
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasie
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64 Chs

The Grand Adventure To Becoming A Type 1 Lifeform I

<Notice >

-The eternal storm has descended and will now begin the process of resetting the 7 continents and the nine seas

<Notice >

-The host final mission is . . .

Now, how did we get here you might wonder, so lets go back ten years before this grand event, time flowed in reverse right back to the moment Tristan killed the enemy of the world.


The ground flew in the air and the wind howled fiercely, but within this cacophony of noise a loud system notification echoed

<Notice >

- The requirements have been met and the host will be sent to another realm for intensive training dimensional assent commencing in 3 . . . .

But before the system could continue counting down the shrill voice of the old man could be heard "HEY PRETTY BOY TAKE MY THICCCCC, GRANDAUGHTER WITH YOU!"

Tristan stared at the old man his face looking strange, he then opened his mouth to say 'no' but he sensed something, and his instinct said that he shouldn't refuse this request what did he sense you may ask, it was the ever dissipating lifeforce of the old man, it was at this moment that Tristan knew that the old man didn't have much time left.

The old man jumped about dodging the flying rocks and debris but getting annoyed he shouted "world to stillness!", time froze still and the floating debris stopped mid air and the dust particles slowed, even Tristan couldn't move.

When time stopped the old man turned to look at his grandchild, his eyes expressing sadness but thinking of the upcoming events he quickly regained his previous vigor, he then spoke in a deep voice "Zanier this is your opportunity to leave this world, so go now".

Zanier turned sharply as she asked in a surprised tone ''why aren't you coming?''

The old man sighed then answered in a calm yet steady tone ''the enemies are just on the horizon their viscous might will sweep through this galaxy so I must stay to defend the countless worlds and the stars they inhabit.''

But upon hearing her grandpas word Zanier shouted her voice trembling "Grandpa you don't have to do this because if you do who else!"

But the old man wasn't going to deal with this bullshit so he shouted in a stern voice "Enough child!, I'm old and week but my battle has just begun, the forces of darkness will invade all realms so I must remain and fight!".

Zanier sobbed quietly but the old man said his next words calmly as if consoling her, "remember child, only those who fight and have the will to never give-up or give-in can stand a chance in the dark times ahead.''

Zanier's eyes show with an unknown brilliance but she soon said in a worried tone her voice shaking ''wont you die if you do this". The old mans eyes became deep as he then said coldly "only cowards die but not [Gods] and [Men]."

The old man stared at his granddaughter who still had a look of reluctance on her face he sighed then said ''I'm sorry but it must be done."

The old mans hand glowed, he then touched Zanier's shoulder and said ''be free'', the light that was wrapped around the old mans hand enveloped Zanier's figure, the old man then gently pushed forward causing zanier figure to shoot towards Tristan who was in the process of teleporting to another dimension.

The old mans mouth moved but no sound could be heard, but after finishing his so called sentence a smile appeared on his face and he raised his hand and waved as if saying good bye.

Tears flowed from Zanier eyes as she had understood the words of her grandfather her mouth opened and screamed echoed out but time began to flow at its usual pace and in an instant she and Tristan had disappeared .

The old man gripped at his chest his eyes welling up with tears, he then roared out his old yellow hair flowing upward like an angry demon, but after his venting the old man regained his composure and then whispered to himself 'the transcendent key'

Looking up he saw a key floating upward in this destroyed region, he walked forward his steps where slow yet steady, but he soon walked to a bolder the size of a house causing his figure to disappear from site but his figure soon reappeared.

But his appearance was different, he no longer looked like he was in his eighty's but looked like a young man in his twenties, his clothing also changed to black robes his current drip making him look like a young king or emperor of the past, but his hair was still yellow showing us that his vitality was low, extremely low.

Taking a few more steps the old or rather young man was in front of the floating key, his hand reached out he spoke as if swearing a vow,

''I Yon Lee the protector of this realm will not back down against the enemy, I will not flee even if a blade stabs threw my head even when my flesh is rendered useless my spirit will haunt the fuckers for an eternity so please let me defend this realm."

A soft chuckle was heard and the key glowed, a transcendent light then descended on him washing his body of impurities and blessing his body with transcendent qualities.

<Author's gaze>

[Covered in blood I watched this scene but a worm like thing crawled over trying to bite me so I leaned forward and smacked it to death causing its blood to splatter about, I then focused back on the scene below me.]

The old mans clothing changed to pure white robes witch where adorned with golden lines making his presence grand, his hair witch was as yellow as the sun turned pitch black, its radiance demonic showing the vigor of youth.

But the key that was in his hand turned into a long spear that possessed no color its presence warping the fabric of space time, the old mans aura shot upward like a beacon of hope in the night sky.

But on the city wall people scrambled about in fear causing the slender man to chuckle softly, the slender man sensed something then looked at the aura that shot up to the sky, he then said in a trembling voice ''did the old fool really attain that thing?''

His eyes that where staring at the rising aura shifted destroyed region and seeing that the old man was successful he jumped in joy and without warning 6 wings appeared on his back, and his clothes changed into thick armor witch where adorned with golden lines.

His eyes flashed and his figure disappeared and reappeared right behind the old man in a kneeling position his hand moved and appeared beneath his chest he then said in a soft voice ''your army is ready grand emperor''

The scene shifted to the back of this angelic existence, a hundred million soldiers stood their killing intent surging towards the sky they had wings and weapons of different shapes and sizes, the old man turned around and said in a voice that shook the four corners of the world.

"Today Man and Gods shall unite and subdue the creatures of chaos, Ahoo"

The world surged, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled and with that the scene changed to Tristan and Zanier who where traveling through the dimension assent, Zanier eyes sparkled as she stared at the countless worlds and points of light flashing by but Tristan wasn't surprised at the scenery in front instead he was interested in their future destination.

