me. I need her to see me, i need her to see what she did when i kill her." Jaz's tears start to flow down her cheeks and she asks. "Little Lexi, or my Kaycee? Which one?" Elvina looks up at her slightly confused and with tears in her eyes. Furry clear as day on her face as she says. "Uncle Kay… She Killed Uncle Kaycee. I'm sorry… i- I couldn't move. She shattered my leg after torturing me…" Jaz immediately kneels down and hugs her. "That is not your fault, girlie. The b-both of you fought hard. I know my Kaycee wasn't strong, but he was great." She grabs her by the cheeks and locks eyes with her.

"he and i have know each other for over a hundred and twenty years, he loved me just as much as i did him. He left eight years ago to accompany his brother in delivering his new nephew or niece, even though i had just laid out little egg. He knew how long it takes, and i knew he'd make it back in time. Family, his brothers, me, you and our egg. That is what he fought for. He fought and died so that you would live, girlie. Always remember that." She stands up and holds out her hand. "Can you walk little Ellie?" Elvina smiles and grabs her hand. "I think i can. I guess i should call you auntie?" Jaz smiles and says. "Call me Aunt Jazzy. I can't wait for you to meet your little cousin when they hatch in the next twenty years." She walks next to her down the unbelievably gargantuan cave and asks. "So can i stay with you, or will i have my own place?" She scratches her head and says. "Well, i guess i do need to move back here with my Kaycee gone… sure. Why don't you come stay with me. We'll get you healed up and move back here together."

Elvina looks up at her confused and asks. "You don't stay here?" Jaz looks at her confused and says. "Noo0? I'm partnered, i was just here hanging with my girlfriends." Elvina then asks her even more confused. "Wait. Wait. Gabe said that partnered and un-partnered people mixing is against the rules. That's why he made me climb up that stupid path! Did he lie to me, did he pay a joke on me?" Jaz starts laughing having just realizing the misunderstanding. "Ahahaha! Oh goodness, no girlie. Partnered men mixing with un-partnered women is the problem. Partnered and un-partnered men converse with each other same as the women. What were you thinking? Did my Kaycee not explain these things to you?" She just shrugs and says. "All we did was play games and sword fight training. Same with mom, dad and uncle Lexi. Why, is it important?" Jaz just completely stops in her tracks in utter shock and says. "My gosh! All they taught you was how to fight? Are you serious? They never taught you anything else, like any common sense or logic or common customs among the races?"

she shakes her head and says. "Big s- No. Faye taught me how to read a little bit, but i still can't write really. I learned how to spell my name last week though!" Jaz asks. "So you don't have a clue about partnerships or marriages as they call them over on Galleus? You don't know anything about common courtesy?" She shakes her head again and says. "Nope! All i know is that you speak real slow and proper like with a Queen or noble'n stuff. Uncle Kay said that mom and dad wanted him to teach me how to use my XI and hold a weapon, so that's all he did; but he did teach me cookin and barbecue too!" Jaz sighs and chuckles. "Of course my Kaycee would teach a child how to cook and barbecue." She grabs her hand and they continue walking. Jaz says in both a playful and gentle voice. "You will most definitely be staying with me, girlie. I'll have to get you up to speed on quite a bit. You ready for some serious studying, girlie?" She smiles and says. "Yup! I'll stay with you, but i might be gone for a bit." Jaz asks. "Why? Where would you go?" 

She shrugs again and says. "I dunno, but i got a feeling Gabe is gonna be a pretty serious teacher." After that they continued to walk until the already massive tunnel opened up into a completely different world! The whole interior of the mountain was hollowed out with thousands and thousands of shacks, huts and houses of every variety circling the walls. Jaz lifted Elvina up and they flew to the top where she was healed by an elder dragon. The next few days flew by as she spent her time with Jaz helping her move and set up a new nest for her egg, and before she knew it the time for her to meet Gabe had come.

