
The Great Witch of Magic Academy

An age of Fairies, Humans, Gods, Giants, Elves, Witches and Dragons. Created from the World Creators that exists beyond the confines of Yggdrasil and the 9 realms, these omnipotent creators love their creations, but little do they know, terror awaits them and all of Yggdrasil. An outside force that lurks in the shadows of the World Tree, unbalances all of creation. This entity drastically accelerated mortal evolution through his magic, and in the process, unlocked mortals' hidden potential, and granted them mana forces, conceptual weapons, champions, and other weapons that completely broke the cycle of balance between god and men. Humans can now slay gods, which in return, destroys the concepts of the world, unbalancing order, authority, and laws. This is the chaotic world they all live in now, and it cannot be changed, unless someone powerful enough defeats Orcus for good. Main character, Grimhild Yorgana and her friends, are said to be these group of people destined to destroy Orcus, as they call themselves the 11 Kabbalah. They do not know if they have the power to truly destroy him together, but with Grimhild’s wits, knowledge, and experience, it’s best to rely on her. This tells a story of friends, war, love, chaos, development, and betrayal.

HouseOfLee · Fantasie
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116 Chs

The Council of Magic Academy

Sitting on his throne was a tall man, his age quite old, as his facial features were shown to consist of a white beard, white mustache, and an overbearing frown upon his face.

"You say, that one of the students has surpassed even my Magical power Level?"

This was the head leader of Magic Academy, Gustoff.

"Yes Lord Gustoff, she far surpasses even yours. Her magical power is well over 10 million."

Gustoff leaned forward, joining his hands together as he sighed to himself.

"Listen well Terieri, magical power doesn't mean surpassing one's own skill and experience. All magical power is, is the measurement of one's output of mana, and control of said mana. Having more skill and experience in your magical power and spells is the key to being the strongest."

Terieri would close her eyes, exhaling from her nose.

"I understand that Lord Gustoff, but it does worry me of her potential. It didn't even look like she was trying sir..."

Gustoff hummed to himself.

"Hmmmm... perhaps there will be a council meeting today. Gather all the Ministers and we will take this topic elsewhere."

"Yes Lord Gustoff."

The large-breasted woman turned around and made her way to the door, leaving the premises.


It took only an hour for the Minsters to gather together, as they all sat at a round table that stretched along a dark-lit room, with a large magical hologram shown upon the surface of said table. The hologram was that of Grimhild, the mage that showed up to today's magical exams.

[Minister of Agriculture: Uraine Tetami]

"So tell me Gustoff, why did you bring us here today?"

[Minister of Science: Charles Denver]

"I want to know the same thing."

[Minister of Defense: Oracle Williams]

*Yawn* "Sleepy..."

[Minister of Internal Affairs: Leonheart Rozengrand]

"Ridiculous... being sleepy inside of a council meeting."

[Minister of Justice: Naze Boushoku]

"Hungryyyyyyy!!! Give me some food Charles!"

"I'm glad you all gathered here today. To answer your questions about our meeting, it's simple really. It's to speak on this new transfer student we have obtained today."

Gustoff would rest his chin upon his joined hands, staring at the hologram in front of him of Grimhild.

"Recently we had a new student take the magic exams, and she surpassed the Gold Mages- no... she surpassed me in magical power, and is already being called the strongest in Magic Academy."

"Surpassed... you? In magical power...?"

Uraine couldn't believe Gustoff's ridiculous claim.

"That's impossible. You're the strongest in the land of Mesnil! Everyone knows of you as the iconic hero and most powerful human in this country!"

Gustoff would sigh to himself.

"That is true Oracle, your words mean a lot to me. But I don't think this is a human we're dealing with..."

"What do you mean, Gustoff?"

Leonheart questioned.

"I believe this person is that of a... Witch."

"Pffffttt... ahahahahaha! Witches are old myths! Are you seriously believing those kiddy bedtime stories Gustoff?"

Naze laughed out loud, her small frame sitting in the seat with her feet resting along the chair.

"I must admit Gustoff... those are ludicrous myths told in children's stories."

Uraine said.

"Ah, so even you don't believe in me Uraine? Well, let me explain why I believe in this; once this person Grimhild signed up to be part of the magic academy, I looked into her name and saw no date of birth, any records of her ever existing, nor any history. It was as if she appeared from thin air."

Charles crossed his arms.

"...That does sound a bit suspicious. Have you had a word with the Minister of Foreign Affairs? The ministry is responsible for the management of foreign affairs in and even out of Mesnil such as the welcoming of nobles and sending Mesnil representatives to other nations. I'm sure they can find a lot more on this student than any of us if she's from another country."

Gustoff sighed to hear Charles's response.

"Yes, I have contacted them and went through every single clue to find out who this Grimhild person was, and yet we cannot find any history on her. Does this sound familiar...?"