So he asked the system in a questioning tone "where are we going?" The system replied to Tristan its voice strange.

<Notice >

We are entering a higher plain so we might be attacked so I'm conjuring up a barrier so please be quiet in the mean time.

Tristan nodded then looked at zanier and asked "what's your level of strength?"

zanier looked at him then replied "I'm at the the forth stage of heavenly kings"

Tristan nodded and said "I hope you'll be useful" after hearing his words zanier nodded then smiled and said "I will" but knowing Tristan he knew nothing of whatever the power level she said she was at, and was only going with the flow.

Tristan sat down but zanier looked at him strangely and said "there's no ground so how are you sitting?"

Tristan replied calmly "the up draft of the dimensional assent makes float as you are doing right now but if you wanna sit just go against the updraft and you'll be able to sit"

Hearing his explanation zanier sat down on nothing but while the two where relaxing a gap appeared in the dimensional assent and a huge dragons eye could be seen.

Warning dimensional breach has been detected taking required step for situation deploying weaponry against unknown lifeforms lifeform detected firing world annihilation cannon.

Suddenly a weird spherical symbol appeared and energy began to gather sensing the danger the dragon roared and attacked the weird looking magic spell with its wings creating a massive spatial storm

<Notice >

Firing cannon in 3, . . 2, . . 1, . .


The dragon realized that its attack would be useless so it rolled to the side but the cannon only turned dragging the huge energy beam with it, the dragon eyes shown with golden light and a magical barrier appeared blocking the attack to some extent.


Its mouth opened and two neutron stars appeared and began to swirl about frantically.

<Notice >

-A strike equivalent to a Gamma Ray burst has been detected from this unknown lifeform deploying higs shield

Multiple circular spell formation appeared in front of the two the dragon attacked releasing a laser like beam at the shield but the attack was neutralized.

<Notice >

-Deploying transcendental attack in 3, 2, 1

The dimensional assent paused for a moment and a huge shadow appeared its figure holding a sword it stared at the dragon and smirked in a mocking manner it then slashed out severing the dragon into two equal halves.

But after that the shadow disappeared and the system echoed out


-I will now deploy hipper shift due to the presence of 300 other life forms in this space, shift will happen in 3, . . 2, . . 1, . .


Their figures turned into light particles of light while traveling at hipper speed the system in a grand voice echoed out.

<Notice >

The host main objective is to become a type 1 lifeform and to kill the Radioactive God Emperor training period 10 years and our landing point will be the snowy plains.

Tristan face grew ugly as he asked why the snowy plain

The system replied your training to become resistant to the elements making you a Type 0.3 life form and if you forgot what that entails here is the description

Elemental resistance

After becoming a seamless being [Evolvers] will now train in different environments making the body resistance to the elements. These elements are: The harsh cold, the rocky terrain, the dry desert, the harsh winds, the lightnings in the sky, the corrosive radiation, the magma of the earth and the deep ocean.

A land of ice and snow it's distance unclear it's beauty chilling but in this place, space began to warp and two humans appeared their figures in a sitting position the distortion around them soon disappeared and shot up in the sky making a cool zoom sound, it was at this moment that the system notification echoed out

<Notice >

The host survival points will be sealed and their will be no purchases in the store

<Notice >

I have added a new skill called internal view, with this skill you'll be able to monitor internal structure and the different energies in your body, note, you will be able to develop a skill called Will touch you will learn it's uses then.

Tristan nodded then turned to zanier who was brushing the snow of her but he stared fixedly for a moment then said these seem to be the outskirts of this snowy region and knowing my guide well have to enter its depts. and fight whatever creatures their.

But upon hearing this Zanier froze and said in a doubtful voice ''do we really have to enter the depts. of this snowy plain?"

Tristan nodded then said "give me a few minutes and well be off"

A few minutes passed by and Tristan could be seen brushing of his but he then turned to zanier then said "we are leaving" zanier nodded then the two went off on their journey.

"Huff huff huff" Zanier- "I'm so tired"

Hearing her words Tristan turned around and saw zanier sweating buckets in this chilly weather, he then said in a confused and frustrated tone "we just started walking so how are you tired already"

But before Zanier could answer him the system chimed in

<Notice >

-The host should remember that zanier is from the lower plain so coming to the higher plain will put a lot of pressure on her body henceforth her body is in a constant state of exhaustion.

Tristan nodded then said to zanier "come on my back"

But upon hearing his words Zanier's face turned flushed as she then spoke shyly "are you sure?"

Tristan nodded then went in crouching position zanier crawled over then like a slimy Louche she slithered up Tristan's back, Tristan senses where sharp so he felt Zanier's exhaustion but not only that he could vividly sense her curvaceous form/

But Tristan shook his head then said to himself 'focus we got a long journey ahead of us', Tristan stepped forward and like the flowing of a river time passed while the two traveled this land of ice and snow.

The wind witch was calm before had picked up speed and the system announced

<Notice >

-A small snow storm is coming your way the danger level is blue recommended steps is to hide under ground.

Tristan nodded then said to zanier "we have to go underground so rest here on the ground while i go dig a whole for us to hide in", zanier nodded as Tristan lowered her unto the ground.

Now that he had gotten rid of his burden Tristan clenched his fist then punched the ground real hard, but the ground only cracked slightly, getting excited Tristan punched the ground repeatedly making the small crack get wider but after having his fun he began to use his skill, [temperature regulation] and with that the ground began to melt quickly forming a puddle of water or a muddy puddle kek.

more coming out tomorrow or tonight