she stands tall and tilts her head side to side, cracking her neck. She turns to Jaz and smiles. "I'm off! I'll see you later Aunt Jazzy!" She walks over to the egg, kneels down and gives it a kiss. "I'll see you later too little cousin. Love you buddy, or girlie." Jaz gives her a hug and she departs, after being healed she effortlessly jumps and scales down the path. In no time at all she reaches the bottom and as she does Gabe says proudly. "Now if you can fight as well as you move you may just survive out there." She just rolls her eyes and says. "Yeah, i can show you how well i fight." He smirks and says. "You're nowhere near ready for that fight yet, little fledgling Phoenix." She sighs and says. "Whatever man, so how do i make my Origin? We gonna do that here?" He shakes his head and holds out his hand. "No. Your body is not yet primed for forming your Origin. I'm going to make you into a proper God among the Beasts." She smiles and hops on his back. "I like the sound of that. Let's go." He sighs and they take off.

they fly well past dawn and cross over vast plains, raging rivers, rolling hills and they only stop as they reach a massive Forrest. Gabe dives down through the trees and lands softly onto the dense foliage and Elvina hops off. "So this is where you're training me?" He shakes his head and says. "Not quite. Let me see your weapons." She hands him her dagger and sword she got from Jaz and her tucks them both into his robes. "This is where you will be staying for the foreseeable future. You will learn to live, fight and sleep like a true beast." She looks at him confused and says. "Sooo? Can i have my sword and dagger since I'm gonna be stuck here?" He laughs and says. "Hahaha! I don't think you quite understand what I just said. You will eat, sleep, breathe, drink, fight and even shit like a beast. Beasts use only their bodies, but you use weapons and armor like a human." She tries to object. "Are you kidding me? So what am I supposed to do?"

he smiles and says. "Easy. By the time this training is over you will be in full control of your body. Kengi tells me that you can only hold your first form for maybe five minutes and that your third form basically shredded your muscles. I am telling you this now, but with a body like that there is zero chance that you'll live through the process of forming your Origin." She furrows her brows and scoffs. "So what the fuck do you expect from me?" He smiles. "I expect you to survive. I will be back in seven days, but before i leave i need you to strip down to your base layer. No armor allowed either." She begrudgingly strips down to just a loincloth and her white tunic. "Better?" He nods and turns to fly away, but before he does has shouts. "I'm seriously gonna kick your ass when you get back! You hear me!" He chuckles and says. "I'll be waiting for that day, but i can guarantee you that it will not be so soon, also I suggest you take some cover. No beasts approached us because of me. Once I'm gone you'll have to struggle for a bit. See you in seven days Fledgling Phoenix. "

with those few words he flies away, leaving Elvina completely alone. She watches him fly away until he can't be seen any longer, she then turns to look around and get a feel for her surroundings. Massive sixty meter old growth trees, moss hanging from the smaller twenty meter ones, thick shrubs and dense foliage. She's deep inside a completely untouched forest. "Welp… i guess I'll try to find some vines first." She speaks out loud as she begins to walk. One… two… three… four… she counts the hours she's been walking in the same direction. She looks up and realizes that the sun is out of sight and the light in the Forrest is much more dim than when she arrived. "Crap. It's close to sunset. I need to find some wood and a place to camp." She says as she starts to lightly jog through the Forrest. One piece, two piece… tenth piece. Okay ten should do it, right? That lasted a while back home, so it should be fine. She thinks to herself as she walks over to the base of an old growth tree. She slumps down against it and digs a half meter pit, she throws two pieces in and points her finger at it.

little orange embers begin to float around her finger and they slowly move to the wood, the embers lay against the wood ever so gently and as more and more gather a small flame begins to grow. Over the next few minutes the flame becomes self sustaining and he just grabs a third piece and lays it down, she leans back with a smile on her face. "Looky at that. I really did it. That wasn't so hard. I'mma just sleep here for tonight and keep walking tomorrow. I gotta find something to fight if i just keep walking." She says as she looks up at the few stars she can see beyond the treetops. She points up to the sky with a serious determination in her eyes. "Althea. I'll kill you myself, so don't die unless I'm the one who does it." With her vow said and set in stone she drifts off to sleep… the light crackling of the flame, the leaves settling in the wind and the cool breeze of the night air are soothing; almost too soothing. Crack! Her eyes shoot open once she hears something moving close to her. She looks around, but sees nothing. Something's coming! BOOM! "AW Crap!" She shouts as she just barely manages to doge whatever just landed where her head was previously laying.

