
The Hazbin Contract Killer

Charlie, the owner of the happy hotel, gets a knock on the door and when she opens it she is greeted by a Hellhound and as he walks in Alastor. "Hello old friend." The man then looks up, and Charlie notices his eyes are completely black. "Hello Alastor." says the man in a deep tone, as he takes his hat off letting is hears breath. "Charlie this is a friend of mine, he is the embodiment of darkness also known as, Night, and he is a contract killer." Alastor pauses but charlie says nothing. "I have taken the liberty of preparing a room for him." Alastor then escorts this person to his room. Hey guys I'm making this story to celebrate that the maker of Hazbin hotel, has just entered a partnership with A24 Productions, I hope you enjoy the story and all characters and places, other than my OC belong to Vivienne Madrona. enjoy

Nightwolf4657 · TV
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41 Chs

Let the War Start

"Night, what do we do?"

"I don't know what we do, but honestly, I think we need to get more people on our side, and Charlie I'm sorry but we can't defend this place and it's meaning without having to start something." Someone then knocks on the door of the hotel, Night then puts his hand up making everyone stay back. "Who's there?" Night then pulls out his sword and opens the door. "I thought there would be more of a welcome for your brother." Night then smiles and puts his sword away and opens his arm for a hug. " Come here little bro." The two brothers hug and laugh as everyone looks at them confused. "Everyone I would like you to meet my little brother, Justin." Night then puts a smile on his face and looks at everyone who are all pointing weapons in their direction. " What are you guys doing?" Night then turns around and sees Mrs.Red behind them and he instantly pushes his brother out of the way and puts a gun to her head. " WAIT!" Justin yells catching himself. " She came her with me, I paid her to do everything she's done, I was testing you I wanted to make sure that my brother was still as good as he used to be." Night then looks at his brother and puts his gun down. " Put your weapons away." as everyone puts their weapons away Husker walks out in front of the group. " How do you know hes not lying?"

" My brother is no liar, that I know."

" Night I came here to warn you." Justin then hands Night a folder. "something alot bigger is going on, angels are starting to show up here in hell more often, but they aren't doing anything, atleast not yet." Night then looks at the pictures and notes in the folder and sits down. " They're here to kill me and take over hell, to start a war if you will." Night then puts the folder down. " Or they're here to wake the angel in me." Charlie looks at Night in shock. " Your an angel?"

" Me myself no, but the second embodiment of darkness was." Night then stands up as Black wings come out of his back. " Back when Demons or Angels didn't have a place, back when Angels and Demons were at war, there was one Angel that saw what Lucifer was doing and followed him and learned from him, that Angel is the second embodiment of darkness and he is the third strongest embodiment." Night's wings then disappear into flames. " Who are the first two?" asks Niffty brushing dust off the files " The second strongest is the first embodiment, they called him Dark age, he was the reason behind the rat plague and much more around the medieval era, he was ruthless." Night then pauses and stands up and his ears perk up. " Everyone stay inside." Night then walks outside and looks at an army of Demons and Angels. " YES... I finally found you!, the descendent of Dark age, I could not kill him but you should be a piece of cake." Night then chuckles as flames burst around him putting his coat and body armor on. " You just made this way to easy for me."