
The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World (Paused)

It’s on pause until it’s worth continuing. ------ Hayashi found himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, where he discovered the Template System, which granted him the skills of the Greatest Swordsman from the One Piece universe. As he honed his abilities, Hayashi surpassed even the legendary White Fang of Konoha in swordsmanship, earning recognition in the ninja world. ------ ------ Story is AU and modified. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichirō Oda. If you want to read the original version without alterations: 火影世界的大剑豪 ------ ------ This is my first time writing. I appreciate all your feedbacks. If you find errors, do not be kind - just be truthful. I can guarantee a minimum of 3 chapters per week.

Malphegor · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

The Preliminaries

Pushing open the door, he found Hinata waiting for him.

"Hayashi, you're back. Is everything alright?" her voice filled with concern as she studied him.

"Everything is perfect now that I'm back with you," he reassured her.

As the evening wore on, Hayashi and Hinata found themselves immersed in a comfortable routine.

The hours slipping away unnoticed as they lost themselves in each other's company.

Yet, as he prepared to retire for the night, a sudden jolt of awareness rippled through his consciousness.

And then, like a floodgate opening, the memories came rushing back to him—the moments of his shadow clone's existence.

Hayashi couldn't help but smile.

Turning away from the memories that lingered in his mind, his gaze fell upon Hinata, her form curled peacefully beneath the blanket.

"It's time," he murmured softly to himself, the words a solemn vow whispered into the quiet of the night.



As the clock struck 2:30 in the afternoon, the candidates who had successfully navigated the Forest of Death gathered in a grand hall.

Among them, all of Konoha Twelve cast a curious glance at Hayashi. It seemed that they were all acutely aware of his team's swift arrival at the central tower, contrasting starkly with their own difficult journey.

Sasuke's gaze bore into Hayashi with strong intensity. It was as if he harbored a deep-seated desire to prove himself and seize the coveted top spot from his grasp.

Sensing the weight of their scrutiny, Hayashi remained unperturbed, his demeanor calm and composed. However, when his eyes met Gaara's, filled with a chilling intent, he couldn't help but offer a subtle smirk before casually looking away.

Out of the initial 26 groups with 78 candidates, only 8 groups with 24 individuals successfully emerged victorious from the second exam. The slim margin of success served as a harsh reminder of the grueling challenges that lay ahead. 

However, there was an additional group not present in the original series—Team 11 led by Kiba.


As the Third Hokage took his place on the second floor, his presence commanding attention, explaining the significance of the Chunin Exam to the candidates. After the speech, Gekko Hayate, the proctor for the preliminaries, stepped onto the stage, setting the stage for the next phase of the exam.

As Hayashi scanned the dimly lit room, his eyes alighted upon Orochimaru, disguised as a Jonin from the Sound Village on the second floor. Moments later, he witnessed Kabuto's forfeiture, knowing well the spy's fear of being exposed by the Third Hokage. With only 23 players remaining, the preliminaries commenced in earnest.


"This round of exams isn't the third exam, it's more like a preliminary for the real deal," Hayate addressed the 23 candidates, his voice strained.

"After all, the first and second exams were a breeze. I never expected so many of you to make it this far."

"So, I've decided to cut the numbers in half," he announced.

After the proctor's words settled in, the room erupted into murmurs, the atmosphere instantly becoming tense.

Some candidates at the central tower couldn't accept the news.

"It's not the third exam yet! We shouldn't have to go through this qualifier," protested one candidate, but their objections fell on deaf ears.

The truth remained: they had to prove themselves worthy of advancing to the third exam.

The first and second exams had been relatively easy, but the third test was different. It wasn't just about individual skill; it was a showcase of national strength, and the competition would be fierce.

Thus, in this round, they had to select the elite and weed out the rest.


"We understand that some of you fought hard to get here, and it's tough to face elimination so soon," Hayate continued, his tone sympathetic.

"But luck has played a part in getting you this far. Now, it's time to put that luck to the test. "

"With 23 of you, we'll split you into 2 groups. One will have no opponent, earning a direct entry into the third test," Hayate said, glancing at the screen hanging on the wall.

"Let's begin the lottery! Those with matching names will stay, while the rest will go to the second floor to watch."

As Hayate finished speaking, the names of all the candidates began to flash across the screen, heightening the tension in the room.

After a brief pause, the two names were shown on the screen: Yusuke Hayshi vs Akado Yoroi.

At that moment, a multitude of eyes fixated on Hayashi. Some held apprehension and solemnity, others brimmed with excitement and anticipation, while a few bore hostilities and lethal intent...