She looks up to see two massive figures of creatures obscured by the night. Whizz! the sound on something flying at her from behind fills her ears, but she doesn't know where it's moving from. "God! Just let me sleep!" She shouts as she drops to the ground. I Thunk! She looks up and a huge three meter stinger is lodged into the old growth tree in front of her. "Yeah, okay. This really sucks." She says as she gets up she starts to sprint, leaving all the wood she collected to get away from the fire. I gotta get far enough so my dark vision works right. Then i can mess these guys up. She thinks as she sprints and continues to narrowly dodge the attacks coming at her. once she can see perfectly fine she turns around and instantly morphs into her first form, she scans the area to see what she's dealing with and once sh does she shouts. "You gotta be kiddin me right now!" Chasing her down are three enormous bugs that look extremely similar to praying mantis, but these are each four meters tall and they have razor sharp blades for hands and massive stingers like a bee on the bottom of their abdomen.

the massive bugs all rush towards her together and she shouts. "Three on one, really? Whatever. Bring it on!" As she rushes forward she sees the middle bug fling the bottom of its abdomen forward and detach the stinger sending it right at her. She smiles and jumps up, leaps off of it and brings her claws down on its eyes. "KYEERR!" It screeches as purple blood gushes from its eyes. She looks to her right and sees the bladed arms of the other one slashing down on her and she notices from her peripheral vision the stinger of the left one flying her way as well. She laughs and launches herself off of the bug she's on over to her right. "You gotta try harder than that!" She shouts as she narrowly dodges the bladed arms by balling up and spinning like a screw. She grabs its arm and uses her weight to pull it in the path of the stinger. Shick! "KYEERR!" It shouts as the stinger flies straight through it's chest, she then uses this ones arm like a tree branch and leaps towards the last one.

the last bug charges at her and swings it's arms at lightning speed. Elvina swings her hand and a gust of wind blows her to the side, dodging the slash. She rolls as she lands and quickly turns back to face the bug who's already slashing down with both arms right over her; in an instant thick black tendrils cover her arms and condense overtop both arms up to her elbows. "Hope this works!" She shouts and she holds out her hands now covered in a thick dark magic armor. BOOM! A deafening shockwave echoes out as the ground beneath them crumbles, but Elvina now on one knee is smiling while holding the bugs bladed hands. "Oh, yeah! Now it's beat'n time." She pushes off the ground while pulling the bug's arms forward, launching herself right at its head. She holds her left hand out and says. "I wanted to try this for a bit now." As she points her middle and pointer finger and in less than a second the black mana on her arms releases back into tendrils and all condenses into amethyst lightning crackling at her fingertips.

ZZTT! BOOM! The lightning cracks and explodes straight through the bugs head, completely obliterating it. She falls to the ground with the bug and rolls off, she stands up and pats herself down; just to feel that her left side is wet just under her chest. She looks down and sees that she was actually cut and didn't realize it. "Well, it's better than getting stabbed by that thing. Still sucks they got a hit in, though." She says slightly disappointed as she walks over to the first bug who's still wiggling and flailing around. "Guess i just blinded it. Too bad. I'll try Kengi's thing again." She smiles as she holds out her fingers and just like before amethyst lightning crackles around her body before condensing at her fingertips. "Bang." ZZTT! BOOM! Right on cue the lightning shoots out and completely obliterates the head of the bug. "It really suck that these things even got a hit in. They're pretty weak, but super fast. I really had to go all out from the start just to keep up with em." She analyzes herself as she releases her first form and reverts back to normal. She walks over to the one's head she just exploded and nods, i could probable eat this right? I do need food. Whatever it'll be fine, I'm not even human anyway. She rationalized as she lifts up it's corpse and drags it back to the fire.

Her mornings were full of fighting some form of massive bug-like creature and her nights were mostly sleepless and this persisted into the night of the sixth day, merely twelve hours before Gabe said he'd be returning. On this night Elvina continues to walk in whatever direction she's picked. "Damn. It's so creepy at night, even with my dark vision." She grumbles as she walks. "It's so stupid that fire's out here make beasts come for me. I guess they like light. I get that cuz i like light too, but they can get their own." Snarl…! She shoots her head in all directions, but can't find the predator. "Aw, c'mon man! Just come at me and quit hiding!" TUMP! THUMP! THUMP! As if right on cue the sound of an enormous predator fills her ears from behind. She turns to face it only to be met with a massive six meter tall and ten meter long Sabertooth Lion. "Okaaayyy… i take that back. I'm totally okay with you hiding now." She says as she instinctively steps back. "Welp… on the bright side with how big you are i guess this is a one on one right? You're not gonna cheat and attack with three more like the bugs, right?" 