Gustoff asked them a straightforward question to which they all risen their brows a little, some even nervously sweating.

"Now that you mention it... this reminds me of... Duality Magic...."

Leonheart felt as if he just found out the truth.

"That is true. This seems to all link together to duality magic. The world is run by humans and gods, thus; nobody can hide or try to keep their history a secret from a government or any power in the world, yet this Grimhild person managed to do it. She must have a power that even transcends that of the gods... and that is duality magic."

Oracle said in a worrisome voice.

"Nnn. How powerful is this Duality magic? I have heard of it, but I have no clue as to what it necessarily is capable of."

Naze scratched her head in confusion, feeling as if her brain was frying.

"Long ago during the age of legends, it's said that a great witch used an unknown magic and called it "duality magic" in order to destroy the Ouroboros Contract between King Arthur and Thor, so the contract wouldn't be stagnated, since their battle ended in a tie."

Oracle said, responding to Naze.

"Huh? That's it? Bummer—"

"I'm not finished, Naze. After the contract was destroyed by this Witch, it was said that if she didn't destroy the Ouroboros contract, then Asgard and Midgard would've been eaten by the Mythical beast Jörmungandr."

Oracle sighed after explaining... resting his hand on his head.

"Honestly, you don't know basic history..."

Naze heard what Oracle mumbled and threw a rice ball at his forehead.

"I heard you, Dummy! Anyways I kinda get it now... but this duality magic still doesn't seem impressive to me."

Gustoff glanced over at Naze.

"To finish what Oracle was saying Naze: destroying an Ouroboros contract between the god of Thunder and the strongest human in the world would take a power that even surpasses Odin himself. There has never been one instance when an Ouroboros contract has been broken, or left at a tie. If it was still left at a tie, then Jörmungandr would've consumed both Midgard and Asgard simultaneously. No one knows why Jörmungandr does this, but that's how dangerous an Ouroboros contract is if it's left unfinished."

Naze was shocked at Gustoff's words...

"Woaaah that sounds super creepy... or whatever the word is for it."


Charles answered.

"Yeah, yeah! That word!"

Gustoff would spin the hologram around and zoom in closer to the Grimhild construct.

"She also possesses this staff... it has ancient writings upon it that haven't been seen since the age of legends."

The ministers would all get a glimpse at the staff, leaving them clueless about its writings.

"The writings do resemble that of the ancient language. This person... we must keep a watch on her at all costs."

Uraine said, now standing up from his seat and fixing his collar.

"She is dangerous. To be moved into the top leaderboard of the Golden Mages in one day. That's no ordinary feat."

Uraine would make his way towards the exit, as all the other ministers stood up and respectfully bowed.

"We will keep close watch upon her. As the minister of defense, I want Mesnil to be in safe hands. I will now take my leave."

Oracle made his way towards the exit with all the others leaving, now closing the door soon after.

Gustoff stayed inside of the council room staring at the magical hologram in front of him.

"A witch before my very eyes. There is no mistaking it, you're a witch of the age of legends. Right here, in our very academy. Just what are you planning, Witch Grimhild?"


It's been over five trials now, all the students completed them one by one. The magical trials were completed with ease, as the students were shown the basics of magic and what they were capable of. The first Trial was a quiz on your knowledge of magic, the second trial was magic control, the third trial was a balancing test to see if one could fly on a broom or not, the fourth trial was holding a magical circle up more than half an hour, and the fifth trial was a test of magical power to determine one's rank in the magic academy.

"Woooooo! I made it into the Red Mages! All my hard training paid off!!!"

There was yelling heard from a short female standing next to two other people.

Of course, this shorty was Elizabeth, and next to her were Grimhild and Kyto.

"Congrats Elizabeth, becoming a red mage is impressive."

Kyto congratulated her before the two of them eyed Grimhild.

"And you... uh... became... a Gold Mage... maybe even the uh... strongest?"

Kyto was speaking in a worrisome tone of voice.

"Yes, I did. I am quite happy in fact..."

She didn't look happy at all! She was just bland in the face, showing no emotions.

"I knew I saw something in Grimhild that made her stand out from the rest!!!"

Elizabeth shouted in a prideful tone, pumping her arm.

"...You mean the oversized witch hat on her head?"

Kyto commented soon after.

"Oh yeah, that too! Anyways Grimhild, I want to become friends."

Elizabeth got up closer to the Gold mage, her face lit up in excitement.


Grimhild said in an unhesitating voice.


Elizabeth hugged the gold mage, pressing her face into her flat chest.

"I guess we'll be accompanying each other from now on."

Kyto smiled. He felt fit in with these two, and they quickly grew a bond with one another, despite Grimhild's expression, she was quite happy.