As the other candidates dispersed, only Hayashi, Yoroi, and the examiner Hayate remained on the stage.

Kakashi reclined against the guardrail, his gaze locked on Hayashi below.

"To think we'd see him fight so soon," he remarked, a glint of anticipation in his eye.

Standing beside him were Kurenai, Guy, and Asuma.

"Seems like this will be a short-lived battle," Kurenai remarked proudly.

"That opponent won't be able to truly test his strength."

"Sounds like he is quite strong," Kakashi said, genuinely surprised.

Asuma and Guy also directed their attention back to Hayashi.

Observing the young man in the black kimono below, they were struck by his demeanor.

His calm disposition set him apart from others his age, and there was a subtle air of sleekness about him, emphasized by the blade that hinted at his proficiency in swordsmanship—a rare skill among Konoha's ninjas.



Meanwhile, Hayashi maintained a composed facade under the scrutiny of his peers, though inwardly, he was taken aback. Glancing discreetly at the wall bearing the two names, he caught a glimpse of Sasuke on the second floor, contending with the agony inflicted by the Curse Mark.

Hayashi couldn't shake off the doubt that welled up within him, despite his efforts to remain calm

Why had he been chosen for this match?

He vaguely remembered the circumstances surrounding Sasuke's match, how it was arranged to accommodate his condition under the curse mark's influence. But why would that apply to him now? Had something changed, or was there some other reason driving the decision? 

Hayashi felt a pang of confusion, but he shrugged it off. Change was inevitable, and he wasn't overly concerned about it.


As he gazed at Yoroi, Hayashi turned to the proctor and posed a question, "Can I kill him?"

The casual tone of Hayashi's inquiry immediately sent a tense shiver through the air, causing Naruto and the others, who had been eagerly anticipating his battle, to involuntarily shrink back.

Even Kakashi and the rest, seasoned shinobi of Konoha, furrowed their brows slightly at the seemingly nonchalant request to kill the opponent.

Before Hayate could respond, Hayashi offered a quick explanation, saying, "I just wanted to check beforehand. It's not like I will actually do it."

Hayate paused for a moment, contemplating Hayashi's words. Then, he turned his gaze towards Yoroi.

"Would you prefer to abstain? Or maybe you'd like your instructor present? They could intervene before things escalate. Alternatively, I could step in, but I can't promise I'll be able to prevent a final strike."


However, before Hayate could continue, Yoroi erupted in fury.

"Are you mocking me because of this kid's insolence?"

He roared, fixing Hayashi with a murderous glare.

"I'm itching for a fight with this boy myself. Let's settle this once and for all!"

Yoroi may have been known as a Konoha Genin, but his true allegiance lies with the Sound Village as a spy.

His unique ability, the chakra absorption technique, sets him apart. Through physical contact, he can absorb his opponent's chakra, akin to Samehada's abilities but with distinct differences.

Ignoring the cold stare, Hayashi nodded, his fingers tightening around the hilt of his tachi. Yoroi's lips curled into a faint sneer, but he remained silent, his eyes locked onto Hayashi's.


An eager anticipation filled the air as all eyes fixated on the impending clash.

"Then, the game begins," Hayate declared, setting the stage for the confrontation.

In the depths of his mind, Hayashi weighed his options.

Before anyone could react, a flash of silver carved through the air.

Hayashi materialized several meters behind Yoroi, his sword poised with deadly intent.

"Your options are dwindling," Hayashi slowly said.

"Will you yield, or shall I relieve you of your other arm as well?"


Confusion clouded Yoroi's expression for a fleeting moment, before his eyes shot open, realization dawning upon him. In a heartbeat, he comprehended that his opponent had swiftly maneuvered behind him.

Before he could utter another word, his right arm fell to the ground, severed from his body.

The arena was filled with the sickening sound of blood meeting the ground, followed by Yoroi's agonized cry, a sound that sent shivers down the spines of even the most firm onlookers.

Through the haze of pain and shock, he managed to summon a whisper of surrender.

"I... I give up," he breathed, his voice barely audible over the uproar of the crowd.

Hayashi's expression remained unchanged, a mask of stoic resolve. The battle had reached its conclusion before it truly began, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation, only the cold truth of victory.



I won't have enough time for this novel, but I'll strive to maintain three chapters a week, even if it means writing on weekends like I've been doing lately.

I don't think I have many readers anyway. That's why I want to focus on my new novel.

If anyone's interested, feel free to comment.