The lion puffs out its chest, "RROOAARR!!" A mighty roar echoes out and she immediately goes into her first form transformation. "Alright, good. Just a cat fight. Let's see what you can do." Her body lets out a dim brown glow and stone forms on her skin, then thick black tendrils of mana wrap around her arms covering them up to her shoulders this time. "I'mma bit better at this now. So Come At Me!" She shouts and the Lion pounces on her swinging it's massive paw straight down over her, "Crap, it's fast!" she raises her hands just before impact. BOOM! CRACK! The sheer force of its paw caused her stone skin to crack under the pressure and the power from the shockwave even blew over some of the twenty meter trees around them. "That… all yo-" BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The lion smacked her away with the other paw, sending her flying through two of the old growth trees. "Gasp! Sh-shit… okay. Fast, fast and strong. Got it." She says as she pulls herself up to her feet, just as she gains her bearings the Lion is right back on her. It lunges forward , but this time she dodges and rolls out of the way. 

Think. Think. Think Elvina! What would Yue say… shit i have no idea. Can I really beat this thing? She thinks to herself as she jumps, rolls, flips and dodges in any and every way she knows how. It swings with the left she dodges to the right, it slams down when she dodges, she lunges forward, it bites at her, she launches backwards over and over. Shit! It won't give me a second to think. I can't even attack right now. There's gotta be something, somehow… wait! I got it. It might work, or not… screw it! It's mega boom boom time. An idea pops into her head as she's frantically dodging so she begins to circulate mana all around her as she dodges. Red, black, blue, brown, amethyst lightning, and golden tendrils of mana all dance wildly around her entire body; causing the Lion to get more aggressive and frantic with its attacks. "Okay big guy! Bet you know this is a killer move! GGGYYYAAAHHH!!!" She shouts as she pushes herself to her third form transformation and she dashes forward.

As she dashes forward she puts the tips of her claws together in front to her bellybutton and all the mana condenses into the center of her hands. In an instant she closes the gap and is directly under its chest. "Mega Mana Boom Boom!" She shouts as she extends her hands, releasing the amalgamation of elements in her hands and just as she Does she feels its massive claws pierce straight through her right leg. "AAAHHH!!!" KABOOM! The mana shoots out and blows a hole straight through its chest, almost severing the lion in half. As blood rains down on her with it's dying breat the lion drags her out with it's claws and sinks it's massive teeth into her left side. "GYYAAHH!" She screams out as it whips its head back and forth, so with all her strength she points her fingers at its eye and shouts. "Just. Fucking. DIEEE!!!" And with those words the amethyst lightning once again crackles around her body, loosening the Lion's grip before condensing at her fingertips and exploding out. ZZTT! BOOM! The lightning explodes through the skull o the lion and it launches her out of its mouth and against a tree.

she slumps down onto the ground and smiles. "Cough, Couch!… yeah… take my… super… move… bitch. I… can't believe… that… actually worked… though. Cough, Cough!" She triumphantly flips off the dead lion before laying onto her back, noticing that the sun had come up. "Damn… Cough, Cough, Cough!… guess we… fought all… night." She passes out with a smile on her face. Flap, Flap, Flap. Gabe flies over the forest extremely fast. the fuck was that just now? Was that six different mana natures all at the same time, and all with her mana signatures as well? How the fuck and she even use six elements? Even among Phoenix's that's insane, just what is she fighting? His mind races as he zips to the sene of the battle, yet once he's arrived he doesn't even know what he's looking at. Did she do this? To a fully matured Sabertooth Lion at that? Even in her weakened state, unable to fully control her body she has a frightening ability for mana control. Even four hundred year old dragons still struggle to wield mana with this level of control and precision. I see now why the Great Deity Yue herself has taken this child as a Pupil. If not her I'd want her myself. He smiles as he lifts her unconscious body from the ground and flies away.

the smell of tobacco and booze fills the air, the breeze of the wind and sound of the leaves dancing with it fills the ears. Elvina slowly opens her eyes and looks around, only to see Gabe smoking and drinking he smirks. "You did okay, kid. You were out for only four days, not too bad considering the injuries that you had." She sits up and looks down to see she's still in the same destroyed, bloody tunic and loincloth. "Ohh, thaaanks. What'd you just heal me and leave it at that?" He sighs. "Good, you're all healed up. No one else would give their life's savior shit right after they wake up, but you." She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, and I'm pretty sure most people would give me a change of clothes, but you." He chuckles and says. "Good. You must be fully healed now then, am i right." She stands up and stretches. She lifts her shirt to see that she's basically scared all along the entire left side of her torso up to her armpit. She looks down to see three massive scars the take up most of her right thigh, she nods and says. "Yup. I'd say it's time for that ass beati'n." 

The brashness of her statement causes him to choke on his tobacco. "Cough, Cough, Cough… Are you serious? Now, of all times?" She nods and says. "Yeah, dude. You left me there with nothing. This wouldn't have even happened if you didn't. So i say it's ass beat'n time man." He laughs and says. "Hahaha! You are way to similar to Kengi, you Koan's are some interesting people. Okay, Fledgling Phoenix. How do you want to do this?" She tilts her head side to side, cracking her neck and interlocks her fingers, stretches her arms, cracking her buckles and elbows, rolls her shoulders and says. "Like you said. A beast uses their body." He stares at her, completely dumbfounded and asks. "Are you messing with me right now, or are you being serious?" She goes into her first form transformation, pumps her fists, puts her guard up and black tendrils wrap around her arms covering them up to her shoulders. "Put those hands up man, i told you next time i see you we're fighting. So It's on sight."

he just bursts into tears and says. "AAAHHH, HAhahaha! There is absolutely zero chance that you are a normal eight year old kid! Even Shoto doesn't have a death wish!" She rushes at him with anger in her eyes. "It's ain't a death wish if i can kick your ass!" He easily blocks her first hit. Damn! She's got some power behind that. It's almost as heavy as Jeff's. Okay, I'll play along for now. He smiles as he continues to easily block, dodge and counter all of her fists. "If you keep flailing around like that you'll never hit me." He taunts her and she bites. "I'll show you flailing!" She jumps up, grabs his head and pulls his face into her knee. Bang! A mini shockwave blasts out from the impact, but Gabe just blocked it with his pinky. That was definitely close to Jeff's level. This girl is seriously as strong as a Dragon's child. I guess I should discipline her as such then. He smiles and she backs off. "If you do not dodge this attack. You will die." His word are cold and devoid of any sense of emotion, sending shivers down her spine. "Oh, y-yeah? Then lets see it?"

he smirks. "Use you third from. You'll die in that one as of right now." She scoffs and pushes herself into her third form. "O-OKAY! L-Let's Do This!" He nods and just like that one second he was three meters away and the next his claw is less than a centimeter away from her face. Sheik! THUMP! "AAAHHH!" She scrams as she holds her hand over her left eye. Gabe looks down and notices that his robes are damaged on the right side of his stomach. She actually managed to counter attack after an injury like that? Impressive! He smiles as he waives his finger around, gaining her attention. Skewered on the claw of his pointer finger is her left eye. She shouts. "My Eye! You Gouged out my eye!" He shakes his head and says. "Yes. I did take your eye, but you managed a counterattack even after losing it. Without realizing it as well. You have talent for this, Elvina. I completely misjudged you." She's both in pain and completely confused. "What the fuck!? Was that a compliment? How am I supposed to fight with one eye, dude?!" He chuckles and says. "Plenty of dragons have lost their eyes for challenging someone stronger than themselves."

he continues. "Today you may have lost your eye, but you gained respect and recognition from a Dragon Lord himself. You, Elvina Koan she be known as Elkrisis Kilvara. That is your draconic name, and what i shall refer to you as from this day until your last." She stares at him, still holding her bloody eye socket. "Okay, I appreciate that and all; but you're sure I'll be fine with one eye?" He nods and says. "Yes. All Phoenixes have a sixth sense, so once you form your origin you'll naturally gain that as well." He holds out his hand and says. "Come forth Elkrisis, i will clean that for you. In the way of dragons." She walks forward and removes her hand from the eye socket, he holds his over it and says. "Bite hard. This will hurt." She bites and he burns the eye socket with his fire. "GGGRRR!!!" She grunts as he does and once he's done he hands her a rag. "Use this for now. We will get you a patch befitting you as a warrior."

she sighs and says. "Yup. You're fucking crazy." He pats her on the shoulder and says. "Likewise, Elkrisis. I shall see you in a few months time. When you can hold your first and second forms indefinitely and handle your third form for at least four full days; only then will your body be ready to form the Origin." And just like that without even saying anything else he flies off. "Just take my fuckin eye and fly away after renaming me? Dragons suck." She says as she walks back through the forest.

Four and a half months have passed since then and the fated day to reconvene with everyone has arrived. Jeff, Shoto, Kane, Kengi and Yue all stand atop the platform where they landed months ago. "So where the hell is Gabe and Elvina anyway?" A now nine year old Shoto who hasn't grown all too much says impatiently. "They will be here when they are ready, Shoto." A now thirteen year old Jeff with a clean fade, a good quarter meter taller and a good six kilos heavier says with a smile. "My Pupil is the type of person to train up to the last second she can, so it is only reasonable that she is late." Yue speaks proudly and confidently. As they all continue to converse they suddenly stop. Step. Step. Step. Step. The sound of bare feet tapping on stone echoes into their ears, and after a few seconds they finally see Elvina and Gabe. Long, messy gray hair with pure white streaks that flows down to her knees, her once purple cat eye is silver and more similar to an eagle's eye, ears twice as long and thin than before, strange runes all over her arms and legs, an eyepatch over her left eye. A full half meter taller and five kilos heavier and a single well worn sword on her hip. Elvina walks up to them, completely transformed.

everyone present is absolutely speechless for a few seconds and Yue rushes to her and asks. "Elvina! What happened to your eye?" She Blushes and smiles and says. "I-I kinda challenged Gabe and lost." Yue looks over at the edge of the platform to him and asks. "So it was it the usual Dragon rite of losing an eye to a stronger opponent?" He nods and she sighs and turns her attention back to Elvina and says. "My Pupil, i am glad you are okay, but please try and refrain from inuring your face from now on. It truly saddens me to see such a beautiful girl littered with facial scars." She nods and says. "Yeah, I'll try." Jeff walk over to her, nods and says. "So, i see your training went well." She nods and looks to Kengi. "So what's up? We doing this or not?" He smiles and says. "Good. You're still you, ya look so damn different i was wondering if you went full Phoenix on us."

she smirks and says. "Cut it close a few times, but I'm still me. Just have my Origin now." He nods and pats Kane on the back. "Let's open this gate for the kids." He nods and he Kengi, Gabe and Yue chant in a long dead language that Elvina, Jeff and Shoto do not know. After a full two minute chanting the runes on the platform glow a dim purple light and a crack forms in the space at the center of the platform. The crack oozes undulations of primordial energy as it widens into a three meter wide, three meter tall arch. Kane looks at Jeff, Shoto and Elvina and says. "This is the gate to a place known as termia. Inside this gate one year inside is one single day outside here for us. You three will be together for seven days our time, that is seven years for the three of you. Do you understand?" They nod and Shoto grumbles. "I still wanna fight." Elvina leans in and whispers. "We'll fight inside, don't worry I haven't forgotten. I still gotta kick your ass."

with that he smiles and the three walk forward and as they reach the edge Gabe stops them and says. "All three of you use your Draconic names in there. Trust us, it is better that way." They nod and disappear into the gate of termia.

Kengi nods and says. "Alright you boys hold it down. I got some shit to do." Kane asks. "Where are you going?" Pure White Lightning crackles around his feet as he smiles and says.

"Tikata. I got a bitch to reign in."

Hello beautiful readers!

Jay the writer here!

Sorry for the lack of uploads recently I've been living on a boat in Washington state as of the last year and a half; because of both financial and health issues I had to pack up, sell the boat and fly back to the east coast.

Needless to say that moving clear across the country wasn't the most simple of tasks. I'm glad to say that I'm settling in back home with my brother Tray and we will continue our regular release schedule as of this week!

So sorry for not telling you all earlier, everything was happening quite fast and I had to make plans with only 4 days notice of the boat selling.

We thank you for you patience and loyal reader support! We will continue to work hard and bring you the absolute best quality storytelling possible!

Also from this chapter going forward we will be updating once every weekend!


Redcloudpavilioncreators' thoughts